Denis Maidanov: biography, personal life. Strong love of Denis Maidanov

Denis Maidanov was born in the Saratov region in the winter of 1976. Denis's father was an engineer at a chemical plant, his mother worked in the human resources department.

IN early childhood Denis showed a talent for writing poetry. He wrote his first poem at the age of 8, and a few years later the boy mastered the guitar and began composing songs.

While studying at school I took part in city music competitions, on which he performed his own songs. When Denis Maidanov turned 16 years old, he entered the studio of young performers, which worked in the city House of Creativity. There he began to write his first songs for studio soloists.

After leaving school, he graduated in absentia from the University of Culture in Moscow, where he received the profession of show business manager. For several years he worked as a director in the city of Balakovo in a musical theater and at the same time headed a department at the House of Creativity. In the late 90s - early 2000s he began collaborating with the Soyuz studio. This is how the “NV” group was created, designed for an audience of teenagers.

During his years of work in the city of Balakovo, he managed to unite various youth groups in the city, whose passion was music, and created his own music center. The music center, which was led by Maidanov, organized and held annual youth music festivals.

Relocation to the capital

Denis Maidanov's biography says that in 2001 he moved to Moscow and began composing songs for famous performers. Living in the capital was difficult due to the constant lack of money.

The first success came after meeting producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who helped him find the first performers of the songs, and the first fee was $75 for the song “Behind the Fog”, performed by Sasha, a young Russian singer

In 2003, the album J-Power was released, awarded the Golden Microphone award. Maidanov's songs, which were included in this album, were in first place in the charts.

After the appearance of this album, collaboration began with such performers as Nikolai Baskov and Philip Kirkorov. Maidanov's songs were performed by Joseph Kobzon, Yulian, Mikhail Shufutinsky and many other famous singers.

Denis Maidanov’s biography mentions that he works with his favorite artists. He wrote a song for Boris Moiseev “I will live now” at the moment when the artist suffered a stroke, which provided him with great moral support.

Prizes that Maidanov received for creative work

  • 1. Prize-winner of the Song of the Year festival.
  • 2. Prize-winner of the “Golden Gramophone” and “Chanson of the Year” competitions.
  • 3. Laureate of the “Road Radio Star” festival.
  • 4. Prize-winner of the festival “Russian Sensation NTV”.

Maidanov has many different awards, including for carrying out patriotic work.

Solo creativity in the biography of Denis Maidanov

Denis Maidanov owns many musical instruments. He has extensive experience as a composer. From 2001 to 2008, Denis Maidanov made money by selling his songs famous performers. But since many of the songs he wrote describe the biography of Denis Maidanov, he decided to start solo performances.

In 2008, Maidanov released his first album recording “... Eternal love", who won the hearts of many women with his sincerity. Then two more collections of his musical compositions were published.

Many of their songs were at the top of the charts:

  1. "Bullet"
  2. “No regrets”
  3. "I'm rich"
  4. "Flying Over Us"
  5. "48 hours" and many others.

Music for films. Film work

In addition, in Denis Maidanov’s biography he is noted not only as a performer of his own compositions. He composes music for films. He created soundtracks for several television series.

In parallel with the creation of musical compositions, Denis Maidanov starred in TV series, which were well received by television viewers. He composes songs on topics that are close to everyone - family, love, spiritual values. In the series “Bros-3”, for which the soundtrack was written, Maidanov played the role of Nikolai Sibirsky.

Together with Gosha Kutsenko, Maidanov participated in the show “Two Stars”, and in television project"Battle of the Choirs" He proved himself as the leader of a choral group from Yekaterinburg.

Some artists who performed compositions by Denis Maidanov:

  • Joseph Kobzon.
  • Nikolay Baskov.
  • Alexander Marshall.
  • Alexander Buynov.
  • Natalya Vetlitskaya.
  • Mikhail Shufutinsky
  • Boris Moiseev.
  • Group "White Eagle".

They say that a talented person shows his extraordinary abilities in everything. And Denis Maidanov, whose biography will be the topic for consideration today, is just such a person. After all, he is a songwriter, a composer, and a performer, as well as an actor and music producer. The biography of Denis Maidanov is already of interest to crowds of fans of his work, despite the fact that he made his presence known not so long ago. Most of Russia learned about it only in 2009.

Biography the beginning of a creative path

The future artist saw the light of day in the city of Balakovo (Saratov region) on February 17, 1976. He started writing as a child. Graduated from the Faculty of Directing at Moscow State University State University culture and arts. One of the main subjects that Maidanov paid attention to special attention, was " Acting" Therefore, Denis not only talented musician, but also quite successfully manifests himself as an actor. He played roles in such films as “Bear Corner”, “Alexandrovsky Garden-2”, “Bros”, and the TV series “Trace”. Also, many films and television series on Russian television feature soundtracks written by Denis Maidanov (“Shift”, “Tycophs”, “Angelica”, “Revenge”, “Zone” and others).

Biography of Denis Maidanov: one of the best hitmakers in Russia

In 2000, the Soyuz studio released an album by the group “HB” (sounds like “ash-b”), for which Maidanov was the producer and songwriter. In the world of dance music, he became a real breakthrough. Then, in 2001, the future artist moved to the capital to conquer new musical heights. He first started working as an author and composer of songs. His works were performed by such stars Russian stage, like Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Marshal, Joseph Kobzon, Philip Kirkorov, Boris Moiseev, Marina Khlebnikova, Katya Lel, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Jasmine, Marta, the White Eagle group. Over the course of ten years, Denis created many good songs, which listeners loved and became real hits.

Biography of Denis Maidanov: the beginning of a solo career

Despite all his achievements in the world of music, few people knew about Denis; he always remained behind the scenes. In 2002, at the “Song of the Year” festival, Maidanov became a laureate thanks to the song “Behind the Fog,” performed by But often only the performers received the laurels of fame. Over the course of his entire career, Denis accumulated a sufficient supply of his own songs “for the soul,” which he could not give to someone else to perform. And so in 2009, the artist decided to release his first solo album called "Eternal Love". Maidanov's songs instantly took the first lines of the charts. In 2011, the already beloved performer released his second album.

His songs are sometimes so simple and at the same time brilliant that it seems that anyone can play them on the guitar, sing them in a warm company of friends and get real pleasure. Denis sings with sincerity about life and its main values, which is why his fans love him.

Denis Maidanov. Biography: wife, daughter and happiness

In his personal life, the artist also found his happiness. His beloved wife Natasha (since 2005) and daughter Vlad (born in 2008) are his main people who support him in everything. Sport is Denis’s second passion since childhood. The artist plays for the team of the Russian Cinematograph Actors Guild “Serial”, which often organizes charity matches.

If previously Denis Maidanov performed exclusively as a songwriter, now he is known as talented singer. He managed to gain popularity by releasing several hits, the lyrics of which are clear and relatable. to a wide circle listeners. With each of his songs he penetrates the soul and is remembered for a long time.

Denis was born in ordinary family, where parents were far from the world of art. The boy's talent for writing poetry appeared quite early, and after his parents' divorce, it became his only income.

After the parents’ divorce, the family was sorely short of money and had to survive somehow. Denis wrote lyrics for songs and sold them. There were times when he performed songs own composition with a guitar in local restaurants.

The young man’s talent was noticed and famous artists began to buy the lyrics of his songs. They were performed by Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov and many others.

Denis Maidanov has admitted more than once that he himself would never have decided to perform his songs if it were not for the support of his wife. Now his wife Natalya is a real support and support in all his endeavors.

The story of the future muse

The inspiration, Denisa Maidanova, was born in Tashkent. Natalya also composed beautiful poems from her school days. This was her main hobby. At school I gravitated more toward the humanities and was quite creative personality. Her parents did not try to influence her in this regard and did their best to develop their daughter’s talents.

After finishing school, Natalya and her family moved to Russia. They settled in the small town of Vyazma. After living with her parents for several years, Natalya decided to move to Moscow. There she got a job at a construction company as a manager. The girl quickly moved along career ladder, but at the same time she did not forget about her passion.

She continued to write her creations. Soon a lot of poems accumulated. Natalya dreamed that her texts would be heard from the stage, that songs based on her poems would be performed by famous artists.

Interesting notes:

But the girl didn’t know where to start. A friend advised her to contact the production center, which Natalya did. This helped her meet her future husband.

Dating a couple

Natalya met Denis at his production center. One fine day she went there to show her poems. Denis accepted the girl, but the first meeting could hardly be called pleasant. The producer criticized the poems and even was rude to the girl. That's where they parted.

But after such a meeting, Denis could not calm down for a long time. He felt guilty towards the girl, so he decided to call her and apologize for his behavior. From that moment on, their acquaintance began, which grew into a family relationship.

The young people decided to formalize their relationship after two years of romantic meetings. Since then, Denis and Natalya have become almost inseparable.

Now, as a family, they began to do everything together. The wife always tries to accompany her husband on tour. She is completely involved in his work. Natalya is the director of Denis's musical group. It turns out that the couple not only lives together, but also works.

Natalya understands that performing on stage and completely giving her energy to the audience is not an easy task, so after performances she tries to create for her husband an atmosphere of complete relaxation and home comfort. She believes that her loved one should recover as best as possible before the next concert.

Birth of children

The main pride of the Maidanov family is their children. There are two of them. Eldest daughter Vlada was born in 2008. The girl and her father have a very good and strong relationship. They support each other in everything. Natalya even calls them the “house mafia.”

Since childhood, parents tried to develop musical talent in the girl. Now Vlada enjoys attending music school. Additionally, she also dances. Among the girl's hobbies, reading occupies an important place.

Even though the girl is growing up creative child, Denis believes that it is better for her to develop in sports.

That’s why Vlada also plays tennis seriously. At the same time, the girl finds time to communicate with peers and has many friends.

Also growing up in the family wonderful son. The boy was born in 2013. Named the child rare name Borislav. When Natalya was pregnant with her second child, she tried not to advertise her situation. Many fans of the couple learned about the replenishment only a few months after the birth of their son.

Very often, journalists ask the Maidanov family questions about how they manage to maintain harmony in the family and whether they often quarrel. The spouses unanimously answer that there are practically no quarrels between them.

They attribute this to their constant employment. Denis Maidanov and his wife simply do not have enough time to argue. Their life is harmonious and filled with joy and love.

As the well-known wisdom says, behind the shoulders of a successful man stands strong woman. This expression is very suitable for Natalya Maidanova and her husband Denis.

Create and get inspired famous composer, the poet and singer is helped by his faithful companion and muse - his beloved wife, who proudly bears her husband's surname.

Biography and career of Natalia

Natasha, nee Kolesnikova, comes from sunny Tashkent. Date of birth: February 13, 1981. Now she is Natalya Maidanova, whose biography many women are interested in. How an ordinary modest girl was able to win the singer’s heart is a question that worries a million fans.

Natasha grew up in a simple family. Since childhood, she began to write poetry. Over time, this became a serious hobby for life.

At school I was more interested in the humanities. In 1998, after graduating as a girl graduating class The Kolesnikovs decided to move to Russia. The family settled in the Smolensk region in the city of Vyazma. Natalya made the first serious decision in her life to move to Moscow.

Having received higher education, Natalya Kolesnikova got a job in a construction company. There, Thanks to her determination, she quickly began to move up the career ladder, reaching the position of leading marketer. But she did not abandon her passion for poetry. She dreamed that her poems would be heard in songs pop singers. A friend advised me to show my creativity at a production center. After some thought, Natalya made up her mind.

Dating and starting a family

In 2003, a casting took place for the “Star Factory”, where producer Maidanov was looking for performers for his group. There the first meeting of Natalia and Denis took place, which could not be called romantic at all. Maidanov criticized the texts and even was rude to the girl. The next day I found her and apologized. A friendly acquaintance began, which gradually began to develop into something more.

In February 2004, Denis invited Natasha on a joint trip to Egypt, from where they returned as a fully formed couple.

They no longer wanted to part, and they began to live together. And in 2005 the wedding took place. Natalya began working as a group director musical accompaniment Maidanov "Terminal D". In 2008, the couple had a daughter, Vlada, and in 2013, a son, Borislav.

Personal life and work of Denis Maidanov

According to official biography, family of Denis Maidanov from the city of Balakov, Saratov region. Started here creative path singer to success.

Denis was born on February 17, 1976 into a family that has nothing to do with music. The father left the mother when the son was 8 years old. Perhaps the parents' divorce influenced the boy's developing character. He was a difficult teenager, wayward, with heightened senses justice. Constant conflicts with teachers arose due to the fact that Denis always had his own opinion, which he fiercely defended.

The boy began writing poetry in 2nd grade. From the age of 13, he already performed songs of his own composition with a guitar at local amateur concerts. He managed to study, work part-time to help his mother, and develop in creatively. He played the button accordion, piano, and guitar. Attended clubs at the House of Culture: theater, poetry.

His mother insisted on getting a serious profession, and after finishing 9th grade, Denis went to study at a chemical-technological college. But even there he was more interested social life, in which he took an active part. He represented the technical school at various cultural events and was the captain of the KVN team.

The beginning of a creative journey

The creative biography of singer Denis Maidanov is rich and interesting. In 1992, he participated in a city pop competition, where he performed his song. The young man took third place. Thanks to this victory, he got into the House of Creativity, where he began to write and perform songs in a local music studio. After graduating from technical school, he was the leader of an ensemble and club for high school students at a local cultural center.

In 1995, he entered the correspondence course at the Moscow University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI). In parallel with his studies, he worked at the Syzran oil refinery for about a year. During this time, he realized that his path to great life lies through creativity. He graduated from MGUKI in 1999, receiving the specialty of show director. Got a job at a local musical theater director. Then there was the position of manager at the House of Creativity.

IN hometown Denis Maidanov created and headed the production center, collaborating with the Moscow studio Soyuz. Organized annual regional music festivals. He held a high position in the Balakovo administration for organizing mass events. But all these achievements did not suit the creative personality.

Conquest of Moscow

In 2001, Maidanov moved to Moscow with the goal of writing songs for Russian pop performers. Through acquaintances, he contacts producer Aizenshpis and receives his first fee of $150 for the song “Behind the Fog” for singer Sasha. I had to give half of my earnings to the same acquaintances, but the deal was worth it. The song brought the first music award at the Song of the Year 2002 festival, and with it recognition.

Since then Maidanov became a sought-after author and wrote many hits. His works are performed by many pop performers: Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Buinov, Nikolai Baskov, Ed Shulzhevsky, Jasmine, Tatyana Bulanova and many others. In addition, Denis wrote soundtracks for films and TV series:

  • "Zone";
  • "Shift";
  • "Angelica";
  • "Bros";
  • “City of special purpose”, etc.

I also have experience as an actor:

  • "Alexandrovsky Garden-2";
  • "Bear Corner";
  • "Bros-3";
  • "The Last Cop."

Back then, work and success came first. Personal life, wife, children - Denis Maidanov didn’t even think about it. But meeting Natalya changed everything, and With the advent of a family, a desire arose to move on.

Solo career

In 2008, Maidanov decided to perform his own songs. Natalya also contributed a lot to this, she always believes in her husband and is ready to support him in any endeavor. The premiere of the song “Eternal Love” brought resounding success and the love of the public. This was the beginning of the singer's solo career. To today The following albums were released:

  • “I will know that you love me... Eternal love” 2009
  • "The Rented World" 2011
  • “One Flew Over Us” 2013
  • “Flag of my state” 2015
  • “Half my life on the road... Unreleased” 2015
  • “What the Wind Leaves” 2017

The singer has repeatedly received music awards for his hits:

  • "Song of the Year";
  • "Golden Gramophone"
  • "Road Radio";
  • "Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin."

Family life

This year Denis Maidanov turned 42, and his wife Natalya turned 37 years old. Now they live in a town near Moscow in their own house.

A married couple tries not to separate from each other. Therefore, Natalya accompanies Denis on tour, no matter how long it lasts, trying to provide him with comfort and good rest after hard concerts.

There are few details about Denis Maidanov’s personal life. The spouses do not talk much about their relationship. But journalists still cannot find incriminating facts. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that this is a worthy example of a strong and friendly family.

Attention, TODAY only!

Maidanov Denis - Russian singer, composer, poet, music producer and actor. He is a multiple winner of the Chanson of the Year, Golden Gramophone and other awards, as well as the holder of the title Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. During live performances, the singer is provided with musical support by the Terminal D group.

Early biography

Maidanov was born in 1976, on February 17, in Balakovo. Denis discovered his talent for writing poetry in the second grade, soon after his first classes at music school and a mug children's creativity. At the age of 13, the young artist began creating songs and performing with them at various amateur concerts.

After 9th grade, the guy entered the local polytechnic school. IN student years Denis Maidanov organized music group and played in one of the KVN teams. After graduating from college, he received the position of head of work with high school students at the Balakovo Palace of Culture. Then Maidanov became a correspondence student at MGUKI, where he studied to become a show director. After receiving his diploma, he worked for some time as a manager theater studio in his hometown.

In 2001, the singer decided to move to the capital. Its first producer was Yuri Aizenshpis. Soon Maidanov wrote the composition “Behind the Fog.” And in 2002, this work performed by singer Sasha was awarded the “Song of the Year” award. In the end, the songs of Denis Maidanov became an integral part of the work of Nikolai Baskov, Lolita, Joseph Kobzon, Mikhail Shufutinsky, as well as the groups “Murzilki International”, “Strelka” and “White Eagle”.

Solo activities

The singer has been performing his own songs since 2008. Solo career Denis began with the rotation of the song “Eternal Love” on the radio. Subsequently, the song became a hit and was awarded the Golden Gramophone. The following year, the artist presented his debut album “I will know...”. His best compositions were “Orange Sun” and “Time is a Drug.”

First solo concert Maidanov took place at MMDM. Then he went on a tour of Russian cities.

In 2011, the singer released the collection “The Rented World.” Denis Maidanov’s songs “Bullet”, “Nothing is a pity” and “Home” ended up at the top of various charts. In 2013, the premiere of the album “Flying Over Us” fell, the most listened to tracks of which can be called “Glass Love” and “Graph”. Soon the singer presented the equally successful albums “Half a Life on the Road”, “Flag of My State” and “What the Wind Leaves”.

In 2016, Maidanov, in collaboration with Sergei Trofimov, recorded the track “Wife”. Let us remember that the artists previously worked together, resulting in the hit “Bullfinches.” Also in 2016, Denis performed the song “Territory of the Heart” in a duet with Lolita.

Soon the artist became one of the jury members from Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm. Maidanov was accompanied by Oscar Kuchera and Anastasia Stotskaya.

A large concert dedicated to the 15th anniversary of his work was held in the Kremlin Palace. Among the spectators were Oleg Gazmanov, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Philip Kirkorov, Tatyana Bulanova and many other performers.

In May 2018, the singer presented a video clip for the song “Silence,” dedicated to the soldiers of the Second World War.

Appearances in films and television projects

On at the moment Denis Maidanov’s filmography includes such films as “Alexandrovsky Garden 2”, “The Last Cop”, “Bear Corner”, “Trace” and “Bros 3”. In addition, he is the author of the soundtracks for the films “Evlampia Romanova”, “Revenge”, “Tycoons”, “Avtonomka”, “Investigator Protasov”, “Zone”, etc. The composition “Acapella of the Soul”, which sounds in the series “ Light and shadow of the lighthouse" performed by Philip Kirkorov, was written by Maidanov.

In 2012, he took part in the TV show “Two Stars”, where Gosha Kutsenko accompanied him. Denis later became one of the mentors in the “Battle of the Choirs” project. In the end, the Yekaterinburg group “Victoria”, led by the singer, won the show. Then Denis Maidanov appeared as a member of the jury of the television programs “Live Sound” and “ New star».

Personal life

In 2005, the singer became the husband of Natalya Kolesnikova. The woman was born in 1981 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). The couple met in 2003 at the Russian “Star Factory”, at the casting of which Natalya supported her friend. Today, Maidanov’s wife Denisa is also its director. In 2008, the singer became the father of a girl, Vlada, and five years later a son, Borislav, appeared in their family.

Regarding personal musical preferences, then Denis loves the work of the groups “Chaif”, “Agatha Christie”, “Kino” and “DDT”. In addition, the singer highly appreciates the compositions of Vladimir Vysotsky, Adriano Celentano and Vyacheslav Butusov.