Summary of an open lesson in fine arts “First snow. Open lessons on art Materials and equipment

New social demands reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard define the main goal of education as general cultural, personal and cognitive development students, providing such a key competency of education as “teaching how to learn.”

How to structure Russian language and literature lessons in order to implement the requirements of the Second Generation Standards? To do this, you need to know the criteria for the effectiveness of a lesson, the requirements for its preparation and delivery, analysis and self-analysis of the activities of the teacher and students.

It is known that, along with general approaches to planning lessons in all subjects (thoughtful goals and objectives; optimal methods, techniques and forms of work with the class; competent use of new pedagogical technologies, including ICT; cooperation between teacher and student based on problem-search forms of work, etc.) teaching each subject has its own specifics, its own characteristics. In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education, it is becoming increasingly relevant in school education The problem of an activity model of a lesson, containing certain structural and content stages, acquires.

Concerningliterature lessons , then the requirements for their construction are, in principle, not outdated: the trinity of goals (teaching, developing and educating) is a mandatory component of any lesson, including a literature lesson. However, modern reality makes its own adjustments to the methodology of teaching literature. To make the lesson interesting for children, the teacher has to master new methods of presenting material, use non-standard techniques and innovative technologies in his practice.

When analyzing M. Bulgakov’s story “ dog's heart"used materials from T.V. Ryzhkova’s book “The Path to Bulgakov.”

Literature lesson notes based on M.A. Bulgakov’s story “Heart of a Dog”

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational: conducting compositional and stylistic analysis of the text of the story; comparison of the images of Sharik and Sharikov; comprehension of the author's concept.

2. Developmental: development of skills in working with literary text; development of skills to characterize the characters of the story; improving the skills of group and independent work; improving logical and creative thinking.

3. Educational: understanding what education and self-education means, culture, traditions in the life and fate of a person and society; formation of a value system.

Forms of work: collective, group, individual

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

Lesson No. 1 Dispute about a dog's heart.

Purpose of the stage : inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level.

Creating a setup for analyzing a work.

Slide 1 (portrait of the writer, title of the story)

Teacher's word .

For today's lesson, you read M. Bulgakov's story “The Heart of a Dog.”

March 1925. Mikhail Bulgakov is finishing work on the satirical story “The Heart of a Dog.” He wrote it at the request of the Nedra magazine. But the story came to the reader in our country only in 1987...

Slide 2

How do you think,Why was the story, written in 1925, published in Russia only in 1987? What was there in this story that the government of the Soviet Union did not like?

Students make assumptions (forbidden to publish because the story is a satire on modernity)

Teacher: Indeed, the Soviet era persecuted dissent, and even from high stands it was ironically said:“We are for laughter, but we need kinder Shchedrins and such Gogols so that they don’t bother us.” Bulgakov's view of modernity was very sharp, satirical attacks were considered seditious. M.A Bulgakov wrote:

Slide 3: “On the wide field of Russian literature in the USSR, I was alone - the only literary wolf. I was advised to dye the skin. Ridiculous advice. Whether a wolf is dyed or shorn, it still doesn’t look like a poodle.” The famous critic, researcher of the writer’s work Vsevolod Ivanovich Sakharov (born in 1946, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Doctor of Philology) gave the following assessment of the story:

Slide 4:

“Heart of a Dog” is a masterpiece of Bulgakov’s satire.

Bulgakov’s satire is smart and sighted.” V. Sakharov

These words will become the epigraph for today's lesson.

Choose a contextual synonym for the wordsighted.

Students: (honest )

UUD: personal, meaning formation

Stage 2 Updating knowledge

Purpose of the stage

Consolidating the concept of satire, overcoming ambiguity in the perception of characters and events.

Teacher: Indeed, satire is always honest, but rarely permitted. Let's remember what satire is.What is satire directed against? What is the source of satire?

Students' answers

Teacher opens the slide, students check their answers with the correct one

Slide number 5.

(Satire - kind of comic. Subject of satire serve human vices.

Source of satire - a contradiction between universal human values ​​and the reality of life.)

Let's try to figure out what human vices and contradictions between universal human values ​​and real life became the subject of satire by M. Bulgakov.

UUD: educational

Stage 3 Setting a learning task

Purpose of the stage: setting goals educational activities, choosing the means of their implementation.

Teacher : The story was considered seditious in 1925 and banned.

However, in 1988, the film “Heart of a Dog” directed by V. Bortko was released, which viewers still watch with pleasure, and theaters continue to stage performances based on Bulgakov’s story.

Why does the story attract film and theater directors?

Students: Suggested answers:

    The story is very modern. Our time and Bulgakov's time are similar.

Teacher: So, the story is relevant in our time, which is why it is read, films are made and plays are staged in theaters. Let us assume that the problems that worried the writer are also of concern to us. What are these problems?

Students: Suggested answers:

    The Sharikovs live among us, and the writer warned how dangerous they are.

    Animals are now being cloned and there is talk of human cloning.

Teacher: Maybe you're right. Let's try to figure it out.

Modeling a problem situation and approaching the lesson problem.

Include movie clip from the film “Heart of a Dog” directed by V. Bortko, where Bormental argues with Professor Preobrazhensky.

What do you think the topic of today's lesson will be?


Suggested answers: the dog's heart debate.

Teacher: Write down the topic of the lesson: “Dispute about a dog’s heart.”

Let's think about what main problem Should you and I decide in class?

Students. Who is right: Doctor Bormental, who believes that Sharikov has a dog’s heart, or Professor Preobrazhensky, who claims that Sharikov “has exactly a human heart”?

Teacher: Can we answer this question right away?


What goals of our future actions do we need to identify in order to answer this problematic question?


Analyze the text and compare the images of Sharik and Sharikov.

Understand what answer the author of the story would give to this question, what the author thought, what worried him.

UUD: regulatory (goal setting, planning); communicative

(ability to listen, engage in dialogue)

Stage 4 Construction of a project to overcome difficulties

Purpose of the stage

Analytical conversation.

a) The technique of “immersion in the text.”

Teacher: The story opens with paintings of Moscow in the mid-20s. Imagine and describe Moscow. Through whose eyes do we see life?

Students: a city where wind, blizzard and snow reign, where embittered people live. Concretize general pictures It will help to turn to the details of the text that could confirm the students’ impressions (the normal food canteen and bar, the fate of the “typist” and her lover, the cook and the doorman, the history of the Kalabukhovsky house).

Teacher: Is there anything in the story that counters this chaos and hatred?Students : rasskhabout Philip Philipovich’s apartment, where comfort, order, and human relationships reign.Butthis life is under threat because the house committee, headed by Shvonder, seeks to destroy it, to remake it according to its own laws.

Teacher: What connects these two worlds?

Students: This is Sharik, who was picked up by Professor Preobrazhensky. Thanks to Philip Philipovich, the dog was transported from the world of hunger and suffering, a world that doomed him to death, into a world of warmth and light.

Teacher: M. Bulgakov continued the traditions of Russian satirists M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and N.V. Gogol. Bulgakov took the topical sound from Saltykov-Shchedrin, and from N. Gogol - his teacher, the fantastic nature of the plot, images and even the compositional structure of the work.While doing your homework, you should have observed the composition of the story.What is the composition of the story?

b) Students present a presentation prepared at home , in which the story is clearly divided into two parts

1 part

part 2

Chapter 1 The world through the eyes of a dog, meeting a professor, choosing a name.

Chapter 2 Sharik in the house on Prechistenka: “dressing”, receiving patients, visiting the house committee

Chapter 3 Sharik in the house on Prechistenka: lunch, “explanation” of the owl, “collar”, kitchen, preparation for the operation.

Chapter 4 Operation.

5 ch. Diary of Doctor Bormenthal: transformation.

Chapter 6 Sharikov in the house on Prechistenka: the professor’s conversation with Sharikov, choice of name, Shvonder’s visit, “clarification” of the cat.

Chapter 7 Sharikov in the house on Prechistenka: lunch, reflections of the professor.

Chapter 8 Sharikov in the house on Prechistenka: registration, theft, drunkenness, the professor’s conversation with Bormental (searching for a way out), “attempt on Zina.”

Chapter 9 Disappearance of Sharikov, Sharikov and the “typist”, denunciation of the professor, operation

Epilogue: “presentation” of Sharikov, Sharik after the operation, the professor at work.

(The composition is symmetrical. Ring composition: The ball again became a dog.)

Teacher: what arethe reasons for this construction of the work?

Students conclude: the mirror composition of the story emphasizes the changes taking place in the professor’s house and in the people inhabiting it. The conclusion is written down in a notebook.

c) Reception " word drawing»

Teacher : so, Bulgakov gives many events of the first part through the eyes of a dog, perhaps in order tocompare Sharik and Sharikov. Imagine that you are making illustrations for a story. How would you depict the meeting between the dog and the professor? What should you do to draw an oral illustration more accurately?

Students : necessaryreread chapter 1 . Re-read, clarify details. Possible description:

    In the foreground there is a dark gateway, a blizzard is snaking. In the distance we see from a gateway a street, a brightly lit store and a piece of a poster blown by the wind. A man in a dark coat has just left the store, he is moving towards the gateway in the “pillar of a blizzard”. A dog is crawling into the street in the gateway. This is a tattered mongrel, she has dirty matted fur and a terrible scalded side. It is clear that movement is given to the dog with great difficulty. His head is raised, he is watching the person walking towards him.

Teacher: Which qualities of Sharik do you like and which do you not?

Students : intelligence, wit, observation, irony, hatred of proletarians, janitors and doormen; the ability to both sympathize and hate, lackey servility.

UUD: cognitive - general educational (semantic reading, information search), logical (analysis, classification, selection of bases for comparison); personal (moral and aesthetic assessment); communicative.

Stage 5 Independent work

Purpose of the stage: improving the skills of independent work and the ability to build cooperation in a group.

Students work in groups (independent text analysis). Execution time – 5-8 minutes. Each group prepares a speaker; response time is 2 minutes.

Group I , analyzing chapters 1-3, should answer the question:

— What does Sharik notice in the reality around him and how does he react to it?

2nd group , analyzing chapters 2-3, answers the question:

— What does Sharik like about Professor Preobrazhensky’s house and what doesn’t?

3 group , working with the same chapters, prepares an answer to the question:

— How does the dog perceive the inhabitants of the apartment?

4 group (same chapters):

How do the residents of the apartment feel about Sharik?

5 group (same chapters):

Students (preferred answers):

Group I:

— The dog is very observant, he knows life well, especially what is connected with nutrition. He knows that the world is divided into hungry and well-fed. The one who is “eternally full” is “not afraid of anyone”, therefore “he will not kick.” Hungry people, those who “are afraid of everything themselves,” are dangerous. Sharik hates lackeys. He says that “human cleansing is the lowest category.” But he also sympathizes with people who are deceived and bullied by those who have recently gained power.

Group II:

“Sharik likes it in the professor’s house, although after seeing patients he calls the apartment “obscene.” But it is warm and calm. After Philip Philipovich’s conversation with Shvonder, Sharik becomes convinced that the professor has great power. Sharik decides that he will be completely safe here: “Well, now you can beat me as much as you want, but I won’t leave here.” The dog also likes the fact that in the house he is fed well and tasty, and is not beaten. The only thing that annoys him is the owl. The dog is afraid of hunger and evil people, but in the house it’s the other way around. Sharik’s favorite place is the kitchen: food is prepared there, and there is a fire there.

III group:

- After Sharik realized that in the professor’s house he had nothing and no one to fear, since his owner was not afraid of anyone, he decided that the professor was “a wizard, magician and magician from a dog’s fairy tale.” During lunch, Philip Philipovich finally received the title of deity. As already mentioned, food, warmth and safety are the main thing for Sharik, and he is ready to faithfully serve the one who gives it to him. Sharik studied the professor’s call and greeted him with a bark.

He quickly won over Daria Petrovna, the cook. The kitchen is “the main part of heaven” for Sharik. And so he sucks up to the cook. He treats Zina with disdain, calling her “Zinka”; he doesn’t love her because she scolds him all the time and says that “he ate the whole house.” The dog calls Dr. Bormenthal “bitten” and does not communicate with him at all.

IV group:

- Professor Preobrazhensky generally feels sorry for Sharik: he orders him to be fed properly, saying that “the poor fellow is hungry”; he treats him kindly because he believes that affection is “the only way to treat a living being”; he never hits Sharik, even when he “clarified” the owl. For Zina, Sharik is the reason for the eternal chaos in the house. She thinks that the professor spoils Sharik too much and offers to give the dog a beating. She doesn’t understand why Sharik is shown such courtesy. For her, he is an ordinary mongrel. And Daria Petrovna at first called Sharik “a homeless pickpocket” and did not let him into the kitchen, but the dog “won her heart.”

Teacher: What is the value system of an unusual dog?

Students : The main things for Sharik are food, warmth and safety. This is what determines his attitude towards people. In general, he “sells his soul” for a piece of Krakow sausage. Sharik’s attitude towards people is determined by the same thing: the professor is the master, and Sharik is ready to please him, Daria Petrovna is the “queen of the kitchen,” the dog fawns on her, Zina is the servant in the house, and Sharik believes that she should serve him too. Dr. Bormenthal is in no way connected in the dog’s mind with food and warmth, and since the bite of his leg went unpunished, the doctor simply turns into a “bite.”

Teacher : Do you like this philosophy of life? Why? What word would you call it?

Students : Slave

Group V identified the stages of change in Sharik:

- Firstly, Sharik has changed in appearance. The professor picked up a dying dog, with a scalded side, dirty matted fur, and emaciated from hunger. In a week he turned into a shaggy and “surprisingly fat” “handsome dog.” Secondly, he changed internally: at first he was worried: “Why did the professor need me?” (his experience told him that no one does anything for nothing). Having just got into the house, he thought that he found himself in a “dog hospital” and defended his life - he has a very developed instinct of self-preservation. But seeing that he is not in danger, but, on the contrary, is being fed and caressed, Sharik begins to be afraid of losing all this and thinks: “Beat him, just don’t kick him out of the apartment.” He decides that Philip Philipovich chose him for his beauty. He will become impudent before our eyes. Having quickly assessed the collar, because all the dogs he meets are madly jealous of it, he comes to the conclusion that the collar is a kind of pass to better world and gives him certain rights, for example, to lie in the kitchen. He forgets that he was recently an ordinary homeless mongrel, and no longer doubts that nothing will deprive him of warmth and food, and is finally convinced that he is an “incognito dog prince.” He exchanged freedom, hungry and full of dangers, for a well-fed, calm life, and pride for lackey servility.

Teacher : What associations does the dog’s story evoke in you?

Students : Suggested answers:

After the revolution, many people who lived in poverty and hunger reached out for a warm and well-fed life, believed many promises, and decided that they would instantly “become everything.” The revolution is an experiment that the Bolsheviks carried out on the entire people.

UUD: cognitive (search for information, ability to construct a speech statement); communicative (the ability to cooperate in a group, enter into dialogue), personal (knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior)

Stage 6 Reflection

Purpose of the stage: students’ self-assessment of the results of their educational activities

Let's summarize the lesson:

Teacher : Has your attitude towards the ball changed? How? Why? (This is a written question.)

Students conclude:

Sharik’s inner speech, his assessments of events, reflections, together with the author’s description of his behavior, create for the reader full picture inner world dog.

Teacher :

— Have we answered the problematic question of the lesson: who is right: Doctor Bormental, who believes that Sharikov has a dog’s heart, or Professor Preobrazhensky, who claims that Sharikov “has exactly a human heart”?

Students: - No.

Teacher: — What questions did we get the answer to?

Students: — We compared the images of Sharik and Sharikov, saw what changes had occurred, understood through what techniques the author expressed his attitude towards the character and what worried him.

Teacher: the next lesson will be the next step in resolving the problem situation identified by us in this lesson, and for this you must work on the questions homework. What questions would you like to ask me or your classmates?

UUD: regulatory (assessment), personal (self-determination), cognitive (problem solving), communicative (ability to participate in collective discussion)


1. Highlight the stages of Sharik’s transformation into Sharikov and the stages of Sharikov’s formation by preparing an electronic presentation (assignment for the whole class).

2. Compare the behavior of Sharik and Sharikov in episodes of parts I and II: choosing a name (individual task), lunch (individual), visiting the apartment by the house committee (individual).

3. What do you think is from the dog in Sharikov, what is from Chugunkin? Justify your opinion with examples from the text (general task).

4. What is Shvonder’s role in Sharikov’s upbringing? Why does Professor Preobrazhensky say that “Shvonder is the biggest fool”? ( Individual task, it is performed by 3-4 people.)

Lesson #2

Topic: Dispute about a dog's heart (continued)

Stage 1 Motivation for learning activities

Purpose of the stage : inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level. Create a setup for analyzing the work.

Watching a fragment of the film “The transformation of Sharik into Sharikov” , an excerpt from the film adaptation of the story directed by Bortko.

Teacher : before we answer the key question, think about why M. Bulgakov needed to introduce into the story, to make the transformation of a dog into a man the spring of intrigue. If in Sharikov only the qualities of Klim Chugunkin are manifested, then why shouldn’t the author “resurrect” Klim himself? However, before our eyes, the “gray-haired Faust”, busy searching for means to restore youth, does not create a man in a test tube, does not resurrect him from the dead, but turns a dog into a man.

Stage 2 Updating knowledge

Purpose of the stage : preparing students’ thinking, their awareness of the internal need to construct educational actions and recording individual difficulties in each of them.

Teacher : Find it difficult to answer?

I remind you of Dr. Bormenthal’s diary (I am exacerbating the problematic situation with an additional question):

Why is it Dr. Bormental who keeps the diary, and not Professor Preobrazhensky?

Search activity students are looking for real explanations:

“We can see from the records how excited the doctor is.” At first he rejoices at the success of the operation and the new discovery. Then he is horrified by what the apartment has become. He admits that he doesn’t understand much.

- Philip Philipovich has no time to keep a diary, he is much busier than the doctor... After all, it is no coincidence that the professor needs an assistant, that is, an assistant. Then Philip Philipovich, much less than Bormental, realized that the new creature was related to Klim. Bulgakov does not want to solve the riddle ahead of time - we also don’t know anything about Klim. But if the diary was kept by a professor, it would not be so interesting.

— Dr. Bormenthal puts forward his hypothesis in his diary: “Sharik’s brain in the dog period of his life accumulated an abyss of concepts,” and, of course, writes down not only his assumptions on this matter, but also the professor’s opinion. But the professor would not write down Bormenthal’s hypothesis, since he is absolutely confident that he is right. And there wouldn't be any problem. We would also believe the professor, but there are some doubts

Students together with the teacher come to the conclusion:

- The “elimination” of the author and the transfer of the narrative to a young scientist who does not have the experience and insight of his teacher, who harbors bright hopes for the result of the experiment, create a new and at the same time central opposition to the story (what is Sharikov - a dog that has changed its external form or the “resurrected” Klim? ), enhance the reader's interest, keep him in suspense, giving him the opportunity to make his own guesses about the events and results of the operation.

Checking homework.

    Demonstration of an electronic presentation with the results of the task: Highlight the stages of Sharik’s transformation into Sharikov and the stages of Sharikov’s formation.

(swearing (“all swear words, which only exist in the Russian lexicon");


sunflower seeds (uncleanliness);

balalaika at any time of the day or night (disregard for others);

vulgarity in dress and behavior;





assassination attempt.)

The list is corrected, and the following conclusion is drawn together with the teacher:The formation of a “new man” is a loss of humanity, an increase in immorality, that is, not evolution, but degradation.

    Checking individual assignments.

Compare the behavior of Sharik and Sharikov in similar situations. (One student shares his observations with classmates, others, if necessary, complement him. No more than 2 minutes are allotted for the message, about which the guys are warned in advance). Suggested answer:

The dog was first called "ball" by a typist. The dog himself does not agree with this name: “Sharik means round, well-fed, stupid, eats oatmeal, the son of noble parents,” and he is “shaggy, lanky and ragged, a lean little gang, a homeless dog.” For the second time with a ballThe dog is called Philip Philipovich, probably because it is a common dog name: Sharik, Tuzik... And the dog accepts this name: “Call it what you want. For such an exceptional act of yours (for the sausage). He doesn't really care what they call him, as long as they feed him.

— The “laboratory creature” demands a document from Flip Filippovich for himself. Then the question of his name arises. Now the name is chosen not by the “creators” of the new creature, but by the creature itself, but on the advice of the house committee. The new government brings new names into the world. For Philip Philipovich, the name Poligraf Poligrafovich sounds wild, “but the laboratory creature” defends its rights. Most likely, students will not notice the parodic roll call - let us draw their attention to some similarities between the names of Sharikov and his creator, which consists in duplicating the name itself with a patronymic. Sharikov creates his name on the advice of the house committee, but by analogy with the name of “dad”.

“After the first dinner at the professor’s house, Sharik promoted him to the rank of “highest deity.” The dog's head is dizzy from various smells. He, of course, hears what the professor and the doctor are talking about, but the main thing for him is food. When he had eaten too much, he dozed off. He feels good and calm now. The “dog’s respect” for the professor is growing all the time and is not in doubt. The only thing that worries Sharik is whether this is all a dream.

For Sharikov, lunch, on the one hand, is an opportunity not only to eat deliciously and a lot, but also to drink. and on the other hand, it is torture: he is taught and educated all the time. And if Sharik respects Philip Philipovich, then Sharikov seems to laugh at him. He says that the professor and the doctor are “tormenting themselves” with some stupid rules. He does not at all want to become cultured and behave decently, but he is forced to do this, because otherwise he will not be allowed to eat (this is how animals are trained in the circus!). Sharik sat at the professor’s feet and did not bother anyone, only Zina was angry, and Sharikov was a stranger at this table. Bulgakov writes that “Sharikov’s black head sat in the napkin like a fly in sour cream” - both funny and disgusting. Sharikov and the professor exchange all the time sideways glances.

UUD: cognitive (process, systematize information and present it in different ways, the ability to construct a speech statement, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions); personal (meaning formation); communicative (ability to listen, enter into dialogue).

Stage 3 Construction of a project to overcome difficulties

Purpose of the stage : students’ choice of a way to resolve a problem situation.

Improving the ability to conduct compositional analysis of a text, activating students’ imagination and attention to the details of the text through verbal drawing, developing the ability to characterize a hero and give a moral assessment of his actions.

Characteristics of Sharikov.

    Watching an excerpt from a movie directed by V. Bortko “Heart of a Dog” - an episode of a conversation between Sharikov and Philip Philipovich. (In Bulgakov, the corresponding fragment begins with the words: “Philip Philipovich was sitting in a chair at the table.”)

    Analytical conversation.

Teacher : compare the image of Sharikov, created by the actor and director in the film, with Bulgakov’s description.

— Is this how Sharikov seemed to you when you read the story?

— What did the filmmakers keep and what did they “forget”?

Suggested Answers :

— outwardly Sharikov in the film is exactly the same as Bulgakov’s, that the actor plays his role very talentedly, but the film is not in color. Maybe the authors decided to do this because the dog does not have color vision. But Bulgakov’s Sharik could distinguish colors. The story says: “Sharik began to learn by colors.” The lack of color in the film did not allow the authors to convey the absurdity of Sharikov’s costume.

— In the film, Sharikov constantly makes excuses, you even feel sorry for him. Indeed, the professor attacks and attacks him. And in the book, Sharikov behaves confidently, and sometimes harshly: he does not make excuses, but attacks himself: “A bold expression lit up in the little man.”

Bulgakov's Sharikov is often ironic, but in the film he is stupid. And also, when you read the story, it’s funny, but in the film everything is somehow serious. It's hard to explain why this is so.

(if the students do not see this important detail, then the teacher will be able to lead them to it with additional questions. The “claims” of the students are weighty and thorough: they caught the stylistic and semantic discrepancy between V. Bortko’s interpretation and Bulgakov’s text. The film really lacks color, and that’s the point not only that it is black and white, but that the entire film is shot in a serious and very boring way: it lacks Bulgakov’s irony, humor, sarcasm - shades of meaning!

What did Sharikov inherit from Klim Chugunkin? What do we know about Klim from the text of the story?

3) Working with a block diagram.

The great operation was completed, but who became the donor to create a new person?

(Klim Chugunkin)

What can you say about this person? Read it.(end of chapter 5, p. 199)

(“Klim Grigorievich Chugunkin, 25 years old, single. Non-party member, single, tried three times and acquitted: the first time due to lack of evidence, the second time the origin saved, the third time - suspended sentence of 15 years. Theft. Profession is a game on the balalaika in the taverns.

Small in stature, poorly built. The liver is dilated (alcohol). The cause of death is a stab in the heart in a pub (“Stop Signal” at the Preobrazhenskaya outpost).

From Doctor Bormental's diary we learn that the new creature has adopted all the worst qualities of its donors (Sharik and Klim Chugunkin). Find and read the description of the new creature.

( Bad taste in clothes: a poisonous sky-colored tie, jacket and trousers are torn and dirty; patent leather boots with white leggings. Ch.6, p.203)

In addition, it constantly speaks after its mother, smokes, litters cigarette butts, catches fleas, steals, loves alcohol, is greedy for women...(p. 194, 195)

Teacher: but this is only an external manifestation. Is there anything left of Sharik's moral position? What determined Sharik’s behavior and what was most important for Sharikov?

Suggested Answers : - Instinct of self-preservation. And Sharikov defends the right to his own existence. If someone tried to take Sharik’s “full life” away, he would recognize the power of a dog’s teeth. Sharikov also “bites”, only his bites are much more dangerous.

Conclusion: the ball did not die in Sharikov: we discovered all its unpleasant qualities in the person.


Teacher : Let’s try to figure out why the professor was a model and strength for Sharik, and Shvonder for Sharikov? Why does the professor say that “Shvonder is the biggest fool”? Does he understand who he is dealing with?

Students: Sharikov’s brain is very poorly developed: what was almost brilliant for a dog is primitive for a person: Sharik turned into a person, but did not receive human experience.Shvonder takes him for a normal adult and tries to instill the ideas of Bolshevism.

Teacher: Why is this so dangerous?

Students: Usually, when a person develops naturally, he gradually gets acquainted with the world, they explain to him what is good and what is bad, they teach him, and pass on the accumulated experience and knowledge. How more people learns, the more he can understand on his own. But Sharikov knows practically nothing: he just wants to eat, drink and have fun. Shvonder indulges him, talking about rights, about the need to divide everything. Shvonder himself fervently believes in what he preaches; he himself is ready to give up benefits and conveniences in the name of a bright communist future.

Philip Philipovich and Doctor Bormental are trying to educate and instill in Sharikov normal human manners, so they constantly prohibit and point him out. Sharikov is extremely irritated by this. Shvonder does not prohibit anything, but, on the contrary, tells Sharikov that he is being oppressed by the bourgeoisie.

Teacher: Are Shvonder himself and the representatives of the house committee highly developed personalities?

Students: Obviously not.

Teacher: Does Shvonder really understand complex political and ideological issues?

Students: Already from the first conversation between the members of the house committee and the professor, it is clear that these people in their development did not go much further than Sharikov. And they strive to divide everything, although they cannot even really direct the work of the house committee: there is no order in the house. You can sing in a choir (no matter what Philip Philipovich says, he himself often hums in a false, rattling voice), but you cannot sing in a choir instead of your main work.

Teacher: Why do Sharikov and Shvonder find a common language so quickly?

Students : Shvonder hates the professor because, feeling the scientist’s hostility, he is unable to prove it and “clarify” his true anti-revolutionary essence (and here Shvonder can’t deny his intuition!) For Shvonder, Sharikov is a tool in the fight against the professor: after all, it was Shvonder who taught Sharikov to demand living space , together they write a denunciation. But for Shvonder this is the right thing to do, and denunciation is a signal, because the enemy needs to be brought to clean water and destroy in the name of the future happy life. Shvonder’s poor head just can’t comprehend why a man who, by all signs, is an enemy of the Soviet regime, is under its protection!

So, " godfather"Polygraf Poligrafovich instills in his pupil the ideas of universal equality, brotherhood and freedom. Finding themselves in a consciousness in which animal instincts predominate, they only multiply the aggressiveness of the “new man.” Sharikov considers himself a full-fledged member of society not because he has done something for the benefit of this society, but because he is “not a NEPman.” In the fight for existence, Sharikov will stop at nothing. If it seems to him that Shvonder is taking his place in the sun, then his aggressiveness will be directed at Shvonder. “Shvonder is a fool” because he does not understand that soon he himself could become a victim of the monster that he is “developing” so intensively.

Teacher: Who is right in the dispute - Professor Preobrazhensky or Doctor Bormental?

Students: it is obvious that both scientists are only partly right: it cannot be said that Sharik’s brain is only “the unfolded brain of Sharik,” but it cannot be said that we are looking at only the reborn Klim.Sharikov combines the qualities of a dog and Chugunkin, and Sharik’s slavish philosophy, his conformism and instinct of self-preservation, combined with Klim’s aggressiveness, rudeness, and drunkenness, gave birth to a monster.

Teacher: Why were scientists wrong in their assumptions?

Students: by the will of the writer, his characters did not know about Sharik what the author himself and his readers know.

Expected results:

These final conclusions resolve the problematic situation of 2 lessons, in understanding which students had to understand the role of composition, master Bulgakov’s language, learn to realize the importance of details in the story, and compare the images of the characters; comprehend the author's concept. In addition, the technique of comparing a work with its interpretation in another form of art allows schoolchildren to concretize their impressions.

UUD: cognitive (logical - analysis, synthesis, building cause-and-effect relationships; general educational - creating models, semantic reading, ability to construct a statement); communicative; personal (moral and aesthetic orientation); regulatory (correction).

Stage 4 Reflection

Exercise "Interesting".

Fill out the table:

In the “plus” column, students write down what they liked during the lesson, information and forms of work that aroused positive emotions or could be useful to them. In the “minus” column they write down what they didn’t like and remained unclear. Write everything in the “interesting” column interesting facts. If there is not enough time, this work can be done orally.

UUD: regulatory (assessment)

Homework for the next 2 lessons it will be like this:

1. Come up with a title for chapter 4 of “Heart of a Dog.”

3. Draw up a “code of honor” for Professor Preobrazhensky.

4. Explain the theory of education according to Professor Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormenthal.

5. Describe the professor in the scenes of receiving patients, visiting the house committee, and at lunch. Prepare an expressive reading of these scenes.

New social demands reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard define the main goal of education as the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such a key competence of education as “teaching how to learn.”

How to structure Russian language and literature lessons in order to implement the requirements of the Second Generation Standards? To do this, you need to know the criteria for the effectiveness of a lesson, the requirements for its preparation and delivery, analysis and self-analysis of the activities of the teacher and students.

It is known that, along with general approaches to planning lessons in all subjects (thought-out goals and objectives; optimal methods, techniques and forms of work with the class; competent use of new pedagogical technologies, including ICT; cooperation between teacher and student based on problem-search forms of work, etc.) teaching each subject has its own specifics, its own characteristics. With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education, the problem of an activity-based lesson model containing certain structural and content stages is becoming increasingly relevant in school education.

Concerningliterature lessons , then the requirements for their construction are, in principle, not outdated: the trinity of goals (teaching, developing and educating) is a mandatory component of any lesson, including a literature lesson. However, modern reality makes its own adjustments to the methodology of teaching literature. To make the lesson interesting for children, the teacher has to master new methods of presenting material, use non-standard techniques and innovative technologies in his practice.

When analyzing the story “Heart of a Dog” by M. Bulgakov, I used materials from the book “The Path to Bulgakov” by T.V. Ryzhkova.

Literature lesson notes based on M.A. Bulgakov’s story “Heart of a Dog”

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational: conducting compositional and stylistic analysis of the text of the story; comparison of the images of Sharik and Sharikov; comprehension of the author's concept.

2. Developmental: development of skills in working with literary text; development of skills to characterize the characters of the story; improving the skills of group and independent work; improving logical and creative thinking.

3. Educational: understanding what education and self-education means, culture, traditions in the life and fate of a person and society; formation of a value system.

Forms of work: collective, group, individual

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

Lesson No. 1 Dispute about a dog's heart.

Purpose of the stage : inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level.

Creating a setup for analyzing a work.

Slide 1 (portrait of the writer, title of the story)

Teacher's word .

For today's lesson, you read M. Bulgakov's story “The Heart of a Dog.”

March 1925. Mikhail Bulgakov is finishing work on the satirical story “The Heart of a Dog.” He wrote it at the request of the Nedra magazine. But the story came to the reader in our country only in 1987...

Slide 2

How do you think,Why was the story, written in 1925, published in Russia only in 1987? What was there in this story that the government of the Soviet Union did not like?

Students make assumptions (forbidden to publish because the story is a satire on modernity)

Teacher: Indeed, the Soviet era persecuted dissent, and even from high stands it was ironically said:“We are for laughter, but we need kinder Shchedrins and such Gogols so that they don’t bother us.” Bulgakov's view of modernity was very sharp, satirical attacks were considered seditious. M.A Bulgakov wrote:

Slide 3: “On the wide field of Russian literature in the USSR, I was alone - the only literary wolf. I was advised to dye the skin. Ridiculous advice. Whether a wolf is dyed or shorn, it still doesn’t look like a poodle.” The famous critic, researcher of the writer’s work Vsevolod Ivanovich Sakharov (born in 1946, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Doctor of Philology) gave the following assessment of the story:

Slide 4:

“Heart of a Dog” is a masterpiece of Bulgakov’s satire.

Bulgakov’s satire is smart and sighted.” V. Sakharov

These words will become the epigraph for today's lesson.

Choose a contextual synonym for the wordsighted.

Students: (honest )

UUD: personal, meaning formation

Stage 2 Updating knowledge

Purpose of the stage

Consolidating the concept of satire, overcoming ambiguity in the perception of characters and events.

Teacher: Indeed, satire is always honest, but rarely permitted. Let's remember what satire is.What is satire directed against? What is the source of satire?

Students' answers

Teacher opens the slide, students check their answers with the correct one

Slide number 5.

(Satire - kind of comic. Subject of satire serve human vices.

Source of satire - a contradiction between universal human values ​​and the reality of life.)

Let's try to figure out what human vices and contradictions between universal human values ​​and real life became the subject of M. Bulgakov's satire.

UUD: educational

Stage 3 Setting a learning task

The purpose of the stage: setting goals for educational activities, choosing a way to implement them.

Teacher : The story was considered seditious in 1925 and banned.

However, in 1988, the film “Heart of a Dog” directed by V. Bortko was released, which viewers still watch with pleasure, and theaters continue to stage performances based on Bulgakov’s story.

Why does the story attract film and theater directors?

Students: Suggested answers:

    The story is very modern. Our time and Bulgakov's time are similar.

Teacher: So, the story is relevant in our time, which is why it is read, films are made and plays are staged in theaters. Let us assume that the problems that worried the writer are also of concern to us. What are these problems?

Students: Suggested answers:

    The Sharikovs live among us, and the writer warned how dangerous they are.

    Animals are now being cloned and there is talk of human cloning.

Teacher: Maybe you're right. Let's try to figure it out.

Modeling a problem situation and approaching the lesson problem.

Include movie clip from the film “Heart of a Dog” directed by V. Bortko, where Bormental argues with Professor Preobrazhensky.

What do you think the topic of today's lesson will be?


Suggested answers: the dog's heart debate.

Teacher: Write down the topic of the lesson: “Dispute about a dog’s heart.”

Let's think about what is the main problem we should solve in class?

Students. Who is right: Doctor Bormental, who believes that Sharikov has a dog’s heart, or Professor Preobrazhensky, who claims that Sharikov “has exactly a human heart”?

Teacher: Can we answer this question right away?


What goals of our future actions do we need to identify in order to answer this problematic question?


Analyze the text and compare the images of Sharik and Sharikov.

Understand what answer the author of the story would give to this question, what the author thought, what worried him.

UUD: regulatory (goal setting, planning); communicative

(ability to listen, engage in dialogue)

Stage 4 Construction of a project to overcome difficulties

Purpose of the stage

Analytical conversation.

a) The technique of “immersion in the text.”

Teacher: The story opens with paintings of Moscow in the mid-20s. Imagine and describe Moscow. Through whose eyes do we see life?

Students: a city where wind, blizzard and snow reign, where embittered people live. It will help to concretize the general picture by turning to the details of the text, which could confirm the students’ impressions (the normal food canteen and bar, the fate of the “typist” and her lover, the cook and the doorman, the history of the Kalabukhovsky house).

Teacher: Is there anything in the story that counters this chaos and hatred?Students : rasskhabout Philip Philipovich’s apartment, where comfort, order, and human relationships reign.Butthis life is under threat because the house committee, headed by Shvonder, seeks to destroy it, to remake it according to its own laws.

Teacher: What connects these two worlds?

Students: This is Sharik, who was picked up by Professor Preobrazhensky. Thanks to Philip Philipovich, the dog was transported from the world of hunger and suffering, a world that doomed him to death, into a world of warmth and light.

Teacher: M. Bulgakov continued the traditions of Russian satirists M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and N.V. Gogol. Bulgakov took the topical sound from Saltykov-Shchedrin, and from N. Gogol - his teacher, the fantastic nature of the plot, images and even the compositional structure of the work.While doing your homework, you should have observed the composition of the story.What is the composition of the story?

b) Students present a presentation prepared at home , in which the story is clearly divided into two parts

1 part

part 2

Chapter 1 The world through the eyes of a dog, meeting a professor, choosing a name.

Chapter 2 Sharik in the house on Prechistenka: “dressing”, receiving patients, visiting the house committee

Chapter 3 Sharik in the house on Prechistenka: lunch, “explanation” of the owl, “collar”, kitchen, preparation for the operation.

Chapter 4 Operation.

5 ch. Diary of Doctor Bormenthal: transformation.

Chapter 6 Sharikov in the house on Prechistenka: the professor’s conversation with Sharikov, choice of name, Shvonder’s visit, “clarification” of the cat.

Chapter 7 Sharikov in the house on Prechistenka: lunch, reflections of the professor.

Chapter 8 Sharikov in the house on Prechistenka: registration, theft, drunkenness, the professor’s conversation with Bormental (searching for a way out), “attempt on Zina.”

Chapter 9 Disappearance of Sharikov, Sharikov and the “typist”, denunciation of the professor, operation

Epilogue: “presentation” of Sharikov, Sharik after the operation, the professor at work.

(The composition is symmetrical. Ring composition: The ball again became a dog.)

Teacher: what arethe reasons for this construction of the work?

Students conclude: the mirror composition of the story emphasizes the changes taking place in the professor’s house and in the people inhabiting it. The conclusion is written down in a notebook.

c) “verbal drawing” technique

Teacher : so, Bulgakov gives many events of the first part through the eyes of a dog, perhaps in order tocompare Sharik and Sharikov. Imagine that you are making illustrations for a story. How would you depict the meeting between the dog and the professor? What should you do to draw an oral illustration more accurately?

Students : necessaryreread chapter 1 . Re-read, clarify details. Possible description:

    In the foreground there is a dark gateway, a blizzard is snaking. In the distance we see from a gateway a street, a brightly lit store and a piece of a poster blown by the wind. A man in a dark coat has just left the store, he is moving towards the gateway in the “pillar of a blizzard”. A dog is crawling into the street in the gateway. This is a tattered mongrel, she has dirty matted fur and a terrible scalded side. It is clear that movement is given to the dog with great difficulty. His head is raised, he is watching the person walking towards him.

Teacher: Which qualities of Sharik do you like and which do you not?

Students : intelligence, wit, observation, irony, hatred of proletarians, janitors and doormen; the ability to both sympathize and hate, lackey servility.

UUD: cognitive - general educational (semantic reading, information search), logical (analysis, classification, selection of bases for comparison); personal (moral and aesthetic assessment); communicative.

Stage 5 Independent work

Purpose of the stage: improving the skills of independent work and the ability to build cooperation in a group.

Students work in groups (independent text analysis). Execution time – 5-8 minutes. Each group prepares a speaker; response time is 2 minutes.

Group I , analyzing chapters 1-3, should answer the question:

— What does Sharik notice in the reality around him and how does he react to it?

2nd group , analyzing chapters 2-3, answers the question:

— What does Sharik like about Professor Preobrazhensky’s house and what doesn’t?

3 group , working with the same chapters, prepares an answer to the question:

— How does the dog perceive the inhabitants of the apartment?

4 group (same chapters):

How do the residents of the apartment feel about Sharik?

5 group (same chapters):

Students (preferred answers):

Group I:

— The dog is very observant, he knows life well, especially what is connected with nutrition. He knows that the world is divided into hungry and well-fed. The one who is “eternally full” is “not afraid of anyone”, therefore “he will not kick.” Hungry people, those who “are afraid of everything themselves,” are dangerous. Sharik hates lackeys. He says that “human cleansing is the lowest category.” But he also sympathizes with people who are deceived and bullied by those who have recently gained power.

Group II:

“Sharik likes it in the professor’s house, although after seeing patients he calls the apartment “obscene.” But it is warm and calm. After Philip Philipovich’s conversation with Shvonder, Sharik becomes convinced that the professor has great power. Sharik decides that he will be completely safe here: “Well, now you can beat me as much as you want, but I won’t leave here.” The dog also likes the fact that in the house he is fed well and tasty, and is not beaten. The only thing that annoys him is the owl. The dog is afraid of hunger and evil people, but in the house it’s the other way around. Sharik’s favorite place is the kitchen: food is prepared there, and there is a fire there.

III group:

- After Sharik realized that in the professor’s house he had nothing and no one to fear, since his owner was not afraid of anyone, he decided that the professor was “a wizard, magician and magician from a dog’s fairy tale.” During lunch, Philip Philipovich finally received the title of deity. As already mentioned, food, warmth and safety are the main thing for Sharik, and he is ready to faithfully serve the one who gives it to him. Sharik studied the professor’s call and greeted him with a bark.

He quickly won over Daria Petrovna, the cook. The kitchen is “the main part of heaven” for Sharik. And so he sucks up to the cook. He treats Zina with disdain, calling her “Zinka”; he doesn’t love her because she scolds him all the time and says that “he ate the whole house.” The dog calls Dr. Bormenthal “bitten” and does not communicate with him at all.

IV group:

- Professor Preobrazhensky generally feels sorry for Sharik: he orders him to be fed properly, saying that “the poor fellow is hungry”; he treats him kindly because he believes that affection is “the only way to treat a living being”; he never hits Sharik, even when he “clarified” the owl. For Zina, Sharik is the reason for the eternal chaos in the house. She thinks that the professor spoils Sharik too much and offers to give the dog a beating. She doesn’t understand why Sharik is shown such courtesy. For her, he is an ordinary mongrel. And Daria Petrovna at first called Sharik “a homeless pickpocket” and did not let him into the kitchen, but the dog “won her heart.”

Teacher: What is the value system of an unusual dog?

Students : The main things for Sharik are food, warmth and safety. This is what determines his attitude towards people. In general, he “sells his soul” for a piece of Krakow sausage. Sharik’s attitude towards people is determined by the same thing: the professor is the master, and Sharik is ready to please him, Daria Petrovna is the “queen of the kitchen,” the dog fawns on her, Zina is the servant in the house, and Sharik believes that she should serve him too. Dr. Bormenthal is in no way connected in the dog’s mind with food and warmth, and since the bite of his leg went unpunished, the doctor simply turns into a “bite.”

Teacher : Do you like this philosophy of life? Why? What word would you call it?

Students : Slave

Group V identified the stages of change in Sharik:

- Firstly, Sharik has changed in appearance. The professor picked up a dying dog, with a scalded side, dirty matted fur, and emaciated from hunger. In a week he turned into a shaggy and “surprisingly fat” “handsome dog.” Secondly, he changed internally: at first he was worried: “Why did the professor need me?” (his experience told him that no one does anything for nothing). Having just got into the house, he thought that he found himself in a “dog hospital” and defended his life - he has a very developed instinct of self-preservation. But seeing that he is not in danger, but, on the contrary, is being fed and caressed, Sharik begins to be afraid of losing all this and thinks: “Beat him, just don’t kick him out of the apartment.” He decides that Philip Philipovich chose him for his beauty. He will become impudent before our eyes. Having quickly assessed the collar, because all the dogs he meets are madly jealous of it, he comes to the conclusion that the collar is a kind of pass to a better world and gives him certain rights, for example, to lie in the kitchen. He forgets that he was recently an ordinary homeless mongrel, and no longer doubts that nothing will deprive him of warmth and food, and is finally convinced that he is an “incognito dog prince.” He exchanged freedom, hungry and full of dangers, for a well-fed, calm life, and pride for lackey servility.

Teacher : What associations does the dog’s story evoke in you?

Students : Suggested answers:

After the revolution, many people who lived in poverty and hunger reached out for a warm and well-fed life, believed many promises, and decided that they would instantly “become everything.” The revolution is an experiment that the Bolsheviks carried out on the entire people.

UUD: cognitive (search for information, ability to construct a speech statement); communicative (the ability to cooperate in a group, enter into dialogue), personal (knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior)

Stage 6 Reflection

Purpose of the stage: students’ self-assessment of the results of their educational activities

Let's summarize the lesson:

Teacher : Has your attitude towards the ball changed? How? Why? (This is a written question.)

Students conclude:

Sharik’s inner speech, his assessments of events, reflections, together with the author’s description of his behavior, create for the reader a complete picture of the dog’s inner world.

Teacher :

— Have we answered the problematic question of the lesson: who is right: Doctor Bormental, who believes that Sharikov has a dog’s heart, or Professor Preobrazhensky, who claims that Sharikov “has exactly a human heart”?

Students: - No.

Teacher: — What questions did we get the answer to?

Students: — We compared the images of Sharik and Sharikov, saw what changes had occurred, understood through what techniques the author expressed his attitude towards the character and what worried him.

Teacher: The next lesson will be the next step in resolving the problem situation that we identified in this lesson, and for this you must work on your homework questions. What questions would you like to ask me or your classmates?

UUD: regulatory (assessment), personal (self-determination), cognitive (problem solving), communicative (ability to participate in collective discussion)


1. Highlight the stages of Sharik’s transformation into Sharikov and the stages of Sharikov’s formation by preparing an electronic presentation (assignment for the whole class).

2. Compare the behavior of Sharik and Sharikov in episodes of parts I and II: choosing a name (individual task), lunch (individual), visiting the apartment by the house committee (individual).

3. What do you think is from the dog in Sharikov, what is from Chugunkin? Justify your opinion with examples from the text (general task).

4. What is Shvonder’s role in Sharikov’s upbringing? Why does Professor Preobrazhensky say that “Shvonder is the biggest fool”? (Individual task, it is performed by 3-4 people.)

Lesson #2

Topic: Dispute about a dog's heart (continued)

Stage 1 Motivation for learning activities

Purpose of the stage : inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level. Create a setup for analyzing the work.

Watching a fragment of the film “The transformation of Sharik into Sharikov” , an excerpt from the film adaptation of the story directed by Bortko.

Teacher : before we answer the key question, think about why M. Bulgakov needed to introduce into the story, to make the transformation of a dog into a man the spring of intrigue. If in Sharikov only the qualities of Klim Chugunkin are manifested, then why shouldn’t the author “resurrect” Klim himself? However, before our eyes, the “gray-haired Faust”, busy searching for means to restore youth, does not create a man in a test tube, does not resurrect him from the dead, but turns a dog into a man.

Stage 2 Updating knowledge

Purpose of the stage : preparing students’ thinking, their awareness of the internal need to construct educational actions and recording individual difficulties in each of them.

Teacher : Find it difficult to answer?

I remind you of Dr. Bormenthal’s diary (I am exacerbating the problematic situation with an additional question):

Why is it Dr. Bormental who keeps the diary, and not Professor Preobrazhensky?

Search activity students are looking for real explanations:

“We can see from the records how excited the doctor is.” At first he rejoices at the success of the operation and the new discovery. Then he is horrified by what the apartment has become. He admits that he doesn’t understand much.

- Philip Philipovich has no time to keep a diary, he is much busier than the doctor... After all, it is no coincidence that the professor needs an assistant, that is, an assistant. Then Philip Philipovich, much less than Bormental, realized that the new creature was related to Klim. Bulgakov does not want to solve the riddle ahead of time - we also don’t know anything about Klim. But if the diary was kept by a professor, it would not be so interesting.

— Dr. Bormenthal puts forward his hypothesis in his diary: “Sharik’s brain in the dog period of his life accumulated an abyss of concepts,” and, of course, writes down not only his assumptions on this matter, but also the professor’s opinion. But the professor would not write down Bormenthal’s hypothesis, since he is absolutely confident that he is right. And there wouldn't be any problem. We would also believe the professor, but there are some doubts

Students together with the teacher come to the conclusion:

- The “elimination” of the author and the transfer of the narrative to a young scientist who does not have the experience and insight of his teacher, who harbors bright hopes for the result of the experiment, create a new and at the same time central opposition to the story (what is Sharikov - a dog that has changed its external form or the “resurrected” Klim? ), enhance the reader's interest, keep him in suspense, giving him the opportunity to make his own guesses about the events and results of the operation.

Checking homework.

    Demonstration of an electronic presentation with the results of the task: Highlight the stages of Sharik’s transformation into Sharikov and the stages of Sharikov’s formation.

(swearing (“all the swear words that exist in the Russian lexicon”);


sunflower seeds (uncleanliness);

balalaika at any time of the day or night (disregard for others);

vulgarity in dress and behavior;





assassination attempt.)

The list is corrected, and the following conclusion is drawn together with the teacher:The formation of a “new man” is a loss of humanity, an increase in immorality, that is, not evolution, but degradation.

    Checking individual assignments.

Compare the behavior of Sharik and Sharikov in similar situations. (One student shares his observations with classmates, others, if necessary, complement him. No more than 2 minutes are allotted for the message, about which the guys are warned in advance). Suggested answer:

The dog was first called "ball" by a typist. The dog himself does not agree with this name: “Sharik means round, well-fed, stupid, eats oatmeal, the son of noble parents,” and he is “shaggy, lanky and ragged, a lean little gang, a homeless dog.” For the second time with a ballThe dog is called Philip Philipovich, probably because it is a common dog name: Sharik, Tuzik... And the dog accepts this name: “Call it what you want. For such an exceptional act of yours (for the sausage). He doesn't really care what they call him, as long as they feed him.

— The “laboratory creature” demands a document from Flip Filippovich for himself. Then the question of his name arises. Now the name is chosen not by the “creators” of the new creature, but by the creature itself, but on the advice of the house committee. The new government brings new names into the world. For Philip Philipovich, the name Poligraf Poligrafovich sounds wild, “but the laboratory creature” defends its rights. Most likely, students will not notice the parodic roll call - let us draw their attention to some similarities between the names of Sharikov and his creator, which consists in duplicating the name itself with a patronymic. Sharikov creates his name on the advice of the house committee, but by analogy with the name of “dad”.

“After the first dinner at the professor’s house, Sharik promoted him to the rank of “highest deity.” The dog's head is dizzy from various smells. He, of course, hears what the professor and the doctor are talking about, but the main thing for him is food. When he had eaten too much, he dozed off. He feels good and calm now. The “dog’s respect” for the professor is growing all the time and is not in doubt. The only thing that worries Sharik is whether this is all a dream.

For Sharikov, lunch, on the one hand, is an opportunity not only to eat deliciously and a lot, but also to drink. and on the other hand, it is torture: he is taught and educated all the time. And if Sharik respects Philip Philipovich, then Sharikov seems to laugh at him. He says that the professor and the doctor are “tormenting themselves” with some stupid rules. He does not at all want to become cultured and behave decently, but he is forced to do this, because otherwise he will not be allowed to eat (this is how animals are trained in the circus!). Sharik sat at the professor’s feet and did not bother anyone, only Zina was angry, and Sharikov was a stranger at this table. Bulgakov writes that “Sharikov’s black head sat in the napkin like a fly in sour cream” - both funny and disgusting. Sharikov and the professor exchange all the time sideways glances.

UUD: cognitive (process, systematize information and present it in different ways, the ability to construct a speech statement, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions); personal (meaning formation); communicative (ability to listen, enter into dialogue).

Stage 3 Construction of a project to overcome difficulties

Purpose of the stage : students’ choice of a way to resolve a problem situation.

Improving the ability to conduct compositional analysis of a text, activating students’ imagination and attention to the details of the text through verbal drawing, developing the ability to characterize a hero and give a moral assessment of his actions.

Characteristics of Sharikov.

    Watching an excerpt from a movie directed by V. Bortko “Heart of a Dog” - an episode of a conversation between Sharikov and Philip Philipovich. (In Bulgakov, the corresponding fragment begins with the words: “Philip Philipovich was sitting in a chair at the table.”)

    Analytical conversation.

Teacher : compare the image of Sharikov, created by the actor and director in the film, with Bulgakov’s description.

— Is this how Sharikov seemed to you when you read the story?

— What did the filmmakers keep and what did they “forget”?

Suggested Answers :

— outwardly Sharikov in the film is exactly the same as Bulgakov’s, that the actor plays his role very talentedly, but the film is not in color. Maybe the authors decided to do this because the dog does not have color vision. But Bulgakov’s Sharik could distinguish colors. The story says: “Sharik began to learn by colors.” The lack of color in the film did not allow the authors to convey the absurdity of Sharikov’s costume.

— In the film, Sharikov constantly makes excuses, you even feel sorry for him. Indeed, the professor attacks and attacks him. And in the book, Sharikov behaves confidently, and sometimes harshly: he does not make excuses, but attacks himself: “A bold expression lit up in the little man.”

Bulgakov's Sharikov is often ironic, but in the film he is stupid. And also, when you read the story, it’s funny, but in the film everything is somehow serious. It's hard to explain why this is so.

(if the students do not see this important detail, then the teacher will be able to lead them to it with additional questions. The “claims” of the students are weighty and thorough: they caught the stylistic and semantic discrepancy between V. Bortko’s interpretation and Bulgakov’s text. The film really lacks color, and that’s the point not only that it is black and white, but that the entire film is shot in a serious and very boring way: it lacks Bulgakov’s irony, humor, sarcasm - shades of meaning!

What did Sharikov inherit from Klim Chugunkin? What do we know about Klim from the text of the story?

3) Working with a block diagram.

The great operation was completed, but who became the donor to create a new person?

(Klim Chugunkin)

What can you say about this person? Read it.(end of chapter 5, p. 199)

(“Klim Grigorievich Chugunkin, 25 years old, single. Non-party member, single, tried three times and acquitted: the first time due to lack of evidence, the second time the origin saved, the third time - suspended hard labor for 15 years. Thefts. Profession - playing the balalaika in taverns.

Small in stature, poorly built. The liver is dilated (alcohol). The cause of death is a stab in the heart in a pub (“Stop Signal” at the Preobrazhenskaya outpost).

From Doctor Bormental's diary we learn that the new creature has adopted all the worst qualities of its donors (Sharik and Klim Chugunkin). Find and read the description of the new creature.

( Bad taste in clothes: a poisonous sky-colored tie, jacket and trousers are torn and dirty; patent leather boots with white leggings. Ch.6, p.203)

In addition, it constantly speaks after its mother, smokes, litters cigarette butts, catches fleas, steals, loves alcohol, is greedy for women...(p. 194, 195)

Teacher: but this is only an external manifestation. Is there anything left of Sharik's moral position? What determined Sharik’s behavior and what was most important for Sharikov?

Suggested Answers : - Instinct of self-preservation. And Sharikov defends the right to his own existence. If someone tried to take Sharik’s “full life” away, he would recognize the power of a dog’s teeth. Sharikov also “bites”, only his bites are much more dangerous.

Conclusion: the ball did not die in Sharikov: we discovered all its unpleasant qualities in the person.


Teacher : Let’s try to figure out why the professor was a model and strength for Sharik, and Shvonder for Sharikov? Why does the professor say that “Shvonder is the biggest fool”? Does he understand who he is dealing with?

Students: Sharikov’s brain is very poorly developed: what was almost brilliant for a dog is primitive for a person: Sharik turned into a person, but did not receive human experience.Shvonder takes him for a normal adult and tries to instill the ideas of Bolshevism.

Teacher: Why is this so dangerous?

Students: Usually, when a person develops naturally, he gradually gets acquainted with the world, they explain to him what is good and what is bad, they teach him, and pass on the accumulated experience and knowledge. The more a person learns, the more he can understand on his own. But Sharikov knows practically nothing: he just wants to eat, drink and have fun. Shvonder indulges him, talking about rights, about the need to divide everything. Shvonder himself fervently believes in what he preaches; he himself is ready to give up benefits and conveniences in the name of a bright communist future.

Philip Philipovich and Doctor Bormental are trying to educate and instill in Sharikov normal human manners, so they constantly prohibit and point him out. Sharikov is extremely irritated by this. Shvonder does not prohibit anything, but, on the contrary, tells Sharikov that he is being oppressed by the bourgeoisie.

Teacher: Are Shvonder himself and the representatives of the house committee highly developed personalities?

Students: Obviously not.

Teacher: Does Shvonder really understand complex political and ideological issues?

Students: Already from the first conversation between the members of the house committee and the professor, it is clear that these people in their development did not go much further than Sharikov. And they strive to divide everything, although they cannot even really direct the work of the house committee: there is no order in the house. You can sing in a choir (no matter what Philip Philipovich says, he himself often hums in a false, rattling voice), but you cannot sing in a choir instead of your main work.

Teacher: Why do Sharikov and Shvonder find a common language so quickly?

Students : Shvonder hates the professor because, feeling the scientist’s hostility, he is unable to prove it and “clarify” his true anti-revolutionary essence (and here Shvonder can’t deny his intuition!) For Shvonder, Sharikov is a tool in the fight against the professor: after all, it was Shvonder who taught Sharikov to demand living space , together they write a denunciation. But for Shvonder, this is the right thing to do, and denunciation is a signal, because the enemy must be brought to light and destroyed in the name of a future happy life. Shvonder’s poor head just can’t comprehend why a man who, by all signs, is an enemy of the Soviet regime, is under its protection!

So, the “godfather” of Poligraf Poligrafovich instills in his pupil the ideas of universal equality, brotherhood and freedom. Finding themselves in a consciousness in which animal instincts predominate, they only multiply the aggressiveness of the “new man.” Sharikov considers himself a full-fledged member of society not because he has done something for the benefit of this society, but because he is “not a NEPman.” In the fight for existence, Sharikov will stop at nothing. If it seems to him that Shvonder is taking his place in the sun, then his aggressiveness will be directed at Shvonder. “Shvonder is a fool” because he does not understand that soon he himself could become a victim of the monster that he is “developing” so intensively.

Teacher: Who is right in the dispute - Professor Preobrazhensky or Doctor Bormental?

Students: it is obvious that both scientists are only partly right: it cannot be said that Sharik’s brain is only “the unfolded brain of Sharik,” but it cannot be said that we are looking at only the reborn Klim.Sharikov combines the qualities of a dog and Chugunkin, and Sharik’s slavish philosophy, his conformism and instinct of self-preservation, combined with Klim’s aggressiveness, rudeness, and drunkenness, gave birth to a monster.

Teacher: Why were scientists wrong in their assumptions?

Students: by the will of the writer, his characters did not know about Sharik what the author himself and his readers know.

Expected results:

These final conclusions resolve the problematic situation of 2 lessons, in understanding which students had to understand the role of composition, master Bulgakov’s language, learn to realize the importance of details in the story, and compare the images of the characters; comprehend the author's concept. In addition, the technique of comparing a work with its interpretation in another form of art allows schoolchildren to concretize their impressions.

UUD: cognitive (logical - analysis, synthesis, building cause-and-effect relationships; general educational - creating models, semantic reading, ability to construct a statement); communicative; personal (moral and aesthetic orientation); regulatory (correction).

Stage 4 Reflection

Exercise "Interesting".

Fill out the table:

In the “plus” column, students write down what they liked during the lesson, information and forms of work that aroused positive emotions or could be useful to them. In the “minus” column they write down what they didn’t like and remained unclear. All interesting facts are written down in the “interesting” column. If there is not enough time, this work can be done orally.

UUD: regulatory (assessment)

Homework for the next 2 lessons it will be like this:

1. Come up with a title for chapter 4 of “Heart of a Dog.”

3. Draw up a “code of honor” for Professor Preobrazhensky.

4. Explain the theory of education according to Professor Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormenthal.

5. Describe the professor in the scenes of receiving patients, visiting the house committee, and at lunch. Prepare an expressive reading of these scenes.

Municipal autonomous institution

additional education art school

g.o. Balashikha



on DPI for children 8-9 years old on the topic:

« Decorative still life»

Additional teacher education

Andrienko E.A.

g.o. Balashikha


Type of lesson: Decorative drawing.

Lesson topic:"Decorative still life."

Task to complete: invent and draw decorative still life with various patterns.

Scope of application: classes with children 8-9 years old in arts and crafts classes.

Form of the lesson: group and individual.

Type of lesson: repetition and consolidation of the material covered, learning new things, forming and improving skills and abilities, targeted application of what has been learned.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Educational : developing the ability to distinguish a decorative still life from a realistic one. Consolidating knowledge about graphic visual media decorative painting(figurative ornament, line, spot, texture, rhythm.) Getting to know a new fine art(use of wax crayons when working with watercolors.) Formation of the ability to set and solve tone problems in a decorative still life. (using wax crayons when working with watercolors.)

Developmental : develop imagination, creativity and the ability to independently search for compositions. Development and consolidation of work skills in mixed media watercolor and wax crayons.

Educational: to cultivate interest in drawing decorative still life, aesthetic taste, attentiveness, perseverance, accuracy.

UDD (universal educational activities):

  • mental :

ability to compare and contrast, analysis and synthesis;

  • regulatory :

basic self-organization skills;

compliance with the correct sequence of actions;

checking the work result;

  • personal:

formation of personal qualities: attentiveness, hard work, accuracy; development of motivation for creativity and learning.

Educational technologies.

  • Application of gaming technology: “realistic and decorative still lifes.”
  • Use of technological maps: the stages of constructing a decorative still life are presented on the board;
  • Application of differentiated teaching: young children (and beginners) are allowed to draw a decorative still life without ornament, the requirements for children of different ages and different levels of training are different.
  • Application of ICT: a media presentation is played on the computer, containing images of works on the topic “decorative still life, ornaments - floral, geometric motifs.
  • Application educational technology cooperation: children themselves choose which objects to depict in a still life, choose their own range and choose their own tone solution (dark on light or light on dark). They do not act as copyists, but as independent artists, whom the teacher only helps to create their own original composition.

Teaching methods.

A combination of three methods at different stages of the lesson:

  • explanatory - illustrative (at the stage of explaining the topic and setting the problem);
  • reproductive (tone solution);
  • creative search method (creating your own composition);
  • training using technological maps.

Materials and equipment.

for the teacher:

  • technological maps“Stages of drawing a decorative still life”;
  • computer;
  • illustrative media presentation with types of ornaments;
  • examples of decorative still lifes"

for students (pupils):

  • A3 size watercolor paper;
  • pencil;
  • eraser;
  • wax crayons
  • watercolor;
  • brushes;
  • palette;
  • water jar;

Board design.

The board presents examples of works on the topic “Decorative still life”.

Technological maps are shown that explain the order of depicting a decorative still life with a tonal solution and a decorative pattern.

Lesson plan.

(3 academic hours of 40 minutes; 2 breaks of 10 minutes)

  1. Organizational part.
  2. Repetition and consolidation of the material covered.
  3. Posting new material.
  4. Practical work of students.
  5. Individual counseling and assistance.
  6. Summing up.
  7. End of lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational part:

Children enter the classroom, sit at their desks, and take out everything they need for the painting lesson.

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you! Today we have a subject of decorative and applied arts. Today we will paint a decorative still life. Who can tell me what kind of still life this is? What makes it special?

Children: “We draw a realistic still life from life and depict objects as we actually see them. In a decorative still life, we can change and decorate nature, use patterns and ornaments"

That's right, guys! Well done! Pay attention to the word decor. Decor is decoration (building decoration, costume decoration, etc.)

What can you use to decorate a still life?

Children: “Ornament-decoration, a pattern consisting of rhythmic repetition of elements”

Posting new material:

Ornament is special kind artistic creativity. To create it, various means of expression. Among them: texture, rhythm, symmetry; graphic ornamental lines. This is one of oldest species visual arts a person, which in the distant past carried symbolic and magical meaning, iconicity. Parts of objects hidden from human eyes were often covered with ornaments - the bottoms, the reverse sides of jewelry, amulets, amulets, etc. You can meet various types ornament. (The following is a copper presentation) Ornament motifs can be from various areas and spheres, for example, from geometry, flora, fauna; they can be the outlines of the human body or surrounding objects. A motif can consist of one element or many formed into a single whole.

This is very beautiful and interesting, guys, let's decorate our objects with an ornament, you can come up with your own ornament, or you can use the data (reproductions)

Here are different types of ornament (I show) Here is an antique ornament, if, for example, there is an antique vase in your still life, then this ornament will suit you very well. It all depends on the style of your still life and the objects in it. And each of you will have your own.

You must come up with your own still life. Here you can safely use your imagination. You can depict fruits, flowers in a vase, pots, whatever interests you.

In previous classes, you completed your decorative still life using an unusual technique, using “mosaic with a cliff.” Today we will use more unusual technique. We will depict our still life using wax crayons and watercolors.

After you make a pencil drawing, you work out the design and patterns of your objects with wax crayons. Then you cover the top with watercolors. In those places where the crayons were, the pure color of your paints will remain, since the wax does not allow water to pass through. This is the interesting effect you get.

You now need to think about the tone of the still life: light on dark or dark on light, what tone the background of the still life will be. Make sure there is no repetition of tone, otherwise the image will be lost.

Think about it: will a still life be noticeable if it is evenly covered with ornaments? In order for objects to be clearly readable, the ornaments must be of different densities, and which parts of the still life should be left without ornament (variegated on smooth and smooth on motley)

Step by step work:

  • We start with the layout of the still life in the sheet. Then we think about what kind of ornament there will be on what object, and what color it will be.
  • First, we divide the objects into separate zones, try to alternate the rhythm, gradually complicating the pattern. (The number of ornaments used, its complexity, also set the tone for your objects, and therefore the entire still life, remember this.
  • Let's outline all the work different colors wax crayons (dark or light in tone)
  • After outlining the wax with chalk, we begin to fill in the color spots using watercolor paint.
  • We work out the details, add if necessary.

Now let's begin!

Practical work of students:

Individual counseling and assistance:

Throughout the lesson, we observe the children’s work, if necessary, we explain the material individually, and guide them to create a competent, balanced composition. I control the choice of tone solution, because at the first stage it is very important to track what background they chose. We intervene in the drawing process itself only in cases of extreme necessity, and only with the consent of the child.

Summing up:

Well done to all of you! Beautiful work done!

We make sure to praise and emotionally support all children. After finishing the work we do a mini-exhibition. The children look at what they did. We discuss interesting compositional solutions; graphic skill in depicting ornaments, the most successfully solved tone problems of still life

End of the lesson:

Children collect their art supplies, wash their brushes and water jars, and wipe down their desks if necessary.

During breaks, the room is ventilated.



  1. N. S. Voronchikhin, N. A Emshanov. Ornaments.
  2. Smirnov N.K. Decorative drawing lesson in elementary school. Fine arts at school. - 2005
  3. Voronchikhin N. S., illustrations.
  4. Rostovtsev N.N. Methods of teaching fine arts at school. Textbook for KHF students. M., 2000
  5. Sokolnikova N.M. Composition. Obninsk, Title, 2001

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment. 2min.

II. Competition. 38 min.

III. Summing up the competition. 2 min.

IV. Generalization of knowledge about still life (game “Cinquain”) 3 min.

Lesson progress:

I. 2 min. Hello guys! Today we have an unusual test lesson, which will be held in the form of a competition, on the topic “Still Life”. We have been studying this topic throughout the quarter and today we will summarize the knowledge that you have gained.

I have previously divided you into two teams and now I will ask you to introduce yourself.

    Team "Young Artists"; Captain Karpushkin Artyom

    Team " Magic colors"; Captain Lopukhov Alexander

II.5 min. 1 competition “Warm-up”. It includes knowledge of the theory of still life. I ask questions, and you, having listened to the question to the end, raise your hand.

For a correct answer - 1 colored pencil.

    How do you know "Still Life" is a French word, and what does it literally mean? (Dead nature)

    Give me 2 definitions of still life . (1. Still life is a genre of fine art.

Still life is paintings whose heroes are various household items, fruits, flowers or food (fish, game, etc.)

    When and where did still life first appear as a genre of fine art? (In Holland at the beginning of the 17th century)

    Tell me about the history of still life. (At the beginning of the 17th century, the Dutch, after a difficult struggle with the Spanish conquerors, gained independence. Now they freely sailed the seas and traded with the whole world. Holland became one of the richest countries in Europe. After difficult many years people felt the war more acutely and subtly the world around us, the charm of nature. They admired the objects among which their lives passed. And the artists inspiredly began to paint on their canvases dishes, fabrics, beautiful earthly fruits, wine glistening with ruby ​​hues in glasses.)

5 min. 2 “Creative” competition

Guys, yesterday I was walking along the river bank and found a bottle with some kind of message. But, unfortunately, the water damaged some lines of the letter. Use your imagination and make up the missing lines. Help me find out what this is all about! It takes about 5 minutes to complete the task.

"If the picture

on the table

Or grapes



Or a pear

Or all at once

(If you see in the picture

The samovar is on the table,

Or grapes in a basket,

Or a rose in crystal,

Or a bronze vase,

Or a pear, or a cake,

Or all the objects at once - know that this is a still life.)

Guys, from what Russian artist could such a note come? You know that in Russia there were also many artists who painted still lifes.

Teams, name one by one the Russian artists who painted still lifes.

Whoever names the most gets a colored pencil.

8 min. 3 task Guides

Guys, where are the paintings stored? famous artists? Where do people go to see beauty? ( Louvre - art museum in Paris, Hermitage - art museum in St. Petersburg, art gallery in Dresden, state museum Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin in Moscow, etc.)

We have here (exhibition show) Of course, not a real museum or gallery, but just a small exhibition, which we will call “The Little Hermitage”.

Museums always have guides. And you will now act in their role.

One representative from the team, a guide, will try to identify the authors of the reproductions of paintings and give them the correct name.

    I. Khrutsky “Still Life”

    F. P. Tolstoy “Bouquet of flowers, butterfly and bird”

    Head "Ham and silverware"

    E. Voloshinov “Bow”

    T. Ulyanov “Still life with books”

    A. Mignon “Flowers in a vase”

    Unknown artist "Fruits and Birds"

    Jan Davids de Heem "Fruit"

The person with the most correct answers will receive a colored pencil.

Every literate person should be able to describe a picture. We learn this in Russian language, literature, and fine arts lessons, and now the second guides will show how they can do it.

(On the board are reproductions of paintings by Snyders “Still Life with a Swan” and Konchalovsky “Peaches”.)

For the best description - 2 colored pencils.

3 min. 4th competition “Light and Shadow”

Light and shadow are an important means of depicting objects, their volume, texture, and position in space. Lighting can be frontal, when the light source is in front of the subject. Side - a light source to the left or right of the subject.

Backlit – light behind the object.

For 2 minutes, try to draw shadows on objects in a still life with side lighting. For a correctly applied shadow - 1 colored pencil.

2 min. Physical education minute Guys! It seems to me that you are already tired of sitting in one place, so I will ask you to move energetically, dance to the cheerful song “Orange Sun”

4 min. 5th competition “Create a composition”

When we talk about still life, we imagine composition. And composition is composition, connection, combination various parts into a single whole in accordance with some idea. When we studied the work of P. Konchalovsky, we said that artists spend a lot of time setting up objects in a still life, and that this is very important. Sometimes, Konchalovsky’s wife recalled, Pyotr Petrovich installed compositions over several days.

And now you have to create a composition from simple objects and give it an original name.

For best composition and the name is 2 colored pencils.

When evaluating work, use a picture frame.

10 min. 6th competition " Skillful hands»

Now try to carefully transfer this composition onto a sheet of paper by making a still life appliqué. Please note that you have honestly earned colored pencils. I will ask you to use them in your work too.

Best work graded with 2 colored pencils.

III 3 min Summing up

The team won...

Today I give the members of this team an A for their lesson.

Team... gets B's.

I ask the losing team not to be upset, since we will still have such competition lessons on other topics.

IV. 3 min. Generalization of the topic about still life.

Guys! Today we talked a lot in class about still life as a genre of fine art, we remembered the artists who painted still lifes, described paintings, and composed compositions.

And now, I will ask you to make syncwine for today's lesson to determine your attitude towards it.

1. Keyword"Lesson"

2. 2 adjectives

3. 3 verbs

4. 4 nouns

5. conclusion – 1 sentence

Office decoration: The topic is written on the board; hanging 2 reproductions of the painting by P. Konchalovsky “Peaches” and Snyders “Still Life with Swans”; on a special grid there is an exhibition “Little Hermitage” - reproductions of paintings and student work.

For competitions: 26 colored pencils; 2 letters with missing lines; two identical still life drawings; 2 identical sets of items to create a composition (loaf, onion, beetroot, apple, orange, banana, book, plate, glass); picture frame; 2 clean slates, PVA glue, napkin, set of objects cut out of colored paper for applique); sheets for cinquain.

Literature used:

Abstract open class according to the art “First Snow”

Type of lesson:on the formation of skills and abilities.

Form:frontal, individual.

Purpose of the lesson :

1. Draw children’s attention to the beauty of the world around them

And characteristic features winter.

2. Creating a winter landscape.

Lesson objectives : (educational, educational, developmental).


Through music



attention, outlook,

spatial thinking,fantasy,

Methods :

a) to acquire knowledge:

simplicity and accessibility of the presentation of the material;

enabling the “teacher-student” dialogue;

b) on the strength of knowledge:

application of ICT;

use of visual aids;

c) to increase interest in the subject:

use of non-traditional forms of classes

Methodical techniques: Convertchildren's attention to how to arrange the snow;

game situations;

musical and literary accompaniment.

Equipment :

For the teacher:

multimedia projector, PC

front display easel

For children:

album sheet A4;

watercolor, gouache, brushes;


water, cloth;


foam rubber

Form of study: group.

Lesson time: 40 min.

Lesson structure:

Organizational moment:

1.Introductory conversation;

2. Topic of the lesson;

3.Explanation of new material (video, computer presentation);

4. Mini summary;

5.Instruction for practical work;

6. Practical work;

7. Exhibition of children's works.

8. Reflection.

9. Conclusion and homework.

Organizational completion of the lesson

Literature: According to Nemensky's program“IZO”

Music: « Instrumental music", "Classical"

Lesson plan :

1. Organizational moment.

a) Greeting.

b) poems

c) video film

d) presentation

2. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

3. Creative search and experimental work.

4. Summary of the lesson.

a) Exhibition and analysis of children's works

b) Farewell

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment .

P.: Hello children! I'm very glad to see you. And I think this lesson will be very interestingand entertaining.We have guests at our lesson, let's welcome them!

D.: Hello.

Guys, what time of year do you think it is now? (Tree seasons)

D.: Autumn

P.: That's right, autumn late autumn, and soon it will come...

Let's listen to the riddle:

The yard is white and white,

It's like I'm dying in peace,

The kids started skating and skiing.

And a merry round dance

Launches the New Year.

Here she comes, godfather -

A beauty?….

D.: Winter.

P.: and this one?

Bel, but not sugar,
No legs, but he goes,
Sits on everyone
Afraid of no one

D.: Snow.

P.: That's right, children are snow.

Now let's listen to the poemIrina Melnichuk

First snow and we'll see(video film)

On the trees, on the alleys
The snow flies whiter than flour,
Light-light, clean-clean,
Soft, fragile and fluffy.
We squeeze the snow in our hands,
And we throw snowflakes.
The first snow is light snow,
He makes everyone so happy.

2. Activation and formulation of a cognitive task.

Today we have an unusual activity, because we will work with a piece of foam rubber. Let's learn to convey the state of winter nature in different times days, we will find out what snow is like, we will learn to draw it in unconventional technology- spray

Today you, the audience, seem to be entering the picture. And then, the eyes of the artists become your eyes. Their joys, their impressions are your impressions. During the lesson we will travel through groves, fields and meadows. And the music of the great composers P.I. will help us. Tchaikovsky's "The Four Seasons", Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons", Schubert's "Viennese Waltz", poems by poets, instrumental music.

Is everyone ready?

D.: Yes

P.: We will talk about winter nature.

3. Main stage of the lesson:

P.: -So guys! We smile at each other, prick up our ears.

Where can you see snow that will not melt; a meadow where the grass and flowers will never wither; autumn trees, from whose branches the leaves never fall off; the evening dawn that will not go out for many, many years?

D.: In the paintings of artists!

Correctly in the paintings of artists.Listen to how I wrote it for you"Blank verses" , Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov:

The snow is spinning

The snow is falling.

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Animals and birds and, of course, people are happy about the snow!

The gray titmice are happy,

Birds are freezing in the cold,

Snow fell - frost fell!

The cat washes its nose with snow.

White snowflakes are melting on the puppy's black back!

P.: What color is the snow?

It’s not in vain that I ask. Everyone has eyes, but looking does not mean seeing. Let's look at the snow through the keen eyes of an artist.

(Slide No. 1)

Here is a picture: A.A. Plastov "First Snow". Artists depict what they see. And you can't see the smells. In the painting by Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov you can feel the freshness. This is probably what the first snow smells like. And this freshness is conveyed by color. For his painting “The First Snow” A. Plastov chose soft colors. Snowflakes fall from the gray-lilac sky, glitter and shimmer against the background of the light brown steppe. And, the girl who stands on the snow-covered porch is as gentle as a snowflake. Girl in a dress. She's cold, but she doesn't want to leave. She really likes falling snow. But in the picture there is a crow. Why do you think the artist wrote it?

D.: It makes the snow even whiter.

P.: Right! A large, gray bird with black wings in the snow - like a dark spot on white paper. This makes the snow even whiter.

The artist painted the snow with small fractional strokes. The strokes merge in our eyes into a single whole, they fluctuate, tremble, shimmer.

P.: What mood does the picture convey?


P.: What colors did the artist use?

Admiring the multicolored snow, we feel our native Russian winter!

And here are some more winter landscapes. Take a close look at them while listening to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". This will greatly help you understand and feel the Russian winter more deeply!(Slide No. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,)

I. Shishkin “Winter in the Forest” I. I. Levitan “Forest in Winter”

N. Rubtsov “First Snow”, A. Asipenko “It’s Snowing”, etc.

And now, together with Angelina, we will go to the winter forest

Physical education minute.

"Winter Forest".

We came to the winter forest Walking in place.

There are so many miracles around here! They spread their arms to the sides.

On the right is a birch tree in a fur coat , Hands are moved to specified side and look.

On the left the tree looks at us.

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky , Retract your hand and trace

And they lie beautifully on the ground. Movement "flashlights" and look up.

So the bunny galloped, Whirling around, they crouch.

He ran away from the fox. Jumping.

This is a gray wolf prowling, Imitate a wolf walk

He's looking for prey! They crouch, hiding.

Then he won't find us! Simulates sleep.

Imitates the flight of birds.

Only the bear sleeps in its den, They spread their arms to the sides.

So he will sleep all winter. They take their seats.

Bullfinches fly by

How beautiful they are!

P.: Now let's play a game"Warm and cool colors."

Your task is to name warm and cool colors in turn.

The 1st row calls warm, and the 2nd row calls cold.

D.: called

P.: Well done everyone

P.: What do you think, do we paint snow with cold or warm colors?

D.: Cold

P.: Correctly cold!

P.: And you know what, not only landscape artists love to depict nature, but also poets and composers. They are also called artists

Frost and sun, a wonderful day...

What season did the poet depict?

D.: Winter!

Under blue skies, magnificent carpets, the snow lies glistening in the sun.

How did he depict nature?

D.: With the help of the blue sky, shiny snow.

P.:- And composers describe nature with the help of music. What will the music be like if the day is quiet and the snow is slowly falling?

D.: quiet, slow, calm, gentle, mysterious.

P.:- And what will it be like if there is a blizzard, blizzard, or storm outside?

D.: loud, fast, explosive.

P.:- Let's listen to the music of A. Vivaldi "The Seasons" and try to guess what kind of weather the composer depicted.

We heard the first winter snowstorm, a blizzard. Based on the music alone, we guessed what the composer wanted to portray. It's because he put his feelings into it. It is impossible to create music, like any other work, without feelings.

P.: Today we will draw a picture called “First Snow”. The background and trees are already ready, we drew them in advance, all that remains is to draw the snow. Even though winter is characterized by cold colors, some of you added some warm colors to the background, as if it were a frosty day and the sun was setting.

Gouache desired color, let's take, for example, white, you can take blue and purple, but for this we mix all these colors with white to get light shades. Then we dilute it in a palette with water and dip an old toothbrush into the paint. Point the brush at a sheet of paper, sharply draw a pencil (stick) along it towards you, in this case the paint will splash onto the paper and not onto the clothes.


I suggest drawing not only for children, but also for adults.

Practical work.

For practical work Individual assistance is allowed.

Children draw snow(Musical accompaniment)

P.: Each of you already sees and feels your own landscape. And now we will try to put in feelings and convey the lightness, airiness and mood that the first snow evokes in us. We will do the work with pieces of foam rubber and white gouache. This type of work is calledMONOTYPY - imprint , applied in one color. It's new for you, so I'll show you how to work. First you need to take the foam rubber, put the edges of the foam rubber together, pick up paint and make a print. The stronger the pressure, the whiter and denser the snow.

So, let's continue working.

And I want to wish you a creative mood in the words of Margarita Aliger:

And then, having put together

All efforts, thoughts, paths,

Let's paint a picture like this:

That we can't take our eyes off


Which landscape artists do you remember?

What color is the snow?

What associations does the Russian winter evoke?

Which of the paintings touched you the most, awakened special feelings in you?

How do you feel when looking at landscapes? native land?

Did you like the lesson and why?

Take turns coming to me with a drawing and choose a snowflake for yourself

1. White - I liked the lesson

2. Blue - not quite, something didn’t work out...

3. Lilac - I didn’t like it...

Children's works are hung on the board.

Conclusion and homework.

Let's once again admire the wonderful landscapes that you painted today. I think that all the guys can be praised for such a wonderful job. Our lesson takes place on the eve of Mother's Day, I think your mothers will be happy with such a gift.

Everyone Thanks a lot!

Self-analysis of the lesson

Our association is called “Young Artist”, we worked with 2 groups -

2g. education (children age 7-9 years). 8 hours attended the lesson, 9 hours according to the list. Absent for 3 hours due to illness and family reasons.Children have different levels of development, so when teaching I used a personality-oriented approach, which took into account the capabilities of each child.

Lesson topic:"First Snow"

Target : Creationwinter landscape.

I implemented the objectives of the lesson through the following aspects:


Through music, poetry and visual arts to create a joyful mood in children, to cultivate a love for nature, to form fine arts aesthetic feelings, emotional responsiveness through music, fine arts and literature.

Educational :

Activate interest in art and nature; develop the ability to independently find solutions to creative problems that correspond to the chosen technique;

expand students’ understanding of winter;

teach children the emotional perception of artists' works.

Developmental :

To develop artistic taste in students,attention, outlook,

spatial thinking,individual creative abilities,fantasy, visual perception and memory, motor imagination and coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills hands

Develop the ability to feel and understand the meaning of color when perceiving works of art;

During the lesson I used a video film, a presentation, musical compositions, handouts for decorating panels, and a teaching aid.

Type of activity : combined.

Lesson form: conversation, practical work.

Technologies used:




Methods used:

illustrative and visual;





multimedia projector;



branch image.

Organizational activities, preparation for class
The lesson was carried out in accordance with the notes. The summary was compiled independently, in accordance with the given age of the children. To implement each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining form (non-traditional).At each moment the classes were visual aids, which stimulated and activated children to mental activity.
Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.

I tried to structure this lesson so that it was productive, interesting and initially tried to establish cooperation between me and the children.

At the organizational stage of the lesson, I created an emotional mood for the upcoming work through a non-traditional greeting (poem), presentations, video film, and didactic materials were also used.All aspects of the lesson are logical and consistent, subordinated to one topic. The specifics of working with children in the classroom were reflected in a person-oriented approach. She encouraged timid children and praised them in order to consolidate their situation of success.

This topic is designed for 2-3 lessons, where TSO materials were used (computer, multimedia installation).

This lesson has interdisciplinary connections with literature, history, and biology.But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

In the process of mastering the skills of working with a variety of materials, children come to understand the beauty of creativity.The lesson took place in a friendly atmosphere. The students were liberated and relaxed. I managed to arouse children's interest in the material being studied. The use of ICT in this is very mehelped at different stages of the lesson. IWithI read thatpurpose of the lessonachieved because everythingaboutteachingyuThe students successfully completed the task. The work turned out wellbeautiful, neat, all different, as each child creatively approachedlandscape image. Thank you all for your attention!