Dance studios for children 4-5 years old

The Victoria Kharitonova Dance Center invites children to join children's choreography groups. Main directions: classical training, dance choreography, ground gymnastics. We accept boys and girls aged 3 to 5 years. We work in Moscow, Taganskaya and Avtozavodskaya metro stations.

Choreography classes for children are conducted by professional teachers. Small groups (up to 10 people) allow you to pay attention to each child, help him open up, and monitor the correct execution of exercises. When communicating with peers, children feel confident, relaxed, and grasp the material faster. The school has junior, middle and senior age groups.

Features of pop dance

These are not just educational activities, but also a bright, expressive show. It reflects elements of classical choreography (for children), as well as jazz, ballet, folk dances and other directions. A dance miniature is built according to all the rules theatrical works, requires talent and artistry from the performer.

During pop choreography classes, children:

  • learn to listen to music, feel the rhythm;
  • train endurance, flexibility, physical strength;
  • acquire beautiful body plasticity and artistry;
  • become responsible and independent.

The school's choreographers come up with performances taking into account the wishes of the little dancers, their level of training, not forgetting the latest trends in dance fashion. Beautiful costumes and scenery, carefully rehearsed movements turn the group performance into a spectacular show.

“I get the greatest pleasure from investing my efforts and soul into the development of children. For me there is no greater joy than seeing progress in the results of our students. This is an incentive to move forward, do more, improve. Therefore, I constantly study methods that really work, take from I introduce the best of them into the training program of our center"

Victoria Kharitonova - artistic director.

Advantages of children's choreography at Victoria Kharitonova's school

Experienced and talented teachers work with your child who will find an approach and reveal the abilities of each student. They not only give a program, but also share knowledge, experience, and help you to love dance with all your soul. There is a warm, friendly atmosphere in the classroom; from the first day, a trusting relationship is established between teacher and student.

We practice in spacious, bright classrooms and provide children with costumes and equipment for choreography. Our incendiary playlist will make your feet dance! You can evaluate your child’s progress and rejoice at his success at demonstration performances. Our teams take part in international competitions and competitions, where kids gain great experience and appear on the big stage.

Want to see everything with your own eyes? Sign up for a trial free lesson choreography for children! For the first visit, choose a comfortable one for your child. loose clothes. After concluding an agreement, the center will provide a dance uniform with a logo (free of charge).

The benefits of choreography for children from 3 to 5 years old

Regular classes with a professional teacher teach the child discipline, independence, and patient work. He listens carefully to the music, feels the rhythm. New movements develop muscles, produce correct posture, graceful gait, promote good stretching. Children's choreography takes into account the characteristics of a growing organism, improves health, makes the child strong and resilient.

Our students' diplomas and awards tell the best story about our work. We prepare stars from a very young age: the first reporting concert, where the whole audience applauds you, gives you incredible self-confidence and the desire to move mountains.

Dance programs for kids

For children from 4 to 7 years old For years, our dance school has been offering training in the following areas:

For children from 3 to 4 years old, general dance development programs are offered - RHYTHMOPLASTICS and BABYDANCE

The Rhythmoplasty program adheres more to the classical registers.

Babydance program with a pop twist.

Classes are aimed at developing:

  • sense of rhythm, musical ear and taste;
  • the ability to move correctly and beautifully;
  • fortifications various groups muscles and posture;
  • the ability to feel and convey the character of music.

Dance classes will help your child relax and relieve emotional stress. Your baby will learn to better control his body.
Interesting tasks develop imagination and teach children to better understand each other. Classes also help you understand music, love it and remember it.
It is based on rhythmic moving exercises accompanied by music. Classes are conducted in a playful way for children starting from 3 years of age.

During the classes the following tasks are performed:

  • posture setting,
  • prevention of scoliosis and flat feet,
  • development of motor skills,
  • development of plasticity, sense of rhythm, tact and ear for music,
  • learn the basics of modern choreography

Dancing for kids (for children 3-4 years old)

At each lesson for your baby:

  • games to develop musical ear and sense of rhythm;
  • visual and auditory attention;
  • various types of memory and visual perception;
  • motor gymnastics;
  • and of course, social development in a circle of peers!

In these classes, you and your children will develop coordination, learn to listen to music, gain the basics and initial skills of ballroom choreography, and the adults who study with the child will help the child perform the exercises correctly and prepare for the next classes.

Every child strives for beauty and harmony, tries to express himself through movement, and specially organized dance classes which are designed to develop expressiveness, plasticity, and a general culture of movement in the child.

Classes at the "Dancing for Kids" studio include:

Rhythmic exercises. One of the most important conditions performing the dance correctly is the ability to perceive its rhythm and join in it in time. As a rule, children by nature are very sensitive to rhythm; they feel it very well, but they are not always able to convey it with their movements. Our exercises develop a child’s sense of rhythm and the ability to move to music.

Warm-up exercises. In order to dance beautifully, you must first learn to control your body and know its capabilities. With the help of special warm-up exercises, the child learns to warm up his muscles and prepares for more complex dance exercises. He also learns to maintain correct posture.

Plastic exercises and fantasy will develop the child’s imagination and teach him to improvise to music. Watching plants, animals, birds, fish with our child, we remember their movements, repeating them to the music.

Gymnastics. In the gymnastics part of the lesson, several tasks are solved: strength training, endurance development, exercises to relax the muscular system, and breathing.

Aerobics. Exercises aimed at mastering walking and running develop spatial orientation and the ability to respond to a teacher’s signal.

Choreographic exercises will give an idea of ​​classical dance. During the classes we will study the simplest dance elements and compositions. Children will learn to work in interaction with each other, understand and feel their partner.

IN music games children create a certain image and convey various feelings in movement. Games create an atmosphere of joy, cheerfulness and pleasure in the classroom. Through games, children easily learn and improve many abilities and vital skills.

Dance classes will bring benefits and pleasure to your baby!

This is great for having fun, interesting and useful time with children. It’s very great for the overall development of the child, and there are a lot of advantages and positive emotions for the mother’s mood.

Every child tries to express himself through movement, and dance classes in our circle can help him with this. Dancing classes develop not only flexibility, dexterity, plasticity, but also the ability to feel music, the ability to express one’s emotions in facial expressions and pantomime of children’s dance.

Dance training is an effective means of intellectual, aesthetic education, creates positive conditions for disclosure creative potential child. Dancing contributes to the harmonious development of your baby. Dance classes will bring both benefit and pleasure to your child!

Dancing for children from 4 years old is an excellent developmental activity. Dance training helps to harmonize a child’s physical development, enriches his inner world, and stimulates the development of creative abilities.

Dance classes with early age develop the skill of concentration and the ability to voluntarily evoke a state of readiness for creative search.

Dance club for children from 4 years old in our club - what are our goals?

The primary goal of classes is to organize optimal conditions for physical development. We pay attention to the systematic formation of the muscular corset of the spine, muscles of the upper and lower extremities. We make sure that shoulder girdle was revealed in an optimal way, we strive to prevent stooping.

Dance clubs for children from 4 years old optimize the emotional and volitional qualities of pupils. Young dancers have a pronounced sense of purpose, and at the same time show great ingenuity in choosing means to achieve their goal. At the same time, there is a high stability of the emotional background. Such character traits help in the future to firmly occupy a leadership position in the school team.

Dancing for children from 4 years old - how to identify talent?

Plastic and general training physical culture during dance classes, of course, is useful for all children - regardless of whether the child begins to engage in this type of creativity in adulthood.

However, it is worth mentioning such a phenomenon as early special talent. A dance club for children over 4 years old often helps to identify one. This is a particularly pronounced talent, in the presence of which the child literally merges with the world of music, plastic arts and pantomime. Specially gifted children, in fact, do not need training. It is important for them that talent is noticed in a timely manner and directed by an experienced teacher in the right direction.

Dances for children from 4 years old in our club are organized more than liberally. On the one hand, the teacher does not insist on intensive physical activity, if he sees an insufficient level of general physical fitness in a particular dancer. On the other hand, all conditions have been created for especially gifted children to express themselves.

Dance club for children from 4 years old - the priorities of our methodology

We prefer modern teaching methods. We don't adhere to principles classical school, we do not require dancers to memorize a strictly limited set of movements, we do not build complex plastic compositions. We strive to convey to our students a sense of the subtle relationship between musical rhythm and body movements.

Dancing for children 3-4 years old develops an understanding of how to convey this or that emotion using plastic means. At the same time, the kids turn out to be so sensitive that after just a few lessons they can themselves suggest a successful movement, which the teacher takes note of.

Want to know all the details? Sign up for a free trial lesson “Dancing from 4 years old”, plunge into amazing world music and plastic.

Free clubs and sections in Moscow. Among the numerous paid centers and clubs, it is often difficult to find organizations that are so necessary in our difficult times (especially for the poor and large families). Centers and clubs for children, where classes are held free of charge or for a small membership fee.

Having turned to the Internet in search of such information, I realized that it was absolutely not systematized. Without taking on such a difficult task, I will still try to collect contacts of such children's organizations on this page to help myself and you. If someone joins, I will be glad to mutual cooperation. According to official data, today in Moscow there are 136 clubs operating municipal institutions and 343 non-profit organizations. All services at these institutions are free. First, the main and central clubs, schools and palaces: 1. Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity All departments of MGDD(Yu)T work in the following eleven areas: Culturological Artistic and aesthetic Socio-economic Socio-pedagogical Tourism and local history Physical culture and sports Natural science Sports and technical Scientific and technical Military-patriotic Ecological and biological Shchukino.

Contacts: city. Moscow, st. Kosygina, 17 Directions: st. metro station "University", then trol. 28 or auto. "A", art. metro station "Leninsky Prospekt", then trol. 7, art. Vorobyovy Gory metro station, then walk. maildvorec-online Website: dvorec-online/ 2. Center art education MGDD(Yu)T is 1500 children and teenagers who: draw, sculpt, take their first steps in architectural design, make ceramic products, create sculptures, carve and paint wood, weave lace and embroider, weave and knit, paint fabrics, sing folk songs, study folk rituals, traditions and secrets of folk cuisine, develop sketches, design and sew clothing models, demonstrate creative collections, take photographs and create artistic photographs, write poetry, compose fairy tales and stories, study literary criticism, literary local history and linguistics, act in performances of the Theater of Young Muscovites and the Theater dolls, read poems, stories, fables, participate in literary compositions and in performances Literary Theater, sing, dance, play the piano, practice solfeggio, study at a school for the integrated development of children up to school age“Penguin”, in the gymnasium classes of school No. 22 and in the humanities classes of Lyceum No. 1525 “Sparrow Hills” from 8th to 11th grade. Today the Center for Art Education is: an educational center that implements a wide range of additional educational programs in various directions artistic creativity, many years of work on comprehensive programs MGDD(Yu)T “Development of giftedness”, “Society and children”, “Childhood holidays”, “Holidays”, according to the integrated program “Our Earth is our heritage”, created by teachers of the Center for Art Education, a basis for experimental work on the introduction of new educational programs, technologies and forms of artistic orientation, the annual release of programmatic and methodological literature, the organization and holding of city festivals and competitions in various areas of children's artistic creativity, as well as the participation in them of our teams, which have repeatedly won the title of laureates and diploma recipients, traditional vacation trips with children around cities of Russia and abroad, 50 experienced teachers working on original and experimental educational programs, giving their knowledge and soul to children.

And finally, this is a friendly, close-knit team of like-minded people who are in constant creative search. Contacts: Russia, Moscow, st. Kosygin, house Moscow International Film School Moscow International Film School - state educational institution, in which high school students (13-18 years old), along with a general humanitarian education (standard certificate), receive practical training in the specialties of cinema, television and theater. The Film School trains up to 100 people in the workshops “Director”, “Operator”, “Actor”, “Screenwriter”, “Sound Director”, “Animator”. The Film School opened in the year among the first innovative schools in Russia. Founder: Moscow Department of Education. Contacts: Russia, Moscow, st.

Stroiteley 15, 2nd floor. Metro “University”, exit in the center of the hall Club (circle) “Young Railway Worker” At the FDP MIIT there is a club “Young Railway Worker”, where railway teach children from 5th grade. During 4 years of study, students gain knowledge about many railway professions, and in the summer they have the opportunity to do an internship on the Small Moscow Railway in Kratovo (many have heard of it, I think).

In the first year, professions such as conductors, controllers, platform attendants, and switchmen are studied. Second year - senior switchmen, platform attendants, DSP operators, train foremen, conductors, car inspectors, signaling electricians, etc. Third year - station duty officer, signaling electrician, train car master, assistant diesel locomotive driver (at MIIT they study only driver assistants and station attendants).

The fourth is a diesel locomotive driver, train dispatcher, single shift supervisor (at MIIT they study only drivers and train dispatchers). Fifth year - senior driver and assistant instructor. Classes are held once a week, on Friday, starting at about 18:00. The first classes will be from mid-October.

All classes are free, in addition, after completing the internship, you are issued a document that gives advantages when entering Russian Railways schools. 5. City of Science, Education and Innovation at VDNKh All-Russian Exhibition Center - YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW / CITY OF SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND INNOVATION. The main idea of ​​the project is based on four basic principles: the principle of “first place”, the principle of “touching with your hands”, the principle of “doing it simply without simplifying”, the principle of modularity. The principle of “first place” is to determine the place of the public in the project, namely the public, its interests, its desire to play, dream, make plans, as well as understand and navigate in a rapidly changing world and life accompanied by changes, are a priority. That is why we are trying to develop a “system” of exhibitions that, while developing the visitor’s intellect, would develop his interest in the future and avoid neither questions nor answers. The principle of “touching with your hands” implies not only interactivity or manipulation, but also affirms the need for experimentation.

Every visitor, whether a child or an adult, a schoolchild or a teacher, must experience unusual and unexpected moments during his visit, feel the joy of “discovery” and surprise. An experiment is a combination of feeling and sensuality, a variety of museographic proposals and methods of associative mediation. It is very important that the visitor experiences an experiment that will leave a mark on his soul, a memory, a desire to return or go further with the thought that science and technology are not inaccessible - “the more keys to front door, the easier it is to enter.” The principle of “making it simpler without simplifying” suggests that the visitor learns the essence of complex natural phenomena and scientific laws through play, with the help of bright, simple and “not so simple” exhibits. At the same time, the exhibits themselves and the exhibition modules built on their basis are multifaceted, which will arouse and maintain interest among visitors of different ages And different levels education. The “modularity principle” suggests that each section of the exhibition should be designed as an autonomous module, which will allow the exhibition to be quickly configured, conveniently changed and easily updated. Contacts: Moscow, Mira Avenue, building 119, “GAO All-Russian Exhibition Center” Information service All-Russian Exhibition Center: Fax Winter work schedule: All-Russian Exhibition Center territory is open from 9.00 to 19.00 On weekends and holidays from 9.00 to 20.00 Summer work schedule: the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center is open from 8.00 to 22.00. Website: vvcentre/about/science/project/#8.

6. The circle of young biologists of the zoo KYUBZ (Circle of Young Biologists of the Zoo) is the oldest of the current youth circles in Russia, organized in the spring of the year on the initiative of the director of the zoo, prof. M.M. Zavadovsky. Enrollment into the Circle of Young Zoo Biologists begins on the first Sunday of September at 11 a.m. in the club premises at the address: st. Krasnaya Presnya, 4a (metro station Krasnopresnenskaya, Barrikadnaya). Children from 12 years old participate in the club. Classes are held weekly on Wednesdays at 17:00, and every other week on Sunday at 11:00.

The circle regularly travels to nature. Contacts: 123242 Moscow, B. Gruzinskaya, 1. (Fax: The zoo is open daily, except Mondays in the summer: from 10.00 to 20.00, in the winter: from 10.00 to 17.00. Telephone numbers of the leaders of the Kyrgyz Youth Children's Park: Ekaterina Yuryevna Pavlova - 151-88-83 Vladimir Yuryevich Dubrovsky - 254-23-04. Members of the circle enjoy the right free entry to the territory of the zoo. Website: moscowzoo/get.asp?id=C48.

7. Clubs at museums In September, children are enrolling in clubs and studios at museums, including free ones. How to interest a child and which section to take him to? Registration for the Historical Museum clubs will last until mid-October. 18 clubs for preschoolers and schoolchildren in grades 1-11 are free, classes are held once a week. Younger schoolchildren will enjoy the “Historical” clubs puppet theater" and "Firebird", for those who like collecting - "The Mystery of Numismatics", and for those who are interested in the history of Moscow - "Young Local Historian". The Museion center for aesthetic education of children has been operating at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts for several years now.

Previously, children's clubs were huddled in the main building, but now the center has its own premises with spacious classrooms and workshops. But still, the center cannot accept everyone - the groups are small, classes are held 2-3 times a month. There are painting studios (children are regularly taken around the main exhibition of the museum), ceramics studios (teachers changed last year, and now you can’t drag the children out of the workshop). You can buy a subscription to lectures (1-2 times a month lectures are given in the main building of the museum). By enrolling in the club of young art historians, your child will not only listen to art historians and participate in seminars, but also visit other museums and architectural monuments Moscow. The State Museum of Leo Tolstoy offers schoolchildren theatrical classes with subscriptions. Selecting the cycle you like (“ Magic world museum”, “Wonderful city, ancient city”, “In the world of childhood”), the children will learn something new every week.

Walking through the halls of the museum, musical quizzes, competitions and riddles - in motion and in a playful way new material is remembered best. Contacts: Historical Museum Krasnaya sq., 1, metro station Okhotny Ryad. Registration until October 15. Center for aesthetic education of children "Museion" Kolymazhny lane, 6, building 2, metro station Kropotkinskaya. Registration until September 17, depending on the circle.

State Museum of Leo Tolstoy Prechistenka, 11, metro station Kropotkinskaya. Registration until September 30, time to check for clubs in libraries. 8.1. Central City Library named after.

Gaidar Children can assemble ships, tanks and planes with their own hands - just like the real thing! The circle is open every Friday from 17 to 19 hours, in the creativity and leisure hall. Beadwork We invite everyone to the beadwork circle to learn various techniques for working with beads (weaving, weaving, embroidery). 8.2.

Central Children's Library No. 133 (CBL No. 1) The library has strong traditions in organizing leisure time, priority direction her activities - “Russia: history and culture”. Invites a club of interesting meetings (for children of all ages), origami clubs (for children 5-10 years old), dances of the people of the world, preparation for school. 8.3. Children's library-branch No. 43 (CLB No. 1) Clubs and clubs are invited: preschoolers - "Preparing for school", children of all ages - literary and art studio "Corona Dance Club", which publishes collections of poems and prose.


Its participants are laureates and diploma holders of district and city creative competitions, in 2006 - Moscow international forum“Gifted Children”, “Rhythm and Dance”, “Musical Development”, “ Artistic creativity", "Internet club" "Development of abilities", " English language", "Guitar", "Little Wizards" - theater studio, “Corona Dance Club” “Legion” is a military history club. 8.4. Children's library-branch No. 112 (CLB No. 1) They invite the “Preschooler” club, the “Help yourself” sports and fitness club (for parents of low-income families), “ Sports dancing"(for elementary and middle school students), "English" (for middle school students). 8.5. Children's Library No. 42 named after.

A.M. Gorky (Resigned from the Central Library) In the library special attention is given to preschoolers from one and a half years old. A circle is open for them “ Cheerful notes» — developing music course (solfeggio, music theory, vocals, ensemble, rhythm, acquaintance with classical music). The circle also invites children's creativity“Firebird”, studio “Corona Dance Club” - games and songs in English.

Matinees and meetings with interesting people, concerts where professional musicians perform alongside the little ones. 8.6. Central Children's Library No. 40 named after. FROM. Surikov (Central Library No. 3) They invite the circle “Enter nature as a friend”, lectures “Hello, museum!” and "Fundamentals of Law", dance studio. You can get advice from a psychologist and lawyer.

8.7. Central Children's Library No. 65 named after. V.M.

Zagorsky (CBS “Izmailovo”) The library is a center of leisure and self-education for children and youth; a targeted program for children and youth “Country of Literature” has been developed and operates here. The literary association “Pig in a Poke” invites you. The magazine of the literary association, called “Island”, in 2000 at the second Moscow competition “ Magic word"received an Honorary Diploma, winning 1st place in the "Magazines" category. 9. Center additional education Children "Distant learning" The central educational institution "Distant learning" provides free education in non-standard programs that complement the main school base. Our mission is to teach children to use new technologies for creativity and self-education. Studying at a central educational center is very different from studying at school.

There are no boring “obligations” here, no grades, virtually no homework. Range of subjects: computer basics, programming in SI, Pascal, Web design and Internet technologies, Olympiad programming problems, mathematics, Russian, English, spanish languages, robotics and sports tourism, photography, theater, dance, drawing and modeling, preparing a child for school, children mastering the elements of logic, mathematics, writing, reading and speech, increasing the communication level. Contacts: Moscow, st. Ak.Chelomeya, 8-B Website: desc/show.html?id=8. 10. Art studios. 10.1.

Art studio Tretyakov Gallery. The children's studio on Lavrushinsky Lane is located in the main building of the State Tretyakov Gallery and is open to free visits by children and their parents. The head of the studio, E.I. Tkachenko, and the artist V.A. Miroshnik will tell guests about their work with students and invite you to try your hand at creativity. Admission to the art studio is held once a year in September. Children who love to draw are welcome.

Registration is based on the results of the interview. It is mandatory to come to the interview with your child; only those drawings that the children created on their own will be considered. 6 original programs have been developed for children aged 4 - 8 years. There is a program for children 10 - 15 years old. Information: Classes are usually held 2 times a month, in the Art Studio and at the exhibition. There are 15 children in each group. The cost of an annual subscription is 300 - 320 rubles.

10.2. Wood carving center Tatyanka. Wood carving is: - intensive and most effective classes on the development of motor skills, eye, attentiveness, observation, memory, responsibility, the ability to make independent decisions - an alternative and prevention of computer addiction - a real opportunity to earn money for teenagers from 14 years of age. Set in the studio: Wood carving Artistic “live” wood carving “Tatyanka” School of higher carving Sculptural modeling Decoupage Training and education of teachers. Journalism Classes at the editorial office of the Tatyanka magazine.

Author's doll. Classes are taught the best masters Russia according to their original books. The works of the masters can be seen at the exhibition in the Center’s museum. Children over 14 years of age and adults who have mastered carving at a professional level are given a guaranteed opportunity to work at home in a partner company. You can get preliminary consultations, undergo an interview, and get acquainted with the work of 6,000 of our students in our Center.

Registration and consultations: 10:00 - 20:00 (break 14:00 - 16:00). Children study for free. Contacts: Okskaya street, 16, building Orthodox school arts "Trinity" Icon painting studio and Orthodox children's room creative studio. Icon painting studio from 13:00 to 14:00 Classes are held in the children’s icon painting studio, individual program for each child (2 lessons) Orthodox children's creative studio from 14:00 to 15:00 Mosaic, modeling, aenaustics, fresco, drawing on glass and fabric and much more (2 lessons) Contacts: At the Patriarchal Compound of the temple Life-Giving Trinity in Orekhovo-Borisovo in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus' (m. Domodedovskaya) At the Church of Elijah the Prophet at the Novgorod courtyard (m.

Kitay-Gorod, or metro station Teatralnaya) Website: wwwsicon/rus/sci/study/masterskie.htm. 12. Driving school for children. The Driving School at the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology invites boys and girls from 10 to 16 years old to learn the basics of safe driving. The classes are taught by Master of Sports, USSR Champion in auto racing, motorsport coach and author of best-selling books on driving, Mikhail Gorbachev.

Record E-mail: drive-gorbiya. Below are lesser-known organizations and clubs by district and okrug: 13. The Tagansky Children's Fund runs free clubs and educational groups for children and teenagers: English Computer courses Drawing Souvenirs (handicrafts) Choir Preschool development. Our address: Moscow, Bolshoi Rogozhsky lane, 10, building 2.


Website: charity-tcf/ru/ 14. Sports school No. 102. What: cross-country skiing, biathlon, handball St. Marshal Vasilevsky, 1-1. Center "Shchukinets" What: free directions - floristry, orienteering, youth lounge, mini-football, historical reconstruction. St.

Generala Berzarin, 26. Dynamite Club What: darts, archery, table tennis St. Marshala Sokolovsky, 12, Club "Bora" What: boxing, gym, athleticism St. Raspletina, 1, Young Muscovites Club. What: music, choreography, art, educational activities, child psychologist, preparation for school, knitting St.

Gamaleya, 19-2, Price: membership fees - 180 rubles monthly. 19. Sports and leisure club "Viking" Various types wrestling, strength training, general physical development, rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, yoga, choreography, oriental dancing, art studio, group aesthetic development and preparation for school. Address: Guryevsky proezd, 23-3 Leisure center "Yuzhny" Arts and crafts, fine arts, dance studios, educational activities for children of preschool and primary school age, vocals, solfeggio, playing guitar, flute, piano. Address: Kashirskoe highway, 124/2 Club "Ruskolan" Study of Russian traditions, crafts and folk art. Squad "Silver Wolf" Address: Yeletskaya, 16 Historical reconstruction, fencing, folk crafts. Address: Eletskaya, 18 Children's leisure center "Detvora": metro station "Konkovo", st.

Ostrovityanova, 9, building 3. Answers to all questions and pre-registration for classes Website: center-detvora/ 23. House of children's creativity on Taganka. m. Ploshchad Ilyich, Rabochaya, 30. Also great job with children, free of charge, is also carried out in the long-known Children's Art Houses (formerly the Palace of Pioneers). Cm.

Institutions of additional education for Moscow children. You can search for yourself at interactive map Moscow free clubs and sections according to thematic division and focus newart/htm/b_schools.htm. br /> Geological School at Moscow State University For some, geology is associated with long expeditions, backpacks, but for the majority it is something completely new and unknown.

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Dance is an amazing beauty and gracefulness, especially clearly demonstrated when performed by children. Studying modern and classical dances in a children's studio will be the baby's first step in his multifaceted development. By expressing himself in dance, the child improves his acting skills and learns to show emotions and feelings. With the help of regular training, his body becomes more graceful and flexible, plastic, the child himself learns concentration and perseverance in solving assigned tasks. Don't forget about always great mood, as well as many new friends with similar interests and buddies!

How will children's dance studios be useful?

The general program of dance classes for children includes such important elements as plastic and stretching, the study of modern dance styles and familiarity with classical dance, improvisation and basic choreography. Teachers face very important tasks: helping the child in self-expression and emancipation, developing a sense of rhythm, musicality and coordination of movements, developing skills for working in a team and during independent activities. Lessons may include introduction to modern and classical dance culture. Of course, some dance schools for children offer separately modern styles, classical choreography or folk dances. This presupposes a narrower focus of activities and the formation of certain taste preferences in the child.

Children's dance schools in Moscow offer classes in a playful form for very young students - this is how kids better perceive information and discover something new. Older children dance with great pleasure to their favorite music, carefully listening to the words of their teacher.

How to choose a dance school for children in Moscow?

First of all, parents have to decide on the child’s inclination towards certain dances. You should not impose your opinion on him, because if the child does not like the chosen style, he is unlikely to enjoy the lessons. Modern, ballroom and oriental dances are the most popular among children. It is very important to pay attention to whether it will be possible to change one group to another during the learning process if it turns out that the child likes hip-hop more than classical ballroom dancing.

Secondly, you need to pay attention to the level of the group and the qualifications of the teachers. A modest and shy child is unlikely to feel comfortable in an established and full-fledged team that has been studying the chosen dance direction for a long time. For him best choice There will only be formed groups where children get to know each other during the learning process and are in approximately equal conditions for preparation. A good teacher, working with young dancers, creates a comfortable atmosphere for everyone. You can immediately see how satisfied the children are with their classes – they look forward to each next training session with great impatience!

The comfortable location of the dance studio for children plays an important role. The child will be very tired if he has to spend several additional hours traveling to school and back. Ideally, it should be within walking distance from the house.

Children's dance schools in Moscow

To make it easier for parents to find the most suitable classes, we have collected the most relevant information on this issue on the portal: addresses and phone numbers of studios for children, cost of classes and dance styles offered for training. A convenient map will allow you to choose the most convenient school for your child in a matter of time, based on the area or metro station where you live. Reviews about dance studios for children.