Animation activities in tourism. Forms of animation activities

The article defines the essence of the concepts of “animation” and the related “animation activities”. The specifics of animation activities in tourism are considered.

Key words: animation, animation activities, tourist animation.

Introduction. For the first time the term “animation” (from Lat. animation- revive, inspire, spiritualize) appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. in France in connection with the introduction of a law on the creation of various associations and was interpreted as an activity aimed at strengthening a keen interest in culture and artistic creativity. In the 2nd half of the twentieth century. the term “animation” began to be used in several meanings, where animation was also considered as an artistic activity for creating cartoons. By the end of the 20th century. socio-cultural animation has already represented an independent direction of psychological and pedagogical activity in the field of cultural leisure.

Presentation of the main material. Modern definitions of the concept of “animation” reflect historically established ideas on this issue. Let's look at some of the existing definitions.

Animation - organizing leisure time in hotels, corporate events, children's camps, children's parties; a direction that involves personal participation of vacationers in cultural events.

Animation is a technology that allows you to create the illusion of movement using inanimate stationary objects; The most popular form is animation, which is a series of hand-drawn images.

Computer animation is a type of animation created using a computer. Today it is widely used both in the field of entertainment and industrial, scientific and business areas. Computer animation is a sequential display (slide show) of pre-prepared graphic files, as well as computer simulation of movement by changing (and redrawing) the shape of objects or displaying sequential images with phases of movement.

From the above definitions, it is obvious that the same term still refers to different types of activities. For the purposes of our research, the concept of animation in relation to socio-cultural activities and, in particular, tourism is of greatest interest.

As an analysis of the literature has shown, studies related to animation and animation activities are not widely covered. Information about the history of the formation and evolution of cultural and leisure activities is presented in the works of G.P. Blinova, I.A. Pankeeva, I.V. Filatova, I.G. Sharoeva. In the works of A.F. Volovik and I.G. Sharoev, aspects of dramaturgy and screenwriting of cultural and leisure activities are considered. Various aspects animation activities are considered in the works of M.B. Birzhakova, J.R. Walker, A.D. Chudnovsky, T.I. Galperina, N.I. Garanin and I.I. Bulygina, L.V. Kurilo, G.A. Avanesova, E.M. Priezzhevoy and others. Significant contribution to the development and establishment of animation as a segment practical activities the work of F.I. contributed to the structure of the tourism product. Kagan, a team of teachers from the South Ural state university(Russia), etc. Animation in socio-cultural services and tourism is also discussed in the textbook by I.I. Pyadushkina. The textbook by T.N. is also devoted to a description of animation activities in social and cultural services and tourism. Tretyakova.

With such a variety of studies, the authors do not have unity in terms of terminology, formulations of definitions of basic concepts. So L.V. Kurilo, exploring the theory and practice of animation, offers the following definition: “animation is the stimulation of full-fledged recreational, socio-cultural leisure and other human activities by influencing his vitality, inspiration and spirituality." In turn, T.N. Tretyakova believes that animation is “the development and provision of special programs for spending free time; organization of entertainment and sports leisure activities."

The concept of “animation” is closely related to another concept – “leisure”. IN " Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" V.I. Dahl characterizes a person in leisure conditions as “idle”—skillful, capable, dexterous, skillful. Until the beginning of the 20th century. the concept of “leisure” meant the achievement, ability, opportunity of a person to express himself in his free time from work. The Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definition: “leisure (free time) is part of the non-working time (within the boundaries of a day, a week, a year) remaining with a person (group, society) minus the immutable, necessary costs. The structure of free time includes active creative (including social) activities; study, self-education; cultural, (spiritual) consumption (reading newspapers, books, going to the movies, etc.), sports, etc.; amateur activities, games with children; communication with other people."

The opinions of scientists about what leisure is are very ambiguous. There are several points of view on revealing the essence of the concept of “leisure”. Some researchers believe that this is simply time not spent working, i.e. free time for entertainment, personal activities, hobbies, etc.; others - the social organization of free time in the form of leisure, leisure activities. Modern science has a wide range of leisure concepts (Latin “conceptio” - thought, concept of a system, guiding idea, leading plan, constructive principle of activity). It should be noted that in the context general characteristics theorists view leisure as a temporary space, activity, state and holistic (integral) way of life.

The idea of ​​considering leisure as a specific time space (quantitative concept of leisure) arose in the 19th century. and was a consequence of the industrial revolution in the West, as a result of which the livelihoods of the vast majority of the population were clearly differentiated into working hours and free time outside of work. This concept is the most widespread at present. The quantitative concept of leisure is based on the assertion that the entire temporary space of a person’s life can be divided into certain periods of time in accordance with their purpose. In this case, leisure is a period of time free from immutable responsibilities such as work, sleep, personal care, Homework, child care. The interpretation of leisure within the framework of this concept assumes that a person not only has free time space, but also has the freedom to choose leisure activities in accordance with his interests and tastes. This concept allows for a broad interpretation of leisure, i.e. Leisure can be considered the time allocated to both creative, constructive and destructive activities, as well as time spent aimlessly.

As an activity, leisure is determined by a set of actions, including a system of relationships between a person and the surrounding world, for example, with material objects, information, people, etc. Leisure is considered as a type of human activity, different from other types of his life activities associated with the labor sphere and other types of activity necessary to maintain vitality.

In addition, the concept of leisure includes a set of human actions that are opposite to compulsory activities. Rhythmic change of activities is one of the basic needs of the human body, necessary to maintain its biological balance.

In assessing the free time fund, the position taken by G.I. looks convincing. Mintz: “Leisure is part of free time. Leisure includes only those hours that are used for recreation and entertainment. Time devoted to study, social work, children and various creative activities is part of free time, but does not belong to leisure.”

We also share the point of view of A.I. Kravchenko, author of the Sociological Dictionary, in his definition of leisure: “Leisure is that part of free time (it is part of non-working time) that a person has at his own discretion. Leisure is included as an integral part in the category of “free time”, which, in turn, is part of non-productive time. The latter includes: time for household work and self-care, time for sleep and food, time for traveling to and from work, free time spent on study, education, social activities. Leisure is an activity for personal pleasure, entertainment, self-improvement or achieving other goals of one’s own choice, and not because of material necessity. Leisure is an activity that people engage in simply because they enjoy it."

Thus, animation is one of the areas for developing public activity. This is one of the socio-cultural mechanisms with the help of which conditions can be created for the emergence and disclosure of human abilities and needs, for new opportunities and ways of use in new living conditions, i.e. raising the so-called "quality of life".

Let us recall that sociocultural animation by the end of the 20th century. already represented an independent direction of psychological and pedagogical activity in the field of cultural leisure.

Sociocultural animation is special kind cultural and leisure activities of public groups and individuals, based on modern (pedagogical and psychological) humanistic technologies for overcoming social and cultural alienation.

Generalization of theoretical ideas of animation and experience of organizing social and cultural activities of animators in France allowed E.B. Mambekov to give the following detailed definition: “Sociocultural animation is part of the cultural and educational system of society and can be presented in the form of a special model of organizing sociocultural activities: as a set of elements (institutions, government bodies, organizations, audiences) that are in constant relationships that characterize this model; a set of classes, activities and relationships in which the leading role is played by animators, professional or voluntary, with special training and, as a rule, using active pedagogy methods.”

Abroad there is traditional system qualified assistance from specialists who are modern stage, are called animators or, when it comes to tourism, managers of tourist animation, and their organizational, pedagogical, cultural, creative and recreational initiatives are called animated socio-cultural work.

In addition, in the image of an animator, according to S.I. Baylik, “representatives of the following professions” can also perform: animator-cartoonist - a person who brings drawn pictures to life; animator in business is a person involved in increasing sales, revitalizing business" (i.e., someone who advertises goods in stores, conducts promotions and lotteries designed to attract customers' attention to a certain type goods, etc.).

Thus, animators are specialists in organizing leisure time in various institutions that provide special events and free time programs; organizers of entertainment and sports activities.

Animation in literature and the media is often called a mediator between the individual and society. Animation is based on general methods of social and pedagogical influence on each individual individually and on groups, teams, unstable audiences and various social communities during travel and on vacation.

In a number of countries, tourism has become a large independent industry, occupying a leading position in the economy. This is largely due to the fact that the modern tourism industry provides a large volume of services consumed by tourists during travel, namely accommodation, food, transport and excursion services. None of them today can be imagined without elements of the live participation of tourists, implying animation of tourist services.

The prerequisites for the emergence of tourist animation, in its modern understanding, are negative consequences industrialization and urbanization. And as a consequence of this, there is an increased demand for a wide variety of tourist services (hobby tours, ecological tours, various types of sports and health tourism, excursion and entertainment routes, sports and entertainment, medical and recreational services, etc.). In addition to accommodation and food, the tourist product began to include other services aimed at satisfying the needs for entertainment, fun leisure time, and emotional relief. In the everyday life of tourism activities and the terminology of hotel services, the concept of “tourist animation” arose - a type of activity aimed at satisfying the animation needs of tourists. Thus, animation in tourism is a holistic process of interaction between animators and tourists in the leisure sector based on the combination of formal leadership and informal leadership of the specialist performing the interaction. As a result of such interaction, the relaxation and health, cultural, educational, cultural and creative needs and interests of the participants in this process are satisfied, conditions are created for the formation of a socially active personality capable of transformation surrounding reality and yourself in it.

The very concept of “animation” allows, on the one hand, to quite accurately characterize the goals of sociocultural activity, to identify its spiritualizing, consolidating nature, and on the other hand, to designate the actual spiritual aspect of the relationship between subjects and objects of the process, based on a deep appeal to the eternal value-semantic absolutes of spirituality .

Considering all of the above, we can agree with L.V. Kurilo is that “animation is the stimulation of full-fledged recreational, socio-cultural leisure and other human activities by influencing his vitality, inspiration and spirituality.” This definition generally fairly reflects the specifics of animation activities, which manifest themselves at the organizational, activity and technological (methodological) levels. The essence of animation activities in the leisure sphere is to involve representatives of society in active forms of leisure. At the same time, one cannot limit the essence and specificity of this phenomenon only to external manifestations, because a very important component of socio-cultural animation is its spiritual and worldview potential. In addition, the concept of “animation activity” has some duality and can be considered with different positions. On the one hand, animation activity is an activity aimed at satisfying the relaxation, health, cultural, educational, cultural and creative needs and interests of a person through joint specific process interaction between him and a specialist in the field of animation. On the other hand, animation activities are activities for the development, organization and implementation of special programs for spending free time.

Conclusions. Thus, animation activities are, on the one hand, recreational, socio-cultural leisure and other activities of people, carried out under the guidance of animation specialists. On the other hand, animation activities are activities for the development, organization and provision of special programs for spending free time. It should be noted that the mentioned duality often becomes the reason for differences in the interpretation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus in the study of animation and animation activity by the authors.


1. Dragicevic-Sesic M. Culture: management, animation, marketing [Text] / M. Dragicevic-Sesic, B. Stojkovic [trans. from Serbo-Croatian]. – Novosibirsk: Tigra, 2000. – 165 p.
2. Kurilo L.V. Theory and practice of animation: Part 1. Theoretical foundations of tourist animation [ Tutorial] / L.V. Smoked. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2006. – 195 p.
3. Animation [Electronic resource] / Wikipedia. Open encyclopedia. – Access mode:
4. Animation [Electronic resource] / Collier’s Encyclopedia. – Access mode:
5. Tretyakova T.N. Animation activities in social and cultural service and tourism [Textbook for universities] / T.N. Tretyakov. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008. – 272 p.
6. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989. – 959 p.
7. Lukyanova L.G. Recreational complexes [Tutorial] / L.G. Lukyanova, V.I. Tsybukh: under general. ed. V.K. Fedorchenko. – K.: Vishcha School, 2004. – 346 p.
8. Educational sociological dictionary with English and Spanish equivalents / Under the general editorship of S.A. Kravchenko. – 4th edition, expanded and revised. – M.: Exam, 2000. – 512 p.
9. Mambekov E.B. Organization of leisure in France: animation model: author's abstract. disser. Ph.D. ped. Sciences / E.B. Mambekov. – St. Petersburg, 1991. – 28 p.
10. Baylik S.I. Introduction to hospitality animation [Tutorial] / S.I. Baylik. – Kh.: Crossroad Publishing House, 2008. – 128 p.

Voronina G. B. Animation, animation activity: the essence to understand

The article states the essence of understanding “animation” and the “animation activity” associated with it. The specifics of animation activities in tourism are examined.

Key words: animation, animation activity, tourist animation.

Voronina G. Animation, animation activities: essence of the concepts

In the paper determine of the concepts of “animation” and “animation activities”. Consider specific of the animation in tourism.

Key words: animation, animation activities, tourist animation.

Tourist terminological dictionary defines the term “animation” as a complex for the development and provision of special programs for spending free time, organizing entertainment and sports leisure activities.

Animation is one of the areas of cultural and leisure activities. It has a certain recreational function - it is an increase in satisfaction with rest, a faster and more complete restoration of moral and physical strength. Cultural and leisure activity refers to the specific activity of people that they exhibit during their leisure time.

Socio-cultural animation not only serves to relieve accumulated psychological and physical stress, but should also help to reveal a person’s abilities, his creative potential, enrich him with new knowledge and skills, help overcome the person’s existing complexes and include him in real action. In this regard, animation activity has a number of characteristic features:

Carried out in free time;

Characterized by freedom of choice, voluntariness, activity, initiative of both one person and various social groups;

Determined by national-ethical, regional characteristics and traditions;

Characterized by a variety of species based on the different interests of adults, youth and children;

Differs in deep individuality;

It is of a humanistic, cultural, developmental, health-improving and educational nature.

Tourist animation is a tourist service, the provision of which involves the tourist in an active action that contributes to his recreation. Tourist animation is based on personal contacts between the animator (tourist animation manager) and the tourist, on human intimacy, and the joint participation of the animator and the tourist in the entertainment offered by the animation program of the tourist complex.

Animation as a tourist service pursues the goal of actively promoting the tourism product and increasing the profitability of the tourism business by improving the quality of service for tourists and expanding the number of services provided. In addition, the positive emotions received by the tourist during the animation programs encourage him to re-visit the tourist complex (hotel, cruise ship, etc.).

The organization of such activities is associated with the formation and implementation of entertainment programs (animation programs) that could distract the vacationer from everyday life problems, contribute to his emotional release, being not only a means of getting rid of fatigue, but also a means of neutralizing the negative aspects of everyday life.

When preparing animation programs, such characteristics of tourists as gender, age, nationality, as well as the willingness of tourists to participate in various activities are taken into account.

In the practice of animation, for the targeted design of animation programs, it is necessary to highlight the following functions of tourist animation:

Adaptation, allowing you to move from an everyday environment to a free, leisure environment;

Compensatory, freeing a person from the physical and mental fatigue of everyday life;

Stabilizing, creating positive emotions and stimulating mental stability;

Wellness, aimed at restoring and developing a person’s physical strength;

Informational, allowing you to receive new information about the country, region, people, etc.;

Educational, which allows you to acquire and consolidate new knowledge about the world around you as a result of vivid impressions;

Improving, bringing intellectual and physical improvement;

Such a variety of functions of tourist animation has led to a variety of types of animation activities, as well as a wide variety of animation programs and events.

2. Main directions of animation in tourism

The main areas of animation activities offered to tourists (animation programs, theatrical performances, animation in theme parks, etc.) are reflected in Table. 1.

Animation programs of event tourism, theatrical performances and entertainment in theme parks often act as the main content of a tour package and are the purpose of travel.

Animation programs throughout the entire period of a tourist’s stay at the hotel should provide him with complete satisfaction (the feeling of fulfillment of a desire, a dream, the achievement of a travel goal).

Sports animation, due to the huge variety of possible offers and great demand, can be used for a wide range of tasks facing workers in the tourism industry - from developing a travel program to acting as a kind of life-saving device in adverse weather conditions (cold windy sea, snowless winter at a ski resort and etc.), in case of transport delays and other troubles.

Table 1. Main directions of animation activities

Animation programs Theatrical performances Animation in theme parks Sports animation Hotel animation

Holiday Events










in historical



Meetings with


with heroes



exotic countries

Travel to the past and future, etc.


Rock climbing

Shooting from





gyms Skittles Bowling Karting Water sports, etc.


games (casino, gaming

machine guns)




Baths, saunas

Cafes, bars

Hotel animation is designed primarily to perform an advertising function. In this case, the task of the animators is to ensure that tourists re-visit this tourist complex (hotel) and make their clients a kind of carriers of their advertising.

The identification of animation directions is conditional, since real animation programs are most often complex in nature and contain certain elements various types animation. This combination makes animation programs more interesting and rich, and the presence of a sports component contributes to the restoration and strengthening of health, providing the greatest restorative and health-improving effect.

Animation programs for event tourism cover the widest segments of the tourism market and find fans regardless of age, gender, nationality and education. In some ways, restrictions may arise due to the varying solvency of tourists. This direction animation requires significant financial costs, attracting more specialists, and advertising.

Theatrical performances often take advantage of local opportunities and characteristics. An example is opera performances in the interiors of the Vyborg Castle and the Ivangorod Fortress. This type of animation activity requires additional involvement of professionals and advertising promotion of the event. Given animation direction has a narrower range of connoisseurs. Most often these are younger and more educated consumers.

Animation in theme parks is most popular among families, honeymooners and small youth groups. Moreover, the main visitors to such parks, which are most intended for children, are adults and mainly foreign tourists. This type animation required more animation service staff.

Sports animation - the widest range of offers, and besides tourists who regularly go in for sports, rarely do any tourists refuse to try their hand at one or another sports entertainment. Sports animation requires appropriate material and technical base and trained instructors.

Hotel animation depends on the size of the hotel, the number of staff, the presence of a separate animation service, and logistics.

3. The concept of “costume tours”. What costume tours could you offer in your region?

Costume tours are one of the avant-garde areas of animation tourism. This might be for example, tours with a vacation on an American ranch, where tourists receive clothes and cowboy equipment, learn to ride a horse, and eat cowboy food. Vienna traditionally hosts professional balls, which tourists can also attend. Balls for officers of the Austrian armed forces, pharmacists, hunters, confectioners, laundresses. Visitors to these balls can rent dresses and costumes styled in the 19th century. There is a trend of increasing demand for these types of tours.

Show museums are museums with living characters from the era being exhibited. Examples of such museums are: the Museum of English

settlers in Plymouth (USA), a museum under open air Skansen in

Stockholm. This is a Swedish folk village, where in old town and village houses, transported here from different regions of Sweden, you can see interesting souvenirs and folk crafts, and on the streets of Skansen - meet passers-by in ancient Swedish clothes.

b) Non-museum types of interpretation:

traditional holidays, festivals, carnivals;

− knightly battles;

− artistic and historical events;

− military-historical reconstructions.

Traditional holidays, festivals, carnivals have a clearly defined

national coloring: carnivals - Brazil, Spain, Viking festival -

Great Britain, plum festival - Japan, carnival of cultures - in Berlin.

Knight fights have become widespread in many countries and are held

traditionally in medieval castles. The interest of tourists in certain dates, motivation and playing up these interests in animation with the personal participation of tourists also makes it possible to significantly enliven the program

service. At the city level, a process of “festivalization” occurs, when the entire city begins to be perceived as a stage, and everyday life

takes on the character of a spectacle.

d) Use of modern information technology for the interpretation of cultural heritage.

Tourists can be offered a costume tour “Reconstruction of the Azov siege of 1641.”

Military history clubs from Rostov, Azov, Matveevo-Kurgan, Astrakhan, Ufa, Kolomna, Saratov, Voronezh, Anapa, Sochi gather to repeat the legendary battle. In Azov, in 1641, the Don Cossacks were able to defeat the thirty thousand Turkish army that was besieging the city. Now the territory of the Azov Museum-Reserve of History, Archeology and Paleontology annually hosts a theatrical reconstruction of the battle for the Azov fortress.

Events are recreated with extreme accuracy. A high embankment in the middle of the green steppes of the Don region serves as an ideal historical scenery.

The Cossack army lines up on the rampart, preparing to defend the city from the Turks, who have concentrated their forces on the plain. The curious eyes of the spectators are drawn to the bright costumes: fiery red trousers, bright sashes, chain mail, shaggy Circassian coats, helmets shining in the sun. There are only a few minutes left before the start of the battle, and the strongest warriors from both troops are advancing to meet each other. Sabers rang and an enthusiastic roar rang through the crowds of spectators.

The thunder of cannon shots makes spectators worry, especially when a “toy” (but weighty) shell almost hits the crowd of guests watching the action on the slope of the rampart. However, despite the danger, the curious try to get as close as possible to the battlefield in order to better see the sabers, axes, scimitars sparkling in the sun, and if they are lucky, then pick up an arrow lost in the grass. The ramparts were filled with shell smoke, the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and flocks of frightened birds were flying and screaming in the sky. History comes to life before our eyes.

The reconstruction of the battle is the most spectacular, but not the only part of the festival. wide street, leading to the rampart, temporarily turns into a noisy fair. Samovars, ruddy bagels and pretzels gather crowds of people wanting to try the treat. A huge amount costumed participants creates a complete feeling of a shift in time.

4. Features of organizing animation programs at resorts and hotels.

The activities of all service and tourism workers are aimed at organizing the most comfortable conditions for relaxation, creating an atmosphere of abundance, celebration, in general, all those prerequisites under which a tourist would want to return again and again.

Animation is an entire industry in hotel services, an integral part of the entire service of a club-hotel (restaurant, sports ground, swimming pool, etc.). Animators are essentially the same entertainers who are hired to ensure that none of the guests get bored. In a word, an animator is the soul of society, a person who must maintain the public’s mood at the highest level. It’s not for nothing that the word “anima” itself, translated from Latin, means “soul”, “spirit”. But here, too, the main thing is not to overdo it and do everything to ensure that guests are satisfied with their vacation and the work of the animation team.

An animator is the same artist, and all his activities require constant dedication - every day, every minute, for fifteen or more hours a day. Not everyone can withstand such an active and stormy rhythm, which is why it is so important to organize the animators’ work well.

Animators will equally interest both children and adults. Children will gladly accept fun game, and adults will be happy to remember their childhood by participating in interesting competitions. The animators' performances are especially interesting because they involve viewers of the program in exciting interactive action.

During the formation of the animation program, its organizers should answer the following questions:

1. For whom is the program being made, where is it determined:

Age and gender of future viewers (if this is a family hotel, what is its contingent, will children, older people watch our program, etc.);

Social status and professional employment (is our hotel a closed club for aristocrats and a select part of businessmen or is it a youth camp for students)

Nationality (features of cultures and traditions);

Lifestyle of people vacationing at the hotel (classic, extreme, “domostroy”, etc.);

Health status (this is especially important in the development of sports and recreation programs);

2. What is the basis of the animation program ( main idea and the goals for achieving it);

3. How to build an animated event.

As a rule, at the beginning of a new season, the chief animator, with the assistance of the team, develops and approves the animation program for the entire season.

An exact schedule of events is drawn up for each day of the week (by the hour), and each team member is assigned certain responsibilities for their implementation.

The general animation program is prepared in such a way that the entertainment and sports elements are varied in form, interesting to tourists, and that as many participants as possible are involved in the events.

Evening shows should be repeated no more than once every two weeks, based on a typically two-week stay at the hotel. The script, music, lighting, choreography, costumes - everything is clearly thought out and organized by team members and the director, who often takes part in show programs himself.

During lunch and before dinner, animators greet guests at the entrance to the restaurant, wish them bon appetit, get acquainted with newly arrived guests, communicate with those with whom they played today, sit down at tables, and trying to avoid pauses in the conversation, entertain guests and invite them to take part in games and entertainment shows in the afternoon.

All animators who are not involved in the performance take part in the preparation of evening shows and entertainment programs: they prepare scenery, costumes, other props, make up the actors, help them dress, etc.

The basics of cultural and leisure animation of tourist services in hotels are:

An integrated approach to organizing events;

Freedom to choose these activities;

Theatricalization: the use of various techniques and all types of art (painting, music, literature), while the course of the event is determined by the script;


Traditional forms of organizing such events include:

Carnival (folk festival in the form of a street procession, parade, masquerade),

Raut (a gathering of people that does not involve dancing);

Banquet (mass gathering of people, based on abundant food);

Mystery (theatrical production of a play with religious content);

Raus (an event to attract spectators before presentations, cultural and leisure programs);

Ceremony (cult reverent /state/ act, which is carried out in strict order /ceremonial/);

Show performance, mass spectacle.

In order to successfully create an entertainment program for a hotel, you need to decide on a number of criteria, namely:

A genre that creates a special atmosphere and sensations for the audience (drama, clownery, musical, etc.). In this case, the numbers and fragments must be combined in such a way that a single picture and a related structure of the elements of this representation are formed;

The name of this show, which creates the mood and reveals its essence;

A scenario plan, which indicates a list of elements, fragments, events in the process of their development, characters, their relationships and movement. There must be a beginning, a climax and a denouement:

The script, i.e. detailing the points of the scenario plan, as well as work on the literary part - elaboration of monologues and dialogues, study of speech style;

The director's plan is to translate literature into the language of action (if it is a production based on a literary work), compiling and coordinating a continuous effective chain, and working with technology, light and sound.

In addition, it is important where this action will take place (on a summer playground, in a bar, near a pool), to determine the tempo, rhythm, inclusion of spectacular moments and the rehearsal period.

Evening shows are a major part of the hotel's entertainment program. They should be very diverse in content, staging, costumes and be interesting for all vacationers. As a rule, all animators take part in them. The organizers strive to make each performance bright, colorful, memorable, each of them should have its own zest.

And the form of evening shows can be very different: this is a small everyday scene performed by actors-animators, and a serious theatrical performance in which spectators from the audience and guests invited in advance to play a particular role can take part.

Animation activities

The term “animation” first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. in France in connection with the introduction of a law on the creation of various associations and was interpreted as an activity aimed at strengthening a keen interest in culture and artistic creativity. In the 2nd half of the twentieth century. the term “animation” began to be used in several meanings, where animation was also considered as an artistic activity for creating cartoons. By the end of the 20th century. socio-cultural animation has already represented an independent direction of psychological and pedagogical activity in the field of cultural leisure.

Modern definitions of the concept of “animation” reflect historically established ideas on this issue. Let's look at some of the existing definitions.

Animation - organization of leisure time in hotels, corporate events, children's camps, children's parties; a direction that involves personal participation of vacationers in cultural events.

Animation is a technology that allows you to create the illusion of movement using inanimate objects; the most popular form is animation, which is a series of hand-drawn images.

Computer animation is a type of animation created using a computer. Today it is widely used both in the field of entertainment and in the industrial, scientific and business fields (slideshows).

From the above definitions, it is obvious that the same term still refers to different types of activities. For the purposes of our research, the concept of animation in relation to socio-cultural activities and, in particular, tourism is of greatest interest.

With such a variety of studies, the authors do not have unity in formulating definitions of basic concepts. So L.V. Kurilo offers the following definition: “animation is the stimulation of full-fledged recreational, socio-cultural leisure and other human activities by influencing his vitality, inspiration and spirituality.” In turn, T.N. Tretyakova believes that animation is “the development and provision of special programs for spending free time; organization of entertainment and sports leisure activities.”

Animation is one of the areas of development of public activity. This is one of the socio-cultural mechanisms with the help of which conditions can be created for the emergence and disclosure of human abilities and needs, for new opportunities and ways of use in new living conditions.

Let us recall that sociocultural animation by the end of the 20th century. already represented an independent direction of psychological and pedagogical activity in the field of cultural leisure.

Sociocultural animation is a special type of cultural and leisure activity of public groups and individuals, based on modern (pedagogical and psychological) humanistic technologies for overcoming social and cultural alienation.

Generalization of theoretical ideas of animation and experience of organizing social and cultural activities of animators in France allowed E.B. Mambekov to give the following detailed definition: “Sociocultural animation is part of the cultural and educational system of society and can be presented in the form of a special model of organizing sociocultural activities: as a set of elements (institutions, government bodies, organizations, audiences) that are in constant relationships that characterize this model; a set of classes, activities and relationships in which the leading role is played by animators, professional or voluntary, with special training and, as a rule, using active pedagogy methods.”

Abroad, there is a traditional system of qualified assistance from specialists, who at the present stage are called animators or, if we are talking about tourism, managers of tourist animation, and their organizational, pedagogical, cultural, creative and recreational initiatives are called animation socio-cultural work.

So, summarizing all of the above, the formula for animation in tourism can be recognized as the following complex: use of interest + revitalization of the exhibition + inclusion of tourists in the action + variety of entertainment.

Animation in tourism began to develop as such in the 70s of the twentieth century. in the East, and only in the mid-90s did it appear in Russia. First, the animators mastered Egypt and the UAE. Later - Turkey, where music and circus groups presented their programs mainly in hotels.

The main task is to create comfort for the tourist, so that he is interested, so that he feels like a participant in the program, so that he remembers his vacation as his best pastime.

Animation in tourism can be presented:

  • - animation events (holidays, film festivals, competitive programs, masquerade shows, carnival processions, etc.)
  • - animated theatrical performances (knightly tournaments, humorous clowning shows, gladiator fights, costume balls, evenings meeting with fairy-tale characters etc.)
  • - animated exhibitions (museum show, costume exhibitions). This may include animated show museums, when tourists and sightseers at the exhibition are greeted by “revived” historical characters or when in the evening a show is organized at the hotel, but not a contemplative one, but with the direct active participation of tourists.
  • - animation in theme parks (attractions, meetings with cartoon characters, super shows). The first amusement parks appeared in Europe at the end of the 60s. But they began to experience a real tourist boom only in recent years.
  • - sports animation (collective and individual sports games, competitions, competitions, aerobics, shaping, yoga, dance evenings); animation cultural leisure tourism
  • - hotel animation.

In addition, in the image of an animator, according to S.I. Baylik, “representatives of the following professions can also perform: animator-cartoonist - a person who brings drawn pictures to life; an animator in business is a person who is involved in increasing sales, revitalizing a business” (i.e. someone who advertises a product in stores, holds promotions and lotteries designed to attract customers’ attention to a certain type of product, etc.).

Thus, animators are specialists in organizing leisure time in various institutions that provide special events and free time programs; organizers of entertainment and sports activities.

Animation in literature and the media is often called a mediator between the individual and society. Animation is based on general methods of social and pedagogical influence on each individual individually and on groups, teams, unstable audiences and various social communities during travel and on vacation.

The prerequisites for the emergence of tourist animation, in its modern understanding, are the negative consequences of industrialization and urbanization. And as a consequence of this, there is an increased demand for a wide variety of tourist services. In addition to accommodation and food, the tourist product began to include other services aimed at satisfying the needs for entertainment, fun leisure time, and emotional relief. In everyday life of tourism activities and the terminology of hotel services, the concept of “tourist animation” arose - a type of activity aimed at satisfying the animation needs of tourists.

The essence of animation activities in the leisure sphere is to involve representatives of society in active forms of leisure.

Conclusions. Thus, animation activities are, on the one hand, recreational, socio-cultural leisure and other activities of people, carried out under the guidance of animation specialists. On the other hand, animation activity is the activity of developing, organizing and providing special programs for spending free time. It should be noted that the mentioned duality often becomes the reason for differences in the interpretation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus in the study of animation and animation activity by the authors.

Types and forms of animation activities

in the volunteer association of high school students "Star".

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

I am the head of the volunteer association of high school students “Zvezda” of the Children’s Creativity Center of the Central District of Kemerovo. The association has existed for more than 15 years, and I have been leading it for 5 years. The association consists of 30 high school students aged 14 to 18 years. We work in 5 areas of volunteer activity:

    Health saving;

    Work with priority social groups (veterans and elderly people, large families, disabled children, children left without parental care, etc.)

    Environmental protection activities;

    Labor activity;

    Leisure activities or animation.

All areas of our work are closely intertwined, but at the forefront of everything is leisure or animation activities.

The word animation entered the Russian language not so long ago. Previously, people involved in this type of activity were called cultural organizers, then mass entertainers and gamers, but now the time has come for animators.

We consider animation activities as activities for the development and presentation of programs for spending free time, or in other words – leisure activities.

We work at various sites in the city and region. We take part in the events of the Tomsk Pisanitsa Museum-Reserve and the Krasnaya Gorka Museum-Reserve. We participate in city events in the territories of Park of Miracles LLC, the park of culture and recreation named after. V. Voloshina, Antoshka Culture and Leisure Park. We are members of the regional mobile club “Kuzbass” for organizing leisure programs in remote settlements of the region. We organize and conduct events together with social institutions, educational, cultural, sports and healthcare institutions.

Forms animation (leisure) activities Our association includes a variety of:

We conduct sports and health programs for sports and active recreation enthusiasts in educational institutions and parks. Regional events are held annuallysports festivals and competitions “Sport and work go hand in hand”, “Higher, stronger, faster”, sports days as part of the Health Week, hours and minutes of health.

Entertainment programs are aimed at participants of any age and are based on involvement in active movement through exciting, fun competitions and harmless competitions, outdoor games and entertainment, various competitions. Nfor example, role playing games and competitions “Cheerful fashion designer”, “Valentin and Valentina”, folklore holidays “Christmas”, “Maslenitsa”, “Ivan Kupala”, game and holiday programs, timed to coincide with the calendar holidays Teacher's Day, Elderly Person's Day, New Year, March 8. These programs are in demand regardless of gender, nationality, or education. Entertainment programs are most in demand by residents of the city of Kemerovo.

Educational programs are based on familiarization with spiritual and moral values. This themed days“Fire Safety Month”, educational programs “School of a Young Leader”, “School of Activism”, master classes, conversations, traveling exhibitions within the framework of leisure projects “Fun Lessons”, “Man of Labor”, “Defenders of the Fatherland of Different Times”, quizzes, competitions - they help to acquire new knowledge and skills in different types human activity.

When organizing animation programs, we take into account the characteristics inherent in different age categories of the population.

For preschool children, whose main type of activity is play, we hold playrooms, matinees, and fairy-tale trips.

For teenagers - along with the listed forms, we conduct conversations, master classes, sports competitions and relay races, competitions and discos, school of politeness and knightly tournaments, fun hours and holidays. Children of this age are quite active, demanding and even entrepreneurial in relation not only to themselves, but also to the people around them.

For young people, the programs change somewhat. At this age, character and worldview are formed. The main activities of this period are studies, which require a lot of effort. For high school students we hold KVNs, evenings and discos, auctions, fairs and theatrical performances, festivals and shows, television-type games.

For middle-aged, able-bodied people who want to take a break from everyday work, there are more relaxing events: competitions (beauty, humor), literary lounges and creative evenings, presentations and concerts.

For older people, who increasingly want to remember their younger years and everything connected with them, we hold gatherings, tea parties, social evenings, and literary lounges.

We try to organize holidays so that schoolchildren and students find it interesting, and elderly people feel comfortable.

In organizing leisure activities we use the followingtypes of animation:

Animation in motion - meeting a need modern man in movement combined with pleasure and pleasant experiences;

Animation through experience - satisfying the need for a feeling of the new, unknown, unexpected when communicating, discovering, and also when overcoming difficulties;

Animation through communication - meeting people's need to communicate with new, interesting people, in the opening inner world people and self-knowledge through communication;

Cultural animation - satisfying people in spiritual development personality through familiarization with cultural - historical monuments and modern examples of the culture of the country, region, people, nation;

Creative animation is satisfying a person’s need for creativity, demonstrating one’s creative abilities and establishing contacts with like-minded people through joint creativity.

Large events combine different forms and types of animation activities.

On the territory of the “Park of Miracles” there is held annually large number events: “Ice Cream Day”, “Birthday of Miracle Park”, “Pepsi Day”, etc. Up to 30 students from our association are involved in such events. The guys work on 4-5 sites at the same time. On main stage a concert and competition program is taking place, with alternating concert numbers and competitions, in which people can become spectators and participants of different ages. The playground hosts a play program for children of preschool and primary school age. The game program includes mass, active and dance games. Throughout the park there are mini-competitions and mini-games where anyone can test their strength, dexterity, and resourcefulness. At the same time, life-size puppets are working in the park, they create a festive atmosphere and take pictures with vacationers. In conclusion concert program a brass band, to the sounds of which older people love to dance, or a concert of modern VIA and rock groups for young people. Such holidays end with fireworks or fireworks.

To perform their work efficiently, animators must master a number of disciplines: communication psychology, acting, choreography, methods of animation activities, game technology (game science), scenography (writing a program script). Each student chooses what he likes: someone likes to conduct round tables, conversations, meetings, some people like organizing sports competitions, others are the real king of holidays and are great hosts entertainment programs, and some people like to work in a life-size doll. They approach each program thoroughly: they write scripts, select musical accompaniment, scenery, and prepare costumes and props themselves.

Animators should be, by nature, kind, sensitive, tolerant, sociable, attentive and responsible people. When preparing and holding events, children develop specific abilities: rich imagination, unconventional thinking, necessary for writing a script; the ability to summarize facts, comprehend them and put forward new solutions and ideas necessary for working with methodological material; public speaking, organizational and leadership skills that are needed when conducting animation programs; active life position in the process of introducing something new, the ability to maintain faith in victory and fortitude during periods of creative failure.

We participate in animation programs of various scales, for different social groups of the population, for everyone age categories on a variety of topics.

Our work is currently quite in demand in the field of tourism, sports and recreation, sanatoriums, health resorts, houses and recreation centers, health centers, museums, cultural and leisure centers, recreation parks, family leisure centers, summer and winter recreation camps , in educational institutions, rehabilitation centers, as well as in the work of social institutions.

The general animation program is prepared in such a way that the entertainment and sports elements are varied in form, interesting to tourists and that many more participants are involved in the events.

Evening shows should be repeated no more than once every two weeks, based on a typically two-week stay at the hotel. The script, music, lighting, choreography, costumes - everything is clearly thought out and organized by team members and the director, who often takes part in show programs himself.

During lunch and before dinner, animators greet guests at the entrance to the restaurant, wish them bon appetit, get acquainted with newly arrived guests, communicate with those with whom they played today, sit down at tables, and trying to avoid pauses in the conversation, entertain guests and invite them to take part in games and entertainment shows in the afternoon. And the animators involved in the evening show conduct rehearsals for the evening performance.

The general animation program of a hotel enterprise includes several areas:

  • - Sports and recreation area. Sports animation is based on healthy image life. Preserving and promoting health are the main functions of sports animation. Special significance in the complex of activities aimed at entertaining tourists, all kinds of sports activities, competitions, competitions. here everything that has been developed and created by humanity in this area at the moment can be used. These are games that have long been familiar to everyone with well-known conditions and rules; and completely new ones, developed right here, in the process of communication; and proposed by one of the vacationers, modernized, adapted to the given situation and borrowed from colleagues from a neighboring hotel. Animators take part in games as players, presenters and judges. Their task is to stir up interest and control the progress of the game, resolving possible conflict situations. During the game, the animator clearly sets out the rules, ensures its continuity, safety, organized beginning and ending with a mandatory outcome and announcement of the winners. The animators create such an atmosphere of passion and excitement that nearby tourists switch their attention to the game and little by little they themselves get involved in the process. The dynamism and spirited nature of competition allows people to liberate themselves and show some abilities and talents. And, besides, team games also bring people closer together.
  • - One of the important areas of animation activities in hotels is animation for children. The presence of a mini-club in the hotel is notified by a large colorful stand installed in the hotel lobby, at the entrance to the main restaurant or to the beach, which outlines the work schedule and upcoming events for children, so that upon entering the hotel guests can quickly find their way and find their way there. your child. Work plan, like general plan animation activities in the hotel are drawn up in advance and, possibly, adjusted during the classes, depending on the number of children present and other conditions. In this regard, they must successfully combine and have the optimal number of sports and cultural activities necessary for the development of the child.

Working as an animator in a mini-club is a lot of work, so this person must take into account a number of physiological and psychological characteristics of children of different ages, create such conditions that any child would be interested in it and be able to express and realize himself as an individual. For organization efficient work with children, it is necessary to have appropriate premises for children to stay in the summer months and in bad weather, equipped with various equipment for drawing, modeling, outdoor and educational games, etc. Each day invariably begins with introductions (children stand in a circle, say their name, repeat and remember the names of others) and has its own theme, which is revealed during sports and educational activities and competitions, jointly staged small performances, concerts and holidays. The work of a mini-club in a hotel is a creative and painstaking process, and the task of a children's animator is not just to organize children's leisure time, to develop their cognitive, physical and psychological spheres, but also to organize such an organization in which every day a child spends in a mini-club would turn into into a whole event, a holiday that will remain a vivid impression his holiday on the Mediterranean Sea.

Cultural and leisure events. The basics of cultural and leisure animation of tourist services in hotels are: integrated approach to organizing events, freedom to choose these events, theatricalization: the use of various techniques (imagery, symbolism, metaphor, stylization) and all types of art (painting, music, literature), while the course of the event is determined by the script, personification.

Traditional forms of organizing such events include:

  • · carnival (folk festival in the form of a street procession, parade, masquerade),
  • · reception (a meeting of people that does not involve dancing);
  • · banquet (mass gathering of people, which is based on abundant food);
  • · mystery (theatrical production of a play with religious content);
  • · raus (an event to invite spectators before presentations, cultural and leisure programs);
  • · ceremony (cult reverent /state/ act, which is carried out in strict order /ceremonial/);
  • · show performance, mass spectacle.

In order to successfully create an entertainment program for a hotel, you need to decide on a number of criteria, namely:

  • · a genre that creates a special atmosphere and sensations for the audience (drama, clownery, musical, etc.). In this case, the numbers and fragments must be combined in such a way that a single picture and a related structure of the elements of this representation are formed;
  • · the name of this show, which creates the mood and reveals its essence;
  • · a scenario plan, which indicates a list of elements, fragments, events in the process of their development, characters, their relationships and movement. There must be a beginning, a climax and a denouement;
  • · script, i.e. detailing the points of the scenario plan, as well as work on the literary part - elaboration of monologues and dialogues, study of speech style;
  • · director's plan - translation of literature into the language of action (if it is a production based on a literary work), drawing up and coordinating a continuous effective chain, and working with technology, light and sound.

In addition, it is important where this action will take place (on a summer playground, in a bar, near a pool), to determine the tempo, rhythm, inclusion of spectacular moments and the rehearsal period.

Evening shows are a major part of the hotel's entertainment program. They should be very diverse in content, staging, costumes and be interesting for all vacationers. As a rule, all animators take part in them. The organizers strive to make each performance bright, colorful, memorable, each of them should have its own zest.

And evening shows can be very different in form: this is a small everyday scene performed by actors-animators, and a serious theatrical performance in which spectators from the audience and guests invited in advance to play a particular role can take part (see appendix).

In addition to the show, the evening entertainment program also includes various competitions, quizzes, lotteries. As a rule, a large evening cafe is organized on the hotel premises, where a significant part of vacationing tourists gather after dinner. All sorts of quizzes with themes are held for them. educational nature, competitions, coffee-games lotteries, such as for example: the Bingo lottery, competitions for best couple, “Miss Hotel”, “Women against Men”, etc. with the presentation of simple and original prizes at the expense of the hotel. In addition, the animators have a wide variety of games in stock that can also be used during the event.

Festive events as animated objects. Organization of holidays is one of the important moments in the construction of animation programs, and the main thing here is not to miss the details characteristic of this particular holiday, and to introduce elements that are educational and attractive to all tourists. Animation managers build entertainment programs based on the traditions of a particular country, and set themselves one of the tasks to acquaint foreign guests with the customs, morals, and life of the peoples inhabiting it. Hotels dedicate evening programs to the holidays; restaurants include a special holiday menu on this day. sweet dessert; Children are given balloons and candy throughout the day, and fireworks are lit at night.

When developing and preparing entertainment complexes and programs, it is necessary to take into account national characteristics cultures, traditions, holidays, flavor of the countries from which the guests are currently arriving.