He spoke the truth in literature. Topic “Why you need to tell the truth”: arguments for an essay. The problem of the role of professionalism

The main ills of our time are lies and duplicity. From a psychological point of view, lying is a bad habit, a consequence bad character, bad upbringing. What is the spiritual view on this problem?

Think, main reason The reason why people lie is fear and lack of self-confidence. A person wants to appear better than he is, he is afraid to fail. If we add to this personal complexes, ambitions, envy, then lies and pretense become both a tool for achieving goals and a way of life for such a person.

Of course, upbringing, the level of culture, and manners instilled by parents play an important role in this problem. It is from the family that we learn fundamental concepts about life and the “matrix” of behavior. Unfortunately, in lately Parents from a young age try to teach their children to achieve their goals in any way. This is the so-called psychology of leadership - if you are kind, honest and sentimental, then you will simply be “eaten up” by stronger ones. Life is regarded as competition, struggle, and virtuous character traits as weakness. We are already reaping the bitter fruits of such an approach to life - the lumpenization of society, the inability to hear and understand others, disunity and embitterment. As the Holy Scripture says: “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, but the teeth of the children are set on edge” (Ezek. 18:2). It’s not surprising, because false priorities lead to false goals. Initially, the deception in this case lies in the fact that a real leader is not one who knows how to manipulate people and benefit from everything, but one who is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.

I am talking about this to make it clear that lying is not only a personal problem for an individual person, but it is something that can globally influence the life of the entire society and even all of humanity. And with all the diverse types of human lies, the circumstances of their occurrence, it is obvious that its main reason lies exclusively in the spiritual realm. It is no coincidence that the second name of the devil is Liar, Slanderer. This is the original reason for the dark energy with which the slightest untruth, any distortion of the truth is associated.

Lying is not just a sin. This is the main “component” of sin, it is the basis of any sinful action or thought. Probably, a person would never sin if he were not deceived by the messages of sin. As St. Basil the Great says, “Hell cannot be made attractive, so the devil makes the road there attractive.” Sin always deceives a person, and in each of his falls, the sinner becomes a hostage to lies.

According to the teachings of the Venerable Abba Dorotheos, lies are manifested in three ways: in thought, in word, and in life itself. If a lie by thought consists in the unintentional replacement of the true self with a certain “role” in which a person would like to see himself, then a lie by word is already a conscious distortion of reality. By the concept “lie of life,” Abba Dorotheos refers to the deep sinful depravity of a person who is accustomed to vice, is not afraid of it, and is not embarrassed. But since public opinion still condemns vice, but still values ​​virtue, a person considers it advantageous to hide under a virtuous mask. This lie lies in the cynical duality of life itself.

Abba Dorotheos names three reasons that prompt people to lie, which are also the basis of all sin. This is, firstly, voluptuousness, that is, the desire to fulfill every desire; secondly, love of money - the desire to acquire material values; and thirdly, love of fame, which in the case of the monks was expressed in a reluctance to humble themselves.

- Lies on the outside give rise to lies to oneself: a person stops exposing himself, admitting to himself honestly what he has done. This leads to false confession and, as a result, to depression. How to start telling the truth to yourself? And what are the consequences of self-deception?

Saint Theophan the Recluse teaches that “one must be able to divide oneself into oneself and the enemy hidden within me.” The main trick of the devil is that he convinces a person that his thoughts and feelings are himself. When we begin to separate ourselves from our own emotions, feelings and thoughts, they can no longer control us.

Self-deception is always associated with self-justification, the belief that anyone can be to blame for a particular problem, but not myself. Avoiding problems in this way deprives a person of the opportunity to solve them. Therefore, the Monk Paisius the Svyatogorets said: “By justifying yourself, it is as if you are building a wall separating you from God, and thus breaking off all connection with him.” We need to learn to be responsible before God and people for our lives, actions and thoughts. Don’t bury your head in the sand, but open your heart to God, who, seeing a person’s sincere aspiration, will always help and guide you on the true path.

The starting point of everyone’s spiritual life is an honest look turned inward. That is why the holy fathers said that the first sign of recovery of the soul is the vision of one’s sins, as countless as the sand of the sea. Until a person realizes the depth of his fall, sees his weakness and tries to build his life on his own, only disappointment and endless wandering await him. Passions blind us and manipulate our consciousness. So to see real picture your position, you need to shift your own ego from the center of life and look at yourself from a different perspective. It is important, in addition to your shortcomings and spiritual illnesses, to also see the One who can cure them. It is only in the power of the Lord to save us from ourselves, our own passions and sinful habits. Without God, an honest look at yourself can end in despondency and despair. Spiritual illnesses are cured by the grace that a person receives in the Sacraments of the Church, prayer and repentance.

The Gospel gives us not only the truth about ourselves, but also hope for correction. I came across an interesting analogy from one spiritual writer. He compared the sinful fall of a person to exercise on a trampoline: the lower the point of fall, the higher the person “rises” in repentance. Therefore, knowing the truth about yourself, honestly exposing your shortcomings, seeing them is not self-flagellation or humiliation, but the only way out of the personality crisis.

Interviewed by Natalya Goroshkova

Here we have selected for you popular problems regarding lying from texts for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The arguments revealing them are selected from Russian literature. You can download all this in table format at the end of the article or read them directly on this page with convenient navigation on problematic issues.

  1. One of the central themes in Gorky's play "At the Depths" is the problem of white lies. Thus, Luke and Satin represent two opposing points of view: to tell the truth, despite mental torment, or to lie, but with intent, implying compassion for “your neighbor.” The preacher consoled the inhabitants of the shelter and gave them hope, even if it was not supported by real reasons. But the sharper opposed such false healing; he told the truth head-on, without thinking about how his interlocutor would accept it. In his opinion, real person obliged to live with with open eyes, without illusions. Since Luke capitulated with his philosophy and left those who believed him to their fate, we conclude that the author is on the side of Satin, that is, a lie cannot be justified by good.
  2. Sometimes in life there are situations that suggest the presence of a lie to save oneself or loved one. A.S. Pushkin in the novel “The Captain's Daughter” contrasts ordinary deception with the “white lie” that helped Masha Grineva escape from Emelyan Pugachev. If not for the cunning move of Pyotr Grinev, the innocent girl could have been executed. Each of us must distinguish between cases when to bend our hearts means saving a person from terrible misfortune. Then we can go against the truth. But in other situations, when personal gain is involved, this trick is immoral and borders on a moral crime.
  3. Comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" also contains the theme of pretense and deception. The main character assumes the presence of lies, but only in cases where it is necessary for the sake of salvation true love. So, for example, Sophia deceives Famusov in order to secretly meet with his secretary. Her intentions are pure, but with this crookedness the girl approaches the hypocritical way of life of that society, whose morals are far from ideal. Her feeling turns out to be an exposed illusion, her knight turns out to be an ordinary swindler, and her lie turns out to be the first step in secular world falsehood and deception. So even a “white lie” does not lead to good, because a person cannot always figure out what is good.

False values

  1. False values ​​are a boat without a life preserver. Victims of circumstances suffer because they did not realize their own mistake in time. Sofia Pavlovna – main character Comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"- is a “hostage” of his own beliefs. So, Sophia’s ideal is the modest Molchalin, while Chatsky, who loves her all his life, is a person “not her type.” The collapse of her hopes for a future together with her father’s secretary collapses after she learns that Molchalin’s feelings are not reciprocated. This becomes a real tragedy, which Sophia cannot cope with due to her shock. Alas, her values ​​turned out to be extracts from vulgar novels, and not real truths that guide a person.
  2. Often false values can play a “wicked joke” on the entire society. So, for example, in N. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" people are accustomed to building their own future on greed, hypocrisy and self-interest. They were engaged in embezzlement for many years. Their desire to appear before the auditor in the role of respectable managers is an opportunity to save their place, but, having given their savings to the impostor, they found themselves captive to their own values. Because of them, they found themselves in a comical situation, which turned out to be a complete failure for them.
  3. A.S. Pushkin in the novel "The Captain's Daughter" contrasts morality and ethics with false values. For example, Pyotr Grinev did not tarnish his honor even when he was threatened with execution. The same cannot be said about Shvabrin, who went over his head for personal wealth - this suggests that false values ​​kill in a person everything that connects him with people. Alexey followed the path of selfishness and reached the collapse of his desires and hopes, because society turned its back on him.
  4. The Problem of Hypocrisy

    1. The same person can contain both virtue and commercialism, but what exactly prevails in him? F tried to answer this question. Dostoevsky in the novel “Crime and Punishment”, where Pyotr Luzhin simply plays the role of a “decent person,” when in fact he is “low and disgusting.” His desire to woo Duna is explained not by “love”, but by the desire to have a pliable wife who will revere his every word. However, he strenuously pretends that this is not so. The hypocrisy and meanness in his behavior, fortunately, were noticed before Dunya's fatal mistake, so Peter was expelled in disgrace.
    2. In A. Chekhov's story “Tears of a Crocodile” we can see both hypocrisy and duplicity. The main character, Polycarp Judas, “suffers” from the injustice of the lives of poor people, while he himself rips them off to the last thread. “Crocodile tears” is a common expression that signifies the grief of an insincere person such as Judah. His behavior cannot be justified in any way.
    3. Outwardly wealthy man with material point vision may not be as “consistent” in the soul. This is what he says L. Tolstoy in the novel “War and Peace”, where Prince Vasily does everything based on his own benefit. Even coming to Anna Pavlovna did not mean “secular politeness”, but the possibility of settling their children. He deceives Pierre, almost robs him, miraculously not having time to intercept the will of the old count. But in words the hero is always exquisitely courteous and kind, he has high position and good reputation.
    4. Remorse of a deceiver

      1. The problem of remorse for telling a lie is clearly visible in V. Astafiev’s story “A Horse with pink mane» . The main character, the boy Vitya, must collect a basket of berries to get the coveted gingerbread, but the guys persuade him to collect grass and put berries on top. The boy is tormented by his conscience for a long time, and he decides to confess to a deliberate lie - this suggests that Vitya is capable of admitting his own mistake, and this is an undoubted step towards the “highest moral ideal.”
      2. A similar example can be seen on the pages V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov". Throughout the story, the author introduces us to several characters, and one of them recalls the incident with his father’s Mauser, from which he fired. Having admitted the mistake, he still feels remorse for the lie, which was that his mother pushed him to the “truth”, and not his desire.
      3. Consequences of lying

        1. A similar example can be found on the pages of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", where Grushnitsky’s slander against Princess Mary for the sake of revenge on Pechorin dissolves in justice. Deciding to switch the duelist's weapon, the dishonest man becomes exposed. Gregory realized that his friend wanted to win the battle by deception. Then the inactive weapon goes to the deceiver himself. Grushnitsky dies, and Pechorin draws disappointing conclusions.
        2. In A. Ostrovsky's play "Dowry" the main character wants to deceive herself by marrying an unloved person. She becomes his bride, mechanically preparing for an unwanted wedding. However, at the engagement dinner, she is again overcome by an attraction to Paratov, who invites Larisa to the Swallow. She abandons her obligations and sets sail to her death. The next morning, the insulted groom killed her, and she could only thank him for this, because she was disgraced and abandoned to the mercy of fate. Alas, it is impossible to build happiness on lies.
        3. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Text from the Unified State Examination

(1) In order for the greatest and most important changes in the life of mankind to take place, no feats are needed: neither the arming of millions of troops, nor the construction of new roads and cars, nor the organization of exhibitions, nor the organization of workers' unions, nor revolutions, nor barricades, nor explosions , no inventions, no aeronautics, etc., but only a change in public opinion is needed.

(2) To change public opinion, no effort of thought is needed, there is no need to refute anything existing and invent something unusual, new, you just need not to succumb to the false, already dead, artificially aroused by governments public opinion of the past, it is only necessary that each individual person said what he really thinks and feels, or at least did not say what he does not think. (3) And if only people, even a small number of people, would do this, then the obsolete public opinion would immediately subside by itself and a young, living, real one would appear. (4) And public opinion will change, and without any effort, all that internal structure of people’s lives that torments and torments them will be replaced by itself.

(5) It is shameful to say how little is needed in order for all people to free themselves from all those disasters that now depress them: you just need not to lie. (6) Let people just not succumb to the lies that are instilled in them, just let them not say what they don’t think and don’t feel, and immediately such a revolution will take place in the entire system of our life, which revolutionaries would not achieve for centuries if all power was in their hands.

(7) If only people believed that strength does not lie in strength, but in truth, and would boldly express it, or at least not deviate from it in word and deed: would not say what they do not think, would not do that , which they consider bad and stupid.

(8)…Strength is not in strength, but in thought and its clear expression, and therefore they fear the expression of independent thought more than armies, set up censorship, bribe newspapers... (9) But the spiritual force that moves the world is not even in in a book, not in a newspaper, it is elusive and always free, it is in the depths of people’s consciousness. (10) The most powerful and elusive, this free force is the one that manifests itself in the soul of a person when he is alone, by himself, pondering the phenomena of the world and then involuntarily expresses his thoughts to his wife, brother, friend, to all those people with whom he comes into contact and from whom he considers it a sin to hide what he considers to be the truth. (11) No billions of rubles, millions of troops and no institutions, no wars, no revolutions will produce what a simple expression by a free person of what he considers fair, regardless of what exists and what is instilled in him, can produce.

(12) One free man He will say truthfully what he thinks and feels among thousands of people who, by their actions and words, affirm the completely opposite.

(13) It would seem that someone who sincerely expressed his thought should remain alone, and yet for the most part it happens that everyone or the majority has been thinking and feeling the same thing for a long time, but they just don’t express it. (14) And what was yesterday the new opinion of one person, today becomes the general opinion of the majority. (15) And as soon as this opinion was established, how immediately, imperceptibly, little by little, but irresistibly, people’s actions began to change.

(16) We all cry at the insane order of life that contradicts our entire being, and not only do we not use the only most powerful weapon in our power: the consciousness of truth and its expression, but, on the contrary, under the pretext of fighting evil, we destroy this weapon and bring him as a sacrifice to an imaginary struggle against this order.

(17) One does not tell the truth that he knows because he feels obligated to the people with whom he is connected, the other because the truth could deprive him of that advantageous position, through which he supports his family, the third - because he wants to achieve fame and power and then use them to serve people; the fourth because he does not want to violate ancient sacred traditions, the fifth because he does not want to offend people, the sixth because speaking the truth will cause persecution and violate that good social activities to which one gives oneself or intends to give oneself...

(18) In order for the order of life, which is contrary to the consciousness of people, to change and be replaced by one that corresponds to it, it is necessary that the obsolete public opinion be replaced by a living, new one. (19) In order for the old, outdated public opinion to give way to a new, living one, it is necessary that people who are aware of the new demands of life clearly express them. (20) Meanwhile, all people who are aware of all these new demands, one in the name of one, another in the name of another, not only keep silent about them, but in word and deed affirm what is directly opposite to these demands. (21) Only the truth and its expression can establish that new public opinion that will change the backward and harmful order of life, and yet we not only do not express the truth that we know, but often even directly express what we ourselves consider to be untrue.

(According to L.N. Tolstoy)


Humanity, in possession of the truth, has the greatest advantage over the universe. Another conversation is that humanity is not always truthful with itself, does not always admit its mistakes, does not always find the strength to face the truth.


In his text, L.N. Tolstoy raises the problem of truth, which, if used correctly, can change the entire world order for the better.


The author is sure that the most important life changes humanity do not occur under the influence of armies, revolutions, or government decisions. All that is needed for change is to change society’s views on emerging problems. And the views and beliefs of society will change under the simplest condition - always tell the truth to everyone.

There is no need to invent non-existent truths, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, you cannot rely on the experience of the past. Only if these conditions are met will a painless transformation of our imperfect lives be possible.

To get rid of what weighs us down in life, to destroy the disasters that haunt us, we simply need not to lie, not to succumb to deliberate deception, not to say what we don’t really mean. You just need to understand that the whole strength of society lies in the truth, in the ability to express it fearlessly, in the ability not to commit stupid and unworthy acts.

They fear the truth more than thousands of armies or revolutions. In order to crush the truth, to hide it from the eyes of millions, the government introduces severe censorship, bribes newspapers and other means of expressing public opinion.

The main strength of every person is not hidden in books or newspapers, it is hidden in the open thoughts of every prudent person, which he expresses openly to his wife, comrades, and closest people.

It is enough for one person to express his true, truthful opinion, millions will pick it up, even those who previously thought differently and simply did not understand their true preferences will respond to him. Following this, there will be a change in people’s behavior, their actions will change.

Author's position

The author complains that having such a weapon as truth in their hands, people continue to complain about life and do nothing. One is afraid to tell the truth because of possible loss material well-being, the second because he wants to achieve fame and power and subsequently help people, the third simply does not want to offend people.

L.N. Tolstoy is confident that life will change only when the old public opinion is replaced by a new, fresh one. And this is only possible if bold statement the latest requirements. Only truth can change the unsatisfactory order of life.

Your position

It is impossible to disagree with the author. IN modern society There really are too many lies. Everyone is afraid to tell the truth, to express a bold opinion that is different from others. Perhaps they are afraid of the consequences, or simply afraid of looking stupid.

If someone finds the strength to reveal the truth to society, then life will certainly be transformed.

Argument 1

The problem of truth has been raised by many writers and poets. I immediately recall M. Gorky’s play “At the Depths,” where the issue of truth is considered from two opposite sides - from the position of Satin and Elder Luke. The first was that the truth is paramount for life, you need to live only the truth, and then a person will be able to really look at things, at the life around him.

Luke preached the importance of lies for salvation, but his righteous lies only led to misfortunes - Ash ended up in hard labor for murder, Natasha disappeared, the Actor hanged himself. M. Gorky is more close to Satin’s position, since at the threshold of the 20th century the importance of human power was recognized by almost everyone creative people. Truth is the main weapon of modern man.

Argument 2

The truth always changes a person for the better, and his life changes for the better. For example, in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" the only way out for the main character - Rodion Raskolnikov - was the confession of the sin he had committed, the murder of the old pawnbroker.

Only the truth spoken out loud helped him get rid of the most terrible internal torment. Despite the fact that he was imprisoned after his confession, a plan was brewing in his recovered soul on how to arrange the further well-being of people.


The truth ennobles a person, it elevates him, helps him to be confident in himself and in the people around him. Try to always tell the truth, and you will see how your existence takes on a completely new meaningful meaning.


There is a very fine line between children's lies and fantasy. How to distinguish fantasy from untruth, and where is the reason for the latter: fear of punishment, incorrect parenting style, or something else? How to teach a child to tell the truth and help him do it in a timely manner?

Why do children fantasize and why do they lie?

When trying to understand whether a child is making things up or lying, try to analyze the motives of his behavior. Fantasies have the goal of coloring a child’s life, enlivening his story, or softening unpleasant experiences. They can be considered a kind of game that does not pursue any profit. As for lying, it is used by a child either to avoid punishment, ridicule and long explanations, or to get what he wants.


Children who hide the truth behind fantasies, as a rule, have a bright temperament that does not allow them to put up with routine and boredom. Their imagination continuously produces alternative reality scenarios in which events could unfold. But instead of saying: “Wouldn’t it be great if there was a time machine in the attic!” the child says: “And we have a time machine in the attic - can you imagine?!”

Due to their age and rich imagination, many children do not distinguish between reality and fantasy, perceiving movie plots as phenomena everyday life. For example, the child interprets rustling noises in the hallway made by a cat as evidence of the presence of Smurfs there.

In some cases, fantasies serve as an UNCONSCIOUS defense against painful information. Thus, a child from a single-parent family can excitedly tell his friends about his father, a traveler, who will not have time to arrive from the mouth of the Amazon for a school holiday. Forcing a dreamer to admit that this is a fiction means causing him serious injury. After all, he himself believes in what he says!


Children's deception differs from adult lies in its shortsightedness. If a mature person tells a lie, counting on several moves ahead, then the child simply hides from reality, without thinking about the consequences. Here are the most common reasons for children's deception.

1) Fear of punishment. This is perhaps the most common reason why children tell lies. Even if a child has never been properly punished, he may be afraid of parental anger because he has heard from other children that for breaking a toy they are deprived of a TV or even beaten. Therefore, the more persistently the parent seeks the truth, the more stubbornly the child insists on a false version of what happened: since adults are so annoyed, not knowing the truth, what will happen after the confession?

Understanding that a child is telling a lie is not that difficult. You may notice the feigned amusement or amazing obedience that the child demonstrates immediately after the conversation. So he tries to reassure his parents that everything is fine.

In order for a child to decide to confess, it is important to demonstrate your desire to understand him, and not just get to the bottom of the truth. Try to remain friendly and let your child understand what awaits him after he tells the truth. For example: “Please explain how the toy broke, and we’ll go have tea.”

It is important that the child understands that you are trying to understand the reasons for what happened and help him, and not find a reason for punishment.

2) Fear of ridicule. In this case, the child protects hobbies or events in his life from the attention of adults. Having detected notes of condescension in the parents’ tone, he “closes down.” As a result, he answers all questions with a denial or says what he believes they want to hear from him. For example, your son may assure you that it was not he who took out the bag with his old toys from the closet, so that there is no doubt about his “adulthood.” You will be able to earn your child’s trust only when you show sincere interest in his hobbies, even if this goes against your ideas about what he should be interested in. Let's say you can remember where it was purchased old toy, express your joy at its excellent preservation, and then offer to play with it together. Perhaps at the end of the game he will say: “You know, I found it!”

3) Thirst for profit. In an effort to get what he wants, a child often tries to arouse pity, tenderness or guilt in adults with the help of lies. So, if a daughter wants a new doll to be bought for her, she can tell with a pained face that the old one’s hair has stopped combing, her arms don’t bend, and her head doesn’t turn. Proof of the falsity of these statements may be a refusal to respond to an adult’s offer to fix or at least look at the described problems.

If you notice the child’s insincerity, tell him about it directly: “I see that you really want a new doll. But you don’t have to criticize the old one at all. We can talk about what gift you want to receive for your birthday or for March 8th.”

Such a dialogue will help the child understand that openly expressing one’s desires increases the chances of success.

The truth and only the truth!

To a child who is not used to doing things to himself volitional effort In order not to succumb to the flow of vivid associations or admit to unsightly actions, it is difficult to understand why you need to tell the truth. It seems to him that this is important for others, and not for himself. Try to dissuade him.

1. Security. Tell your child a parable about a boy who jokingly shouted: “Wolves, wolves!” - and people believed him, and then in a moment of real danger no one came to the rescue. Admit to your son or daughter that it is difficult for you to take complaints of stomach pain seriously if the same symptoms were once invented in order to avoid going to kindergarten.

2. Maintaining trust. Ask your child how he would treat a person who promised to give him a toy, and therefore gave it to someone else? Or, for example, he said that he would not go for a walk, but he himself went to the park with the company? Explain to your child that no one will consider him a good friend if he does not justify the trust of others. If a person gets carried away by his fantasies or deliberately lies, those around him become confused and do not understand what he really is like, so they prefer to communicate with more predictable people.

3. Objective assessment of yourself. Tell your child about interesting features human memory: Telling the same made-up story over and over again makes it easy to forget what really happened. Therefore, “chronic” fantasizing or lying prevents you from being honest with yourself. Give an example of a situation where children tell each other “horror stories”, and then they themselves begin to be afraid of what they have come up with. Or cases when people refer to a “sore foot” or “uncomfortable shoes” that prevent them from dancing, and are afraid to admit to themselves that they simply do not know how to move beautifully to music. It may be difficult for your child to understand what self-assessment is, but let him know about this danger of lying. Returning to this topic from time to time will help your son or daughter see how important it is to be honest with yourself.

How to teach a child to be truthful?

In order for a child to WANT to tell the truth, it is important for parents to maintain a balance in their reaction to lies and fantasies. On the one hand, you need to demonstrate to the child that his lies are noticeable, and they are offended by this. On the other hand, it is necessary to demonstrate your understanding of the difficulties experienced by the child and provide emotional support so that he strives for a trusting relationship.

1. Firmly but friendlyly insist that the child tell the truth. However, take your time and take a short break. Even an adult needs time to gather his courage, and even more so for a child!

While the child is silent, support him by holding his hand, hugging him or squatting next to him.

2. Be understanding. Promise not to swear and remain calm during your child's story. This will give the baby confidence and, seeing your sincere desire to understand the situation, he will prefer to get rid of the heavy burden.

3. Talk about how the secret always becomes clear. Give several real-life examples where the deception was unexpectedly revealed and the liar found himself in an absurd position. Read your son or daughter a story about semolina porridge from the book "Deniska's Stories". This will help the child make sure that deception not only does not solve the problem, but also aggravates it.

4. Help me choose the words. Do not forget that recognition can be difficult for a child not only for psychological reasons, but also because of the poverty of the language. By formulating the problem together and clarifying certain words, you will be able to get to the bottom of the truth.

5. Lead by example. By talking about any troubles that happened to you, you will unwittingly push your child to respond with frankness. Convince other family members not to use white lies when communicating with your child. So, one should not indulge a grandmother who suggests that her grandson tell his dad that the examples in the notebook were solved without her help. After all, by doing so she offers a ready-made scheme of deception that the child will use in similar situations. Thanks to the “cult of truth” supported at home, the child will see that it is possible to cope with an unpleasant situation with dignity without lying.

6. Maintain a sense of self-esteem in your child. Try to emphasize value more often individual characteristics and the interests of the son or daughter. Then, if his peers invite him to jump from a high slide, the child will not come up with uncomfortable shoes, but will suggest a less risky game.

7. Praise honesty. Even if you had to persuade your child to tell the truth for a long time, at the end of the conversation thank him for his frankness. Let the child know that timely recognition can protect him from punishment.

8. Do it given promise. If you have told your child that you will not scold him, watch your tone and facial expression carefully, even if you are very upset. Truth for truth!

How to preserve “useful” imagination?

Imagination is necessary for solving creative and problematic problems that require a non-standard approach. Therefore, one cannot fight children’s inventions by calling them “nonsense” or “lies” and belittling them in this way. The child may feel that this is something shameful and unnecessary. It is necessary to outline the range of phenomena in which fantasy will be encouraged by the parent: in games, theatrical productions, handicrafts, etc.

1. Encourage invention. Try to share your child’s fantasies by turning them into a joint game. This way you can correct them, helping to establish cause-and-effect relationships and find logical errors. The ability to construct consistent concepts is a valuable property of scientific thinking.

2. Turn fantasy into a hobby. Theatre, animation studios and other clubs with a strong creative focus will help your child find expression for his ideas.

3. Make your fantasies come true. Listen carefully to children's fantasies to find a way to realize them. Help your child make a time machine out of a large cardboard box, brush the doll's hair like Princess Leia with your daughter, and he will receive valuable experience achieving cherished goals. In the future, his fantasies will turn into bold plans, for which the child will draw up a specific algorithm of actions.

Talking to a child about topics such as death, injustice, deprivation, war is very difficult. Not only because we want to protect the child from unnecessary worries, but also because we ourselves don’t know what to do with our feelings, how to accept and survive all this. Many parents do not know how frank they should be with their child, whether to prepare him for future difficulties or leave everything as it is.

Psychologist and mother Anna Zhulidova shares her experience on how to talk to a child about the unpleasant aspects of life and why it is important for a child to learn to cope with losses.

The truth - should you tell it to your child or hide it?

One day, when I didn’t have a daughter yet, I came across a discussion on a live journal about a situation. The mother of a little girl wrote about how her daughter asked her about the stray kittens in the entrance, why they didn’t have a home. To which the mother replied that the kittens, of course, have a home, they just went out for a walk.

It was with great surprise that I read many supportive comments. All the author’s “friends” approved of this act and the mother in her desire to protect her daughter from worries.

Around the same period, I came across (also in LiveJournal, but in a different way) a different story. The little boy’s father took his son to the window, pointed at people who were walking or driving somewhere, talking on the phone, smoking in the windows, etc., and said: “Look, son. This is a whole world in which there are many people. And none of them need you. None of them will come to your aid. You are alone in the whole world and you can only rely on yourself.”

The comments under this post not only surprised me, but rather shocked me. The “spectators” supported the dad, seeing in him a desire to raise the boy as a “real man” “without rose-colored glasses.”

Of course, I wrote too. In the first case, I timidly asked what if I told the girl the truth and stayed with her while she faced the imperfections of the world and her feelings in connection with this. In the second, I (also timidly) noticed that I, for example, live in a world where they help me, where I am needed.

In the first story, I was accused of wanting to deliberately hurt a child, in the second - that I live in those same pink glasses, but in reality the people are different, it just seems to me that they are helping me.

Now my daughter is five years old, and it never ceases to amaze me how differently parents distort the perception of the world to their children. It’s amazing and strange how we decide for ourselves the question “what to say to children and what not to say.” What guides us in doing this? With my own distortions, of course. With your illusions about the world, your fears, gaps, prejudices.

For some, the world is unfriendly, hostile, there is no care or help in it. For some, the world is perfect; there cannot be homeless kittens in it. When deciding what to tell about the world, we convey our perception to the child.

In my opinion, there are topics that need to be discussed with a child. In this case, it is necessary to speak: a) freely, b) carefully. This difficult topics. Such as death, sex, loss. And many other topics that give rise to unpleasant feelings for most of us. Pain, fear, shame, anxiety, resentment, anger, disgust. These feelings prevent us from talking to our children.

The point is that before you tell your child about stray kittens, you yourself need to be prepared for the fact that they exist. Be open to your feelings about this.

By analogy, you can tell your child about death and help them survive and accept their mortality only if you yourself have accepted the fact that you will definitely die someday. You don’t just understand this with your head, but you had the “pleasure” of facing all the horror, fear, anxiety and pain in connection with this, living through them and moving on.

By analogy, it is possible to talk freely with your child about sex if you yourself love it without internal condemnation and do not consider it something dirty. If for you sex is not associated with vulgarity, dirt and, as a result, shame and prohibition, then you and your child will have an easy time with this topic.

By analogy, talking about losses (divorce, a broken toy, a friend who moved) in a way that helps your child live through them is only possible if you yourself know how to be in this pain. Avoid insults and suffering - of course, in this case there will be none in your child’s world.

Well, it won’t happen, it would seem, so what. Okay. A child lives without pain, without suffering, without loss. Lives in a world where no one dies, where all kittens have homes. He must have had a happy childhood, after all, and so on.

That's how it is. But if you prevent a child from developing in a timely manner, then it will be much harder for him later. It’s much harder to face mortality at age 30 when you have absolutely no idea how to deal with it. You can, of course, run away from it out of habit. You can run for a long time, some people run their whole lives. It's like living in a rainbow and insisting on only noticing one color.

The color of death is not black. In fact, after the horror and pain of realizing mortality comes so much pleasure. Like, for example, the incredible value of your life, every minute of it.

Many of us probably grew up in Soviet families - in a country where there is “no sex”, just like there is no dirt. As if sex is something vile that should not be allowed on the doorstep. As a result, there are many men and women who are ashamed, who do not know how to handle their sexuality, who lock it inside themselves along with many diseases or scatter it, who do not know how to dress truly beautifully in a sexy way without associating sex with vulgarity.

I know families where death is not discussed. The dead animals encountered “sleep” there. I know families in which children do not know that their parents are divorced. I know families where the word “sex” is taboo. I know families where you can’t cry, you can’t get angry. I know families where parents never swear in front of their children and are terribly proud of it.

I know families where, on the contrary, stories and frankness are abused. Where a mother during a divorce tells her child about how bad his father is. Where they have sex with a growing child. Where those very “real men” are raised, distorting the world, making it worse than it really is.

No one can give the correct answer about what to tell a child, what to hide from him. Everyone decides this question for themselves, starting, as I wrote above, from their feelings and thoughts.

As for me, it is very important for me to be frank with my child and help her face different “colors” of life, live through these clashes, and not run away from them.

When my daughter asked me if she would also die someday (since birds die), I answered: “Yes.” One day my daughter realized that because... I was born before her, I will die before her. We sat with her in the corridor on the floor and roared together. When my dacha neighbor died, I took Maya by the hand to show her what death looks like. She really asked me. Previously, she had only seen death in animals.

But at the same time, when the little kitten was torn apart by dogs at my mother-in-law’s dacha, I couldn’t tell Maya. I said that it was given to other people. A kitten torn apart by dogs is too much for me, I myself am not ready to accept this fact, I myself prefer not to believe in it.

This, in general, is my main idea - share with your children what you yourself accept as part of life, what you are ready for. And don't share if it's difficult for you. Just do it consciously. Realizing that you simply can't. And not because “the child shouldn’t know this.”

In fact, it is much more important for a child to know how people appear and die, how to cope with losses, than the names distant countries and planets, english alphabet, what people did a thousand years ago or what else they teach children that has so little to do with their real childhood life.

If you feel difficulty in some topic, this is a sign that this topic First you need to live it yourself.

How to write an essay on the topic: “Why you need to tell the truth.” Sample essays for high school students.

The choice between truth and lies is not always easy even for adults who are confident in their actions. And when schoolchildren are faced with the task of making such a choice and formatting it in the form of an essay, everything becomes even more complicated.

Children tend to doubt and make mistakes, and this is normal. So that a child can correctly express and beautifully teach his thoughts, the article offers the best arguments for an essay: “Why you need to tell the truth” and several finished works on this topic.

Topic “Why you need to tell the truth”: arguments for an essay

Arguments for essay:

  • L.N. In his autobiographical trilogy, Tolstoy describes the intense suffering of the boy Nikolenka, who is embarrassed by deceptions and reproaches himself for them. Even at night, his sleep is disturbed because he did not confess to the priest, hiding his deceptions.
  • Victor Dragunsky in “Deniska's Stories” shows the experiences, shame and repentance of a woman and her son, because of whose deception a man suffered.
  • “At the Depths” by Maxim Gorky is the most striking example of the fact that a white lie does not always help, make it easier or save. Luka was convinced that his lie was justified, but Satin remained unshaken and fought for the truth to the last.

You can also use one or more statements and aphorisms about truth and lies in your essay:

  • Only that person enjoys respect and trust who always tells the truth.
  • “It’s not easy to decide to tell the truth, but it’s easier to live with it than with lies.”
  • “A lie always gives rise to new lies, even more sophisticated and terrible.”
  • “Every person deserves to know the truth and not be deceived.”
  • “Lying is for cowards.”
  • “Speaking the truth is not easy, it takes courage.”
  • “Truth is the god of a free man.”
  • “You won’t be able to lie all the time; the truth will always do its job.”
  • “The naked truth is more beautiful than a disguised lie.”
  • “The only good thing is what’s honest.” (Cicero)
  • “Live the truth, that’s the best sermon.” (Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra)

How to write an essay on the topic “Why you need to tell the truth”

How to write an essay on the topic “Why you need to tell the truth”: examples of essays

Here are some essays on the topic: "Why you need to tell the truth."

Essay No. 1. True or false?

“The bitter truth is better than a sweet lie,” assures folk wisdom. There is no doubt that lying is bad. But is the truth always appropriate and necessary?

Everyone is familiar with a situation in which they have to choose: tell the truth and offend, disappoint a loved one, or lie and protect him from unnecessary worries. It is especially difficult to make a decision if you have a conversation with a close friend. Lying is hypocritical, and this is unacceptable for friendship. The truth will upset your friend and hurt him. Many in this case decide to simply remain silent.

What happens if you choose the so-called “white lie”? It will probably help you avoid troubles and lift your spirits. But a lie will definitely lead to a new lie. You will have to lie again and again, inventing more and more incredible stories, getting more and more entangled in the web of deception. And in the end the truth will be revealed anyway. Respect and trust will be lost forever, and further explanations may not be necessary - the friend simply will not want to deal with a liar.

Telling the truth is more difficult than lying. But honest man always deserves respect, because you can trust him, he will never betray, deceive or lie.

Good human relationships are of great value to everyone. That is why it is worth making every effort to preserve them. That is why, in a difficult choice between rough truth and sweet lies, you need to give preference to the first. However, simply telling the truth is not enough. Having learned to “present” it correctly at the right moments, you will be able to maintain a good relationship with a friend and not be branded a liar.

Essay on the topic: “True or false?”

Essay No. 2. Is telling the truth brave or stupid?

Can we say that only brave people speak the truth? After all, sometimes this truth can turn out to be a destructive force that can deeply wound and even kill a person. At the same time, a lie will hide everything bad and allow you to continue to live peacefully in ignorance.

This is confirmed by the bright act of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of M. A. Sholokhov’s work “The Fate of a Man.” Returning from the front, he met Vanyusha, whom the war had made an orphan. Little boy he had no idea that he was left completely alone in the whole world and had no one else to wait for. Andrey lied to Vanyushka, introducing himself as his father. But this lie saved the child. Would anyone at that moment feel better from the cruel truth that own father Was Vanya taken away by the war?

However, not everything is so clear in this matter. Using the example of another literary hero, one can be convinced that truth is better than deception. Rodion Raskolnikov from “Crime and Punishment” by F. M. Dostoevsky experiences terrible pangs of conscience. He did something terrible, but it is very difficult for him to admit it. However, he must get what he deserves for his deeds. Realizing this, Rodion confesses to everything, for which he suffers due punishment.

It turns out that only a very brave person can tell the truth, whatever it may be. Even the bitter truth will sooner or later emerge, showing the liar not in the best light. But whether this truth is always appropriate, everyone must decide for themselves.

Essay: “Is telling the truth brave or stupid?”

Essay No. 3. Why is it necessary to tell the truth?

Why is it necessary to tell the truth? In fact, nowadays even journalists, politicians and public figures allow themselves to lie. It seems that lies in one form or another have crept into the lives of each of us and settled in our hearts forever. We already calmly react to yet another lie from television screens, from the pages of popular newspapers and from the mouths of loved ones. Who will feel better if we all tell the truth, and what bad will happen if everyone continues to lie?

Maybe hiding behind famous phrase“white lie”, can you not even think about the truth? But is this lie really saving? To answer all these questions, I had to turn to classical literature. One of the brightest literary heroes, personifying lies and truth, are Luka and Satin from the play “At the Lower Depths” by Maxim Gorky.

Luka consoles all the unfortunate inhabitants of the shelter around him. To a woman who is dying from incurable disease, he talks about the wonderful peace in another world that she will soon find, the thief - about a wonderful life in Siberia, the drunkard actor promises quick healing in a special clinic. Luke lies, but he lies, as if for good and consolation.

Satin has completely opposite views on life and ideas about good and evil. He fights for the truth to the end. Trying to restore justice, he ends up in prison. He is not indifferent to the fate of the disadvantaged, but he does not see the point in lying to them, calling lies “the religion of slaves and masters.” In truth, Satin sees human freedom. He is categorical and does not accept other paths.

Which of these heroes turns out to be right? Dying Anna accepts the lie, listens with pleasure to speeches about imminent calm, but before her death, she nevertheless regrets that her life will soon fade away. The actor takes his own life, and the thief ends up in exile. Was this, albeit “comforting”, but still a lie, necessary? Did she help anyone? It turns out not.

This lie fell like a heavy stone on Luke’s shoulders. But Satin remained honest to the people around him and, first of all, to himself. Living with the truth is always easier than living with a lie. An honest, truthful person cannot be led astray; he is proud, straightforward and self-confident, and therefore deserves respect.

Any of these essays is just an example, a sample school work student on the topic: “Why you need to tell the truth.” Of course, the child may have his own ideas that he wants to express in own work, and the proposed essays will help him with this.

Video: How to write essays?

Getty Images Imagine that you are peacefully reading a book on the sofa, when suddenly your cat, covered in ketchup, jumps onto your lap. There is no one in the apartment except you and the child, and the cat certainly couldn’t get ketchup out of the refrigerator and pour it on his head. You call your six-year-old son to account, but he denies everything with innocent eyes. Here it is: the first encounter with deception from the lips of a child. You always discussed how wrong it is to lie, why didn’t he learn this?

One of the most obvious reasons why children lie is the fear of being punished for their actions. It is difficult for a child to be honest if he knows that in return he will face physical force, humiliation or reproaches. It's hard to blame children for this - we ourselves do the same if we encounter an angry boss at work.

Another reason for deception is that the child is afraid of losing your good attitude towards him. No child wants to disappoint their parents - they'd rather lie than let you think badly of them.

And finally, children are always interested in feedback - which is why they often tell outlandish stories to impress.

Unfortunately, the practice of severe punishment for lying creates a vicious circle: the more you scold them, the less they will want to tell the truth next time. Instead, try to create a safe environment for your child where it is okay to tell the truth.

Here are seven ways to achieve this.

1. Don't shout

If your children are faced with yelling at the slightest infraction, they won't feel safe to tell you the truth. Try to always talk to your child in a calm voice (although this can be very, very difficult). And focus on always looking for the solution to the problem, not the one to blame.

2. Let your child save face.

Never ask questions to which you already know the answer. For example, instead of the threatening “You’ve already finished homework? Try asking “What are you going to do to finish your homework?” If your child really hasn't done his homework yet, he can save face by telling you his plan instead of inventing a lie.

3. Focus on his feelings

If your child is lying, try to understand why he decided that he could not be honest with you. And instead of immediately catching him in a lie, say: “That sounds like a story made up especially for me. You were probably afraid to tell the truth. Let's discuss this." In return, you will receive an honest answer and a lot of useful information that will help you better understand your child.

4. Appreciate honesty

If the children told the truth (even if it was unpleasant), give them credit: “It must have been difficult for you to decide to tell me what really happened. I respect your courage, it's an adult thing to do."

5. Forgive mistakes

Mistakes are the way to make right choice in the future. If children know you won't be angry or disappointed, they will be honest with you. Try talking about what a child would do in the future if the same thing happened to him? What would he have done differently? If your child's actions have affected other people in any way, be sure to discuss it with him.

6. Love children

Tell your children more often that you love them and will love them no matter what they do. There is nothing that can change your love.

7. Don't lie to yourself

Remember that little eyes and ears are always on the alert. And if you yourself are unable to tell the truth when you were shortchanged in a cafe, or come up with a fifth excuse why you cannot participate in voluntary donations for school renovations, get ready for your children to repeat everything after you.

Often, good, responsible parents, caring for their baby and trying to protect and spare his feelings, are faced with a difficult choice: tell the difficult truth or lie slightly?
For example: parents are going to have a joint romantic dinner in a restaurant. Such a long-awaited romantic date just for two. The child stays at home with a nanny or grandmother. What is better: to honestly admit to the child that parents sometimes need to spend time together and therefore they will go to a restaurant without him? Or lie, saying that they are leaving, for example, for work or on business? From the point of view of a psychologist, the answer is obvious: the child always needs tell the truth. D let's figure out why?

Example to follow

And most obviously, it is the role model you set for your child. You can talk as much as you like about the benefits and harms of reading fiction computer games, but if parents sit in front of their monitors in the evenings and pick up a book, only if the Internet has been turned off for non-payment; then the child will most likely soon become addicted to the computer. It’s the same with sincerity in parent-child relationships: if you want children to tell the truth, start telling it yourself. Even on topics that are very difficult for you.

Trust relationships

A trusting relationship with a child guarantees his safety, not only mental, but also physical. A child who can trust himself and his feelings will most likely not be afraid to say “no.” to a stranger and then he will not hesitate to tell his parents or teacher about this stranger. In the event that something did happen to the child that raises certain doubts among the parents, but the child is reluctant to talk about it, or the child’s behavior suddenly and unmotivated changes in a way that is unusual for him; It is better to seek help from a specialist, a psychologist specializing in working with children.

Habit of telling the truth

When the baby grows up and has his own active social life outside the home, you can count on the sincerity of your heir only if you yourself have been honest with him before. For a little man, the limit of his trust in his parents is unlimited, but for a teenager it’s the opposite: he destroys the values ​​of his elders and destroys their ideals. To construct his own world, he will first destroy the world of his parents. During this period of life, which is so difficult for both a teenager and his loved ones, the habit of sincerity, openness and honesty will be very useful for the whole family.

Trust in relationships

Trust is so important and so fragile in any relationship. Adults know the value of relationships without deception and lies. We ourselves cannot accept being deceived and consider liars to be traitors. It is all the more important to remain honest in the eyes of your own children and not betray them by being cunning and dodging.

Trust in yourself

The truth teaches a child to trust himself. No “the doctor will just take a look”, or an injection “it’ll bite like a mosquito” if you are going with your baby for vaccinations or any other invasive procedures! It is better to prepare in advance, discuss with your child everything that the doctor will do. If you don’t know exactly how the doctor will act, then you can tell your child so. And, in the future, already at the appointment, ask the pediatrician to tell you and the baby about all the upcoming manipulations. If an injection or vaccination is coming, it is better to tell the child: “It will hurt, but it will be tolerable and quick. This is needed for this and that.” Most likely, at first the baby may be upset and cry, but in the future he will experience medical procedures like an adult, understanding the necessity of everything that is happening.
Otherwise, how should a child feel who was told about a mosquito and then given a rather painful injection? Or that mom and doctor are deceivers, and then you shouldn’t trust them. Or that you shouldn’t trust your own feelings, because how can you trust your feelings when all the knowledgeable, capable and reliable adults say “that it doesn’t hurt at all.”
In the first case, you will get a child who simply refuses to go to the doctor. He will cry, scream, resist, run away and do anything just to avoid going to the clinic. Because there he may again be faced with the fact that adults will deceive him. And even when you need to visit a doctor just for an examination, or to write out a certificate, you may receive an attack of massive resistance, because you have already deceived the child once and now his trust is not so easy to get back.
If a child does not trust his own feelings from childhood, he may grow up to be a very insecure person, because how can you rely on your own strengths and believe that you can cope with any difficulties if you cannot even understand what is happening in your own body?

Gratitude for the truth

Don’t forget to say “thank you” to your son or daughter for the truth, which is sometimes very difficult to tell. Before scolding a student for getting a bad grade, thank him for having the courage to honestly admit to unlearned lessons and the corresponding grade. If there is some kind of conflict at school or kindergarten and the child tells you about this in detail before going to deal with the teacher or the participants in the conflict; Tell your child “thank you” for his sincerity, because it probably wasn’t easy for him to talk about his difficulties. In the future, this will strengthen your trusting relationship with him and the child will know that no matter what happens in life, he always has a dad and mom who are always ready to listen and support without prejudice. This will serve you well in the future, especially in adolescence, when contact with parents becomes weak for a while, and the possible “bad” influence, on the contrary, increases.

Elkina Margarita Mikhailovna,

child and family psychologist

Probably all parents tell their children that lying is wrong. No person wants their beloved child to think it is okay to lie. However, parents never tell their children that white lies exist, although many of them often use this method themselves. It is impossible to say for sure whether it is good to lie in certain situations, because very often you can hear the phrase: “Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.”

White lies. Examples from literature

Russian literature of the last century is simply replete with examples of white lies. This topic is relevant at all times, so many famous writers also touched upon and developed it.

Maxim Gorky wrote the play “At the Depths”. It also touched on the topic of white lies. The main character of the play, Luke, believed that a “sweet lie” could make life easier for everyone. He said that one should not stun a person with the “butt” of the truth. Luke convinced all the people around him that a sweet lie could help a person believe in something better and thereby change his life. He believed that self-deception could help one endure any difficulties much easier. But it is worth noting that Luke did not deny that even the bitter truth is sometimes worth telling. In the play “At the Lower Depths” you can often see phrases that Luke utters to the night shelters and other people who live the same way as them: “Eheh... Gentlemen, people! What will happen to you? Despite the fact that the elder always strived for the best, the pure and the good, he still spoke with sadness about the sorrowful life of man.

Majority opinion about white lies

Everyone associates the quote “white lies” with something different. Some may believe that white lies are the only the right decision in difficult situations. However, the other half of humanity may disagree with this opinion and argue that it is better to always tell the truth, even when it is very “bitter” and unpleasant, than to tell a white lie.

Examples from literature open readers' eyes to many things. Some people who have read Maxim Gorky's play “At the Lower Depths” may condemn Luka for giving the residents of the shelter false hopes for a bright and happy future. But this situation can be looked at from the other side. Many people in modern world need the support of their loved ones, be it going to university, getting married, etc. Good words very often encourage people to take action, awaken in them self-confidence and hope for a good future.

“White lies are good. But only to the one for whose benefit it was done.”

Many people ask the question: “Is white lying good or bad?” This question cannot be given a specific answer, because it depends on the situation and the motive. Each person evaluates white lies differently. Examples from the literature can help readers take a different look at deception, understand its nature and form an opinion different from what they previously had.

In “The Captain's Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin there is also a theme regarding white lies. In this work, one can recall many situations in which the main characters had to resort to deception in order to save themselves and other people. Examples for the expression “white lie” in “ The captain's daughter” meet several times, and the most striking of them is Grinev’s deception. He wanted to save Masha Mironova, who was his beloved, and introduced the girl to Pugachev as a poor orphan. Grinev deceived Pugachev to save his beloved, which is a shining example white lies. However, it is worth noting that Grinev never went against honor and lied when he found himself in difficult and dangerous situations for him. But if Pugachev had found out that Masha was the captain’s daughter, she could have been mocked, beaten and even executed. Therefore, Peter decided to lie for the benefit of his beloved so that she would remain safe and sound.

Grinev and his lies for the greater good

Examples from literature often provide food for thought and help to understand the true origin and nature of certain emotions, behaviors and actions.

The character who is the absolute opposite of Grinev is Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin. For him there were no such concepts as kindness and truth. He often slandered Masha Mironova, and also slandered Grinev. Shvabrin’s lies cannot be called white lies, because his deception played positive role only for himself, but not for other people.

Lies for good and evil

There are several examples of lies in The Captain's Daughter. The first is Grinev’s lie to save his beloved. The second is Shvabrin’s lies and slander against Masha Mironova, which only brought trouble to other people. Therefore, we can say that lies can be different: with good and with bad intentions.

Is it possible to lie for good? Most likely possible. Sometimes deception can become for someone like in the work " Captain's daughter" However, if we remember the play “At the Bottom,” then a white lie did not bring anything good, but only aggravated an already difficult situation. Therefore, one thing can be said: white lies exist only when they are committed with good intentions.