Extracurricular activity “Flower fireworks. Abstract on art in the senior group "holiday fireworks"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Torbeevskaya average secondary school No. 3"

Republic of Mordovia

Extracurricular activity

"Flower Fireworks"


Kizhapkina Tamara Ivanovna

primary school teacher

p. Torbeevo



Nurturing love for native nature, careful attitude to the plant world around us.

Expanding the horizons of students, getting to know the history of the names of some flowers and the legends associated with them.

Development of observation, ability to highlight distinctive features flower.

Preparatory work:

Students are given the task of preparing something with their own hands for the upcoming lesson. It can be a drawing, an applique with the image of a flower, a flower made of paper, fabric or plasticine. Participants prepare a flower-shaped headdress and learn poetry.

Office decoration: Exhibition of crafts and drawings. Flower garlands.

Progress of the lesson.

Leading: Dear friends! Great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen wrote: “To live, you need sun, freedom and a small flower.” Indeed, flowers accompany us throughout our lives. We always need them, because without their beauty the world becomes poorer and sadder.

All people on Earth love flowers. Since ancient times, festivals have been held in honor of flowers. In Ancient Greece - in honor of hyacinths and lilies; in England - in honor of forget-me-nots, pansies and primroses; in France - in honor of the rose and violet; in Bulgaria - in honor of roses. In Rus' there was a holiday of Ivan Kupala.

The world of flowers is mysterious and wonderful. Thousands of their species decorate our planet. And the brightest manifestation of people’s love for flowers are flower festivals. There are many beautiful flowers at our holiday today. Let's get to know them.

(Participants introduce themselves one by one)

Chamomile: I white chamomile -

In the middle is yellow.

Take me with you

I will decorate your bouquet.

Bell: Lilac bell -

Growing in the shade of the forest.

I'm in a pine clearing

I nod my head.

Poppy: I am a very gentle red poppy,

There is no way not to take me.

Carnation: frolicking in a quiet field

Flower carnival.

I am a colorful carnation

And I’m in a hurry to come to your ball.

Knapweed: We are beautiful and light

Blue cornflowers.

Gather us soon

And weave it into your own wreath.

Bindweed: The sun is a golden circle above me.

I am curling around - a pink bindweed behind you.

Pansies: We are in a sunny fairy tale

Like a flock of butterflies.

Everyone calls us pansies.

Water lily: Letting the cool stream flow

Its deep stem,

I'm a smart lily

Showing off over the water.

Iris: On a stalk high

I am blue iris.

My sedge leaves

They stand in the thick shade.

Rose hip: I am a pink rosehip,

But be careful.

I am trimmed with thorns.

Don't forget about this.

I'm as prickly as a hedgehog.

You'll shred when you pick it.

Lily: Fragrant lily flower

Shines white.

And in the splashes of rainbow rain

He is not afraid of the heat.

Rose: For the subtle scent of delicate petals

They call me the queen of flowers.

The stem is ready to prick everyone with thorns,

After all, there is no rose in the world without thorns.

Carnation: Look, look,

What a red light.

This is a wonderful carnation

Hot is celebrating the day.

And when evening comes,

The flower will fold its petals,

“See you in the morning, see you again!”

And the light will go out.

Knapweed: How pure is the rye in the field,

You can hardly find cornflower

You would be a nice flower for everyone.

But why are you spoiling the rye?

Better come to the garden,

You'll make the guys happy.

Lily of the valley: Lily of the valley was born on a May day

And the forest protects him.

I think he's screwed

It will ring quietly.

And the meadow will hear this ringing,

And birds and flowers.

Let's listen, what if

You and I will hear.

Dandelion: Wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress.

Grow up, dress up

In a little white dress,

Lush, airy,

Obedient to the wind.

Violet: On the sunny edge

The violet has blossomed

Lilac ears

She raised it quietly.

She's buried in the grass

Doesn't like to climb forward

But everyone will bow to her

And he will take it carefully.

Forget-me-not: They are visible and invisible,

You can't count them

And who invented them?

Cheerful, blue.

Must have been torn off

A piece of the sky

We did a little magic

And they made a flower.

Bell: blue bell

Bowed to you and me.

Bells - flowers

Very polite. And you?

(Music sounds, participants dance)

Leading: Dear friends, this beautiful music was composed by the great Russian composer

P.I. Tchaikovsky. He was inspired to create it by flowers. It’s called “Waltz of the Flowers”. Listening to this music, we imagine ourselves in a wonderful fairy-tale garden that Mother Nature planted for us. Meadow and wildflowers are unpretentious and simple at first glance. But they have amazing power. They are elegant in their simplicity, but with their unique tenderness they fascinate us and attract us with their mystery. Therefore, there is probably a legend about each flower. Let's listen to some of them.

(Participants come out one by one and present their legend).

Legends about flowers:

Knapweed: Once the sky reproached the cornfield for ingratitude: “Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me. Birds send me singing, flowers send me fragrance and color, forests send mysterious whispers, and only you express gratitude, although no one else, namely I fill the roots of cereals with rainwater and make the ears ripen.”

“I am grateful to you,” Niva answered. “I decorate the arable land with ever-wavering greenery, and in the fall I cover it with gold. I don't know how to express my gratitude any other way. Help me, and I will shower you with caresses and talk about love.”

“Okay,” the sky agreed, “if you can’t come up to me, then I’ll come down to you.” A miracle instantly happened: magnificent flowers grew among the ears of corn. blue flowers, similar in color to the sultry sky. Since then, the ears of cereals, with every breath of the breeze, bend towards the messengers of the sky - cornflowers and whisper tender words to them.

This is a legend born in Rus'.

Sweet pea: Legends say that sweet peas came to us from India. It also seems to have arrived in India by sea. And therefore, with his flowers, he tries to perpetuate the little boat that settled him on the earth.

And indeed, if you look closely at the flowers of the plant, you can’t help but see that they look like a boat. The two fused upper petals form the spout of the boat, and the two lateral ones form the oars, where the upper wide petal serves as a flag or sail.

The colorful, cheerful, cheerful flower is somewhat reminiscent of a moth and therefore belongs to the moth family. Pea seeds have been found in pile buildings in Switzerland and Hungary during the Bronze and even Stone Ages. They were also found in charred form during the excavations of Troy. This indicates that peas have been known for a long time in both the East and the West.

Ivan-tea: A boy named Ivan lived in one of these areas. He loved to show off in a red shirt, and spent most of his time at the edge of the forest among flowers and bushes. He liked to care for flowers and develop new varieties. And the villagers, who saw the scarlet color flashing among the greenery, said:

Yes, this is Ivan, tea, walking.

And they got so used to it that they didn’t notice Ivan’s absence in the village and began to say: “Yes, this is Ivan-tea!” - at the scarlet flowers that suddenly appeared near the outskirts. And so the name Ivan-tea stuck to the new plant. Take the plant and surprise the residents with a new wonder. They once gathered on the outskirts for a holiday. They don’t remember how much they danced and had fun, they only remember that it became cold. The women decided to boil water. Along with the firewood, tall stems of fireweed also went into the fire, the leaves from which fell into the boiling cauldron. We tried the broth, and the broth was pleasant and refreshing. Since then, fireweed leaves have been used to prepare a tea drink, and such tea is called Koporye tea, after the name of the village of Koporye near St. Petersburg, where the miracle was destined to happen.

Bell: Go to the lawn on a cloudless, clear day, when only the bluebells are swaying in the gentle breeze. Stop and listen. Hear, they ring on a thin stem, ringing either with bells or with quiet measured melodies. According to legend, bells appeared when the only means of transport on earth was the coachman's land and when the dashing, tambourine songs of the coachman and the ringing of bells under the arc announced the surroundings, and flowers sprouted exactly where the chimes of the bells fell to the ground.

With a rich imagination, in the ringing of flowers you can hear cheerful, joyful, sad, and even desperate chimes of the coachman's bells. And if you add a rich imagination to this fantasy, you can also hear a coachman’s song, inspired by the melancholy of the road or a dashing, winding race...

Do not pick wild bluebells for bouquets. Picked flowers immediately wither, and it is almost impossible to revive them in a vase. Let them please our eyes with their blue corollas in the fields and edges of the forest.

Water lily: For a long time, the idea of ​​a water lily, rooted in the mysterious depths of the waters, has been associated with the mysterious image of a mermaid. In ancient times it was even called the mermaid flower.

North American Indians claim that the water lily was formed from sparks that fell from Polaris and the evening stars at a time when they collided, arguing among themselves over the possession of a rocket that was launched from Earth.

The Slavs called the water lily odolen - grass and believed that the water lily was able to protect people during travel. There was also a kind of spell for this occasion: “I am driving in an open field, and in the open field there is growing grass. I didn’t give birth to you, I didn’t water you. Your mother gave birth to you - the earth is damp, bare-haired girls and women who rolled cigarettes watered you. Overcome - grass! Overcome you evil people: They wouldn’t think badly of me, they wouldn’t think anything bad; drive away the sneaky sorcerer..."

Lily of the valley: According to an ancient Russian legend, the sea princess Volkhova fell in love with the young man Sadko, and he gave his heart to the darling of the fields and forests, Lyubava. The saddened Volkhova went ashore and began to cry. And where the princess’s tears fell, lilies of the valley grew - a symbol of purity, love and sadness.

In some ancient fairy tales, lilies of the valley are sprouted beads from Snow White’s scattered necklace; in others - the happy silvery laughter of a mermaid, rolling out like pearls through the forest; thirdly - lilies of the valley are nothing more than sunbeams, which gnomes use as lanterns at night.

Dandelion: Dandelion is a very interesting flower. Waking up in the spring, he carefully looked around him and saw the sun, which noticed a dandelion and illuminated it with a yellow ray. The dandelion turned yellow and fell in love with the luminary so much that it did not take its admiring gaze away from it. The sun will rise in the east - the dandelion looks to the east, rises to the zenith - the dandelion raises its head upward, approaches the sunset - the dandelion does not take its eyes off the sunset. And so on all his life until he grows old and turns gray. And it will turn grey, fluff up and send fluffs into the wind - parachutes and hang a seed under each one. Parachutes with seeds will fly, see a nice clearing, descend, the grain will hide in some hollow and lie there until spring. In the spring it will open up, take root in the ground, and lift up a stem with a yellow cap, which, like a mirror, reflects the sun. As soon as the sun disappears, the dandelions will go out.

Snowdrop: An ancient legend tells: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily, and Eve was very cold. Then, wanting to warm her with his attention, several snowflakes turned into flowers. Seeing them, Eve became cheerful and had hope, which is why the snowdrop became a symbol of hope.

However, the flowers, fearing the cold, did not respond to the request, and only the snowdrop covered him with her tunic. They twirled together in a round dance of flowers and developed such sympathy for each other that they are inseparable to this day.

Leading: Guys, we learned a lot today about flowers. . But I would like to know if you can guess from the description which flower we are talking about? Now we will solve riddles. I think that this will not be difficult for you, so we will all answer the answers together.

Riddles about flowers:

The beautiful beauty is afraid only of frost.

We all like it in the bouquet.

What flower?


Everyone is familiar with their white shirt from childhood.

With a bright yellow center.

What kind of flower?


Streams clear both pine needles and dead wood.

And the first to appear in thawed patches


In a clearing by the river they proudly hold the stems,

How porcelain cups, snow-white


Here is a rough stalk, in the middle there is a coal,

The petals shine like varnish.

Red blossomed


If you find delicate flowers in the swamp in summer,

Don't waste a minute. Collect


It blooms on the bushes. The smell is sweet, like honey.

But often the tears flow from those who tear with their hands


In the summer, in the middle of the river, fluttering like floats,

Dark yellow fluffs float on the water

(Water lilies)

In the cold all the gardens are empty. Well, what flowers are there?

And in spite of the frost, they sell them in March


The branch is dressed up in clusters purple.

It bloomed in the gardens on a hot summer day


Leading: Well done guys. You are very good at solving riddles. This suggests that the descriptions of flowers are familiar to you, you know their names. And today you also heard legends about flowers. But here's what else you should definitely know. Unfortunately, beautiful representatives of flora - flowers - suffer ruthless treatment from people. Many varieties of beautiful flowers have disappeared, many are on the verge of extinction. Recently, endangered species of flowers growing in fields, meadows and forests have been included in the alarming list of the Red Book of Protected Plants. But a ban by itself will not achieve anything. You and I must realize and remember that it depends on each of us whether beautiful flowers will remain or disappear forever! Don't just pick flowers, they will quickly wither and you will have to throw them away. May they remain to grow and bloom. After flowering, their seeds will ripen, which will give birth to new plants. And for a long, long time they will decorate our Mother Earth with their blooms!

Used literature:

Krasikov S.P. Legends about flowers. - M.: Young Guard, 1990 -303 p.

Program content.

  • Teach children to feel and understand the beauty of music, to convey it in movements, playing musical instruments that correspond to the nature of the music.

Developmental tasks:

  • To develop in children emotional responsiveness to music and its images.
  • Develop creativity and imagination.
  • Develop a sense of rhythm and auditory attention.
  • Develop creative imagination through musical-rhythmic movements and playing musical-noise instruments.
  • Develop speech, auditory attention, musical memory.

Educational tasks:

  • Foster a love of music and musical instruments
  • Improve your ability to feel and control your body.
  • Enrich children's emotional impressions from exploring musical works.
  • Equipment: animal caps (donkey, goat, bear, monkey, goat, kids, wolf) music caps (do re mi fa sol la si) wooden spoons, metallophone, tambourine, postcards with images of instruments


  • Leader - adult
  • Queen of Music - Adult
  • Goat - adult
  • Wolf - adult

Leading (music sounds) Hello, dear guys! Today we will go on an unusual, magical journey - to the land of music. We hope that this journey will give you a smile, joy and good mood. Today children from music school they brought their own musical instruments, and prepared a small concert.

No music, no music
There is no way to live.
Can't dance without music
Neither polka nor hopak.

And you won’t get dizzy while dancing,
And you won’t be able to march
And a funny song
You won't sing on holiday!

I'll also tell you a secret:
There is no mood without a song!

There's a song playing "Wonderful Song" (music by Birnova).

Host: Today we have an exciting journey ahead of us magical land Music!

Do you hear the music playing?

(A donkey, a goat, a bear, and a monkey come out into a forest clearing)

Scene "Quartet" Krylov's fable (dramatization with children)


Naughty Monkey,
Goat, Yes, clubfooted Bear.
We decided to play a Quartet.

We got sheet music, bass, viola, two violins.
And they sat down on the meadow under the sticky trees, -
Captivate the world with your art.
They hit the bows, they fight, but there’s no point.

“Stop, brothers, stop! - Monkey shouts. -
How should the music go? That's not how you sit.
You and the bass, Mishenka, sit opposite the viola,

I, the prima, will sit opposite the second;
Then the music will be different:
Our forest and mountains will dance!”
We settled down and began the Quartet;

It still doesn’t help their business.
“Wait, did I find the secret? -
The Donkey shouts, “We’ll probably get along,”
If we sit next to each other."

They obeyed the Donkey: they sat down decorously in a row;
And yet the Quartet is not going well.
Now they're getting even more intense than ever
And disputes

Who should sit and how?
The Nightingale happened to fly to their noise.
Here everyone asks him to resolve their doubts.
“Perhaps,” they say, “take patience for an hour,

To put our Quartet in order:
And we have notes, and we have instruments,
Just tell us how to sit down!” -
“To be a musician, you need skill

And your ears are gentler, -
The Nightingale answers them, -
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down;
You’re still not fit to be musicians.” (animals are sad) who will teach us songs to sing and dance)


We will go to the land of magical music for a holiday.
And, if you want, we will take you with us.
The Queen of Music lives in that country
And today he is waiting for us all to visit.

animals: we don’t know how to sing songs and play instruments!


Nothing, because Music loves us all,
She will teach everyone how to sing songs and play instruments.
Host: Well, then, get ready, forest people, music is waiting for us!
Don't spare your legs,

Hit the road quickly.

Composition (children imitate the movement of a train) "Song - Friends" (We are going, going, going to distant lands, good neighbors, cheerful friends...).

Host: So you and I have arrived in the land of magical Music.

(The Queen of Music enters to the music.)


My name is music, friends!
And now I will meet you.
Take a look at my outfit -
There is a whole range of sounds on the dress.

There are various icons
Even a treble clef.
I want to invite you friends,
Into the world of music and happiness.

Queen: My assistants live in the world of music, My assistants, notes, run and tell your children about yourself (children read poetry)

The note Do is full of worries,
She has been given an important task.
She is the basis of the scale,
She always needs to be in place.

Re brings joy to everyone around
And he picks daisies for his friends.
It rings like a stream,
And everyone can hear it from afar.

Mi loves peace, quiet,
Magic golden month.
She dreams of beauty
And he dedicates his tunes to her.

Fa is a dreamer and poet,
She has a bicycle
Winged with a bright lantern,
The Fa rushes across the sky on it.

Salt loves the sun's bright light,
There is no lighter or purer note.
She grows beans in the garden,
He will definitely treat you.

House of notes A made of petals,
She is a great flower connoisseur
Forest, garden, meadow,
Lya herself is similar to them.

And our note C is modest,
She's the last one in the line.
Xi loves dreams and fairy tales
And blue children's eyes.

Each note has its own life,
But together they are all family.
It contains seven magical "I" live
And they sing loud songs.

Presenter: Queen of Music, your assistants will help our animal friends learn to sing and dance correctly. Otherwise they can't do anything.

Queen: Of course, I will help! Listen to how our orchestra plays.

Orchestra "Merry Spooners" (boys playing)

Queen: This is very interesting. Learn to sing songs and dance, and even more interesting, hear the voice of a flute, (child plays the flute)

Queen: I have musical riddles for you, friends.

Whoever guesses the riddle gets the answer! (postcards with the image of the instrument)

Riddles: this is known in Rus',
At least ask someone about her!
It only has three strings
But she is the love of the country.

Vanya will go beyond the fence
And it will play “friction” and “brain”. (Balalaika)

Six-string alien
This sonorous instrument
They love the bard, the soldier, the student,
And Honored Artist,
And a loaded tourist. (Guitar)

Very ancient and simple
Tool, empty inside.
The sticks beat elastically,
The rhythm of the ensemble is set.
He's always happy
Lead the parade. (Drum)

This performer is young
WITH musical notation familiar.
He walks along gentle thin strings
He moves with a small bow. (Violinist)

The three-row is poured,
And the people are squatting!
And the three-row is not bad -
There are buttons and bellows.
And funny old ladies
They sing ditties to it! (Accordion, accordion)


We have the tools

They'll play it for us now. Game "Guess the instrument" (a child behind a screen plays instruments, a metallophone, a spoon, a tambourine) children guess.

The game is repeated 2-3 times at the request of the children.

Surprise moment (the role of the goat and wolf is played by adults, the kids are children)

A goat with kids comes in - Hello, friends, I am a dereza goat, and these are my kids, we live in the forest, you have never met a forest wolf, he can be very angry, and tries to offend my kids, we are afraid of him.

Queen: Don’t be afraid of the wolf, we won’t harm your kids, and we’ll defeat the wolf, stay with us at the holiday and have fun.

A wolf runs in, oh, there you are, little goats, guys, I was looking for you in all the fairy tales, I ran to the three little pigs, they didn’t open the door for me, I knocked on the bunny’s bast hut, and there was silence, Mishka looked into the thicket and there was no one there, where forest dwellers disappeared

Queen: They don’t want to be friends with you, a wolf can’t run around kids and goats, and all the neighbors in fairy tales, stay at our holiday and listen beautiful music and dance with the guys (a fragment of the musical plays "Mother" wolf dances with children)

Wolf: now I will also be friends with the kids and listen to beautiful music, and I will learn to sing and dance beautifully.

Queen: What is the song?
This is a true friend.
The song is joy
Loud laughter all around

And now, baby,
It's time for me to say goodbye!
See you in music and dance lessons.
(The Queen of Music leaves.)

Host: Our journey to a wonderful land has ended. magical music, let's smile at each other, and we will never be bored, when such cheerful music sounds, you want to sing and dance. (The song plays "Smile" )


  • V. Semernin "Music lives everywhere" ,
  • "Musical Riddles" (internet source).
  • Fable Krylov I.A. "Quartet"


1 MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY INSTITUTION OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATION CHILDREN'S MUSIC SCHOOL NAMED AFTER M.I. GLINKI, YELNYA, SMOLENSK REGION (MBU DO DMSH, Yelnya) Smolensk region, Yelnya, st. Proletarskaya, building 46a Tel/Fax: Open lesson“Fine arts” for students of grades 1-2 of the aesthetic department of the Children’s Music School Lesson topic: “Festive fireworks!” Teacher: Trubnikova Galina Alekseevna

2 Working time: 60 minutes 1 lesson Teacher: Trubnikova G.A. Goals and objectives: 1. To introduce the graphic technique of grattage. 2. Teach children the ability to independently choose a plot, develop creative imagination and fantasy. 3. To form moral and aesthetic perception and emotional and sensory attitude towards the phenomena of reality. To foster patriotic feelings and love for the history of our Motherland. Task: 1. Carrying out the drawing “Festive fireworks!” using grattage technique. Equipment: - drawings depicting fireworks; - tape recorder; - CDs; for students: - sheet of thick A4 paper, tinted wax crayons and covered with black gouache; - a sharp object for drawing (toothpick). Visual range: reproductions: P. Krivonogov. Victory V. Titov. Victory of O. Ponomarenko. Victory A. Tkachev, S. Tkachev. Children of the world Photo by N. Rakhmanov. Festive fireworks to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Victory Soviet people in Great Patriotic War g.g. Moscow, May 9, 1985; Photos of festive fireworks. Musical series: Words by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov “Victory Day” Literary series: Poems: “Fireworks” by O. Vysotskaya, “Festive fireworks” by V. Stepanov, “What is Victory Day?” A. Usachev, “Salute to Victory” S. Mikhalkov Riddles about fireworks. Reference material for teachers: 1. “Reflections” Vol. 5/ Comp. E. A. Doroshaeva. About 80 M.: Mol. Guard, s., ill. 2. “The Art of Fireworks” A. Shidlovsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

3 Lesson progress: Salute to victory! Salute and glory to the anniversary of an eternally memorable day: Salute to the Victory that in Berlin the power of fire was trampled by fire! Salute to Her great and small creators who walked the same path, Her soldiers and generals, heroes fallen and alive, Salute! S. Mikhalkov Introduction: the song “Victory Day!” sounds (Music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov). Show of reproductions: P. Krivonogov. Victory. V. Titov. Victory. O. Ponomarenko. Victory. On May 9, we celebrated the most important holiday of our country, Victory Day. In every city and in our little Guards Yelnya there was produced festive fireworks. -Have you seen the fireworks?! - What is fireworks? - When can you see fireworks? (Children's answers). NEW MATERIAL MESSAGE: Fireworks are volleys of blank cartridges, accompanied by “shots” into the sky of colored lights, in the old style “stars”. During the war, cartridges were used for fireworks that produced lighting and signal lights in white, red, green and yellow. Fireworks raised the spirit of the people, evoked patriotic feelings, and gave people moments of celebration amid harsh and difficult everyday life. The first Victory salute was fired on August 5, 1943 in honor of the troops Soviet Army, who liberated the cities of Orel and Belgorod from the Nazis. Since then, it has become a tradition in our country to produce fireworks on holidays. Firework. Hurry, hurry, get dressed! Call the guys quickly! In honor of the Victory Day, the guns are firing. Everything was quiet around, And suddenly there were fireworks! Firework! O. Vysotskaya

4 Rockets flashed in the sky, both here and there! Above the square, Above the roofs, Above the festive Moscow The living fountain soars higher and higher than the lights! Out into the street, out into the street Everyone is running happily, shouting “Hurray” and admiring the festive fireworks! Showing photographs of festive fireworks. - Pay attention to the forms. What are they? What do they look like - What colors predominate? (Children's answers). Children read the poem verse by verse: Festive fireworks. V. Stepanov 1. On Krasnaya Square, 5. Blue descends Under the Kremlin sky, A flower from the clouds, Flowers bloomed Like sea waves In the middle of February. For all sailors. 2. Above Red Square 6. Red descends, Colored lights, crimson color, They fly to the shoulder straps Above the peaceful military homeland. Spring bouquet. 3. Here a blue flower falls from the sky. 7. On Red Square. The guns are firing: For our pilots In honor of our Army He is dearest. There are fireworks today. 4. Green petals are burning in the sky, They are close to Our border guards. PRACTICAL WORK. “Whatever you try, you will be happy with”

5 In the last lesson, we prepared worksheets for you to complete creative work. Let's remember the sequence of doing this work. (Children's answers) 1. Using multi-colored wax pencils, they painted a pattern of large, densely colored, geometric shapes onto a sheet of white paper. 2. Covered the entire sheet with black gouache to create the night sky. Today you have another creative task: to create a composition of festive fireworks lights (using the grattage technique). Display of children's works "Holiday fireworks!" using grattage technique. This graphic technique of drawing with a pointed stick (toothpick) is called grattage. Scratch is a French word. It means to scrape, scratch. Sequence of execution: 1. Select a plot. 2. Using a toothpick, scrape off the black paint to reveal the underlying colors. 3. To create fireworks, scratch out “daisies”, “waves”, “bouquets of stars”, “curls”, “fountains”, “long lines with sparkles”. Execution practical work. ANALYSIS AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. Summing up the work. What new did you learn? What have you learned? (Children's answers). Thunder struck, cheerful thunder, everything around sparkled! Multi-colored fountains burst into the sky tirelessly, Splashes of light pour everywhere. This is festive (Salyut). The word salute means greeting, saluting with shots or rockets. EXHIBITION OF CHILDREN'S WORKS. View and analyze completed children's creative compositions.

6 LITERATURE USED: 1. “Favorite songs of the war years.” N. Zavadskaya, M. " Soviet composer", 1987 2. “Reflections” Vol. 5/ Comp. E. A. Doroshaeva. About 80 M.: Mol. Guard, s., ill. 3. “The Art of Fireworks” A. Shidlovsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

7 Victory Day! Appendix Lyrics by V. Kharitonov Music by D. Tukhmanov Victory Day, how far it was from us, Like a coal melting in an extinguished fire. There were miles, scorched, in dust, - We brought this day closer as best we could. Chorus: This Victory Day smells like gunpowder, This is a holiday with gray hair at the temples. This is joy with tears in your eyes. Victory Day! Victory Day! Victory Day! Days and nights at the open-hearth furnaces Our Motherland did not close its eyes, Days and nights we fought a difficult battle. We brought this day closer as best we could. Chorus. Hello, mom, we didn’t all come back and run barefoot through the dew! We walked half of Europe, half of the earth, - We brought this day closer as best we could. Chorus: This Victory Day smells like gunpowder, This is a holiday With gray hair at the temples. This is joy with tears in your eyes. Victory Day! Victory Day! Victory Day! What is Victory Day? What is Victory Day? This is the morning parade: Tanks and missiles are driving, a line of soldiers is marching. A. Usachev What is Victory Day?

8 This is a festive fireworks display: Fireworks fly into the sky, scattering here and there. What is Victory Day? These are songs at the table, These are speeches and conversations, This is grandfather's album. These are fruits and sweets, These are the smells of spring. What is Victory Day? This means no war. There are festive fireworks in the sky, fireworks here and there. The whole country congratulates the Glorious Veterans. And the blooming spring gives them tulips, gives them white lilac. What a glorious day in May. What kind of holiday? N. Ivanov May holiday Victory Day Celebrated by the whole country Our grandfathers put on military orders. In the morning the road calls them to the solemn parade. And thoughtfully from the threshold the grandmothers look after them. Songs from the front, Military awards, Red tulips, Meetings of veterans And a fireworks display in half the sky, Huge as Victory. Victory Day! Victory! T. Belozerov N. Ivanov


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Lesson summary for grade 2

"Festive fireworks over the city"

prepared by the teacher

Konovalova Liliya Atlasovna

Naberezhnye Chelny


Lesson objectives:

    To form in children an idea of ​​the feat of the people who stood up to defend their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War,

    Lock properties different materials used in the work: watercolors, wax crayons,

    Master the skill of drawing continuous lines in a given direction,

    Develop compositional skills, spatial concepts, the ability to identify the main and secondary in a drawing,

    Develop creativity.

Materials for the lesson :

    Demonstration: reproduction depicting fireworks,

    Handouts: A4 paper, a set of wax crayons, watercolor paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins.

Methodical techniques:

Working with demo material independent work, artistic word, questions, analysis.

Preliminary work: conversation with children about Victory Day, reading excerpts from S. Alekseev’s book “For the sake of life on earth.”

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational part.


Guys, who can tell me what event we celebrate annually on May 9?

Children: Victory Day.

What important event for our country that happened many years ago is this holiday dedicated to?

Children : The end of the war.

Listen to a poem about Victory Day written by Natalya Tomilina:

Victory Day.

Victory Day May 9th –

Holiday of peace in the country and spring,

On this day we remember the soldiers,

those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we honor our grandfathers,

Defended home country,

Who gave the peoples Victory

And who returned peace and spring to us!

Back in 1941, Nazi Germany attacked our country without declaring war. The war went on for a long time. Many residents died. Defending our Motherland, the soldiers fought bravely. The enemy army could not resist the heroism of our soldiers. The war ended with our Victory. This greatest feat We will always remember our people.

On May 9th, the younger generation gives flowers to veterans, those who fought and won this cruel battle. Victory Parades are held in many cities, and in the evening there are fireworks dedicated to this great day.

And today we will draw a picture “Festive fireworks over the city.” Guys, how many of you have seen the fireworks, how their lights fly away? What time of day do fireworks usually take place and why?

Children: fireworks lights scatter in all directions of the evening sky, red, green, yellow.

That's right, guys. Many bright colorful lights flash in the night sky. In our drawing, the fireworks are the main object and will occupy most of the composition. A secondary place is given to the depiction of houses. They need to be located at the bottom of the sheet.

In your work you will use different types of materials: you will draw and paint over the entire composition with wax crayons, and then apply watercolor on top of the drawing. The image will appear, as it were, through a layer of paint applied on top of the drawing.

But first, let's stretch our fingers so that it will be easier for us to draw.

Physical education minute.


Suddenly bushes grew out of the black darkness in the sky.

(raise your hands up)

And they are wearing blue, crimson, gold

(open your fingers like a fan)

Flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming.

(wave your arms above your head left, right)

And all the streets below them also turned blue.

(lower your arms to the starting position)

(K. Chukovsky)

II. Practical part.

Children complete the task: draw pictures on the theme: “Festive fireworks over the city”

III. Analysis.

Educator :

Well done guys. You all worked really hard today, you drew a lot beautiful drawings, and your fireworks turned out to be very different: like rays of the sun, like a fan, and like a fountain with lights in the form of stars and snowflakes.

We will arrange an exhibition of your drawings, and in the evening be sure to show your works to your parents so that everyone can admire the bright colors.

At the end of the lesson, listen to the poem by the poet A. Ternovsky “We need peace”:

Everyone needs peace and friendship,

Peace is more important than anything in the world,

On a land where there is no war,

The children sleep peacefully at night.

Where the guns don't thunder,

The sun is shining brightly in the sky,

We need peace for all the guys,

We need peace on the entire planet.

List of used literature:

    G.N. Davydova “Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 1", - Moscow, "Scriptorium 2003", 2007.