Expanded list of female names. Beautiful female names and meanings

Each name carries very powerful energy, and when a person is assigned a name, he is influenced on a subconscious level by its main characteristics. Female names are particularly diverse, among them huge amount It is difficult for parents to choose the most beautiful female name for their baby.

All names have their own history and have an individual meaning that has been formed since ancient times. Many studies confirm that people with the same names can be similar in some character traits, have the same attitude towards life, and even be similar in appearance.

Alexandra– this name has been very popular for decades. Derived from ancient Greek male name Alexander. It means courageous, reliable. Such girls are very lively and restless, but the adult Alexandra will be feminine and elegant. Capable of resolving any conflict. Adult woman with this name he will be able to show himself well in business and business matters.

Anastasia– the name is of Greek origin and comes from the masculine form of the name Anastas. Means resurrecting. A girl with this name has well-developed intuition, she may even have the ability to predict events. Anastasia is smart, beautiful and dreamy, religious at heart. Idealism and romance are developed in her.

Anna- one of the most popular names not only in Slavic, but also in other countries. It is of Hebrew origin and characterizes a pretty, graceful girl.

Another meaning of this name is merciful, grace. A girl with this name will be caring, kind, and in some situations altruistic traits will appear. At the same time, Ani is always self-confident, they have willpower. A very feminine and pleasant name.

Alice– has Ancient Greek origin and means "truth". A girl with this name is sociable and has a good sense of humor, kind, and sympathetic. She is characterized by increased sensitivity, so she is often offended, but the offense passes very quickly. She is witty, so she can respond with dignity to any attacks in her direction.

Alina– means noble. A bright and good name that will endow its owner with activity, excitability and stubbornness.

Bogdanagiven by God. A person with this name is always self-confident, sociable, and cheerful. A rude and cold name.

Victoria is a beautiful name that means “victory.” A cheerful and, at the same time, serious name.

Veronica– consists of two names: Vera and Nika. A gentle, pleasant-sounding name.

Vlada– a short and firm name. Girls with this name strive to become famous and achieve success.

Diana- a tough, punchy name, a girl who will be called this way will have her own strong opinion and build her own life path.

Eve– a short, bright name that will give a girl dreaminess and boundless kindness.

Catherine– a cheerful, calm name. A girl with this name will live by high moral principles.

Evgenia- a complex, beautiful name. Its owner will have a difficult, contradictory character.

Zlata– light, tender, short. The girl, named Zlata, will honor family values ​​and strive to build her ideal family.

Inna- light, cheerful.

Karina– unusual, soft, beautiful.

Kira– a short, powerful name.

Christina- sonorous, pleasant sounding.

Xenia– simple and soft.

Lily– light, causing pleasant associations.

Marina– contradictory and unusual.

Maria– simple and cheerful.

Olga– short and difficult name, which will endow its owner with rebellion and independence.

Pauline– cheerful, pleasant, organic.

Svetlana– sunny, bright, warm name.

Julia– active, cheerful, positive. The girl Julia will always smile and radiate positivity.

Yana– short, loud, restless.

Female names by month

When choosing female names, you must be guided by the time of year when she was born, since a beautiful female name that is suitable for the month of birth will have a positive impact on the fate of the baby.


Angela- means “angelic messenger.” It is of Greek origin. Angela is very temperamental, impatient, mysterious. Well-developed imagination, impulsive. A nature that is ready for self-sacrifice.

Antonina– in life she is quiet and flexible, despite the fact that her name encourages action. A responsive and very sensitive girl with this name will be able to support and comfort another person. She is inclined towards handicrafts.

Arina– according to one version, Arina is the name of the sun goddess in Bulgaria. Girls with this name are independent, reserved, and have excellent intuition.

Varvara– a soft, but at the same time strong name.

Elizabeth– proud, noble, melodic.

Irina– a short and firm name.


Agnia is the name Greek origin, means fiery.

Agatha - is of Greek origin and carries the meaning “kind, good.”

Adelaide - is of ancient Germanic origin. Girls with this name are calm, but persistent, sometimes stubborn.

Vasilisa is a good, bright name. Often found in fairy tales.

Valentina is a beautiful, soft name.

Tatyana is bright, memorable, majestic.


Anna – melodic and beautiful. The most popular in the world.

Anfisa is bright, but at the same time quiet, sad and slow.

Daria – courageous, rude. Contains strong energy.

Kira is bossy, short and rude.

Julia is a cheerful, bright, melodic name.


Alla is short, strong, beautiful and quite rare.

Alexandra – powerful, loud, long.

Apolinaria is a bright, unusual, rare name.

Liana – gentle, feminine, calm, beautiful.

Lydia is a light, noble name.


Valeria is a cheerful, loud, powerful name.

Inessa – joyful, beautiful, cheerful.

Carolina is unusual, interesting, beautiful.

Claudia – rare, noble.

Renata is bright, active, powerful.


Alena – kind, simple.

Alina – soft, beautiful, short.

Vera is warm, homely, affectionate.

Diana is a solid name, confident.

Zhanna – unusual, short, active.

Emma is rare, laconic, soft.


Angelica is bright, unusual, memorable.

Ilona – proud, majestic.

Rose is an impressive, courageous name.

Sarah is a solid, unusual, melodic name.

Elina – cold, soft, strong.


Agnia – smooth, light, unusual.

Anastasia is a sonorous, soft, good name.

Anita – interesting name, unusual and beautiful.

Milena is a soft, smooth, gentle name.

Olesya – simple, understandable, sonorous.

Christina – long, beautiful, harmonious.


Vasilisa – simple, fabulous, beautiful.

Vera is folk, soft, gentle.

Hope is firm, calm, and easy to remember.

Natalia is kind, soft, affectionate, melodic.

Lyudmila is a firm, confident name.

Sophia is creative, unusual and noble.


Anna is a bright, simple, slow name.

Ariadne - rare, firm and courageous.

Veronica – long, soft.

Vladislava – courageous, firm, tough.

Marianna – unusual, beautiful, sweet.

Taisiya – sunny, mysterious, rare.


Elena is a gentle, beautiful, smooth name.

Christina – sonorous, harmonious.

Natalia – soft, homely, calm.

Nellie is a beautiful, kind, feminine and unusual name.

Svetlana is a sunny, bright name.

Ulyana – short, memorable, harmonious.


Angelina – gentle, positive, soft.

Victoria is a firm, confident, sonorous name.

Margarita is melodic, but at the same time firm and long.

Marina is contradictory and unusual.

Svetlana – warm, bright.

Zoya – short, rare, unusual.

Beautiful names for girls

Female names are very diverse, and when choosing, you should pay attention to the melody of the name, so that it is easy to remember, and at the same time, it is rare and not banal.

The most beautiful female names become popular because they are liked by many and chosen by many. The beauty of each name is also determined by the sequence of syllables, the harmonious tandem of vowels and consonants, and the ability of the name to be combined with any patronymic.

Among the most successful are the following:

  • Alina;
  • Aliya;
  • Anastasia;
  • Angela;
  • Anna;
  • Diana;
  • Catherine;
  • Zara;
  • Karina;
  • Lily;
  • Maria;
  • Margarita;
  • Rose.

Slavic beautiful female names

Old Slavic names are an inexhaustible source of beautiful names for women. They are all unusual, rare and feminine.

  • Bazhena – desired, sweet, beloved, respected.
  • Bela – bright, pure, innocent.
  • Bozhena – blessed, bestowed by God.
  • Wanda is argumentative and rebellious.
  • Dana – gifted, open, mysterious.
  • Yesenia is bright, trusting, welcoming.
  • Fun means “joy, joy.” Often literally – cheerful, funny.
  • Zlatoslava - “golden glory”. Often proud and unapproachable girls who have a subtle mental structure.
  • Lyubava – beloved, or “she who loves”, loving.
  • Olga is majestic, important, significant.
  • Rada – “cheerful”, “joyful”.
  • Tsvetana – blooming, bright, fragrant, happy.
  • Yaroslava is strong, has bright glory and vital energy.

Russian female names and their meanings

Russian female names can have different origins and meanings.

Beautiful options can be chosen among both Slavic and Greek or Soviet female names:

  • Alena- means “scarlet”, “fiery”. In the ancients Slavic tribes This was the name given to female warriors whose symbol was the sword and fire. A girl with this name is impressionable, sensitive, knows how and loves to empathize. More often than not, he is an introvert and does not give in to the influence of others.
  • Anfisa- “blooming”. An energetic, lively, emotional girl. She is prone to wit and has good intuition.
  • Asya- resurrected. This name is sometimes considered a shortening of the name Anastasia. Girls with this name are usually easily excitable, emotional, and do not like boredom and monotony.
  • Vasilisa- regal. Due to this meaning, the name Vasilisa is often used in Russian fairy tales about queens. Curious, sincere, openly expresses feelings, spontaneous. Often has good creative abilities.
  • Daria- strong, invincible.
  • Evgenia- noble, honest, fair.
  • Ilona– energetic, active, charming, attractive.
  • Larisa– smart, impatient at a young age. She is characterized by ease of communication and a sparkling sense of humor and friendliness.
  • Sofia (Sofia)- wise. Conscientious, honest, accommodating. She is characterized by delicacy and softness, accuracy.
  • Julia– resourceful, quick-witted, bright and cheerful, cheerful.
  • Yana- means "God's mercy." Responsibility, intelligence, love for precision, the desire to do everything “right.”

Rare female names

Among the rare female names you can find many beautiful and harmonious ones. A rare and unknown name will reveal the girl’s character and her feminine traits.

  • Agnes– “immaculate”, “kind”, girls with this name are prone to contact, easy to communicate, cheerful.
  • Aida– means “useful”. A girl who will be named this way will always strive forward and achieve goals.
  • Vitalina– courageous, independent, decisive, responsible.
  • Claudia– unstable, freedom-loving, contradictory. The name means "persistent."
  • Lolla- polite, charming, friendly.
  • Milan- "Darling". Charming, romantic, kind and interesting.
  • Muse– the name speaks for itself, the meaning is “patron of sciences and arts.”
  • Olympia– the meaning of the name is “celestial being”. Such girls are driven by the desire to idealize the world around them.
  • Emilia– strong, strong, diligent. Everywhere he shows perseverance and fortitude.
  • Emma– means “strong”. Girls who are called this way are most often altruists.

Unusual female names

A rare name will make a girl feel special. For the most part, unusual female names are beautiful female names.

  • Aida– “first daughter”, “reward”. Such girls reveal their creative abilities early, they have strong intuition, and it is believed that they have a connection with the other world.
  • Anita– means “beautiful”, “graceful”. These girls are very mysterious and reserved. Adult Anita differs from others in her charm and ability to see what others cannot see.
  • Zlata- thrifty, wise, good housewife. The name is sonorous and pleasant.
  • Lada– a soft and short name. That was the name Slavic goddess beauty and love, so girls named by this name are very gentle, sweet and charming.
  • Maryana(or Marianna) is an interesting and unusual name.
  • Melissa– a rare name meaning hard work and good nature.
  • Miloslava– means love of life, cordiality, kindness and the ability to find common language with others.
  • Stanislava– disobedience, inner core.
  • Taisiya- “fertile”. This name is quite common, but remains unusual and interesting.
  • Emilia– means “kind, affectionate.” This name sounds very affectionate and unusual.

Strange female names

The happiest female names

Among the names there are those that really bring good luck and happiness in a girl’s life. They are considered this way due to the meaning that has been put into them for centuries.

  • Victoria. Translated, it means “winner,” which gives its bearer the desire for leadership and the ability to attract the right and useful people.
  • Tatiana. This name contains powerful energy and is translated as “founder”, “peacemaker”. If you call a girl this way, she will be a leader from birth. She is able to cope with any difficulties that come her way.
  • Anastasia. A beautiful name that will also bring happiness to its owner. Translated it means “resurrected, immortal.” This girl gives kindness to others, and it comes back to her like a boomerang.
  • Maria– translated means “madam.”
  • Elizabeth- truly a royal name.
  • Daria– means winner.
  • Anna– persistent, strong-willed, patient.
  • Sophia– the name brings inner harmony and tranquility. Translated - “wise”.
  • Alexandra.
  • Catherine.
  • Olga.

Biblical female names

The Holy Book is a popular source for choosing names, not only in Russia, but in other countries of the world. Among them there are very rare names.

  • Avital– translated as “my father’s dew.” Such girls are capable of self-sacrifice, they are selfless and kind to the people around them. They love the world and take care of their loved ones.
  • Ada- this name is mentioned second in the Bible, after Eve. Translation: “decoration”. These girls have a little male character, stubborn and do everything as they want.
  • Anna- emitting light. The most popular name in the world.
  • Eve- the name that appears first in the Bible. Means "alive".
  • Elizabeth- “righteous”, “honored by God”. That was the name cousin mother of Jesus.
  • Magdalene.
  • Maria.
  • Marfa.
  • Ofra.
  • Yafa.

American female names in English

Some english names translated into Russian they sound very beautiful.

List of female names. Beautiful American female names

The most popular English names:

  • Adriana - Adriana.
  • Abby - Abby.
  • Alexandra - Alexandra.
  • Alice – Alice/Alice.
  • Amy - Amy.
  • Angela - Angela.
  • Barbara - Barbara.
  • Beatrice - Beatrice/Beatrice.
  • Camille - Camilla.
  • Catherine - Katherine (our analogue is Katya).
  • Charlotte - Charlotte.
  • Christine - Christina.
  • Dana - Dana.
  • Diana - Diana.
  • Elizabeth – Elizabeth, Lisa.
  • Emma - Emma.
  • Jasmine - Jasmine.
  • Julia - Julia.
  • Kate - Kate.
  • Leah - Leah.
  • Margaret - Margarita.
  • Rose - Rose.
  • Veronica - Veronica.

How to choose a beautiful name for a girl

When choosing, pay attention to several points:

Middle name for a girl

Selecting a harmonious combination of first and middle names is a responsible step. You need to choose a name that your parents will like and carry good value and sound harmonious in combination with the patronymic.

You can choose an interesting name for the most popular middle names using the following list:

  • Alexandrovna - Olga, Maria, Daria, Anastasia, Elena.
  • Alekseevna - Ekaterina, Irina, Tatyana, Alena.
  • Andreevna - Anna, Sofia, Anastasia, Ksenia.
  • Antonovna - Varvara, Polina, Elizaveta.
  • Arturovna - Diana, Yana, Inna, Alina.
  • Borisovna - Ksenia, Alla, Natalya, Polina.
  • Vadimovna - Valeria, Alena, Anastasia, Irina, Evgenia.
  • Valentinovna - Kira, Alina, Marina, Valeria.
  • Valerievna - Ekaterina, Anastasia, Svetlana.
  • Vasilievna - Nadezhda, Maria, Vera, Claudia.
  • Vladimirovna - Alexandra, Svetlana, Olga, Anna.
  • Gennadievna - Christina, Irina, Veronica, Elena.
  • Denisovna - Anastasia, Christina, Alisa, Valeria.
  • Dmitrievna - Ksenia, Yulia, Ekaterina.
  • Evgenievna - Margarita, Victoria, Daria.
  • Ivanovna - Valentina, Vera, Zinaida, Ekaterina.
  • Konstantinovna - Irina, Kira, Sophia.
  • Maksimovna - Polina, Ksenia, Tatyana, Ulyana.
  • Mikhailovna - Lyudmila, Yulia, Natalya.
  • Nikolaevna - Arina, Daria, Ekaterina, Elena.
  • Romanovna - Anastasia, Olga, Margarita.
  • Sergeevna - Natalya, Galina, Anastasia, Polina.
  • Stanislavovna - Alisa, Alina, Irina, Taisiya, Christina.
  • Timurovna - Alina, Angelica, Bogdana, Regina.
  • Yuryevna - Anastasia, Olga, Natalya.
  • Yaroslavovna - Oksana, Olesya, Anna.

Orthodox according to the church calendar

It is well known that a name, both male and female, carries a certain energy. This means that if you choose a beautiful female name in accordance with the calendar, then it will protect the girl and empower her vital forces. The name is chosen according to the month and sometimes even the day of her birth.

  • January: Aglaya, Eva, Evgenia, Claudia, Emilia, Ulyana, Anastasia, Anisia.
  • February: Inna, Rimma, Agnia, Anna, Agafia, Valentina, Maria, Zoya.
  • March: Marianna, Kira, Marina, Antonina, Iraida, Vasilisa, Galina.
  • April: Daria, Alexandra, Alla, Larisa, Matryona, Maria, Nika.
  • May: Alexandra, Glafira, Martha, Susanna, Zoya, Elizabeth, Pelageya.
  • June: Elena, Ulyana, Kaleria, Maria, Antonina, Valeria, Anna.
  • July: Inna, Alevtina Rimma, Angelina, Evdokia.
  • August: Maria, Christina, Nonna.
  • September: Anfisa, Natalia, Anna.
  • October: Rufina, Vasilisa, Lyudmila, Vera, Nadezhda, Love.
  • November: Cleopatra, Elizabeth, Capitolina, Glykeria Praskovya.
  • December: Cecilia, Anna, Varvara, Ulyana, Angelina, Zoya.

Female names according to Saints

Each day according to the Saints reflects the fate of a holy woman. This is an endless source from which you can draw beautiful female names. If the day on which the daughter was born is not marked with the name of a saint, then according to tradition, a name can be chosen from neighboring dates.

Most of the names contained in the Saints are male, so the female analogue of the name is often used.

  • January: Julianna, Julia, Agrippina, Domna, Euphrosyne, Fedora, Feodosia, Ksenia, Oksana, Maria.
  • February: Feodosia, Militsa, Agata, Dora, Dorothea, Vera, Zoya.
  • March: Olga, Marfa, Iraida, Matrona, Nadezhda, Christina.
  • April: Vassa, Sofia, Praskovya, Julia, Anastasia, Vasilisa.
  • May: Elsa, Susanna, Lily, Tamara, Anastasia, Muse.
  • June: Alena, Elena, Euphrosinia, Alexandra, Pelageya.
  • July: Livia, Zhanna, Lucia, Sarah, Agripina.
  • August: Militsa, Anastasia, Iya, Eva.
  • September: Regina, Ksenia, Rufina, Serafima, Tatyana, Lyudmila, Lyubov.
  • October: Ariadne, Arina, Nana, Elizaveta, Maria, Chris, Zinaida.
  • November: Anastasia, Agatha, Anna, Elena, Agrippina.
  • December: Cecilia, Augusta, Catherine, Lilia, Sophia, Elsa.

Each name contains certain meaning, which will definitely have an impact on the character, as well as the fate of the girl, so it is important to take the choice with great responsibility.

Video about beautiful female names. What to name a girl

TOP 10 beautiful female names:

The best names for girls of the outgoing year:

Among the many names that seem unusual, there are many that have simply been forgotten over time. There are interesting female names that were born in different eras and are a reflection of ideology, politics, fashion. Parents, trying to highlight their child and make him special, often do not think about how many problems an unusual name can bring to a person. It is not for nothing that from time immemorial it was believed that it influences the fate of its owner.

Traditions of antiquity

Since ancient times, names have been given to people not only as a sign of distinction from others. They were a reflection important events, features of life, character, fate, seasons and much more. They were not of a mass nature, so it was rare to meet two or three people who had the same name. When naming the child, parents wanted to endow him with special qualities. Maybe that’s why people lived in peace, harmony, love, wisdom, were hardworking, and brave.

Pay attention to the meaning of some ancient female names:

Augusta - regal, majestic

Astra - star

Vitalina – vital

Glafira – graceful, sophisticated

Ustinya - fair, correct

Forgotten and very rare female names carry a certain mystery. They are beautiful and sonorous. If you want to name your newborn daughter one of the ancient names with deep inner content, you should contact Orthodox calendar. Every day one of the saints is remembered in the calendar. If you name a child in honor of one of the great martyrs, he will become his patron. Religious leaders claim that the life of a person under the patronage of a saint will be filled with meaning, and life’s troubles will be experienced more easily. In addition, vintage Orthodox names go well with Russian surnames.

Trends of the times

Unusual female names are often dedicated to deities. Muse, Aphrodite, Maya, Aurora - sonorous, beautiful, elegant. They excite the imagination, amaze, delight, and even envy. The custom of naming children in honor of the gods came to us from other countries.

Another tradition causes conflicting feelings - naming girls in honor of events taking place in the country and the world. The most unusual names began to be given to girls after the 1917 revolution. There were so many of them that no one was surprised if a woman’s name was Oktyabrina, Revmira, Idea, Iskra.

IN Soviet era this tradition continued. There were many registered girls whose names were very strange: Dazdraperma (Long live May 1st), Pofistala (Victor of fascism Joseph Stalin), Perkosraka (First space rocket). Revolution, Turbine, Electrification, Privatization, Vyborina - understandable, but not in harmony with the female image.

The results of parents’ extraordinary thinking and their excessive imagination are still encountered today. IN recent years registered in the archives of the REGISTRY OFFICE: Viagra, Afigenia, Joy, Medmiya, Trishka, Vanna. And their unusual list headed by: Kalita, Luna, Russia, Tsarina, Milagres.

When calling girls rare and most unusual names, parents should take into account not only their meaning, but also compatibility with the patronymic and surname.

Foreign fashion

From time to time they come into fashion foreign names, previously unknown to us. By the way, opinion polls show that Italians, French and Russians consider female names to be the most beautiful.

In Russia, in recent years, girls have often been called names that are unusual for us: Adele, Aurelia, Isadora, Bazhena, Juliet, Darena, Diodora, Dilia, Iraida, Malvina. Their list can be continued for a long time.

Borrowed names often do not fit well with surnames. And parents should think about this too. After all, problems for children can begin at a fairly early age, when peers begin to pay attention to the disharmony in the sound of their first and last names. These difficulties can make the child uncommunicative, secretive, and shy. Therefore, often, having become adults, many people are in a hurry to change their first or last name.

When are girls named by their month of birth?

Based on the month of birth, many parents give the girl an old, rare, forgotten name, or unusual sounding:

- January. Felicata, Leonidia, Appolinaria, Theodora. It is assumed that their owners will live a long and happy life, they will be lucky in everything.

- February. Pavla, Christina, Aksinya, Rimma. These women are cheerful, active and cheerful. The second marriage is happier than the first.

- March. This month the girls are called Kiras, Christinas, Reginas, Iraidas, Vasilisas. Their life path is not always easy. They often marry high-ranking officials.

- April. Women named Praskovya, Feodosia, Vasilisa. Akulina and Matryona are usually happily married.

- May. Glyceria, Muse, Susanna, Euphrosyne. Lukerya. Their happy life Friends are often jealous.

- June. The most suitable names for this month - Martha, Kaleria, Thekla, Theodora. These women are pleasant to talk to, despite their hot temper.

- July. Angelina, Efrosinya, Efimiya, Evdokia will always be in the spotlight.

— August. Those around you will enjoy the kindness of Concordia, Olympias, Magdalene, Seraphim, Praskovya.

- September. Marfa, Rufina, Domna, and Vasilisa are distinguished by their curiosity and optimism.

- October. Happy love waiting for Evlampia, Ustinya, Zlata, Ariadne, Pelageya, Praskovya.

- November. Coquetry and flirting are inherent in Cleopatra, Glyceria, and Neonile.

- December. Anfisa, Cecilia, and Augusta are distinguished by their nobility of character.

A rare unusual name can make a star out of a girl and set her apart from others, or it can play a cruel joke in fate. Let it excite the imagination, caress the ear, arouse interest, not curiosity. When naming a girl, you should remember the euphony of the name and the harmonious combination with the surname.

“What’s in your name?” - the poet asked his unknown interlocutor. Same question, but more in a broad sense, humanity has been struggling for centuries, but the names are in no hurry to reveal all their secrets. Even notorious materialists and skeptics do not choose the first names they come across for their children, thereby recognizing that the name becomes business card a person in society, a part of himself. Many people are sure that an individual name not only contains information about its owner, but is also capable of participating in the formation of his character and influencing his future life. In this regard, it is often remembered famous phrase“Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” What can we say about man - a living being connected with the universe by thousands of threads!

Personal names are the object of study of anthroponymy, a branch of the science of onomastics. Within its framework, researchers study their origin, evolutionary development, laws and features of functioning. Each name, whether it is originally Slavic or borrowed from other languages, for example, Greek and Hebrew, has its own history and meaning. The original meaning of many names was lost in the thick of centuries, erased, and ceased to be taken literally. In addition, not all people are interested in the meaning of their name, thereby missing out on the opportunity to learn more about themselves and their life prospects. Meanwhile, the research of modern anthroponymists is aimed at compiling psychological portrait a typical representative of this or that name, because even earlier it was discovered that people with the same name have much in common in character, fate and even appearance.

Of course, one should not exaggerate the role of the name in the formation of personality, but still it deserves the most close attention. Choosing a name for a child should be conscious, thoughtful, taking into account various factors. In the life of an adult, it is also possible to change a name, so the information presented on our website will be useful not only to those who are looking for a name for a newborn boy or girl. For people who do not intend to change their other “I,” a closer acquaintance with the meaning of names can also bring a lot of benefits - in particular, it can suggest directions for working on themselves, on compatibility with others and fruitful interaction with them.

In this section of our website you can find not only the meanings of names, but also a variety of related information, for example, about name days, have a nice day, useful practical advice, excursions into history and much more.


Augusta - regal, regal, sacred (lat.)

Augustine see Augusta

Avelina - see Evelina

Aurelia - golden (lat.)

Aurora - morning dawn (lat.)

Agata see Agafya

Agafya (Agatha) - kind, good (Greek)

Aggul - white flower (Turkic)

Agida - faith (Arabic)

Aglaida - brilliant, magnificent, beautiful (Greek)

Aglaya - brilliant, magnificent, beautiful (Greek)

Agnia - pure, immaculate lamb (lat.)

Agrippina - Roman family name (lat.)

Ada - elegant (Old Hebrew)

Adelaide - noble, high-born (Old German)

Adeline - fragrant (Old German)

Adele - pious, noble (Old German)

Adina - holiday, Friday (Arabic)

Adriana - resident of Adria (Greek)

Aza - consolation (Arabic) or strong, strong (Hebrew)

Aziza - bearer of God (Arabic)

Aida - benefit, reward (Arabic)

Ayante - violet (Greek)

Aina - mirror (pers.)

Aita - living (Azerbaijani)

Akulina (Aquilina) - eagle (lat.)

Alana - the most significant (Arabic)

Alva (Alva) - rich (lat.)

Alevtina - rubbed with incense, alien to evil (Greek)

Alexandra - protector of people (Greek)

Alexandria - protector of people (Greek)

Alena - see Elena

Aleshan - high dignity (Arabic)

Alima - knowledgeable, learned (Azerbaijani)

Alina - noble (German)

Alice - noble (German)

Aliya - sublime (Arabic)

Alla - different (Greek) or noble (German)

Alma - nursing (Latin), nourishing with the first apple (Kazakh)

Almos - diamond (Tatar)

Alberta - brilliant, famous (German)

Albina - white (lat.)

Alpha - first (Greek)

Amanda - sweet, worthy (lat.)

Amata - beloved (lat.)

Amelia - flattering (Greek)

Amilia - see Emilia

Amina - safe (Arabic)

Anastasia - resurrecting (Greek)

Anatolia - eastern (Greek)

Angelina - messenger, angel (Greek)

Andromeda - courageous (Greek)

Angela - messenger, angel (Greek)

Angelica - see Angela

Anika - invincible (Greek)

Anita - sweetheart (German)

Anisia (Anisya) - performer (Greek)

Anna - pretty, pretty (Heb.)

Antonina - opponent (lat.). Roman generic name

Anfisa - blooming (Greek)

Anthia - flower (Greek)

Apollinaria - belonging to Apollo (Greek)

Aprilia - April (lat.)

Araminta - powerful, savior (Greek)

Ariadne - attractive, beloved (Greek)

Arina - see Irina

Artemis - name of the goddess of the hunt (Greek)

Asima - protector (Azerbaijani)

Asiya - comforting, healing (Azerbaijani)

Asta - city dweller (Greek)

Asteria - starry (Greek)

Asya - resurrecting (Greek) shortened form of the name Anastasia, which became independent

Atina (Athena) - the name of the goddess of wisdom (Greek)

Aurica - golden (lat.)

Athanasia - immortal (Greek)

Athena see Atina

Aphrodite - born from foam sea ​​wave, name of the goddess of love (Greek)

Aelita - airy (Greek). The name of the heroine of the novel by A.N. Tolstoy

Bavu - mistress (Arabic)

Bavkhar - gem(Persian.)

Balimat - feast, treat (Arabic)

Balia - holy (Arabic)

Barbara - see Varvara

Bahar - spring (Arabic)

Baharat - good news (Arabic)

Bakhti - happy (Uzbek)

Basharat - a rare flower (pers.)

Beatrice, Beata - happy (lat.)

Belina - white (glorified)

Bella - beauty (lat.)

Benedicta - blessed (lat.)

Bereslava - protector (Old Russian)

Bertha - bright, brilliant, magnificent (Old German)

Birsheba - see Bathsheba

Bogdana - given by God (glorified)

Bogigul - garden flower(Taj.)

Bozhena - given by God, divine (glorified)

Bonata - pretty, sweet, graceful (lat.)

Borislava - fighting for glory (glory)

Bronislava - glorious protector (glorious)

Valentina - healthy (lat.)

Valeria - strong (lat.). Roman generic name

Valimat - see Balimat

Walia - saint (Arabic)

Wanda - brave, fearless (Polish)

Varaka - crow (face)

Barbara - foreigner (Greek)

Vasilina - see Vasilisa

Vasilisa (Vasilisa) - queen (Greek)

Vassa - desert (Greek)

Vaclav, Vyacheslav - the most glorious

Veda - mermaid (Bulgarian)

Vengana - crowned (cargo)

Venus is the name of the goddess of beauty and love (lat.)

Wenceslas - crowned with glory (glory)

Vera - faith (Russian)

Veronica - victorious, bringing victory (Greek)

Veselina - cheerful (Bulgarian)

Vesta - the name of the goddess of the hearth (lat.)

Victoria - victory (lat.)

Vilena - V.I.Lenin (Soviet)

Vilora is an abbreviation for “V.I. Lenin is the organizer of the revolution" (Soviet)

Viola - violet (lat.)

Violetta - violet (lat.)

Virginia (Virginia) - virgin (lat.)

Virinea - green, blooming, young (lat.)

Bathsheba - daughter of the oath (Heb.)

Vita - life (lat.)

Vitalia - life (lat.)

Vlada - owner (glor.)

Vladilena - V.I. Lenin (Soviet)

Vladislava - owner of glory (glory)

Vlasta - homeland (Czech)

Gaia - cheerful (English)

Galima - predominant (Arabic)

Galina - calm, serene (Greek)

Galya - marten, weasel (Greek)

Ganna - mercy (Western Slav.)

Gayane - beauty (Turkic)

Helena - see Elena

Helium - solar (Greek)

Gella - sunny, shining (Greek)

Henrietta - noble beauty (Old German)

Dahlia - from the name of the flower

Gerda - protector (scand.)

Hermine - warlike (German)

Gertrude - warrior (Scand.) or heroine of labor (Owl)

Gaia - earth (Greek)

Gilya - flower (Azerbaijani)

Gilyara - calming, comforting (Tatar)

Glafira - graceful (Greek)

Glyceria - sweet (Greek)

Gloria - glory (lat.)

Gorislava - bright glory (glory)

Hydrangea - blooming (lat.)

Grazyna - graceful, beautiful (Polish)

Greta - pearl (German)

Gulnara - beautiful flower (Arabic)

Gutfia - kind woman(Arab.)

Daina (Dina) - avenged (Heb.)

Dalara - beloved (Arabic)

Damira - persistent, iron (Tatar)

Dana - given, bestowed (glorified)

Danara - gold coin (Arabic)

Danae - Greek (Greek)

Daniela - “God is my judge” (Heb.)

Darina - owner of wealth (pers.)

Daria - strong, victorious (Greek)

Deborah - bee (Heb.)

Jamila - beautiful (Arabic)

Jana - beloved (Azerbaijani)

Jannat (Jannam) - paradise (Arabic)

Gemma - precious stone, jewel (Italian)

Julia - see Julia

Juliet - see Julia

Diana - name of the goddess of the hunt (lat.)

Dina see Daina

Dita - people (German)

Diya - divine (Greek)

Dobroslava - good glory (glory)

Share - fate (glory)

Dominica - lady (lat.)

Domna - mistress, mistress (lat.)

Dona - grain (Taj.)

Dora - see Theodora

Dorosita - dew (Greek)

Dorothea - gift of God (Greek)

Eve - alive, life (Heb.)

Eugenia - noble (Greek)

Evdokia - favor (Greek)

Eulalia - eloquent (Greek)

Eulampia - pleasant light (Greek)

Eupraxia - happiness, prosperity (Greek)

Eusevia - pious (Greek)

Evstolia - elegant (Greek)

Euphalia - lush flowering (Greek)

Euphemia - pious, sacred (Greek)

Catherine - pure, immaculate (Greek)

Elena - shining (Greek)

Elizabeth - “I swear to God” (Heb.)

Emilia - see Emilia

Yesenia - prosperous (Greek)

Euphemia - pious (Greek)

Euphrosyne (Eurosinia) - joy, fun (Greek)

Joan - God's mercy (Heb.)

Zhilit - beauty (Kazakh)

Josephine - God will increase (Heb.)

Juliette - see Julia

Fun - cheerful (Old Russian)

Zabira - hard, strong (Arabic)

Zara - gold (Arabic)

Zarema - scarlet dawn (Turkic)

Zarina - golden (Arabic)

Zarifa - witty, graceful (Arabic)

Zafor - victory (Arabic)

Zahra - shiny, light (Azerbaijani)

Zemfira - rebellious (lat.)

Ziba - beauty (Kazakh)

Zilite - tit (Latvian)

Zillah - shadow (Heb.)

Zinaida - belonging to Zeus (Greek)

Zinia - hospitable (Greek)

Zinovia - life given by Zeus (Greek)

Zita - girl (pers.)

Ziyada - returning (Arabic)

Zlata - golden (glory)

Zoreslava - illuminated by glory (Old Russian)

Zoe - life (Greek)

Zulala - transparent, pure (Arabic)

Zukhra - shine, beauty (Arabic)

Ivanna - see Joanna

Yvette - trefoil (French)

Ida - fertile (Greek)

Isabella - beauty (Spanish)

Isolde - shine of gold (ancient Germanic)

Ilaria - cheerful (Greek)

Ilona (Ilyana) - light (Hung.)

Inga - winter (other scand.)

Indira - lunar (Sanskrit)

Inessa - see Inna

Inna (Inessa) - stormy stream (lat.)

Joanna - given by God (Heb.)

Iolanta - see Viola

Hypollita - unharnesser of horses, the name of the mythical queen of the Amazons (Greek)

Iraida - daughter of a hero, heroine (Greek)

Irene - see Irina

Iris is the name of the goddess of the rainbow, the patroness of women and marriage (lat.)

Irina - peace (Greek)

Isidora (Isadora) - gift of Isis (Greek)

Spark - light (Russian, Bulgarian)

Oia - violet (Greek)

Kaleria - hot, ardent (lat.)

Kalisa - beautiful (Greek)

Camilla - a girl from a noble family (Greek)

Capitolina - from the name of one of the seven hills in Rome (lat.)

Karima - generous woman (Arabic)

Karina (Karine) - looking forward (lat.)

Caroline - queen, royal (German)

Kashima - distributing (Tatar)

Casinia - maid (lat.)

Cassandra - hunter of men (Greek)

Kira (Kirien) - mistress, mistress (Greek)

Kirien see Kira

Kirilla - mistress, mistress (Greek)

Claudia is lame. Roman family name. (lat.)

Clara (Clarice) - clear, bright (lat.)

Clementine - vine (Greek) or merciful (Latin)

Cleopatra - glory of the father (Greek)

Concordia - agreement (lat.)

Constance - constant, faithful (lat.)

Kora - maiden, girl (Greek)

Christina (Christina) - dedicated to Christ (Greek)

Ksenia - foreigner, guest (Greek)

Lavinia - traitor (lat.)

Lada - sweet, good (slav.)

Larisa - seagull or from the name of the city Larisa (Greek)

Laura - crowned with laurels (lat.)

Leda is a mythical heroine who captivated Zeus with her beauty (Greek)

Layla - night (Arabic)

Leonida - lion, daughter of a lion (Greek)

Leonila - lionlike, lioness-like (lat.)

Leontine - daughter of the lion (Greek)

Leah - heifer, heifer (Heb.)

Lydia - resident of Lydia - a region in Asia Minor (Greek)

Lika - sweet (Greek)

Liliana - lily (lat.)

Lilita - night (Old Hebrew)

Lily - see Liliana

Lina - mournful song (Greek)

Linda - beautiful (Spanish)

Liona (Leona) - lioness (lat.)

Leah - see Leah

Lola - weed (lat.)

Lolita - grief, sadness (Spanish)

Lorna - abandoned, disappeared (Old German)

Lyubava - beloved (Old Russian)

Love is beloved (old glory)

Lyudmila - dear to people (old glory)

Lucia (Lucina, Lucien, Lucia) - light, luminous (lat.). Roman generic name

Mavji - radiance, shine (Taj.)

Mavra - dark, matte (Greek)

Magdalene - from the city of Magdala in Palestine (Heb.)

Madina - city (Arabic)

Maya - in Indian mythology the name of the progenitor of the Universe, in Greek - the goddess, mother of Hermes

Malania see Melania

Malika - queen (Arabic)

Malvina - weak, tender (German)

Manana - merciful (Georgian)

Manefa - given, bestowed (Heb.)

Manush - sweet (Armenian)

Margarita - pearl (lat.)

Mariam (Maryana, Maryam) - rejecting, bitter, tart (Old Hebrew)

Marianna - sea (lat.) Possibly a contamination of the names Maria and Anna

Marietta - see Maria

Marina - sea (lat.)

Maritsa is a Hungarian variant of the name Maria.

Mary - desired, sad (Old Hebrew)

Marceline - see Marcella

Martha (Martha) - mistress, mistress (Aram.)

Martina - under the auspices of Mars (lat.)

Martha see Martha

Marcella - hammer (lat.)

Masuma - protected (Arabic)

Matilda - dangerous beauty(Old German)

Matryona - lady of honor (lat.)

Medea - sorceress (Greek)

May - May or hawthorn flower (English)

Melania (Malania) - black, dark, dark (Greek)

Melissa (Militsa) - bee, honey (Greek)

Melitina - see Melissa

Mila - sweetheart (slav.)

Milada - sweet, okay (Bulgarian)

Milena - sweet, gentle (slav.)

Mylitta is the name of the Babylonian goddess of fertility (Greek)

Militsa is a South Slavic variant of the name Melissa.

Milica see Melissa

Minna - love, tenderness (German)

Minodora - gift of the month (Greek)

Mira - see Mirra

Miroslava - peaceful glory (glory)

Myrrh - myrtle tree (ancient Hebrew); "world revolution" (Soviet)

Mitrodora - mother's gift (Greek)

Mlada - young, younger (Yuzhnoslav.)

Modesta - modest (lat.)

Monica - lonely (Greek)

Muse - female deity who patronizes the arts (Greek)

Hope - hope (glory)

Nail (Naila) - gift, gift (Turkic)

Naina - innocent (Heb.)

Nana - small, youngest (cargo)

Nargul - pomegranate flower (Turkic)

Natalya (Natalia) - native (lat.)

Nellie - light (Greek)

Neonila - young, new (Greek)

Nike - victory (Greek)

Nymphodora - gift of a nymph (Greek)

Nina - on behalf of the founder of the Syrian state Ninos (Greek)

Nira - beautiful (Heb.)

Nisa - woman (Arabic)

Novella - new (lat.)

Nonna - ninth (lat.)

Nora - fortune teller (other scand.)

Noyabrina - in honor of the victory of the revolution (Soviet)

Odette - fragrant (lat.)

Oiguna - moon (Kyrgyz)

Oksana - Ukrainian form of the name Ksenia

Octavia - eighth (lat.)

Oktyabrina - in honor of the victory of the revolution (Soviet)

Olesya - forest (Belarusian)

Olympiad - praising the sky (Greek)

Olvia - happy (Greek)

Olga - sacred, holy (other scand.)

Pavla (Pavlina, Paulina) - small, small (lat.)

Palmyra - pilgrim (lat.)

Patricia - aristocrat, noble person (Greek)

Pelagia - sea (Greek)

Pinna - mother-of-pearl shell (Greek)

Polyxena - hospitable (Greek)

Polina - belonging to Apollo (Greek). A shortened form of the name Apollinaria, which became independent

Praskovya - Friday (Greek)

Pulcheria - beautiful (lat.)

Rada - cheerful, joyful (glory)

Radmila - sweet, joyful (slav.)

Raisa - light (Greek)

Rachel - see Rachel

Rachel - lamb (Heb.)

Rebecca (Rebekah) - a faithful wife who takes captives (Heb.)

Regina - queen, queen (lat.)

Rema - rower (Greek) or “revolution-electrification-mechanization” (Soviet)

Renata - reborn (lat.)

Rimma - Roman (lat.)

Rita - see Margarita

Rogneda - sad (other scand.)

Rose - rose, red flower (lat.)

Rosalia - rose (lat.)

Roxana - fortune teller (Greek)

Rostislava - increasing glory (glory)

Rufina - red, golden (lat.). Roman generic name

Ruth (Ruth) - friend (Heb.)

Sabina - Sabine woman (Old Hebrew)

Saida - happy (Arabic)

Sakina - calm, silence (Arabic)

Salmaz - unfading (Azerbaijani)

Salome - peaceful, calm (Heb.)

Saltanat - power, rule (Kazakh)

Sarah - see Sarah

Sarah (Sarah) - ancestor, mother of many people (Heb.)

Safa - clean, contented (Tatar)

Svetlana - bright, pure (glory)

Severina - serious, strict (lat.)

Sevil - beloved (Azerbaijani)

Selina (Selena) - moon (Greek)

Semira - lover of pigeons (pers.)

Zipporah - songbird (Heb.)

Seraphim - fiery, fiery angel (Heb.)

Sibylla (Sibyl) - prophetess (Greek)

Silva (Silvia) - forest (lat.)

Simone - obedient, heard by God (Heb.)

Simcha - joy (ancient Hebrew)

Sirush - beauty (Armenian)

Sitara - star (Arabic)

Siyana - strong (Bulgarian)

Slavyanya (Slavena) - glorious (slav.)

Snezhana - snowy (Bulgarian)

Sosia - protective (Greek)

Sona - pheasant (Azerbaijani)

Sosanna see Susanna

Sophia (Sophia) - wisdom (Greek)

Stalin - from I.V. Stalin (Soviet)

Stanislava - the pinnacle of glory (glory)

Stella (Estella) - star (lat.)

Stepanida - crowned (Greek)

Stefania - see Stepanida

Stojana - straight (Bulgarian)

Susanna - see Susanna

Suzanne see Susanna

Sulu - beautiful (Tatar)

Susanna (Sosanna, Suzanna, Suzanna) - white lily(Old Hebrew)

Sufia - pious (Tatar)

Tabitha - chamois, roe deer, gazelle (Heb.)

Taira - pure (Arabic)

Taisiya - fertile (lat.)

Thalia - cheerful (Greek)

Tamara - date palm (Heb.)

Tamila - tormentor (Old Russian)

Tatiana - organizer, set the rules (Greek)

Thekla - see Thekla

Tekusa - giving birth (Greek)

Theodora see Theodora

Teresa - guarding, protecting (Greek)

Tryphena - living in luxury (Greek)

Ulyana - see Yuliana

Ursula - bear (lat.)

Ustinya (Justina) - fair (lat.)

Faina - shining (Greek)

Farida - pearl (Arabic)

Fatima - weaned (Arabic)

Fevronia - radiant (Greek)

Thekla - glory of God (Greek)

Felicia (Felitsa, Felisa, Felixa) - happy (lat.)

Theodora (Fedora, Theodora, Fedotia, Theodora) - God's gift (Greek)

Theodosius (Fedosya) - God's gift (Greek)

Feona - divine understanding (Greek)

Theophila (Theophylla) - kind, beloved of God (Greek)

Fivramna - born in February (lat.)

Fidelina - devotee (lat.)

Physa - emitting light (Arabic)

Philippia - horsewoman (Greek)

Philothea - God-loving (Greek)

Flavia - golden (lat.)

Flora - blooming, the name of the Roman goddess of nature, flowers and spring (lat.)

Florina (Florentina, Florida) - strewn with flowers, blooming (lat.)

Fortunata - happy (lat.)

Photina - light, radiant (Greek)

Frida - faithful (German)

Chava (Havva) - see Eve

Khavronia - see Fevronia

Khaliantha (Helianta) - sunny flower (Greek)

Charisa (Kharita, Kharitina) - graceful, lovely (Greek)

Helga - see Olga

Henrietta - see Henrietta

Hina (Khione) - snowy (Greek)

Khione - see Hina

Chloe - delicate flower, greenery (Greek)

Chrysa - golden (Greek)

Chrysana - golden-flowered (Greek)

Chrysia - see Chrysa

Christina - see Christina

Khumar - bird of happiness (pers.)

Tsarina - queen (Bulgarian)

Tsvetana - blooming (Bulgarian)

Caesarina - cutting (lat.)

Celestine - heavenly (lat.)

Cecilia (Cecilia) - blind (lat.)

Chara - charming (glorious)

Shirafa - sacred (Arabic)

Shelomokha - peaceful, friendly (Heb.)

Evelina - hazelnut (old French)

Eurydice - found (Greek)

Edina - exalted (other scand.)

Edita - giving orders (lat.)

Electra - shining, radiant (Greek)

Eleanor - God is my light (Heb.)

Eliza - God's mercy (Old German)

Elina - light (German)

Ella - light (German)

Elvira - protector of people (German)

Elga see Olga

Elsa - restless (Old German)

Elmira - star (Arabic)

Emilia - zealous (lat.)

Emma - flattering (Old German)

Enigma - riddle (Greek)

Enida - life, soul (ancient Germanic)

Era - era (lat.)

Erica - rich, powerful (other Scand.)

Erna - storyteller (other scand.)

Ernestina - see Erna

Esmeralda - emerald (Spanish)

Esther - star (Heb.)

Esther - star (Heb.)

Juvenalia - young (lat.)

Juventa is the name of the Roman goddess of youth (lat.)

Judith - Jewish woman (Old Hebrew)

Yuzhana - southern (Soviet)

Jozefa - God will add (Polish)

Yuliana - see Ulyana

Julia is curly and fluffy. Roman family name (lat.)

Yumru - round, full-bodied (Azerbaijani)

Yuna (Una, Yunna) - the only one (lat.)

Junia - Roman female name (lat.)

Juno - forever young, the name of the Roman goddess - the wife of Jupiter, the patroness of marriage (lat.)

Justina (Ustina) - fair (lat.)

Jadwiga - warrior (Polish)

Yana (Yana, Yanina) - God-given, God's mercy (ancient Hebrew)

Yaroslava - bright glory (glory)

It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of a name in a person’s life. Back in ancient times in Rus' they knew that by naming a child we influence his fate. After all, every name has its own secret, sacred meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to approach such a serious step with all responsibility. Let's find out in detail what rare and beautiful names for girls will help them in the future: to be happy, avoid trouble, find love and simply find their way.

Ancient Slavic female names

The Old Slavic name book included many names, unfortunately, most of them are irretrievably lost. But still, the brightest and strongest of them have reached us. After all, the ancient Slavs believed that a woman was, first of all, the keeper of the home. The energy information program in such names bears only positive character, bringing love, kindness, devotion, care and affection into the world. Therefore, their owners are usually happy in family life.

List among the ancient Slavs and their description:

  • Arina and Yarina. Divine, dedicated to the sun . Bright, cheerful and easy-going. Differs in independence with early years, always stands out among its surroundings. Lucky in marriage, knows how to create home comfort.
  • Bazhena, Bozena. Beloved, desired, long-awaited child . Such a girl will be lucky and considered the darling of fate. Has a variety of creative talents.
  • Vesta, Veta. Good news. IN Slavic mythology goddess of the hearth. Original, intellectually developed, analytical mind. A caring mother and a good housewife.
  • Vladislav.Owns the fame. Lively and purposeful nature. Always and in everything she tries to be the best, a leader. She is confident in her own abilities and achieves success.
  • Darina, Daria.Gift of the gods, bestowed . A friendly and very active girl. Loves sports. She is smart and has feminine cunning. Knows his strengths and uses them.
  • Zlatoslava. Golden glory. Proud and unapproachable, very insightful. He understands people well and can manipulate them. This name gives the desire for perfection in everything.
  • Lada. Dear, okay, wife . In Slavic mythology, the goddess of spring, love and beauty. Such girls grow up to be sensual and emotional, but at the same time they are stubborn and determined. They are enterprising and achieve their goals.
  • Malusha.Small. Kind-hearted and friendly, with a rich imagination. Amazing intuition, always chooses the right course of action. Artistic. Often reaches high position in society and financial well-being. Happily married.
  • Miroslava.Glorious in peace, glorifying peacefulness. A very decent girl who respects traditions. But at the same time he is an active, persistent and strong-willed person. He has a very flexible intellect.
  • Milan. Dear everyone.Authoritarian, hardworking, clearly follows the chosen direction. He chooses a partner with similar goals as a companion and achieves them together with him. Values ​​the circle of close people.
  • Rada. Joy, fun. She is optimistic and has a cheerful disposition. She dances and travels a lot. Charming and elegant, femme fatale. This name ensures happiness in marriage.
  • Snezhana. White as snow.A person of fine mental organization, a vulnerable and sensitive personality. She is sociable and strives to help people. Honest, charming, tactful and responsible, involved in charity work.
  • Yaroslav.Bright, glorious with vitality. Very active and inquisitive nature. Stubborn, but admits her mistakes. She knows how to create coziness; you will always feel warm and comfortable with her. Much loved by my husband

Russian female names

With the advent of the Christian faith, new girl names, mainly of Greek origin. Today, they are so familiar and widespread among us that we have long considered them originally Russian. In Byzantium, a mixed nomenclature was formed due to diplomatic and cultural ties. It is based on Syrian, Slavic, Persian, Greek, Latin, Germanic, English, Egyptian and other roots.

List of suchrare and beautiful names for girls with description:

  • Agatha. Good, endowed with good. Persistent and firm in desires. Ambitious and endowed with a thirst for learning. Strives to twist family nest. There is peace and comfort in her home.
  • Vasilisa, Vasilina. Royal, ruler. A very energetic and determined girl. She is resourceful, captivatingly tells different stories, and often uses humor. Loving mother and wife.
  • Varvara. Double protection. Calm and reasonable, tolerance is an important part of her character. Drives his fans crazy. She is prudent and achieves her goals.
  • Elizabeth. God-honoring, my god is an oath. She is balanced and brings things started to a victorious end. The most valuable thing for a person with this name is family. A cunning coquette, attracts attention.
  • Fun. Delight, joy. She is characterized by openness and sincerity. Generous and diplomatic personality. Unsurpassed and without equal competitors. Often holds leadership positions. The marriage is going well.
  • Zoya. Life itself. Strong-willed, always balanced, stable psyche. Able to extinguish any negativity and conflicts. Intuitively discerns people's intentions. Personal relationships always work out well. A wonderful wife and mother. He manages the house wisely.
  • Inessa, Inna. Innocent, flow, swim. Smiling, calm and persistent character. Feminine appearance and masculine core. Hospitable, exemplary hostess.
  • Christina. Christian. Smart, agile, with a good memory. Makes every decision thoughtfully. Smoothes out conflicts, yields to her lover, and therefore always finds mutual understanding with him.
  • Melania, Melania. Dark, with black hair. Tender, affectionate, seductive, femme fatale. Constantly changing. Creatively gifted, inclined to study foreign languages. Loves adventure and novelty. A highlight in any team. Communication is her strong point.
  • Olga.Holy, wise, receiving greatness. Strong-willed, developed mind and great efficiency. A fighter with a strong character. Looks after appearance. A highly moral nature, she will marry the best chosen one.
  • Taisiya, Taya.Fertile, dedicated to Isis. Determined and uncompromising, she makes a dizzying career. She is surrounded by gentlemen everywhere, but she makes her choice for a long time and consciously.
  • Faina.Shining, shine. Friendly and responsive, inclined to lead own business. Her name inspires addiction culinary arts, clean, adored by her husband.
  • Julia, Ulyana.Fluffy, curly, everyone cares. Extremely sociable, creative, extraordinary personality. She has a flexible intellect, strong intuition, and is gifted with many talents. Vulnerable, reads a lot. Lives in perfect harmony with her husband

Popular names for girls

Modern rare and beautiful names for girls, are very relevant in our country. Fashion for them is changeable and cyclical. Some of the names are Slavic, others are of foreign origin. Still others are recently fictitious names, based on the heroines of best-selling books, films and songs.

List of popular female names in recent years:

  • Aurora. Dawn, morning dawn. Developed imagination and intuition. Inner peace is important to her and she will strive for harmony in everything. Often hides his feelings. The profession will most likely be related to creativity.
  • Anastasia.Resurrected, return. Trusting, kind, does not hold grudges. A craftswoman, she loves cleanliness and order. A strong-willed person who defends his rights. Caring, faithful wife and mother
  • Anna.Bravery, grace. Uncompromising and truth-loving, radiates kindness. Tirelessly builds its nest. Honest and devoted to her husband.
  • Victoria.Victory. An agile, cunning and stubborn, but at the same time shy and timid person. A girl with this name is able to be frank and honest with her partner.
  • Veronica, Vera. Bringing victory. Smart and reasonable, practical person. Shows intelligence and soberly assesses the situation. The marriage is going well.
  • Eve.Giver of life. Strong-willed character, controls himself in any situation. Increased level intelligence. Affectionate, gentle and cheerful with her husband.
  • Catherine.Pure, immaculate virgin. A real dreamer, she easily makes friends and admirers. Tactful, well mannered, possessing exquisite taste. Carefully chooses a life partner.
  • Ksenia, Ksyusha.Guest, wanderer. Attractive, sincere, fighting injustice. She has very flexible intellectual abilities and sharpened intuition. She is demanding of her partner and seeks protection in him.
  • Lilya, Lilia. White flower.Dreamy and inventive, quirky and quick-witted nature. She is driven by interest in everything that happens around her. Gives loved ones warmth.
  • Maria.Desired, serenity. Affectionate, balanced and mysterious, with strong spirit. She is attracted to everything original and avant-garde, exclusive. Radiates warmth and attention around him.
  • Ocean.Deep water. The name appeared recently. A strong, decisive personality, capable of moving mountains for the sake of his goals. Family is the most important thing in her life; she prefers to spend all her free time with her.
  • Sofia, Sofia. Wise, science.Active and receptive, strives to be in time and learn everything. Loves to be the center of attention. Capable of heroic deeds for the sake of the family.
  • Elsa.Divine, cold oath. Passionate and independent, determined nature. He can achieve a high position in society and open his own business. Responsible housewife.

Foreign female names

All countries have interesting and unusual names. Now they are gaining popularity, and some have long been adopted into everyday life and become familiar to our ears. Most of them have close roots with the Slavic peoples.

List and description rare and beautiful names for girls :

  • Adele, Adeline.Noble, from a noble family . Independent, calm, modest, reads a lot. He knows how to win people over. Affectionate and faithful companion.
  • Astrid. Passionate, star. Brave, courageous, active, able to solve any problem. The bearer of this name exhibits psychic abilities. Loves family.
  • Belinda, Bella. A lovely, bright linden tree. Charming, elegant, has exquisite taste. Strives for stability, loves order. Adheres to generally accepted moral values. Lucky in marriage.
  • Diana, Dina.Divine, bringing justice. Very endowed great energy. Copes with all tasks, developed logical thinking. At the same time, she is a deep and sensitive person. After getting married, she finds peace and harmony in her soul.
  • Inga. R waiting under protection. One of the names of the Scandinavian god of fertility and abundance, an analogue of the male name Ingvar. Easily absorbs all information. She believes in fortune telling and knows how to cast her own spells. A devoted wife, she skillfully raises children.
  • Kira. Lady, mistress, ray of light. Practical, hardy and reasonable character. She is insightful, reliable, and can catch luck by the tail. A brilliant mind and flexibility of thinking are her reliable assistants. Will achieve success in his career. She will become caring and affectionate in relationships, and harmony will reign in her home.
  • Cornelia, Nellie.Weapons made of wood. An expert in conquering and seducing those around her. Comprehensively developed, with a rich inner world. Wants to be in the center of events. A pleasant and cheerful woman.
  • Linda, Melinda. Beautiful, blooming linden tree. He enjoys reading and collecting. He stands out for his intelligence and upbringing. A favorite at work and among friends.
  • Martha. Mentor, hostess. Solid, balanced, business woman. The name gives a good reaction, she will not miss the right moment. Strives for a strong marriage.
  • Melissa.Honey bee. Charming, brings good luck to others. Independent and scrupulous, but at the same time a sweet and sociable person. Values ​​family above all else.
  • Margarita.Pearl. Pearl. Straightforward, self-critical, constantly improving. Honest and courageous, devoid of selfishness. Determined and businesslike, successful in her career. A faithful and reliable friend, she will charm anyone.
  • Nicole, Nika. Conqueror of nations. Mysterious, charming, with many friends. Tender and sentimental, from childhood she dreams of marriage with a handsome prince. Can be implemented in any field.
  • Olivia.Olive tree, olive. Noble and sociable, she finds a common language with any person. Has a negative attitude towards deception and hypocrisy. The husband must meet her needs.
  • Frida.Peace and quiet. She seems modest and reserved, but she is smart and independent, and is liked by others. A person with a strong will and fine mental organization.
  • Elvira, Elya.All-truthful, protecting everyone. Decisive and stubborn, defends her own point of view. Doesn't betray friends. Dedicates himself to his wife and children.

There are many ways to determine the right one Russian name for a child: according to the Orthodox calendar, according to the zodiac sign, following the laws of numerology. First of all, choosing rare and beautiful name for a girlyou should make sure that it is compatible with the patronymic. And most importantly: when deciding what to name your baby, trust your heart.

Write in the comments what you want to name your child)

There is always some kind of mystery or mystery in beautiful female names. They fill their owner with femininity and tenderness. Read more about the most beautiful female names on Horoscope Guru.

Beautiful female names

It is worth noting that Russian names have both Scandinavian, Greek, and Slavic origin. There is also a lot of interest in Catholic names.

In modern times, both rare and foreign names are added to this list, some of which were originally given. Beautiful Russian names have different origins - Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic. This list can also include catholic names, in which Russian parents also show interest.

It is believed that the most recognizable names in the world are female names Italian origin. They end in the letters "a" and "e". For example, some of these names are Violetta and Lucretia. In Spain, it is customary to give children as many names as parents want. The most popular names are Carmen and Camilla. It is worth noting that most of the names from Spain are related to religion. The same situation has developed in Germany. Names that are diminutive or shortened forms of two given names have become popular in this country. For example, this name is Kate and Anna-Marie. One of the most beautiful names is Mia. It appeared as a shortened form of the name Maria and became common in the twentieth century. The second most popular name in Germany is the name Hannah. This is an analogue of a name like Anna.

Beautiful Russian female names

Russian names are common not only in the CIS countries, but also in foreign countries. It is worth recalling that before baptism Kievan Rus There were no such names as there are now. There were nicknames that were given depending on what the girl's most striking feature was. Very often they did not emphasize the advantages of the fairer sex, but rather emphasized her shortcomings. Nowadays such nicknames are not used. But they became popular ancient names Milena, Lada and Bogdana.

Still, the most popular names were Orthodox ones, such as Anastasia, Ekaterina and. IN lately such names as Angelina, Veronica and Varvara are being revived. In big cities, the name Alice has become one of the popular female names. It has German origin, but has long managed to win the hearts of residents of Russian-speaking countries.

The most beautiful female names in the world

As for world statistics, the most common name is the name Anna. Not far from him in the ranking is the name Maria. However, it has not yet been possible to overtake him. Based on the above, the names Anna and Maria are the most popular and beautiful names in the world.

However, remember that each individual country has its own list of popular names. Oddly enough, in countries such as Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, names from England have become very popular. This list includes people like Louise, Elizabeth, and so on. Slavic names already a thousand years ago were popular in countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. Interesting fact that in Greece a woman’s name was chosen in order to protect her from negative influence. Also from there we got such names as Aphrodite, Aurora and Barbara. And the French like to give girls several names. However, it is worth noting that their combination is only in documents. IN everyday life The Frenchwoman uses only one of her first names. Popular names among French women include Carla, Lea and Lola. Residents of this beautiful country very often call their children them.

Speaking about America, it is worth noting that it is difficult to find out what is the most popular name in the USA, because it is very diverse. It all depends on what area and what city the girl was born and raised. American names often have biblical origins.

Beautiful and very rare female names

There is a type of parent who tries in every possible way to highlight their child and show everyone around how good he is. Thanks to this, very rare female names have appeared that are not often found. Usually names are borrowed from other peoples and cultures. In pursuit of unusual names, parents choose a foreign name for their child. For example, the name Emma, ​​which is quite common in England, will be rare in countries such as Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and others. Interestingly, in the USA the name Sasha is a full female name. Although in our country it is considered an abbreviation for the names Alexandra and Alexander. The name Zoya is a little outdated in our country and few people want to name their daughter that. Although in a country like France it is very common and popular.

Popular names for girls

In Spain, one of the most popular names is Laura. Every tenth girl is called this way. Another wonderful name is. It is among the top 5 most common names in Russia.

Fake names for girls

There is also such a small category as names invented by parents or relatives. Vivid examples such names in the USA are Chelsea and Dakota. There are also such examples in Russian-speaking countries. Names such as Astra and Stella are fictitious. During times Soviet Union Many names were also invented, but almost all of them did not catch on. In the modern world, foreign names and church names have become the most popular.