Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich for his hard work. Academician Dmitry Likhachev. What you need to know

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived, worked at full capacity, worked every day, a lot, despite his poor health. From the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp he received a stomach ulcer and bleeding.

Why did he remain healthy until he was 90? He himself explained his physical stamina as “resistance.” None of his school friends survived. “Depression - I didn’t have this condition. Our school had a revolutionary tradition, and we were encouraged to formulate our own worldview. Contradict existing theories. For example, I gave a talk against Darwinism. The teacher liked it, although he did not agree with me.

I was a cartoonist, I drew school teachers. They laughed along with everyone else. They encouraged boldness of thought and fostered spiritual disobedience. All this helped me resist bad influences in the camp. When I failed at the Academy of Sciences, I did not attach any importance to it, was not offended and did not lose heart. We failed three times!”

He told me: “In 1937, I was fired from the publishing house as a proofreader. Every misfortune was good for me. The years of proofreading work were good, I had to read a lot. They didn’t take me to the war, I had a white ticket due to a stomach ulcer.

Personal persecution began in 1972, when I spoke out in defense of the Catherine Park in Pushkin. And until that day they were angry that I was against the logging in Peterhof and the construction there. This is the sixty-fifth year. And then, in 1972, they became frenzied. They forbade me to be mentioned in print and on television.”

A scandal broke out when he spoke on television against renaming Peterhof to Petrodvorets and Tver to Kalinin. Tver played a colossal role in Russian history, how can you refuse! He said that the Scandinavians, Greeks, French, Tatars, and Jews meant a lot to Russia.

In 1977, he was not allowed to attend the congress of Slavists.

Likhachev was given a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences in 1953. In 1958 they failed at the Academy, in 1969 they were rejected.

He managed to save the construction of the Kremlin with high-rise buildings in Novgorod, and he saved Nevsky Prospekt and the Ruska portico in St. Petersburg. “The destruction of monuments always begins with arbitrariness, which does not need publicity.”

He brought ancient Russian literature out of isolation, incorporating it into the structure of European culture.

He had his own approach to everything: natural scientists criticize astrological predictions for being unscientific. Likhachev - because they deprive a person of free will.

He did not create a doctrine, but he created the image of a defender of culture, a true citizen

Even in dead-end cases, says Dmitry Sergeevich, when everything is deaf, when they don’t hear you, be kind enough to express your opinion. Don't remain silent, speak up. I force myself to speak so that at least one voice can be heard.

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Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin - Russian Soviet writer, public figure, raises the problem of the ability to cope with life’s difficulties with dignity.

The problem raised by Daniil Granin is still relevant today. The author illustrated how Dmitry Likhachev overcomes life's difficulties with dignity. Ever since his school days, he was encouraged for his boldness of thought, which is probably why he developed such abilities how to confront circumstances, express your opinion, defend your point of view and learn lessons from every misfortune.

The author is convinced that man having qualities inherent in Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, he will be able to survive life’s obstacles with dignity. Daniil Granin calls for learning lessons from every misfortune, not to be offended and not to lose heart.

I completely agree with the opinion of the author, who calls for having your own approach to life’s difficulties. Indeed, in order to survive the difficulties of life with dignity, you need a strong character, courage of thought, and your own point of view.

An example of how man was strong-willed How life did not break him despite all the misfortunes that befell him, we see in Mikhail Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man.” G


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There was such a so-called foreman of perestroika, whose name and authority broke the great Soviet Union, our Motherland. Now he has been declared practically a saint, or, if not a saint, then at least a beacon of culture and spirituality. But we don’t know anything about his real appearance, and therefore it’s interesting to listen to those who worked with him during his lifetime. To do this, let’s turn to the diaries of Georg Myasnikov, who was his first deputy at the Cultural Foundation, organized under Likhachev in 1986, and who did all the work for him while he lived in Leningrad, despite the fact that the foundation itself was in Moscow.

Here is what he writes about him immediately after starting to work with him in 1986:

At 16.00 I went to the Vnukovo-II airfield to meet D.S. Likhachev, who is supposed to fly in with Reagan’s wife from Leningrad. She arrived on her own plane. Together with her is the wife of A. Gromyko. Didn't wait. Took D.S. and Z.A. [Likhachev] and to the Akademicheskaya Hotel. The old man is fresher, tanned at the dacha and feels good. He is tormented by planetary thoughts - some kind of concert for the whole world with a conductor from Vienna and a metropolis between Moscow and Leningrad. Hosts. Behind the cloud. He is of little interest in a purely real sense in the culture of the people. He simply doesn’t see her and doesn’t know her. He complained about Piotrovsky, who did not allow him and N. Reagan into the Hermitage. Old people, but envious people.

It was May, and now October, when it became clear what Likhachev was like:

Spoke with D.S. Likhachev by phone. The older you get, the more it itches. He's not as intelligent as he tries to make himself out to be. He is terribly susceptible to all kinds of rumors and gossip. A lot of trash is hanging around him. Yes, and age makes itself felt, and maybe fame came late. Constantly posing in front of the TV. Wants to remain in history. No need for help, as long as it doesn't interfere. It’s bad that he’s out of touch and lives in Leningrad. The telephone is not a means of communication.
October 11. [.]. On the phone with D.S. Likhachev. Returned from Bulgaria. Filmed again by Bulgarian TW. Tired of posing, complains about receptions in Bulgaria. Something old and grumbling. Has little interest in the affairs of the Foundation. The board requests an appointment for November. Bad sediment. There is a lot of senile foppery, the position of a sage from the outside. Not rooting [for the cause].

And now it’s 1992, when more than 5 years of collaboration have passed:

Capable of any meanness. Cruel to the point of mercilessness. He can do any nasty thing, lie. He will invent, believe and prove. For almost five years, working in the same house - a shrine of Russian science, they do not greet each other or shake hands. The same bottom as he himself [.] is built around him. I had little fame when I was young. Now vanity takes on its debts. He never forgets himself in any situation. He cannot stand it when his opinion is not perceived as absolutely correct. There is much more that does not fit into the framework of the created image of the first intellectual of our country.
February 13. Even on Monday, rumors appeared that D. Likhachev was coming to Moscow and wanted to meet with the Foundation’s apparatus (probably, I.N. Voronova’s criticism was conveyed in detail). I don’t have any calls or messages, and I’m no longer interested. I didn’t go to the station to meet him. [. ]. How much muddy he brought in for the sake of personal vanity, how much nerves he took away! And not a word of gratitude. He says he is a believer. I do not believe! They say that he is an intellectual. Does not work! A mask behind which hides a petty man in the street, a St. Petersburg tradesman, a troublemaker. Unfortunately, this is the final conclusion about its internal content.

No comments, as they say. Another significant fact. Likhachev accepted from the hands of Yeltsin the highest order of the Russian Federation - a country that is 20 years old - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. Even such a scum as Solzhenitsyn refused such an award, and this scum took the award from the hands of a state criminal.

A whole generation has already grown up that does not remember Dmitry Likhachev. But some people deserve to be remembered. There were many instructive things in the life of this outstanding scientist and spiritual associate. And for any thinking person it would not be superfluous to find out for himself who Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev was, short biography is of interest to him.

Outstanding Russian thinker and scientist

There are not so many people in the socio-political life of Russian society whose importance clearly rises above the momentary passions of the moment. Individuals for whom the role of moral authority would be recognized, if not by everyone, then by a clear majority.

However, such people do sometimes exist. One of them is Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, whose biography contains so much that it would be enough for a series of fascinating historical novels about Russia of the twentieth century. With all its disasters, wars and contradictions. His life began on silver Age Russian culture. And he died a year before the third millennium. At the end of the day And still believed in the future of Russia.

Some facts from the life of an academician

Dmitry Likhachev was born in 1906 in St. Petersburg, of modest means. He received a classical secondary education and continued his path to knowledge at the philological department of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Leningrad University. Unfortunately for him, there was a semi-underground circle among students that studied ancient Slavic philology. Dmitry Likhachev was also a member of it. His biography at this point sharply changes its direction. In 1928, he was arrested on the standard charge of anti-Soviet activities and soon found himself in the White Sea.

A little later, Dmitry Likhachev was transferred to He was released early in 1932.

After the Gulag

He went through the hell of Stalin's camps, but the years of imprisonment did not break him young man. After returning to Leningrad, Dmitry Likhachev was able to complete his education and even get his criminal record cleared. Gives all his time and energy scientific work. His research in philological fields is often based on the experience gained in the camps. During the war, Dmitry Likhachev remains in besieged Leningrad. Doesn't stop researching ancient Russian chronicles during the blockade winter. One of his works is devoted to the history of the defense of Russian cities during the era of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. He was evacuated from the city along the Road of Life only in the summer of 1942. Continues to work in Kazan.

His works in the field of history and philology are gradually beginning to acquire greater significance and authority in the Russian intellectual space.

Continent of Russian culture

Dmitry Likhachev gained worldwide recognition as a result of extensive basic research V various fields Russian culture and philology from early Slavic writing to the present day. Perhaps no one before him had so comprehensively described and explored the thousand-year-old content of Russian and Slavic culture and spirituality. Its inextricable connection with the world's cultural and intellectual peaks. The indisputable merit of Academician Likhachev also lies in the fact that for a long time he concentrated and coordinated scientific forces in the most important research areas.

And the former Leningrad University, which again became St. Petersburg, will, among other things, be known for the fact that it was here that he once studied and then conducted research and development for many years. teaching activities Academician Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich. His biography is inextricably intertwined with the fate of the famous university.

Community Service

Dmitry Likhachev considered educational activities to be no less important than scientific ones. For many decades, he devoted all his energy and time to communicating his thoughts and views to the broad masses. In the second half of the eighties, an entire generation of those who today constitute the intellectual elite of Russian society grew up on his programs on Central Television in the second half of the eighties. These programs were built in the format of free communication between an academician and a wide audience.

Before last day Dmitry Likhachev was engaged in publishing and editing activities, personally reading and correcting the manuscripts of young scientists. He considered it obligatory for himself to respond to all the numerous correspondence that sometimes came to him from the most remote corners of the country, from people who were not indifferent to the fate of Russia and Russian culture. It is significant that Dmitry Sergeevich was a categorical opponent of nationalism in any of its forms. He denied conspiracy doctrines in understanding historical processes and did not recognize Russia’s messianic role in the global history of human civilization.

How important is it to speak your mind? D.A. suggests thinking about this problem. Granin.

The writer in his text puts in the spotlight outstanding personality D.S. Likhacheva. This man “had his own approach to everything” with school years, he was not afraid to express his own opinion and contradict existing theories. So the author, quoting Likhachev, urges readers: “Don’t remain silent, speak out.” This urge provides a basis for thinking about the value of one's own view of the world and its expression in social relations.

Thus, the writer comes to the following conclusion: it is necessary to express your personal opinion on everything that happens in the life of mankind, because even one voice is very weighty and important for society.

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The experience of fiction will serve as confirmation of my position. For example, in M. Sholokhov’s story “Wormhole” we see how the opinion of the hero Styopka, based on protecting the poor, influences the working man - the peasant. This episode is proof that you need to express your view of the world, since it affects not only the life of the person himself, but also the existence of those around him.

Let us recall Zheleznikov’s work “Scarecrow”. In it, Lena Bessoltseva, having learned to express her position and defend her own views, helped the guys - her classmates - understand life values. The author clearly shows us how important it is to express personal opinions.

So, the text by D.A. Granina convinces us that for the life of a person, a group of people, every opinion is important, every glance is valuable, because the expressed proposal of one member of society can become a point for the development and improvement of spiritual, cultural and social world of people.

Updated: 2017-05-27

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Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev(November 28, 1906, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire - September 30, 1999, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) - Russian philologist, art critic, screenwriter, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (until 1991 - USSR Academy of Sciences).

Author of fundamental works devoted to the history of Russian literature (mainly Old Russian) and Russian culture. Author of works (including more than forty books) on to a wide circle problems of theory and history ancient Russian literature, many of which have been translated into different languages. Author of 500 scientific and about 600 journalistic works. Likhachev made a significant contribution to the development of the study of ancient Russian literature and art. Likhachev's range of scientific interests is very wide: from the study of icon painting to the analysis of prison life of prisoners. Throughout all the years of his activity, he was an active defender of culture, a promoter of morality and spirituality. He took a direct part in the preservation and restoration of various cultural sites St. Petersburg and its suburbs.

Father - Sergei Mikhailovich Likhachev, electrical engineer, mother - Vera Semyonovna Likhacheva, nee Konyaeva.

In November 1931 he was transferred from the Solovetsky camp to Belbaltlag, worked as an accountant and railway dispatcher on the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal.

He was released early in 1932 and returned to Leningrad. In 1932-33 he was the literary editor of Sotsekgiz.* Publication of the article “Features of primitive primitivism of thieves’ speech” in the collection of the Institute of Language and Thought named after. N. Ya. Marra “Language and Thinking.” In 1936, all criminal records against Likhachev were cleared, at the request of Karpinsky.

  • Twin daughters Vera and Lyudmila Likhachev were born.
  • Junior, since - senior researcher (IRLI AS USSR).
  • He was with his family in besieged Leningrad.
  • Publication of the first book “Defense of Old Russian Cities” (1942), written jointly. with M. A. Tikhanova.
  • candidate of philological sciences on the topic: “Novgorod chronicles of the 12th century.”
  • Together with his family, he was evacuated along the Road of Life from besieged Leningrad to Kazan.
  • Awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad".
  • Father Sergei Mikhailovich Likhachev died in besieged Leningrad.

Scientific maturity

  • Publishing books " National identity Ancient Rus'. Essays from the field of Russian literature of the 11th-17th centuries.” M.-L., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences. 1945. 120 p. (phototype reprint book: The Hugue, 1969) and “Novgorod the Great: Essay on the cultural history of Novgorod 11-17 centuries.” L., Gospolitizdat. 1945. 104 p. 10 t.e. (reprint: M., Sov. Russia. 1959.102 p.).
  • Awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War” Patriotic War 1941-1945."
  • Publication of the book “Culture of Rus' in the era of the formation of the Russian national state. (End of the 14th - beginning of the 16th century)." M., Gospolitizdat. 1946. 160 p. 30 t.e. (phototype reprint of the book: The Hugue, 1967).
  • Associate Professor, Professor of Leningradsky state university. At the Faculty of History of Leningrad State University he taught special courses “History of Russian Chronicles”, “Paleography”, “History of the Culture of Ancient Rus'”, etc.
  • Defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology on the topic: “Essays on history literary forms chronicles - 16th century."
  • Publication of the book “Russian Chronicles and Their Cultural and Historical Significance” M.-L., Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1947. 499 p. 5 t.e. (phototype reprint of the book: The Hugue, 1966).
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Publication of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” in the series “ Literary monuments"with translation and comments by D. S. Likhachev.
  • Publication of “The Tale of Bygone Years” in the “Literary Monuments” series with translation (jointly with B. A. Romanov) and comments by D. S. Likhachev (reprinted: St. Petersburg, 1996).
  • Publication of the articles “Historical and political outlook of the author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”” and “Oral origins of the artistic system of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign””.
  • Publication of the book: “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”: Historical and literary essay. (NPS). M.-L., Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1950. 164 p. 20 t.e. 2nd ed., add. M.-L., Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1955. 152 p. 20 t.e.
  • Confirmed with the rank of professor.
  • Publication of the article “Literature of the XI-XIII centuries.” in the collective work “The History of Culture of Ancient Rus'”. (Volume 2. Pre-Mongol period), which received the USSR State Prize.
  • The Stalin Prize of the second degree was awarded for the collective scientific work “The History of the Culture of Ancient Rus'. T. 2".
  • Publication of the book “The Emergence of Russian Literature.” M.-L., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences. 1952. 240 p. 5 t.e.
  • Elected corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Publication of the articles “Folk poetic creativity during the heyday of the ancient Russian early feudal state (X-XI centuries)” and “Folk poetic creativity in the years feudal fragmentation Rus' - before the Tatar-Mongol invasion ( XII-early XIII c.)" in the collective work "Russian folk poetic creativity."
  • Awarded the Prize of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences for the work “The Emergence of Russian Literature.”
  • Awarded the medal "For Labor Valor".
  • Head of the Sector, with - Department of Old Russian Literature, Institute of Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • The first speech in the press in defense of ancient monuments (“Literaturnaya Gazeta”, January 15, 1955).


  • Member of the Bureau of the Department of Literature and Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (Criticism Section), since 1992 - member of the Union of Writers of St. Petersburg.
  • Member of the Archaeographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences, since 1974 - member of the Bureau of the Archaeographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • First trip abroad - sent to Bulgaria to work in manuscript repositories.
  • Participated in the work of the IV International Congress of Slavists (Moscow), where he was chairman of the subsection of ancient Slavic literatures. A report was made “Some tasks of studying the second South Slavic influence in Russia.”
  • Publication of the book “Man in the Literature of Ancient Rus'” M.-L., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences. 1958. 186 p. 3 t.e. (reprint: M., 1970; Likhachev D.S. Selected works: In 3 vols. T. 3. L., 1987) and the brochure “Some problems of studying the second South Slavic influence in Russia.” M., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences. 1958. 67 p. 1 t.e.
  • Deputy Chairman of the permanent Editorial and Textological Commission of the International Committee of Slavists.
  • Member of the Academic Council of the Museum of Ancient Russian Art. Andrey Rublev.
  • A granddaughter, Vera, was born, the daughter of Lyudmila Dmitrievna (from her marriage to Sergei Zilitinkevich, a physicist).
  • Participated in the I International Conference on Poetics (Poland).
  • Deputy Chairman of the Leningrad branch of the Soviet-Bulgarian Friendship Society.


  • Member of the Academic Council of the State Russian Museum.
  • Member of the Soviet (Russian) Committee of Slavists.
  • Participated in the II International Conference on Poetics (Poland).
  • Since 1961, member of the editorial board of the journal “Izvestia of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Department of Literature and Language."
  • Publication of books: “Culture of the Russian people 10-17 centuries.” M.-L., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences. 1961. 120 p. 8 t.e. (2nd ed.) M.-L., 1977. and “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign - the heroic prologue of Russian literature.” M.-L., Goslitizdat. 1961. 134 p. 30 t.e. 2nd ed. L.,HL.1967.119 p.200 t.e.
  • Deputy of the Leningrad City Council of Workers' Deputies.
  • Trip to Poland
  • Publication of the books “Textology: Based on the material of Russian literature of the 10th - 17th centuries.” M.-L., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences. 1962. 605 p. 2500 e. (reprint: Leningrad, 1983; St. Petersburg, 2001) and “Culture of Rus' during the time of Andrei Rublev and Epiphanius the Wise (late XIV - early XV centuries)” M.-L., Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences. 1962. 172 p. 30 t.e.

(republished: Likhachev D.S. Thoughts about Russia. St. Petersburg, 1999).

  • Elected foreign member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
  • Presidium of the People's Assembly People's Republic Bulgaria was awarded the Order of Cyril and Methodius, 1st degree.
  • Participated in the V International Congress of Slavists (Sofia).
  • Sent to Austria to give lectures.
  • Member Arts Council The second creative association of Lenfilm.
  • Since 1963, member of the editorial board of the USSR Academy of Sciences series “Popular Science Literature”.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland).
  • Trip to Hungary to read papers at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
  • A trip to Yugoslavia to participate in a symposium dedicated to the study of the work of Vuk Karadzic, and to work in manuscript repositories.
  • Trip to Poland to give lectures and reports.
  • Trip to Czechoslovakia for a meeting of the permanent Editorial and Textual Commission of the International Committee of Slavists.
  • Trip to Denmark for the South-North Symposium, organized by UNESCO.
  • Member of the Organizing Committee All-Russian Society protection of historical and cultural monuments.
  • Member of the Commission for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR.
  • Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for services to the development of the Soviet philological science and on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
  • Trip to Bulgaria for scientific work.
  • Trip to Germany for a meeting of the permanent Editorial and Textual Commission of the International Committee of Slavists.
  • A granddaughter, Zina, was born, the daughter of Vera Dmitrievna (from her marriage to Yuri Kurbatov, an architect). Currently, Zinaida Kurbatova is a correspondent for Vesti St. Petersburg on Russia 1 channel.
  • Elected honorary doctor of the University of Oxford (Great Britain).
  • Trip to the UK to give lectures.
  • Participated in the General Assembly and scientific symposium of the Council for History and Philosophy of UNESCO (Romania).
  • Publication of the book “Poetics of Old Russian Literature” L., Science. 1967. 372 p. 5200 e., awarded the State Prize of the USSR (republished: Leningrad, 1971; Moscow, 1979; Likhachev D.S. Selected works: In 3 volumes. T. 1. Leningrad, 1987)
  • Member of the Council of the Leningrad city branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments.
  • Member of the Central Council, member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments.
  • Member of the Academic Council of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of History of the USSR of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Elected corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
  • Participated in the VI International Congress of Slavists (Prague). I read the report “Ancient Slavic Literatures as a System.”
  • Awarded the USSR State Prize for the scientific work “Poetics of Old Russian Literature.”
  • Participated in a conference on epic poetry (Italy).
  • Member of the Scientific Council on the complex problem “History of World Culture” of the USSR Academy of Sciences. S - member of the Council Bureau.


  • Elected full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Elected foreign member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
  • Awarded a 1st degree diploma from the All-Union Society “Knowledge” for the book “Man in the Literature of Ancient Rus'.”
  • Awarded an honorary doctorate of science from the University of Edinburgh (UK).
  • Publication of the book " Artistic heritage Ancient Rus' and modernity” L., Science. 1971. 121 p. 20 t.e. (together with V.D. Likhacheva).
  • Mother Vera Semyonovna Likhacheva died.
  • Member of the editorial board of the “Concise Literary Encyclopedia”.
  • Head of the Archaeographic Group of the Leningrad Branch of the Archive of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Awarded a 1st degree diploma from the All-Union Society “Knowledge” for participation in a collective scientific work“A Brief History of the USSR. Part 1."
  • Elected honorary member historical and literary school society"Boyan" (Rostov region).
  • Elected foreign member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
  • Participated in VII International Congress of Slavists (Warsaw). The report “The Origin and Development of Genres of Old Russian Literature” was read.
  • Publication of the book “The Development of Russian Literature in the 10th - 17th Centuries: Epochs and Styles” L., Science. 1973. 254 p. 11 t.e. (reprint: Likhachev D.S. Selected works: in 3 volumes. T. 1. L., 1987; St. Petersburg, 1998).
  • Member of the Academic Council of the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography.
  • Member of the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) branch of the Archaeographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences, since 1975 - member of the bureau of the Branch of the Archaeographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Member of the Bureau of the Archaeographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Chairman of the editorial board of the yearbook “Cultural Monuments. New discoveries” of the Scientific Council on the complex problem “History of World Culture” of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Chairman of the Scientific Council on the complex problem “History of World Culture” of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Awarded the medal “Thirty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”
  • Awarded the VDNKh gold medal for the monograph “The Development of Russian Literature - 17th Century.”
  • He spoke out against the expulsion of A.D. Sakharov from the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Trip to Hungary to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
  • Participated in the MAPRYAL (International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature) symposium on comparative literature (Bulgaria).
  • Publication of the book “Great Heritage: Classic works Literature of Ancient Rus'" M., Sovremennik. 1975. 366 p. 50 t.e. (reprinted: M., 1980; Likhachev D.S. Selected works: in 3 volumes. T.2. L., 1987; 1997).


  • Member of the editorial board of the publication of the Leningrad branch of the Institute of History of the USSR of the USSR Academy of Sciences “Auxiliary Historical Disciplines”.
  • Participated in a special meeting of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the book by O. Suleimenov “Az and I” (banned).
  • Participated in the conference “Tarnovo School. Disciples and followers of Efimy Tarnovsky" (Bulgaria).
  • Elected a corresponding member of the British Academy.
  • Publication of the book “The Laughing World of Ancient Rus'” L., Science. 1976. 204 p. 10 t.e. (co-authored with A. M. Panchenko; re-ed.: L., Nauka. 1984.295 pp.; “Laughter in Ancient Rus'” - joint with A. M. Panchenko and N. V. Ponyrko; 1997 : " Historical poetics literature. Laughter as a worldview").


  • Member of the editorial board of the international magazine “Palaeobulgarica” (Sofia).
  • The State Council of the People's Republic of Bulgaria awarded the Order of Cyril and Methodius, 1st degree.
  • The Presidium of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Academic Council of the Sofia University named after Kliment Ohridski awarded him the Cyril and Methodius Prize for the work “Golemiah svyat na ruskata literature”.
  • He was awarded a diploma from the Union of Bulgarian Journalists and the honorary sign “Golden Pen” for his great creative contribution to Bulgarian journalism and publicism.
  • Elected an honorary member of the Brigantine literary club for high school students.
  • Trip to Bulgaria to participate in the international symposium “Tarnovo art school and Slavic-Byzantine art of the 12th-15th centuries.” and for lecturing at the Institute of Bulgarian Literature of the BAN and the Center for Bulgarian Studies.
  • Trip to the GDR for a meeting of the permanent Editorial and Textual Commission of the International Committee of Slavists.
  • Publication of the book “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” and the culture of his time” L., Kh.L. 1978. 359 p. 50 t.e. (reprint: Leningrad, 1985; St. Petersburg, 1998)
  • Initiator, editor (jointly with L. A. Dmitriev) and author of introductory articles to the monumental series “Monuments of Literature of Ancient Rus'” (12 volumes), published by the publishing house “ Fiction"(the publication was awarded the State Prize in 1993).
  • The State Council of the People's Republic of Bulgaria awarded the honorary title of laureate of the International Prize named after the brothers Cyril and Methodius for exceptional services in the development of Old Bulgarian and Slavic studies, for the study and popularization of the work of the brothers Cyril and Methodius.
  • Publication of the article “Ecology of Culture” (Moscow, 1979, No. 7)
  • Member of the editorial board of the book series “Literary Monuments of Siberia” of the East Siberian Book Publishing House (Irkutsk).
  • The Secretariat of the Union of Writers of Bulgaria awarded him the honorary badge “Nikola Vaptsarov”.
  • Trip to Bulgaria to give lectures at Sofia University.
  • Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the “All-Union Voluntary Society of Book Lovers” for his outstanding contribution to research ancient Russian culture, Russian books, source studies.

The State Council of the People's Republic of Bulgaria awarded the “International Prize named after Evfimy Tarnovsky”.

  • Awarded the honorary badge of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
  • Participated in the conference dedicated to the 1300th anniversary of the Bulgarian state (Sofia).
  • Publication of a collection of articles “Literature - reality - literature”. L., Soviet writer. 1981. 215 p. 20 t.e. (reprint: Leningrad, 1984; Likhachev D.S. Selected works: In 3 vols. T. 3. Leningrad, 1987) and the brochure “Notes on the Russian.” M., Sov. Russia. 1981. 71 p. 75 t.e. (reprint: M., 1984; Likhachev D.S. Selected works: In 3 volumes. T. 2. L., 1987; 1997).
  • A great-grandson, Sergei, was born, the son of his granddaughter Vera Tolts (from his marriage to Vladimir Solomonovich Tolts, a Sovietologist and Ufa Jew).
  • Daughter Vera died in a car accident.
  • Member of the editorial board of the almanac of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments “Monuments of the Fatherland”.
  • Awarded a Certificate of Honor and a prize from Ogonyok magazine for the interview “The Memory of History is Sacred.”
  • Elected honorary doctor of the University of Bordeaux (France).
  • Editorial Board " Literary newspaper»awarded a prize for active participation in the work of the Literary Newspaper.
  • Trip to Bulgaria to give lectures and consultations at the invitation of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
  • Publication of the book “Poetry of Gardens: Towards the Semantics of Garden and Park Styles” L., Nauka. 1982. 343 p. 9950 e. (reprint: Leningrad, 1991; St. Petersburg, 1998).
  • Awarded the VDNKh Diploma of Honor for creating a manual for teachers “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”
  • Elected honorary doctor of the University of Zurich (Switzerland).
  • Member of the Soviet Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the IX International Congress of Slavists (Kyiv).
  • Publication of the book for students “Native Land”. M., Det.lit. 1985. 207 p.


  • Chairman of the Pushkin Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • The name of D. S. Likhachev was assigned to small planet No. 2877, discovered by Soviet astronomers: (2877) Likhachev-1969 TR2.


  • Awarded the anniversary medal “Forty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”
  • The Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences awarded the V. G. Belinsky Prize for the book “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” and the culture of his time.”
  • The editorial board of the Literaturnaya Gazeta awarded the title of laureate of the Literaturnaya Gazeta for active cooperation in the newspaper.
  • Awarded an honorary doctorate of science from Loránd Eötvös University of Budapest.
  • A trip to Hungary at the invitation of the Lorand Eötvos University of Budapest in connection with the 350th anniversary of the university.
  • Participated in the Cultural Forum of the participating states of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Hungary). The report “Problems of preservation and development of folklore in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution” was read.
  • Publication of the books “The Past to the Future: Articles and Essays” L., Science. 1985. 575 p. 15 t.e. and “Letters about the good and the beautiful” M., Det.lit. 1985. 207 p. (reprint: Tokyo, 1988; M., 1989; Simferopol, 1990; St. Petersburg, 1994; St. Petersburg, 1999).
  • In connection with the 80th anniversary, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.
  • The State Council of the People's Republic of Bulgaria awarded the Order of Georgi Dimitrov (the highest award in Bulgaria).
  • Awarded the Veteran of Labor medal.
  • Included in the Book of Honor of the All-Union Society “Knowledge” for active work in promoting artistic culture and providing methodological assistance to lecturers.
  • Awarded the title of laureate " Literary Russia"for 1986 and was awarded the Ogonyok magazine prize.
  • Elected honorary chairman of the International Society for the Study of the Works of F. M. Dostoevsky (IDS).
  • Elected an honorary member of the book and graphics section of the Leningrad House of Scientists named after. M. Gorky.
  • Elected a corresponding member of the “Irises” section of the Moscow City Club of Amateur Flower Growers.
  • Participated in the Soviet-American-Italian symposium “Literature: Tradition and Values” (Italy).
  • Participated in a conference dedicated to “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (Poland).
  • The book “Studies on Old Russian Literature” has been published. L., Science. 1986. 405 p. 25 t.e. and the brochure “The Memory of History is Sacred.” M., True. 1986. 62 p. 80 t.e.
  • Chairman of the Board of the Soviet Culture Fund (since 1991 - Russian Culture Fund).
  • He was awarded the medal and the Bibliophile's Almanac prize.
  • Awarded a diploma for the film “Poetry of Gardens” (Lentelefilm, 1985), which was awarded second prize at the V All-Union Film Review of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
  • Elected as a deputy of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies.
  • Elected member of the Commission on the Literary Heritage of B. L. Pasternak.
  • Elected foreign member of the Italian National Academy.
  • Participated in the international forum “For a nuclear-free world, for the survival of humanity” (Moscow).
  • Trip to France for the XVI session of the Permanent Mixed Soviet-French Commission on Cultural and Scientific Relations.
  • A trip to the UK at the invitation of the British Academy and the University of Glasgow to give lectures and consultations on cultural history.
  • A trip to Italy for a meeting of an informal initiative group to organize the fund “For the Survival of Humanity in a Nuclear War.”
  • Publication of the book “The Great Path: The Formation of Russian Literature of the 11th-17th Centuries.” M., Sovremennik. 1987. 299 p. 25 t.e.
  • Publication of “Selected Works” in 3 volumes.
  • Participated in the international meeting “International Fund for the Survival and Development of Humanity.”
  • Elected honorary doctor of Sofia University (Bulgaria).
  • Elected corresponding member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences (Germany).
  • Trip to Finland for the opening of the exhibition “Time of Change, 1905-1930 (Russian Avant-garde).”
  • A trip to Denmark for the opening of the exhibition “Russian and soviet art from personal collections. 1905-1930."
  • Trip to the UK to present the first issue of the magazine “Our Heritage”.
  • Publication of the book: “Dialogues about yesterday, today and tomorrow.” M., Sov. Russia. 1988. 142 p. 30 t.e. (co-author N. G. Samvelyan)
  • A great-granddaughter, Vera, was born, the daughter of the granddaughter of Zinaida Kurbatova (from her marriage to Igor Rutter, an artist, a Sakhalin German).
  • Awarded European (1st) Prize for cultural activities in 1988.
  • Awarded the International Literary and Journalistic Prize of Modena (Italy) for his contribution to the development and dissemination of culture in 1988.
  • Together with other cultural figures, he advocated the return of the Solovetsky and Valaam monasteries to the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • Participated in the meeting of ministers of culture European countries in France.
  • Member of the Soviet (later Russian) branch of the Pen Club.
  • Publication of the books “Notes and Observations: From notebooks different years"L., Soviet writer. 1989. 605 p. 100 t.e. and “On Philology” M., Higher School. 1989. 206 p. 24 t.e.
  • People's Deputy of the USSR from the Soviet Cultural Foundation.
  • Member of the International Committee for the Revival of the Library of Alexandria.
  • Honorary Chairman of the All-Union (since 1991 - Russian) Pushkin Society.
  • Member of the International Editorial Board created for the publication " Full meeting works of A. S. Pushkin" in English.
  • Laureate of the International Prize of the City of Fiuggi (Italy).
  • Publication of the book “School on Vasilyevsky: A Book for Teachers.” M., Enlightenment. 1990. 157 p. 100 t.e. (jointly with N.V. Blagovo and E.B. Belodubrovsky).
  • Awarded the A.P. Karpinsky Prize (Hamburg) for the research and publication of monuments of Russian literature and culture.
  • Awarded an honorary doctorate of science from Charles University (Prague).
  • Elected honorary member of Serbian Matica (SFRY).
  • Elected an honorary member of the World Club of St. Petersburgers.
  • Elected an honorary member of the German Pushkin Society.
  • Publication of the books “I Remember” M., Progress. 1991. 253 p. 10 t.e., “Book of Anxiety” M., News. 1991. 526 p. 30 t.e., “Thoughts” M., Det.lit. 1991. 316 p. 100 t.e.
  • Elected foreign member of the Philosophical scientific society USA.
  • Elected honorary doctor of the University of Siena (Italy).
  • Awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Milan and Arezzo (Italy).
  • Participant of the International Charity Program “New Names”.
  • Chairman of the public anniversary Sergius Committee for preparations for the celebration of the 600th anniversary of the repose of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
  • Publication of the book " Russian art from antiquity to the avant-garde." M., Art. 1992. 407 p.
  • Presidium Russian Academy Sciences was awarded the Big Gold Medal. M. V. Lomonosov for outstanding achievements in the field of humanities.
  • Awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation for the series “Monuments of Literature of Ancient Rus'”.
  • Elected foreign member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
  • Awarded the title of the first Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg by decision of the St. Petersburg Council of People's Deputies.
  • Elected honorary doctor of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions.
  • The book “Articles” was published early years" Tver, Tver. OO RFK. 1993. 144 p.
  • Chairman of the State Jubilee Pushkin Commission (for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin).
  • Publication of the book: "Great Rus': History and art culture X-XVII centuries" M., Art. 1994. 488 p. (jointly with G. K. Vagner, G. I. Vzdornov, R. G. Skrynnikov).
  • Participated in the International Colloquium “The Creation of the World and the Purpose of Man” (St. Petersburg - Novgorod). Presented the project “Declaration of the Rights of Culture”.
  • Awarded the Order of the Madara Horseman, first degree, for exceptional services in the development of Bulgarian studies, for promoting the role of Bulgaria in the development of world culture.
  • On the initiative of D. S. Likhachev and with the support of the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the International Non-Governmental Organization “Fund for the 200th Anniversary of A. S. Pushkin” was created.
  • Publication of the book “Memoirs” (St. Petersburg, Logos. 1995. 517 p. 3 i.e. reprinted 1997, 1999, 2001).
  • Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, for outstanding services to the state and great personal contribution to the development of Russian culture.
  • Awarded the Order of Stara Planina, first degree, for his enormous contribution to the development of Slavic and Bulgarian studies and for his great services in strengthening bilateral scientific and cultural ties between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Russian Federation.
  • Publication of books: “Essays on Philosophy artistic creativity» St. Petersburg, Blitz. 1996. 158 p. 2 vol. (reissue 1999) and “Without evidence” St. Petersburg, Blitz. 1996. 159 p. 5 t.e..
  • Laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.
  • Awarding the prize “For the honor and dignity of talent”, established by the International Literary Fund.
  • The private Tsarskoye Selo art prize was awarded under the motto “From the artist to the artist” (St. Petersburg).
  • Publication of the book “On the Intelligentsia: Collection of Articles.”
  • A great-granddaughter, Hannah, was born, the daughter of the granddaughter of Vera Tolz (from her marriage to Yor Gorlitsky, a Sovietologist).


  • Editor (jointly with L. A. Dmitriev, A. A. Alekseev, N. V. Ponyrko) and author of the introductory articles of the monumental series "Library of Literature of Ancient Rus' (published vols. 1 - 7, 9 -11) - Nauka publishing house "
  • Awarded the Order of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called for his contribution to the development of national culture (first holder).
  • Awarded a Gold Medal of the first degree from the Interregional Non-Profit charitable foundation in memory of A. D. Menshikov (St. Petersburg).
  • Awarded the Nebolsin Prize of the International Charitable Foundation and vocational education them. A. G. Nebolsina.
  • Awarded the International Silver Commemorative Badge “Swallow of the World” (Italy) for his great contribution to the promotion of ideas of peace and the interaction of national cultures.
  • Publication of the book “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign and the Culture of His Time. Works recent years" St. Petersburg, Logos. 1998. 528 p. 1000 e.
  • One of the founders of the “Congress of the St. Petersburg Intelligentsia” (along with Zh. Alferov, D. Granin, A. Zapesotsky, K. Lavrov, A. Petrov, M. Piotrovsky).
  • Awarded a souvenir Golden Jubilee Pushkin Medal from the “Foundation for the 200th Anniversary of A. S. Pushkin.”

Publication of the books “Thoughts about Russia”, “Novgorod Album”.

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev died on September 30, 1999 in St. Petersburg. He was buried in the cemetery in Komarovo on October 4. The monument at the scientist’s grave was made by the famous sculptor V. S. Vasilkovsky.

The importance of creative and social activities

D. S. Likhachev made a significant contribution to the development of the study of ancient Russian literature. He is responsible for some of the best research on such literary monuments as “The Tale of Bygone Years”, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, “The Prayer of Daniil the Zatochnik”, etc. Likhachev also took an active part in the reconstruction of the Monrepos park near St. Petersburg. Likhachev contributed greatly to the development of the book series “Literary Monuments”, being the chairman of its editorial board since 1970. Famous actor, National artist Russian Federation Igor Dmitriev described the main significance of D. S. Likhachev in the development of Russian culture:

civil position

Foreign member of the Academies of Sciences of Bulgaria, Hungary, and the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Serbia. Corresponding member of the Austrian, American, British (1976), Italian, Gottingen academies, corresponding member of the oldest US society - the Philosophical Society. Member of the Writers' Union since 1956. Since 1983 - Chairman of the Pushkin Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, since 1974 - Chairman of the Editorial Board of the yearbook “Cultural Monuments. New discoveries". From 1993 to 1993 he headed the editorial board of the “Literary Monuments” series, since 1987 he has been a member of the editorial board of the “New World” magazine, and since 1988 of the “Our Heritage” magazine.

The Russian Academy of Art Studies and Musical Performance awarded him the Order of Arts “Amber Cross” (). Awarded an Honorary Diploma of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg (