Adygea and Kuban are best friends presentation. Nature, plants and animals of the Republic of Adygea. Geological structure and tectonics


Version of the origin of the name of the city of Maykop.

It is believed that Maikop is the Russian dubbing of the Adyghe “Myekkuape”, which in translation means the mouth of a valley of apple trees (“my” is a wild apple tree, “kua” is a valley, “pe” is a mouth)... But this is a more poetic translation - the phrase “apple tree” angle" conveys the meaning more accurately.

City coat of arms

The coat of arms of the city of Maykop was adopted on March 7, 1972. It is based on golden figurines of bulls found in 1897 during excavations of the Maykop mound and currently stored in the Hermitage. Coat of arms municipality“The City of Maikop” is a shield with the inscription “Maikop” on top of it on a dark red background. Below it are symmetrically located the heads of two bulls with long curved horns. They are separated by an axis topped with an apple tree trefoil, and at the bottom the axis is closed by a geometric ornament, which gives the coat of arms structural integrity.

Geographical location of the city

Maykop is a cozy and very hospitable city, the capital of the Republic of Adygea, which is located 1669 km south of Moscow. The city is located on the right bank of the Belaya River (a tributary of the Kuban) . Geographical location of Maykop: latitude - 44°36", longitude - 40°06"

Historical information about the city

Extract from the newspaper "Caucasus": "On January 6, 1858, on the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, the solemn consecration of the erected Maikop fortification and the founding of a temple in the name of the Savior Nicholas the Wonderworker took place."

In the sixties of the 19th century, the city of Maykop lost its status as a military fortress. It was during this period that the first small industrial factories of the handicraft type began to form, such as oil mills, water mills, chambraneries, brick factories, soap factories, tanneries and pottery workshops.

April 16, 1871 - the city of Maykop was consecrated by John Sanderovsky, rector of the church. In the study “Unknown Maykop”, Victor Mazurik writes: “On April 16, 1871, the whitewashed, swept and washed city woke up to the joyful ringing of the parish church bells.” The long-awaited day for Maykop residents arrived grand opening cities.

On December 24, 1870, the city of Maykop received the status county town and is now not considered a village. At this time, the Maykop district was created. The city is allocated an allotment of 6,150 acres of land, almost 4,000 of which were forested areas.

City plan

The streets of the city are smooth and straight. Along the same street you can enter the city, cross it, and exit or drive through almost the entire city without making a single turn. The only exceptions are the old district of the city and some streets on its outskirts. The capital of Adygea is considered one of the greenest and cleanest cities in Russia. You can easily verify this by walking along the streets of the city.

Geological structure and tectonics

The history of the geological structure of the territory of Adygea is complex. Since the Proterozoic era, there has been a geosynclinal region where thick sedimentary strata accumulated, then mountain folds were formed more than once, which were destroyed and submerged again. Modern relief of Adygea formed over a long geological time. It changes even now under the influence of external and internal forces Earth.


According to the nature of the relief, Adygea can be divided into three parts: flat, foothill and mountainous.

The republic is located on the picturesque slopes of the Caucasus Range, connected by the fertile Trans-Kuban sloping plain. The main part of Adygea passes along the low-lying Trans-Kuban sloping plain, along the flow of the Kuban and Paba rivers.


In 1959, 15 kilometers from Maykop, near the village of Kalinin, a gas field was discovered. Maikop gas is pure in its composition, it is transported to different cities of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don.

At the end of the 19th century, Russian academician I.M. Gubkin assumed that there should be oil in the foothills of the North Caucasus. In 1911, oil came out of the well, which was called Maikop.

Non-metallic minerals.

Deposits of sand and gravel materials have been discovered. Deposits of building gypsum have been explored in the Maykop region. Deposits of building and facing stones are known in the republic. In the Maykop region, promising areas are identified with deposits of phosphorites for the production of mineral fertilizers (phosphorus flour) and glauconite sandstones for direct application to the soil.

Mineral and thermal springs

Adygea is rich in mineral and thermal springs. These are waters that rise from the depths of the earth to the surface in the form of springs, springs, geysers, or produced artificially by drilling wells. ABOUT medicinal properties mineral springs in the valleys of the Belaya, Kurdzhips and other rivers of Adygea, the mountaineers knew at the beginning of the last century.

Maikop deposit - iodine-bromine highly mineralized waters

Most of the springs in the Maykop healing area are hot. The water temperature of numerous sources is different and ranges from +15° to 80°C


The climate is moderately warm, precipitation is 540-860 mm. The average annual temperature in the territory is from 3.8 to 10.9 °C. There are 200-250 clear days during the year, the average annual radiation is 115-120 kcal/cm2. The nature of the climate is determined by the characteristics geographical location, first of all, the proximity of the ice-free Black Sea, the latitude of the area, the height and distribution of the mountain ranges of the North-Western Caucasus. The Black Sea is a good “accumulator” of heat, accumulating it in the summer and gradually releasing it to the surrounding areas in the winter. At the same time, it is a source of formation of the so-called Black Sea cyclones, carrying moisture to coastal areas. In turn, the Caucasus Mountains retain the humid winds of the western components and contribute to sufficient moisture in the territory.


Belaya is the second longest and most powerful left bank tributary of the river in terms of water content. Kuban. It originates on the slopes of the Fisht-Oshten mountain range and, after traveling 265 km, flows into the Krasnodar reservoir, below the station. Vasyurinskaya. The total fall of the river is 2283 m; drainage basin area - 5990 sq. km. In total, in the river. 3459 large and small tributaries flow into the Belaya, of which the largest are on the left side Pshekha and Kurdzhips, Kisha and Dakh (right banks). Food p. White water occurs due to precipitation in the form of rain and snow, groundwater, as well as the melting of high-mountain snow and glaciers. There are 29 glaciers in the river basin with a total area of ​​7.6 sq. km. Flood on the river White water usually occurs in the spring and summer, but it often flows at any time of the year, with the exception of winter.


South of Maykop in the forest zone there are gray forest soils. They are formed under oak forests with an admixture of hornbeam and beech with an undergrowth of hazel, viburnum, and euonymus. Gray forest soils are divided into three subtypes: dark gray, gray, light gray forest soils. Gray forest soils.

They are found in the forest belt and foothills of Adygea. There is no second humus horizon.

Brown forest soils.

They are formed on marls, limestones and their eluviums, clays, loams and sandy loams of various ages and origins.

Flora world.

The main forest resources are located in the Maykop region, where 98% of all forests are concentrated. The forest fund is divided into 2 groups. The first group includes forests that perform water protection, sanitary and hygienic, anti-erosion and other functions. Group I forests make up 37% of the total area. The low-mountain forests are dominated by English oak and Gartvis oak. Here you can also find maple, ash, Caucasian pear, apple, dogwood, and hawthorn. At an altitude of 450 - 500 m oak forests are replaced by a belt of beech forests. Sessile oak and Caucasian hornbeam also grow. Among the tertiary relics, you can find yew berry here.

Animal world

In total, the republic has 87 species of mammals, 91 fish, 275 birds, 11 amphibians, 19 reptiles and several thousand species of invertebrate animals. The distribution of the animal population, as well as the vegetation cover, clearly shows a zonal character. Each altitudinal zone is characterized by a certain complex of animals. Of all the altitudinal zones, the forest-steppe zone is the most diverse in terms of animal population. Both with the ascent to the mountains and with the transition to the Cis-Caucasian Plain, the number of animal species noticeably decreases.


As of January 1, 2000, 448.9 thousand people lived in Adygea. In terms of population, it ranks 16th among sovereign republics within Russia

Representatives of 95 nationalities live on its territory. The name of the republic was given by the Adyghe people living here since ancient times. Their number within the republic is 95.4 thousand people

Education and culture.

The city has scientific, educational, cultural and educational institutions: Adyghe state university, Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Studies, Adyghe Republican Agricultural Institute, Maikop State Technological University, School of Arts, Medical School, Pedagogical College named after Kh.B. Andrukhaeva, Humanitarian and Technical College, various vocational schools, Republican Gymnasium, 30 secondary schools, two drama theaters, local history museum etc.


The industry of modern Maykop is represented by machine-building and metalworking plants (machine-building, gear and machine-tool plants, Tochmash, JSC Maikoppromsvyaz, etc.), enterprises of the furniture and woodworking industry (JSC Kartontara, timber industry JSC Druzhba). The leading industries of the city are food and light, which account for more than half of the gross output. Within the city limits, on the Belaya River, the Maikop Hydroelectric Power Station is located. Electrified railway connects Maikop with the junction station Belorechenskaya and Kamennomostsky.

Agro-industrial complex

Agriculture is represented by the grain sector. Livestock farming is represented mainly by sheep breeding, based on a natural food supply. Cattle are of less importance. They produce significant quantities of wheat, corn, sunflower, and tobacco. Before agriculture Adygeans stand important tasks. It is necessary to increase the production and sale of grain, sugar beets, sunflowers, vegetables, fruits and berries, milk, meat, eggs.


In 2010, it is planned to hold major renovation 65 houses with a total area of ​​more than 170 thousand m². More than 260 million rubles are allocated for these purposes. Currently, the third stage of major renovation of houses is underway, which is scheduled to be completed in September of this year. In total, in the Republic of Adygea this year, renovation of 199 apartment buildings has begun for a total amount of 423.9 million rubles. This will improve the living conditions of almost 12 thousand people.


Republican Clinical Hospital. City Clinical Hospital. Clinical children's hospital. Infectious diseases hospital. Dermatovenerological dispensary. Narcological dispensary. Oncology dispensary. Consultation clinic. Consulting and diagnostic clinic. Traumatology clinic. Clinics.

Transport and communications.

The city's transport complex includes railway, road and pipeline transport.

Within Maykop there are passing railways and highways. There are two bus stations and a railway station.

You can get to any area of ​​the city by bus, trolleybus, minibus...

Ecological situation cities.

Current state environment requires effective and immediate measures.

The city is doing a lot to keep the waters and atmosphere clean.

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Flag of the Republic of Adygea is state symbol Republic of Adygea. Adopted by the Parliament of the Republic of Adygea on March 24, 1992. The flag of the Republic of Adygea is a rectangular green panel, which depicts twelve gold stars and three gold intersecting arrows pointing upward. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1:2.

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Anthem The anthem of the Republic of Adygea is one of the symbols of the statehood of Adygea. The anthem was approved by a resolution of the Supreme Council of Adygea on March 25, 1992. This was one of the first decisions of the first convening of the republic’s parliament after the collapse of the USSR.

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Story The most important stage in the history of the Circassians, like everyone else Caucasian peoples the Russian-Caucasian war appeared. During the military campaign to gain control of Northern Caucasus, Russia by 1829 pushed aside Ottoman Empire and since the 1830s. began to gain a foothold on the Black Sea coast. After graduation Caucasian War in 1864, most of the Northwestern Caucasus came under Russian control. The results of the war were tragic for the Adyghe people, like all Caucasians. This huge amount dead, refugees and deportees. The mass of Circassians became muhajirs (migrants). The descendants of the Muhajirs still live in Turkey, the countries of the Middle East and Western Europe. After the end of the Caucasian War, a military occupation regime was in effect in the territory of the North-West Caucasus until 1867. The entire Adyghe population was placed under the jurisdiction of the military authorities. On January 1, 1867, military-people's districts were liquidated and the Adyghe population became part of general population newly formed counties - Maykop, Ekaterinodar, Batalpashinsky. In July 1922, the Circassian (Adygea) Autonomous Region was formed, with its center in Krasnodar. In 1936, by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the capital of Adygea was transferred from the city of Krasnodar to the city of Maykop. October 5, 1991 – The Republic of Adygea was proclaimed.

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Adyghe national clothing The Adyghe costume consists of a beshmet or arhaluk, a Circassian coat, buttons, a chevyak, a burka and a hat trimmed with galloon, with a bashlyk reminiscent of a Phrygian hat. Weapons - saber, gun, dagger and pistols; on both sides of the Circassian coat there are leather sockets for rifle cartridges, on the belt there are grease boxes, a screwdriver and a bag with accessories for cleaning weapons. It is noteworthy that in early eras The role of men's clothing was more universal; it often combined the equipment of a warrior. Such a universal form of clothing was the famous Circassian coat (tsye). Light shoes, a burka, and a bashlyk, the irreplaceable companions of the Adyghe warrior on campaigns, met the same requirements. The burka, for example, not only protected from rain, snow and wind, it also served as a ready-made hut. Women's clothing richly decorated with ornaments, gold and silver embroidery, bassonry - braids, braid, braid and silver items. Everyday outer dresses were more modest and simpler in decoration and cut. A four-six-wedge skirt, smooth or pleated, depending on the quality of the material, was sewn to a blouse that was tailored to fit the figure; the sleeves were made long and straight with a narrow cuff. The hem and cuff were trimmed with a narrow patterned cord. Richer women also decorated the sleeve cuffs and hem of their dresses with gold embroidery and braiding. Before marriage, girls wore a special corset that compressed their breasts.

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Cuisine Over the course of centuries of history, the Adygs, like other peoples, have developed a unique and rather rich assortment national dishes. Since ancient times, they have been engaged in cattle breeding, poultry farming and agriculture. This, naturally, influenced the selection and characteristics of folk dishes, among which the main place was occupied by dishes from lamb, beef and poultry, as well as dairy and vegetable dishes. Since ancient times, the Circassians have loved cereal and flour preparations. They willingly grew apples, pears, plums, cherries, polenta, peaches, grapes, nuts, etc. By consuming fruits both fresh and dried, many of them were given medicinal value.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Goal: Fostering interests and love for their small homeland by introducing children to preschool age with the Republic of Adygea (culture, way of life, traditions and language) Through matinees and entertainment we introduce culture and way of life

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Didactic objectives To cultivate in a child love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city. Shape careful attitude to nature and all living things. Cultivate respect for other people, professions and work. Develop interest in Adyghe traditions and crafts. Expand your understanding of your hometown and its features. Introduce children to the sights hometown. Develop an emotional and holistic attitude towards the Republic of Adygea. Develop children's speech.

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Methodological tasks Analyze pedagogical and methodological literature. Create informational texts with visual didactic material. Organize design and research activities children and parents. Organize exhibitions of drawings and photographs. Registration didactic games in local history: “Find out where I am?”, “Collect a picture”, “Grandma’s chest”, “Map of my city”, City of the future”, “My Adygea”, “Here is my street, here is my home”

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A circle framed on top with a ribbon with the inscription “Republic of Adygea” in Russian and Adyghe languages. In the middle of the fly there is a large star, on the sides there are leaves of oak, maple (left), golden ears of wheat, ears of corn (right). The circle is completed by the abbreviation of the words " Russian Federation" - in the letters RF, above which the national table is depicted - ane with bread and salt. In the middle of the circle - main character Nart epic Sausryko on a fiery flying horse. In the rider's hand is a flaming torch, which the hero stole from the gods for the benefit of people. The rays from this fire seem to scatter across the sky in twelve stars. The flight of a rider on a horse symbolizes the flight of the young republic into the future, towards progress. A plowed field, a table with bread and salt, together with ears of wheat and millet, an ear of corn, and a bull’s head in the garland of the coat of arms symbolize the wealth of the republic, created by the labor of its people. Images of mountains, arable land, maple and oak leaves characterize the geographical and natural features of the republic, that it is located on the picturesque northern slopes of the Caucasus Range and the valleys of the Kuban and Laba rivers and the fertile Kuban plain, talking about the forest wealth of the region. The large one depicted at the top of the coat of arms five pointed star represents unity and brotherhood multi-ethnic population Republic of Adygea.

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The flag of the Republic of Adygea is a green rectangular panel depicting 12 gold stars and three gold intersecting arrows pointing upward. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1:2. The flag originated in the 30s. XIX century as a symbol of independent Circassia, the creation of which Great Britain sought. 12 stars mean 12 Cherkassy tribes, and 3 arrows - 3 ancient Adyghe princely families. Three crossed arrows denote their unity. Green symbolizes life, eternity, as well as one of the natural features of the republic, in which almost 40 percent of the territory is occupied by forests. This flag was also used during World War II by the pro-German North Caucasus League.

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The coat of arms of the city of Maykop has existed since 1871. In the book “Coats of arms of cities, provinces, regions and towns Russian Empire. 1649-1917" there is a section called: "VI. District and district cities, the coats of arms of which are not included in Complete collection laws of the Russian Empire", in which the Maikop coat of arms is reproduced without indicating its approval, and its description is given as follows: "Maikop, Kuban region. In the golden shield there is a black mountain, accompanied along the head of the shield by an azure wavy belt. In the free part is the coat of arms of the Kuban region." According to the heraldic rules that existed at that time, gold (it was depicted as dots) served as a symbol of wealth, justice, and generosity. The belt on the shield is an honorary heraldic figure, occupies a third of the shield, is located horizontally and can be sinuous or jagged. The azure (blue) color of the belt is a symbol of beauty, softness and grandeur. The coat of arms of the region served as an indication that Maykop belonged to the category of district, but unpopulated cities of the Kuban region. As for the history of the creation of this type of Maykop coat of arms, there are no options. I, all heraldic activities in Russia were to be carried out by the Arms Department, created in 1857 at the Office of the Department of Heraldry. Judging by the fact that the image of mountains on the coats of arms of the cities of Maykop, Grozny, Batalpashinsk (now Cherkessk) and Borovichi (Novogorodskaya province) is the same. it can be argued that the coat of arms of Maykop was created by the same artist, who worked in the indicated Armal Department.

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Adygea is a multinational republic; more than 100 nationalities live on its territory. The main population is Russians (52%) and Adygeis (24.2%). Other peoples inhabiting the republic include Armenians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Germans, Greeks and others. The Circassians also live in Turkey, Syria, Jordan, in the countries of Europe, Africa and America, where they are descendants of forced migrants who left the Caucasus during the Russian-Circassian War of 1763-1864. The Circassian diaspora numbers from 5 to 7 million people.

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The city of Maykop is the capital of the republic (the name comes from the Adyghe word “myekkuape” - “valley of apple trees”) - it is officially believed that the city was founded on May 17, 1857 (there is evidence that a settlement existed on this site from a much earlier time). In the years leading up to the Great Patriotic War, the capital of Adygea has transformed from an insignificant provincial town with handicraft and semi-handicraft enterprises into the industrial center of Maykop today - a city in which almost all the industrial products of the republic are produced.

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Adygea is an amazing and fairy world, where unique natural beauty, legends of hoary antiquity and a vibrant colorful culture are intertwined. The Nart epic took shape here and the Great Silk Road passed here. The gray mountains keep many amazing mysteries, wild rivers and the forests of Adygea preserved in their original form.

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The ancient multifaceted culture of Adygea sparkles with all its colors and captivates everyone who has ever come into contact with it. The marvelous sound of the unique Adyghe melody, the excellent fighting qualities and sophistication of Circassian weapons and harnesses, the variety and perfection of gold embroidery techniques, the splendor and functionality of the national costume and much more have been the treasury of Adyghe culture since ancient times.

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People's artist of the republic and gunsmith, the only female jeweler in the world Asya Eutykh Asya Eutykh is one of the modern creators who carefully preserve and pass on to new generations the canons developed over centuries and artistic traditions Adyghe people. These are the Masters, whose art is the connecting thread between the past and the future, enriches every person, introducing him to his roots, origins, awakening love for himself and his neighbor, fostering mutual respect and tolerance, giving birth to new feelings and emotions of involvement in Beauty,

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Harmony and Eternity. Asya Eutykh's original works are in museums in many countries around the world and are presented as gifts to heads of state and outstanding cultural and artistic figures. It works not only in modern style, great place decorative elements and ornamental motifs characteristic of ancient and medieval cultures The Caucasus and Western Asia, and, above all, Circassian decorative and applied arts.

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National costume The Circassian Circassians have a long history and have conquered the whole world. The national clothing of the Circassians is very beautiful. Women wore long, toe-length dresses and trousers. The dress was decorated with gold or other embroidery and tied at the waist with a beautiful belt. Women's clothing was created in such a way as to emphasize the slimness and dignity of the figure. Men's costume reflected morals and identity Adyghe people. Its upper part consisted of trousers, a beshmet, a Circassian coat, a bashlyk, a burka, and a hat. On the Circassian coat, sockets for cartridges are sewn on both sides of the chest, which are placed in special sleeves (gazyrs).

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The traditional food of the Circassians is boiled and fried lamb, beef, turkey, chicken, broths made from them, sour milk, cottage cheese. Dried and smoked lamb is common and is used to make shish kebab. TO meat dishes pasta is served (hard-cooked millet porridge). A traditional holiday drink with moderate alcohol content, maxym is made from millet flour and malt.

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Every person has a corner dear to his heart. For me this is mine small Motherland. The land they live on wonderful people. This is my ADYGEA and the city of MAYKOP!

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The Republic of Adygea is located on the picturesque northern slopes of the Caucasus Range,

descending to the fertile Kuban plain.

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Territory - 7.8 thousand square kilometers, population - 450 thousand people. In the republic

Representatives of more than 80 nationalities live here.

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Symbols of Adygea. Flag

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    Coat of arms

    The coat of arms of the Republic of Adygea (author D. M. Meretukov) is a circle framed on top by a ribbon with the inscription “Republic of Adygea” in Russian and Adyghe languages. In the middle of the ribbon there is a large star, on the sides there are oak and maple leaves (on the left), golden ears of wheat, and ears of corn (on the right). The circle is closed by the abbreviation of the words “Russian Federation” - the letters RF, above which the national table is depicted - ane with bread and salt. In the middle of the circle is the main character of the Nart epic (ancient Caucasian epic about Nart heroes) Sausryko on a fiery flying horse. In the rider's hand is a flaming torch, which the hero stole from the gods for the benefit of people. The rays from this fire seem to scatter across the sky in twelve stars. The flight of a rider on a horse symbolizes the flight of the young republic into the future, towards progress.

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    The capital of the Republic of Adygea is the city of Maykop.

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    The ancestors of the Circassians (modern Adygeans, Kabardians and Circassians) are known in history under the names of Meotians - in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. they lived along the eastern coast of the Azov and northeastern coast of the Black Sea, as well as in the lower reaches of the Kuban. The Adygs were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, fishing, beekeeping, metal working and pottery, and traded with the Crimea, Byzantium, the Slavs of the Dnieper region, the Khazars and Iran.

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    Around the 13th century, during the period of the conquest of the Adygs by the Golden Horde, the Adyghe people began to take shape. The main occupation of the Adyghe people was animal husbandry, in the lowland parts - farming, in some areas they were engaged in fishing and beekeeping. Crafts also developed - jewelry, pottery, copper smelting, blacksmithing, etc. XIII-XV centuries The economy of the Adyghe people was mainly of a subsistence nature. The main share in trade was occupied by honey, wax, fruits, caviar, furs, which were exchanged for salt, fabrics, weapons and luxury goods.