Goal for reading fiction. Long-term planning for reading fiction in the preparatory group. Labor on a collective farm. Bread

Educational area

"Reading fiction»

Middle group

C 3September to 14 September

« TogoodbyeISummer, hello kindergarten!

1. Topic: “Kids and the wolf” in the image of K. Ushinsk (retelling of a fairy tale )

Target: teach children to coordinate words in a sentence, improve the ability to correctly use prepositions.

Develop the ability to retell a familiar short tale.

Cultivate a love for Russian folk tales.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - thin, thick, very thick.

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2. Topic: " What is good and what is bad» V. Mayakovsky

(reading a work)

Target: introduce children to a new literary work, teach children to understand the content, and evaluate the actions of the characters. Learn to answer questions about the content of the work, use antonym words in speech.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, coherent speech.

To cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings in communication: in everyday life, in games.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - action, bad, good.

Integration of educational areas:


"Autumn. Gifts of Autumn"

1.Theme: “Autumn” by K. Balmont ( h teaching poems )

Target: introduce children to a new poem and memorize it. Learn to answer questions based on content using lines from the text.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate interest in poetry and aesthetic feelings.

Vocabulary work: enrich the vocabulary - sadder, shine, incense.

Integration of educational areas:"cognition"

(G.Ya. Zatulina “Notes complex classes on speech development" – p.26 )

2.Theme: “Autumn in the forest” I. Sokolov-Mikitov(reading a story )

Target: introduce children to stories about nature. Learn to answer questions based on content.

Develop memory, attention, cognitive interests of children.

Cultivate love for native nature.

Vocabulary work: activate your vocabulary - golden autumn, fine days.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”, “music”.

(G.Ya. Zatulina “Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development” – p.30 )

3.Theme: “Spikelet” ( telling Ukrainian fairy talesAnd)

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to follow the development of the action, and characterize the actions of the heroes. Teach children to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate interest in fairy tales of other peoples, hard work.

Vocabulary work: enrich and activate the vocabulary - mill, spikelet, hardworking, quitters.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “socialization”, “music”.

(G.Ya. Zatulina “Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development” – p.17 )

From October 1 to October 12 monitoring

1. Topic: “If you are kind...” ( conversation )

Target: introduce children to Russian folk art (proverbs and sayings) and the semantic coloring hidden in them.

Develop children's attention, thinking, and ability to answer questions.

Bring up positive traits character, encourage good deeds and actions.

Vocabulary work: enrich the vocabulary - it will come back to haunt you, it will respond, it will be unkind.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”, “cognition”.

(E.N.Arsenina « Activities for older children preschool age » – p.78 )

2.Theme: "Tar Goby" ( telling Russian folkfairy tales )

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand its content. Teach children to answer content questions using common sentences or a short story.

Develop attention and memory.

To cultivate interest and love for Russian folk tales.

Vocabulary work: activate and enrich the vocabulary - resin, wood, iron, paper.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”.

(G.Ya. Zatulina “Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development” – p.5 2)

3. Topic: " About myself and about the guys» G. Ladonshchikova,

“The Sun in the House” by E. Serov(reading a poemth )

Target: teach children to emotionally perceive and realize figurative content poetic text, answer questions.

Develop figurative speech and listening skills.

Cultivate a love of poetry.

Vocabulary work: enrich the vocabulary - moths, melting ice, leapfrog.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”, “music”.

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V.Guzenko“Speech development. 64 )

1.Topic: " How the dog was looking for a friend» (telling a tale)

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to answer questions about the content.

Develop memory, imagination, ability to use in speech homogeneous members offers.

Cultivate interest in fairy tales different nations, friendly relationships.

Vocabulary work: activate your vocabulary – cowardly, unimportant, friendly.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”.

(G.Ya. Zatulina “Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development” – p.99 )

2. Topic: “Duck with ducklings.” E. Charushin (retelling)

Target: teach children to retell a work close to the text.

Develop monologue speech.

Cultivate a love for the natural environment.

Vocabulary work: enrich the vocabulary - mud, worms, oars, rake.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”, “socialization”.

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V.Guzenko“Speech development. Thematic planning of lessons" p.68)

1.Topic: " Three wonderful colors» A. Severny, “If…” O. Bedarev (reading a poemth )

Target: continue to introduce children to new works about rules traffic, teach to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text, and answer questions.

Develop thinking and cognitive interests in children.

Foster a culture of behavior on the road.

Vocabulary work: activate children's vocabulary - transport, traffic lights, transition.

Integration of educational areas:“cognition”, “communication”, “artistic creativity”, “security”.

1.Topic: “Riddles about vegetables and fruits» ( familiarization with small folklore forms)

Target: expand children’s knowledge about the genre features of works of small folklore forms - ditties and riddles, and give new ideas about them. Teach children to solve riddles based on description and comparison.

Develop thinking and memory.

Cultivate interest in folk art.

Vocabulary work: replenish and activate children's vocabulary by deepening knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “health”, “cognition”, “music”.

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V.Guzenko“Speech development. Thematic planning of lessons" p.82)

1. Topic: “Birch” by S. Yesenin (memorizing a poem)

Target: teach children to expressively recite a poem by heart, conveying intonation their admiration of winter nature. Learn to feel and reproduce the figurative language of a poem.

Develop memory, imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Foster a love of nature and aesthetic feelings.

Vocabulary work: to enrich the vocabulary - covered with snow, a snow border, dawn, silver.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”, “music”.

(G.Ya. Zatulina “Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development” – p.55)

2.Theme: « Little Mouse's Big Journey» ( telling a fairy tale)

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale of the peoples of the North, teach them to answer questions about the content.

Develop memory, thinking, attention, cognitive interests.

Cultivate interest in fairy tales of different nations.

Vocabulary work: enrich the vocabulary - Eskimo fairy tale, north, tundra, ocean.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”, “music”.

(G.Ya. Zatulina “Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development” – p.75)

1. Topic: “Piggy on the Christmas tree” B. Zakhoder (reading fairy tales )

Target: continue to teach children to emotionally perceive and understand the content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to notice figurative words and expressions.

Develop memory, thinking, and the ability to use comparison techniques.

Cultivate an interest in fiction.

Vocabulary work: activate the vocabulary - lambs, important-important, piglet.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "socialization".

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V.Guzenko“Speech development. Thematic planning of lessons" p.86)

2.Theme: “Christmas tree” by E. Trutnev (memorizing a poem)

Target: teach children to recite a poem by heart and to perceive the work emotionally.

Develop figurative speech and creative imagination.

Develop the ability to listen, answer questions clearly and distinctly.

Vocabulary work: activate the vocabulary - ice, snow coat, flock.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”, “music”.

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V.Guzenko“Speech development. Thematic planning of lessons" p.87)

3 .Subject: “Forest Newspaper” by V. Bianchi(reading stories)

Target: continue to teach children to answer questions using the simplest types of compound and complex sentences in speech.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of animals in winter, how they prepare for winter.

Develop thinking, memory, imagination, cognitive interests.

Vocabulary work: activate the vocabulary - warm housing, cold winds, winter supplies.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”, “music”.

(G.Ya. Zatulina “Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development” – p.64)

1.Topic: " Bubble, straw and bast shoe"(reading fairy tale And )

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand its content. Teach children to answer content questions using common sentences.

To develop visual and auditory attention in children - the ability to listen attentively to the speech of an adult, solve riddles, and look for a way out of problematic situations.

Cultivate interest in the book and its illustrator.

Vocabulary work: activate children's vocabulary with adjectives - thin, thick, bold, burst, low.

Integration of educational areas:“communication”, “artistic creativity”, “music”.

(O.A.Novikovskaya“Summaries of comprehensive lessons on fairy tales for children 4-5 years old”lesson No. 1)

Long-term plan of work in a preparatory school group for familiarization with fiction

Conversation “Where the book came from”

Goal: to introduce the variety of books (in the past and now), to give children an idea of ​​how a book is made. Continue to expand and clarify children’s understanding of books, their preservation and respect for them.

Reading the story “Filipok” by Leo Tolstoy

Goal: to convey to the consciousness of children the author’s intention - the desire to learn is natural for a peasant child, to arouse in children respect for their peers, a man of “action”

Application "School"

Goal: learn to compose from geometric shapes various architectural buildings.

Exhibition “What kind of books are there?”

Goal: to introduce the variety of books and their design.


Memorization of A.K. Tolstoy “Bells”

Goal: Consolidate ideas about spring. Distinguishing between early and late spring.

Enrichment of vocabulary with signs and actions of objects.

Development dialogical speech.

Reinforcing the names of wildflowers.

Memorizing a poem by A.K. Tolstoy "Bells".

Reading of E. Serov’s poems “Lily of the valley”, “Carnation”, “Forget-me-nots”

Goal: to evoke in children a feeling of admiration, admiration for the beauty of their native nature, to teach them to emotionally perceive the figurative content of art tests.

Drawing “Favorite Flower”

Purpose: to convey the image of flowers from the works read

Exhibition of children's drawings “My Flower”

Goal: to teach to admire the beauty of nature, to be happy for the result obtained


Retelling of Leo Tolstoy's "Bone"

Goal: to teach the hero’s actions to determine the motives of his actions, to develop the ability to analyze actions and evaluate them. Learn to retell close to the text.

Reading N. Nosov “Cucumbers”. Looking at illustrations, getting to know creativity

Goal: to introduce children to the works of N. Nosov and his biography. To teach the hero’s actions to determine the motives of his actions, to develop the ability to analyze actions and evaluate them, giving reasons for one’s judgments.

Modeling “Fruits and vegetables”

Goal: to generate interest in real image vegetables and fruits.

Exhibition of creativity by N. Nosov

Purpose: to introduce works of art and illustrations to his books.



Familiarization with small folklore forms

Goal: to clarify children’s understanding of genre features, the purpose of riddles, tongue twisters, and proverbs. Learn to understand the general meaning of proverbs and sayings.

Evening of mysteries “In the mushroom kingdom, in the berry state”

Goal: to consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about small folklore forms-riddles, the ability to compose riddles themselves.

Drawing “Mushroom Basket”

Purpose: to teach how to depict mushrooms using a riddle

Making the album “Riddles and guesses”

Goal: learn to select appropriate answers


Learning proverbs and sayings about bread

Goal: to maintain and develop interest in understanding the meaning of figurative expressions, to deepen the understanding of proverbs and sayings.

Reading M.M. Prishvin “Fox Bread”

Goal: to teach to perceive the figurative content of a work, the ability to hear and highlight in the text means of expression, explain the meaning and origin of the names of herbs.

Drawing on proverbs about bread

Goal: to learn to convey the content of proverbs in drawings.

Making the album “Bread is the Head of Everything”


Memorizing the poem by A.S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”

Goal: to teach children to expressively recite a poem by heart, conveying sadness in intonation autumn nature.

Reading poems about autumn, listening to P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. September"

Target:Expand children's understanding of the characteristic signs of autumn; teach to find them in nature; to cultivate a caring and aesthetic attitude towards nature, sensitivity to the perception of beauty autumn landscape; enrich children's impressions and develop musical taste by listening to the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky (the “Seasons” cycle).

Application “Miracle leaves” (making a picture from dry leaves)

Goal: learn to compose a composition based on a literary work

Exhibition of books and paintings " Golden autumn»

Goal: to develop the ability to perceive poetic works in the unity of verbal and visual arts.




Reading “Forest Houses” by V. Bianchi

Purpose: to help assimilate biological information: the adaptability of birds and animals to certain conditions, pay attention to artistic expressiveness, conciseness and accuracy of the description of the “houses”.

Theatricalization of R.N. fairy tales "Geese and Swans"

Goal: to learn to reproduce the text of a familiar fairy tale in a theatrical play, to select the appropriate intonation to characterize a fairy-tale character; to form a keen interest in Russian folklore.

Collective application “Frog Traveler”

Goal: convey your favorite episode of the fairy tale.

Making the album “Favorite Fairy Tale Heroes”


Retelling of Leo Tolstoy “Elephant”

Purpose: to educate moral qualities: pity for animals, care for your family; broaden children's horizons.

Reading D. R. Kipling's "The Jungle Book"

Purpose: to introduce the works of D.R. Kipling

Drawing "Who Lives in the Jungle"

Goal: to convey images of realistic animals.

Making mnemonic tables for composing fairy tales




Reading the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

Goal: to deepen and expand knowledge about the work of A.S. Pushkin; to cultivate the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale.

N. Nosov's birthday. Reading by N. Nosov “Living Hat”, “Patch” (dramatization)

Target:Continue to introduce children to the works of N. N. Nosov. Teach children to understand the humor of the situation, clarify children’s ideas about the features of the story, its composition, differences from other literary genres, teach children to identify parts of the work (beginning, middle, end).

Drawing based on Pushkin's fairy tales

Goal: to develop creative imagination by conveying an image fairy-tale heroes

1. “Knizhkina Hospital”;

2.Exhibition “My Favorite Book”

Goal: to instill a love for works of art.



Research Institute

Telling the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"

Target:Learn to understand the figurative content of a fairy tale, evaluate the actions of the heroes and motivate your assessment; develop the ability to holistically perceive a fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form; consolidate knowledge about the features (compositional, linguistic) of the fairy tale genre; cultivate a love for Russian folk art.

Acquaintance with the biography of A.S. Pushkin. Reading A.S. Pushkin “Winter! The peasant is triumphant..."

Target:continue to introduce the work of the great Russian poet; expand ideas about the landscape lyrics of A.S. Pushkin;

evoke a feeling of joy from perceiving poetry, a desire to hear other works by A.S. Pushkin.

Collective work “Christmas tree” (origami)

Goal: to teach to convey the beauty of the winter forest.

Exhibition of creativity by A.S. Pushkin

Purpose: to introduce works of art and illustrations to his books.


Reading Dragunsky's story "Childhood Friend"

Target:Teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of the work, to comprehend the idea;

consolidate ideas about the genre features of literary works (fairy tale, poem, story)

Listening to the audio recording of A. Barto “Toys”

Modeling “Santa Claus is rushing to the Christmas tree”

Goal: to sculpt toys that can be in Santa Claus's bag.

Exhibition “My Favorite Toy”

Goal: to learn to take on the role of a guide when talking about your toy, to instill careful attitude to toys.


Reading S. Marshak “Where did the table come from?”

Target:Learn to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a poem;

Learn to select rhymes for various words;

Role-playing game “Family” (playing out crafts)

Goal: to teach children to reflect real life events in games; to improve dialogic and develop monologue coherent speech.

Paper construction "Furniture"

Goal: making attributes for a role-playing game.

Replenishment of furniture attributes for role-playing games


Reading “Mishkina Porridge” by N. Nosov

Goal: to cultivate a sense of humor - the ability to understand and appreciate humor, to enjoy it.

Drawing “Golden Khokhloma”

Purpose: to convey the characteristic features of painting, to consolidate the species diversity of dishes

Exhibition of tableware by types of painting (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Gorodets)

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about types of painting



Retelling of Leo Tolstoy's story "Kitten"

Goal: to teach children to retell the text accurately, consistently, expressively,imbued with a feeling of sympathy for the boy, they see in his action a manifestation of courage.

Telling the Russian fairy tale “Khavroshechka”

Goal: to help give a motivated assessment of the characters, to pay attention to the brightness and imagery of the narrative.

Application “Fluffy kitten”

Goal: to convey the image of a kitten from Leo Tolstoy’s story “Kitten”

Making animal masks for the theatricalization of fairy tales


Reading "Wolf" by E. Charushin

Target: awaken in children sympathy and empathy for the hero of the story;

Using questions, teach children to put themselves in the place of the hero of the story;

develop an understanding of the emotional meaning of the work;

; Help children develop a sense of fearlessness.

Theatricalization of the fairy tale “The Tale of the Brave Hare”

Goal: to encourage children to actively participate in the theatricalization of a fairy tale, to teach them to clearly pronounce words, combining movements and speech.

Drawing “The gray bunny is sitting”

Goal: to learn to convey in a drawing an episode from the life of an animal, through the compositional arrangement of the character.

Making the album “Learn and Tell a Tale”



Telling the Russian fairy tale “Nikita Kozhemyaka”

Purpose: to pay attention to characteristic features hero - the desire to come to the rescue, readiness to defend the Motherland, arouse children's admiration for the hero, the desire to be like him.

Reading A. Mityaev “Bag of Oatmeal”

Purpose: To arouse interest in the plot of the story, to help understand why the soldier wanted to take care of the dogs. To instill in children a feeling of love and great gratitude to everyone who defended our country.

Gift for dad

Goal: to teach to show care and attention to loved ones

Personal exhibition of works " Little artist»

Goal: to cultivate a feeling of joy for the successes of your friends.


Memorizing G. Vieru “Mother’s Day”

Role reading by S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, conversation about mother

Goal: to learn to recite a poem by role, to pronounce phrases with intonation and expressiveness.

Drawing of the Russian fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”

Goal: to cultivate interest and desire to display your favorite passage from a fairy tale in a drawing.

Replenishment of the group photo album “Me and my family”


Reading M. Prishvin “Golden Meadow”

Poetry evening “Admire: spring is coming”

Target:To evoke in children a feeling of admiration, admiration for the beauty of their native nature, a desire to express their experiences and impressions in words;

teach to emotionally perceive the figurative content of literary texts; cultivate a love for nature.

Drawing “Early Spring”

Target:learn to create story compositions on the themes of the surrounding life and poetic


Exhibition of still life paintings “Flowers”

Goal: to replenish children’s knowledge about flowers, to cultivate a sense of beauty

First week of April

Book birthday. Quiz based on the works of N. Nosov

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the works of N. Nosov;

Cultivate a love of fiction.

Reading N. Nosov “Dreamers”. Fantasy evening “Whose story is funnier”

Goal: to help penetrate the idea of ​​the story - a cheerful, kind fantasy brings joy, a lie brings trouble, grief, to help understand the meaning of the word “dreamers”, to learn to come up with funny situations on your own.

Modeling “Fantastic fairy-tale hero”

Goal: learn to create a fantastic image

Collage based on the works of N. Nosov

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the writer’s work



Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”

Goal: to bring children to moral understanding fairy tales, to motivated assessment actions and character main character, consolidate knowledge about the genre features of the fairy tale.

Reading G.H. Andersen "Thumbelina".

Goal: to clarify knowledge about the work of H.H. Anderson, to teach to comprehend and evaluate the characters of the fairy tale characters and their actions.

Application "Flower"

Goal: learn to compose an unusual fantasy flower.

Making the album “My Favorite Cartoon”



Memorizing the poem by G. Novitskaya “The kidneys are opening”

Goal: to teach children to expressively read a poem by heart, intonationally conveying the joy of awakening nature, to develop a poetic ear.

Compiling a descriptive story based on the landscape painting “May. Cloud” by V. Podlyansky

Goal: to teach how to compose descriptive stories based on a landscape picture, using different types of sentences; to enrich children’s vocabulary with figurative words and expressions, to activate verbs, synonyms and antonyms in their speech.

Drawing “Blooming Spring” (finger technique)

Goal: learn to convey the poetic spring mood.

Design of a gallery of paintings about spring

Goal: to learn to correlate a literary passage about spring with a corresponding landscape painting



Reading a fable by I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant"

Target:Introduce children to the fable and its genre features;

lead to an understanding of the allegory of the fable, the idea; cultivate sensitivity to the figurative structure of the language of the fable; understand the meaning of proverbs about work (“A master of his craft”, “In a big deal, a little help is precious”), connect the meaning of the proverb with a certain situation.

Reading followed by retelling by V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Let there be both a nightingale and a beetle”

Target:introduce the literary fairy tale of V. Sukhomlinsky; develop in children the ability to respond emotionally to what they read;

cultivate respect for others and friendliness;

teach dialogic speech when retelling.

Drawing based on I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”

Goal: to teach how to portray the images of heroes in the plot

Exhibition “Animals in Fairy Tales”

Purpose: to introduce the expressiveness of animal images different artists





Storytelling r.n. fairy tales "The Frog Princess"

Goal: to continue to develop a poetic ear: the ability to listen and highlight expressive means in the text.

Quiz “We love fairy tales”

Target:To consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about literary works read over the year, about the features of different genres of fiction;

consolidate knowledge about small folklore forms.

Collage “Let’s help grandparents remember fairy tales”


learn to create a composition from heroes of various fairy tales.

Exhibition of children's drawings “Drawing Fairy Tales”

Goal: to develop creativity and imagination.

Reading fiction lexical topics for every day
(senior group)
1 WEEK “Kindergarten”
Reading “The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof” (excerpts from the story)
introduce children to the work of A. Lindgren; lead children to understand the features of a fairy tale; learn to answer questions using in speech complex sentences; encourage people to talk about their perception of a specific action literary hero; cultivate interest in the works of foreign writers.
Reading the fairy tale “Rhymes” by B. Shergin, the poem “Polite Word” by E. Moshkovskaya
Introduce children to the unusual fairy tale “Rhymes” by B. Shergin and the poem “Polite Word” by E. Moshkovskaya. Enrich children's vocabulary with polite words.
Memorizing M. Yasnov’s poem “Peaceful Counting Counting”. Proverbs about friendship.

Reading A. Barto “Rope” (Zatulina p. 141)
Continue to develop interest in fiction, namely collections of poetry. Distinguish between genres of literary works, justify your answer: “This is a poem because...” Strengthen children’s ability to determine the emotional mood of poems.
Reading of the poem by Yu. Moritz “House with a Chimney”
Introduce the poem “House with a Chimney” by Yu. Moritz. Arouse interest in the poem and a desire to listen to it; teach children to see the images and mood of the work behind the words. To cultivate a love of poetry, a kind attitude, and awaken the emotional responsiveness of children.
Reading the poem “Greedy” by Y. Akim.
Teach children to listen carefully, offer to talk about the actions of the heroes, give them an assessment, give the children the opportunity to speak out about what each of them would do.
WEEK 2 “I will grow up healthy: a person, body parts, my body”
Reading the story by V. Oseeva “Just an Old Lady”
Teach children the emotional perception of a work. Develop the ability to analyze a literary text, evaluate the actions of characters, expressively convey dialogue characters. Cultivate respect for elders.
Reading the nursery rhyme “Early, early in the morning”
Continue to introduce children to folklore, develop memory and attention.
Reading by Y. Tuvim “Letter to all children on one very important matter”
Strengthen the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children. Enrich children's vocabulary. learn to comprehend the content of a poem. Cultivate politeness and the ability to give in to each other.
Story by E. Permyak “About the nose and tongue”
consolidate vocabulary on the topic “Parts of the Body”; consolidate the ability to select antonyms; activate the verb dictionary; learn to coordinate numerals and nouns; answer questions with complete answers, correctly formulating the sentence; develop memory, attention, thinking.
Reading Migunov “Why should you brush your teeth?”
teach children to care for their teeth; consolidate the rules of cultural eating; give information about useful junk food; introduce measures to prevent toothache and oral hygiene; cultivate intolerance for non-compliance with hygiene rules.
WEEK 3 “Golden autumn. Forest. Trees"
Reading M. Prishvin’s story “Floors of the Forest”
To teach children to feel and understand the nature of the images of works of art, to assimilate the sequence of plot development; enrich speech with phraseological units. Develop the ability to notice expressively visual arts. Cultivate an ecological worldview and observation skills.
Reading the story by K. Ushinsky “Tree Dispute”
clarify children's knowledge about the signs of autumn (the grass has turned yellow, the plants have bloomed, leaves have fallen from the trees, etc.) Continue to teach how to classify the flora of the forest. Practice identifying tree species by appearance leaves. Bring to an understanding of the importance of different tree species in the life of the animal world and humans
reading the poem by A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” (Zatulina. 28; Ushakova 145)
To instill in children a love of poetry, to help them see the beauty of autumn nature, to understand imagery poetic language, expand the understanding of Pushkin’s landscape lyrics.
memorizing “Knock on the oak tree...” rus. adv. song
introduce children to Russian oral folk art, continue to teach children to memorize short fables. Develop memory, improve clear pronunciation of words, intonation expressiveness of speech.
Reading J. Reeves "Noisy Bang"
Teach children to differentiate the sounds ts - ch; introduce J. Reeves’ poem “Noisy Bang” (translation by M. Borovitskaya).
WEEK 4 “Vegetables and fruits. People's labor in the fields and gardens"
Russian storytelling folk tale"The Man and the Bear"
To teach to understand the figurative content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to evaluate the character and actions of the heroes, to enrich the children’s vocabulary. To develop children's ability to listen carefully to literary works. To cultivate a love for Russian folk art.
Reading by G. Rodari “Cipollino”.
Introduce a new work; detect the technique of revival; in the fairy tale, the author endowed each vegetable and fruit with a special appearance and character; discuss the characters' characters; to form personal qualities: honesty, responsibility, friendliness, respectful attitude towards other people. To instill in children an interest and love for fairy tales. Reading the story by L. Tolstoy “The Bone”. (Zatulina p. 114; Ushakova, 224)
Introduce L. Tolstoy’s story “The Bone”. To teach children to feel and understand the nature of the images of works of art, to assimilate the sequence of plot development, to notice expressive and visual means that help reveal the content; enrich speech with phraseological units.
Reading the Russian folk tale “Tops and Roots”
Introduce children to a fairy tale. Learn to comprehend the idea of ​​a fairy tale, evaluate the character of the characters. Enrich vocabulary children. Encourage an attempt to express one’s point of view in response to the question posed by the teacher. Foster culture verbal communication: participate in the conversation, listening to children, clarifying their answers.
Reading V. Suteev “Sack of Apples”
Expand children's knowledge about modern fairy tales. To consolidate knowledge about the genre features of a fairy tale, about the concepts of “folk” and “literary” fairy tales. Develop the ability to listen to others and come to a common opinion and decision.
WEEK 1 “Mushrooms. Berries"
Reading P. Sinyavsky “Mushroom Electric Train”
Forming in children an idea of ​​edible and inedible mushrooms. Form the concept that only edible mushrooms can be eaten and after processing. Develop in children logical thinking, ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions.
Reading V. Kataev “Mushrooms”
clarify and expand knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms; teach children to tell stories slowly, to find the right words, expressions should be spoken loudly enough. Practice correct pronunciation of all sounds. 3strengthen the ability to compose sentences of three or four words and divide words into syllables. To cultivate modesty, observation and goodwill towards the answers and stories of other children, to cultivate restraint.
Telling riddles about berries. Reading Ya. Taits “By the Berries”
acquaintance with the new story by Ya. M. Taits “For the Berries”. Develop the ability to express your opinion about what you read; continue to work on speech development and expand your vocabulary. Instill love and respect for nature, respect and care for elders. teach children coherent monologue speech; develop attention and memory.
V. Zotova. “Forest mosaic” (“Lingonberry”, “Strawberry”, “Raspberry”, “Amanita”, “Birch boletus”). Z. Aleksandrova “In the mushroom kingdom.” According to N. Sladkov. Thrush and mushrooms. V. Suteev. We're in the forest.
WEEK 2 “Birds of Migratory”
Reading the Chinese fairy tale “The Yellow Stork”
Continue to introduce children to fairy tales of the peoples of the world; give an idea of ​​the country where the fairy tale was created and lived; teach children to think about moral meaning
Reading D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Gray Neck”
development of interest in listening to the literary work of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Gray Neck”. Contribute to the establishment of connections in the content of the work; encourage constant communication with the book.
Reading of E. Blaginin’s poem “Flying away, flying away”
evoke an emotional response in children to a work of art they hear
WEEK 3 “My country. My city"
Reading the story by S.A. Baruzdin "The Country Where We Live"
Teach children to listen carefully and interestedly to the work and answer questions about the content. Strengthen the ability to remember the sequence of plot development. Cultivate love for the Motherland, your city, and the people around you.
Reading poems by Istra poets about their native land and city.
Develop oral speech, develop the ability to analyze the signs of autumn, promote the development of children’s creative abilities, cultivate a love for their native nature
Memorizing the poem by M. Isakovsky “Go overseas, oceans.” (Zatulina, 157)
Introduce children to a new poem and learn it by heart. Learn to answer questions based on the text. Develop attention, memory, intonation expressiveness. Foster love for the Motherland.
Reading V. Dragunsky “Top down, diagonally”
Continue to introduce children to the stories of V. Dragunsky, help them understand the characters and behavior of the characters, and evoke an emotional response. Clarify what a story is; introduce children to new things humorous story. Activate children's vocabulary.
Reading the work “The House That Jack Built” (English folklore translated by S. Marshak).
Draw children's attention to the construction of the work (numerous repetitions), teach the basics of patterns in the assumption of the development of the plot of the poem. Develop a sense of humor and memory.
WEEK 4 “National Unity Day”
reading Natalya Maidanik “DAY OF NATIONAL UNITY”, “UNITY FOREVER”
Introduce the poem; to promote awareness of the importance of the Motherland for every person, to cultivate love for the Motherland and respect for its history.
Reading N. Rubtsov “Hello, Russia!”
Introduce the poem “Hello, Russia!” To cultivate love for the Motherland, for native nature, patriotism.
Reading by Z. Alexandrov: “Motherland”
Introduce the poem “Motherland”. Develop an emotional and sensory attitude towards nature, towards the Motherland. To cultivate love for the Motherland, for native nature, patriotism.
Reading the story by K. Ushinsky: “Our Fatherland” (excerpt)
introduce K. Ushinsky’s story “Our Fatherland”, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland; develop the ability to analyze text, highlight main idea, correlate it with the proverb, form an idea of ​​the big and small Motherland, promote awareness of the importance of the Motherland for every person, cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for its history, and citizenship.
1 WEEK “Late Autumn”
Reading A. Tolstoy “Autumn, our whole poor garden is sprinkled..” To introduce to the perception of poetic works about nature. Learn to correlate the pictures of nature described in the poem with its observed autumn changes.
Reading V. Garshin “The Frog Traveler”
acquaintance with V. Garshin’s fairy tale “The Frog Traveler”; ensuring a holistic perception and understanding of the text.
Reading I. Bunin “The First Snow”
Introduce children to poems about winter, introduce them to high poetry. develop interest in fiction; pay attention to the design of the book, to the illustrations, cultivate interest in the literary word.
Reading the poem “Meeting Winter” Nikitin
To introduce to the perception of poetic works about nature. To introduce children to a new poem, to help them feel the beauty and expressiveness of language, to instill sensitivity to poetic word. teach to understand the depth of the content of the work, cultivate love for one’s homeland
WEEK 2 “My Family”
Telling the Russian folk tale “Havroshechka” (Ushakova127,253; Gavrish, 111)
Introduce the fairy tale “Khavroshechka” (in the adaptation of A.N. Tolstoy), help remember the initial phrase and ending of the work. Learn to analyze a work of art, express your attitude towards the characters of a fairy tale. Develop the ability to distinguish fairy-tale situations from real ones.
Memorizing the poem by E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence” (Zatulina, 112)
Introduce children to poetry. Continue to teach children to expressively recite a poem about their mother by heart. Strengthen the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of a poem; practice selecting epithets and comparisons. Develop auditory memory. Cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word, the desire to do something nice for mom with the help of a poem.
Reading the fairy tale "Goldilocks"
Teach children to listen carefully, remember the sequence of actions, and talk about the development of the plot.
Reading M. Tsvetaev “At the Crib”
Introduce the life and work of poetess M. I. Tsvetaeva. Perceive a work of art by ear, determine the features of poetic creativity, and reflect on its content.
Reading “How the brothers found their father’s treasure”
consolidate ideas about family relationships. Bring children to an understanding of kindness as the basis of relationships between people; a person is recognized by his deeds.
Reading of the English folk song “The Old Lady” translated by S. Marshak.
Teach children to track their emotional state, its changes caused by the work, and talk about whether they liked the poem.
WEEK 3 “Furniture. Dishes"
Reading K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”
Strengthen children’s ability to understand the moral meaning of what they read; motivated to evaluate the actions of the heroes. To deepen children's understanding of the correspondence of the title of the text to its content. Systematize knowledge about dishes. Cultivate a desire to be neat.
Reading the poem by S. Marshak “Where did the table come from?”
Enrich children's knowledge about furniture and its manufacture. Continue to teach how to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a work, to comprehend its idea. To consolidate children's ideas about the genre features of literary works.
Telling the fairy tale “The Fox and the Jug”
Continue to introduce children to works of oral folk art, teach them to answer questions based on the text, talk about the actions of the heroes, their character, and their impressions of the new fairy tale.
Reading R. Sef “Council”
Continue to train children in the ability to be polite.
Daniil Kharms "Samovar Ivan Ivanovich." V. Oseev “Why”
WEEK 4 “Clothing. Shoes"
Reading N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat” (Ushakova, 228, 94; Gavrish, 93)
Teach children to understand humor, the comicality of the situation, clarify ideas about the features of the story, its composition, and differences from other literary genres.
Reading N. Nosov’s story “Patch”
Continue to introduce children to the writer’s work, teach them to answer questions about the content, and make them want to listen to his other works. Help children remember stories they know
Reading the story by K. Ushinsky “How a shirt grew in a field”
Give an idea of ​​Russian national costume. Tell children about growing and processing flax and weaving. To cultivate a culture of verbal communication, respect for the work of adults, and interest in works of oral folk art.
Reading the Russian folk tale “How the old woman found a bast shoe”
introduce children to the greatest wealth of Russian folk culture - fairy tales, develop interest in Russian folk tales, and cultivate a desire to read them. bring children to understanding moral meaning fairy tales, assessment of the actions and character of the main character
Ya. Mileva. Who has what kind of shoes? G. H. Andersen “The King’s New Clothes.”
WEEK 5 “Toys”
Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower.” (Gavrish, 190; Ushakova, 165 (276))
To lead children to an understanding of the moral meaning of the fairy tale, to a motivated assessment of the actions and character of the main character, to consolidate children’s knowledge of the genre features of the fairy tale. Develop the ability to listen to the answers of your comrades. Cultivate a love of fiction.
Reading D. Rodari “The Magic Drum” (Gavrish, 115)
To develop in children the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, to understand the characters of fairy tale characters. Develop coherent speech, learn to use figurative expressions.
Reading the story by B. Zhitkov “How I caught little men”
Help children remember the stories they know, introduce them to B. Zhitkov’s story “How I Caught Little Men.”
Reading the story by V. Dragunsky “Childhood Friend” (Gavrish, 196)
Introduce the work of V. Dragunsky. Develop the ability to listen carefully to a work, answer questions about the content, evaluate the actions and actions of the characters.
Reading the Czech fairy tale “The Three Golden Hairs of Grandfather the Omniscient” translated from Czech by N. Arosieva.
To develop in children the ability to perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale; highlight expressive and visual means, answer questions about the content, talk about your impressions, your favorite characters, their best qualities.
1 WEEK “Winter. Nature in winter"
Reading of S. Yesenin’s poems “Birch”. (Gavrish, 184; Ushakova, 161)
Learn to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poem, to see the beauty of Russian nature conveyed by the author through artistic words. Learn to feel and reproduce the figurative language of a poem.
Reading the story "The Mischief of the Old Winter Woman." Konstantin Ushinsky
Introduce children to a new work about winter; identify and summarize children’s knowledge about winter, the signs of winter. Develop oral speech, attention, thinking, memory.
Reading poems about winter
Introduce children to poems about winter, introduce them to high poetry.
Learning the nursery rhyme “You are frost, frost, frost”, arranged by I. Karnaukhova.
Continue to introduce children to small folklore forms. Help to remember the nursery rhyme, teach how to tell it using means of expression appropriate to the content.
Reading the poem by A. S. Pushkin “Winter Evening”.
Help children understand the content of the poem and its mood. Instill a love for the poetic word, develop imagination.
"12 months"
Introduce a Slovak fairy tale adapted by S. Marshak. Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the months of the year.
WEEK 2 “Winter fun”
Retelling of N. Kalinin’s story “About the Snow Bun.”
Teach children to tell short stories with intonation and expressiveness close to the text. To develop the skill of translating indirect speech into direct speech. Develop children's cognitive interests. Cultivate interest in inanimate phenomena.
Reading N. Nosov’s story “On the Hill”
Continue to teach children to feel and understand the nature of the images of works of art, to assimilate the sequence of plot development, to notice expressive and visual means that help reveal the content. Enrich speech with phraseological units; learn to understand the figurative meaning of some phrases and sentences.
Memorizing I. Surikov’s poem “Here is my village.”
Introduce children to poetry. Help you memorize and read poems expressively. Develop memory and artistic abilities.
Reading the song “Like Thin Ice”, reading the story “On the Ice Rink” by V.A. Oseeva
Continue to introduce children to works of folklore, teach them to listen to the melody of a poetic text; develop coherent speech, creative imagination, visual imaginative thinking, instill an interest in reading; to cultivate a kind, respectful attitude of children towards each other, towards others, responsiveness, and continue to work on the formation of high moral feelings.
Reading of Sasha Cherny’s poem “On Skates.” "Winter fun"
Teach children to listen carefully, to feel the mood of the hero. Develop imaginative thinking and coherent speech.
WEEK 3 “Wintering birds”
L. Klambotskaya. Wintering birds.
formation of knowledge about wintering birds and their distinctive features, develop responsiveness, goodwill, love for nature, birds, desire to help them, take care of them.
Reading the fable “The Crow and the Fox”
Continue to acquaint children with the genre features of the fable, teach them to understand allegory, its general meaning, and highlight the moral of the fable; draw children's attention to the linguistic figurative means of a literary text. Develop sensitivity to the perception of the figurative structure of the language of the fable. Cultivate honesty and kindness.
Reading “The Owl” by V. Bianchi
Teach children to listen carefully to the story, understand the meaning of what they read, and convey their attitude to the content of the work.
Reading the story by M. Gorky “Sparrow”.
Teach children to listen carefully, understand the characters’ characters, and establish a connection between the described event and reality; answer questions about the content.
WEEK 4 “New Year’s holiday”
Reading the story "Yolka" by M.M. Zoshchenko
introduce a new story, find the main characters, characterize the characters through their actions; create a desire to commit good deeds, the desire to be kind to others.
Learning poems about the New Year.
To develop children's memory, figurative speech, monitor sound pronunciation, and help create a joyful atmosphere in anticipation of the New Year holidays.
Reading the story by S. Georgiev “I saved Santa Claus”
Introduce children to a new work of fiction, help them understand why this is a story and not a fairy tale.
Reading the Russian folk tale "Morozko".
Continue to introduce children to works of oral folk art, teach them to evaluate the actions of heroes, and express their attitude towards them.
Reading chapters from O. Preusler’s fairy tale “Little Baba Yaga.”
Teach children to distinguish between fairy-tale events and real ones, to imagine what they would do in a given situation if they were the heroes of the fairy tale.
Reading "The Snow Queen"
introduce students to the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, develop students’ interest in reading fairy tales by G.Kh. Andersen, to foreign fairy tales, to cultivate a love of reading.
V. Golyavkin. How I celebrated the New Year. I. Tokmakova. Live, Christmas tree!
V. Stepanov. New Year's Eve. P. Sinyavsky. We celebrated the New Year.
WEEK 1-2 “Holidays”
Reading a ritual song
introduce children to ancient Russian holidays (Christmas, Carols); teach to distinguish between genre features of ritual songs; teach to understand the main idea of ​​songs; Reveal the riches of the Russian language to children, teach them to speak figuratively and expressively.
Reading chapters from A. Volkov’s book “The Wizard of the Emerald City.”
Continue to get acquainted with the fairy tale, create a desire to find out what adventures happened to the heroes next, teach a holistic perception of the work.
Reading the Russian folk tale “Finist - Clear Falcon”
Check whether children know the main features of a folk tale. Introduce a fairy tale"Finist - Clear Falcon."
Reading chapters from the fairy tale by H. Mäkel translated from Finnish by E. Uspensky “Mister Au”.
To introduce the classics of world fiction, to teach them to understand the characters and actions of fairy-tale heroes.
Reading by T. Janson “About the last dragon in the world” translated from Swedish by I. Konstantinova.
Continue to introduce children to works of foreign literature, make them want to read the entire fairy tale to the end. Learn to understand the characters and actions of heroes.
Reading the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich” (V. Odoevsky)
Introduce children to a fairy tale, teach them to express their opinions about the actions of the heroes. Strengthen the ability to fully answer questions about the content of the text. To cultivate interest and love for Russian folk tales.
WEEK 3 “Pets and poultry”
Reading the poem “Poodle” by S. Marshak.
Teach children to understand the content of the work. Develop interest and love for poetry, a sense of humor.
Reading the story “The Thief Cat” by K. Paustovsky
Introduce the children to the story. Teach children to listen carefully to the story, understand the nature of the work and the relationship between what is described and reality. Develop children's coherent speech. Bring up attentive attitude to the answers of other children.
Reading V. Levin “Chest”
Introduce children to V. Levin’s new poem “Chest”. Learn to notice figurative words and expressions. Develop a poetic ear and emotional response to a work. Cultivate interest in artistic expression.
Reading “How a dog was looking for a friend” Mordovian fairy tale
developing children's interest in reading through familiarization with the Mordovian folk tale “How a Dog Was Looking for a Friend.” To promote the formation of the ability to listen and convey the content of a text, to establish simple causal relationships in the plot of a work. Promote children's speech development and vocabulary activation. To cultivate responsiveness, a kind attitude towards animals, and a desire to help them.
Reading the poem by A. Fet “The cat sings with squinted eyes.”
Teach children to recite a poem expressively, highlight the figurative means of language used by the poet, and select means of expressive speech that correspond to the content. Develop an interest in reading
Solving riddles about animals.
To consolidate children's knowledge about the genre features of riddles; learn to distinguish riddles from miniatures of other genres. Develop the ability to solve riddles based on a simple description. Learn to use knowledge about animals when solving riddles.
Gorodetsky “Kitten” Reading in faces
introduce the work of S. Gorodetsky; develop memory and attention, oral speech; enrich vocabulary; cultivate observation and a kind attitude towards pets.
E. Charushin. “Stories about animals” by I. Vasiliev “Farm”.
WEEK 4 “Wild animals. Animals of our forests"
Telling the Russian folk tale "The Braggart Hare" and the saying "Our fairy tales begin..."
Recall with children the names of Russian folk tales and introduce them to new works: the fairy tale “The Braggart Hare” (adapted by O. Kapitsa) and the saying “Our fairy tales begin...
Reading of Sasha Cherny's poem "Wolf".
Teach children to listen carefully, understand expressive means of language, figurative expressions; enrich children's vocabulary.
Telling the Slovak fairy tale “Visiting the Sun.”
Introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand its content. Continue teaching children to answer questions about the content of the work. Cultivate interest in fairy tales of different nations.
Reading the story by G. Skrebitsky “Who winters how.”
Study carefully and listen to the piece. Learn to understand the content of the work. Continue learning to talk about the content of the work. Development of coherent speech skills.
Telling the tale of P. Bazhov “The Silver Hoof”
Introduce children to P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”. Learn to perceive and convey the content of a work, compose portrait characteristic hero, expand the reader's horizons, enrich vocabulary, develop attention, cultivate a sense of kindness, love for nature, animals, care for the weak.
Reading by I. Sokolov-Mikitov “A Year in the Forest (chapter “Squirrel”. “Bear Family”) by V. Bianchi “How animals prepare for winter.”
WEEK 1 “Animals of hot countries and their young. Animals of the North and their young"
Reading the story by B. Zhitkov “How an elephant saved its owner from a tiger”
Expand children's knowledge about wild animals of the south. Learn to listen carefully to a work of art and answer questions about the content. Develop an ecological worldview. Cultivate interest in the environment, curiosity.
Reading the story by L. N. Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog.”
Learn to analyze a work of art, express your attitude towards the characters in the story.
Reading the fairy tale “Wonderful stories about a hare named Lek” (fairy tales of the peoples of West Africa, translated by O. Kustova and V. Andreev).
Teach children to answer questions about the text they read, talk about the characters’ characters and actions, and give them your assessment.
Reading G. Snegerev “Trace of the Deer”
develop an interest in the life of animals of the north
Reading of R. Kipling’s fairy tale “The Elephant’s Child” translated by K. Chukovsky.
Introduce a fairy tale, help evaluate the actions of the heroes, dramatize an excerpt from the work
Reading the work of G. Snegirev “Penguin Beach”
Introduce G. Snegirev’s story “Penguin Beach”, short stories from the life of penguins. learn to listen carefully, answer questions based on the text, and talk about your impressions. Foster love and respect for nature.
Yukagir fairy tale. Why do polar bear nose is black.
K. Chukovsky “Turtle”, S. Baruzdin “Camel”.
WEEK 2 “Pisces. Sea animals"
Reading a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".
Continue to get acquainted with the poet’s work; cultivate the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, teach children to condemn greed as human quality, but not the person himself, to show children that negative qualities they harm themselves first of all, teach them to empathize and sympathize with the heroes; briefly retell the content of the fairy tale using pictures; cultivate a love of poetry; activate the dictionary. Reading E. Permyak “The First Fish”
teach children to retell the story close to the text and according to plan; expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic; develop in children the ability to construct their statements grammatically correctly; develop self-control over speech.
Reading Snegerev "To the Sea"
Continue to introduce G. Snegirev’s story “Penguin Beach”; learn to listen carefully, answer questions based on the text, and talk about your impressions. Foster love and respect for nature.
Norwegian folk tale "Why is the water salty".
Introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand its content. Cultivate interest in fairy tales of different nations.
G. Kosova “ABC underwater world" S. Sakharnov “Who lives in the sea?”
G. H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid". Russian folk tale “At the command of the pike.”
WEEK 3 “Defender of the Fatherland Day”
Telling the Russian folk tale "Nikita-Kozhemyaka".
Introduce the fairy tale, help evaluate the actions of the heroes. To develop in children the ability to identify means of expression in a text and to understand the purpose of their use. Develop attention and imagination.
Reading chapters from A. Gaidar’s story “Chuk and Gek.”
To develop in children the ability to listen carefully and express their opinions about the character and actions of the characters; teach children to talk about the emotions caused by the story.
Reading poems about the army.
Expand children's understanding of the army, its features military service. Instill a sense of pride in your country's army.
Reading a poem by T. Bokov. February 23rd is Army Glory Day!
To form a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, a correct perception of the concept of purpose and the role of boys as defenders of their Fatherland. To instill in boys the desire to become strong, brave, and dexterous. Contribute to raising the prestige of the army.
WEEK 4 “Maslenitsa”
Reading the Russian folk tale “Winged, shaggy and buttery.” (Gavrish, 96; Ushakova 115(245))
To introduce the Russian folk tale “Winged, Shaggy and Oily” (arranged by I. Karnaukhova), to help understand its meaning; notice and understand figurative expressions; introduce phraseological units into children’s speech (“soul to soul”, “you can’t spill water”); learn to come up with a different, dissimilar ending to a fairy tale.
Reading Indian fairy tales translated by N. Hodza “About the mouse who was a cat, a dog and a tiger.”
Continue to introduce children to the folklore of the peoples of the world, teach them to understand the content of a fairy tale, and evaluate the characters and actions of the characters.
K. Stupnitsky “Maslenitsa”
Introducing children to Russian traditional folk culture; acquaintance with the rituals and traditions that existed in Rus'. Instill love and respect for the traditions and culture of your country, cultivate a sense of patriotism.
Reading A. Mityaev “The Tale of Three Pirates”
WEEK 1 “Mother’s Day March 8th”
Memorizing the poem by G. Vieru “Mother’s Day”
Help you remember and read the poem expressively. Develop auditory memory. Cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word, the desire to do something nice for mom with the help of a poem.
Reading “The Legend of Mothers” by Ivan Fedorovich Pankin
Teach to see the love of a mother for her children. Learn to form the main idea of ​​a work. Cultivate emotional responsiveness, respect for a woman - mother, caring attitude towards her.
Telling the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo” (Zatulina, 119)
Form in children moral concepts, to encourage reflection on the common aspirations and aspirations of all peoples, to consolidate the idea of ​​a fairy tale as a treasure of folk wisdom, of instructiveness as genre fairy tales
S. Pogorelovsky. Good night.
V. Berestov “Feast of Mothers”.
V. Suteev. Mom's holiday.
N. Bromley. The main word.
L. Kvitko. Grandma's hands.
Ya. Akim. Mom.
E. Blaginina. That's what mom is like.
N. Sakonskaya. Talk about mom.
V. Sukhomlinsky “My mother smells like bread”
WEEK 2 “Early spring. Nature in spring"
Memorizing the poem by N. Belousov “Spring Guest”
Help me remember and read expressively one of the poems
Reading of S. Yesenin’s poem “Cheryomukha”. (Gavrish, 123)
Teach children to recite a poem, choose means of expression in accordance with the content of the work and the mood it conveys. Learn to select epithets and comparisons to figuratively describe spring nature.
Reading the song “Rooks-kirichi..”, V. Bianki Three Springs.”
introduce children to Russian oral folk art, continue to teach children to memorize short fables. Develop memory, improve clear pronunciation of words, intonation expressiveness of speech. To cultivate love and respect for Russian folk holidays and traditions.
Reading fairy tales by E. Shima “Sun, frost, wind”, “Stone, stream, icicle and sun”.
Introduce children to new fairy tales, teach them to understand the meaning of the work, figurative expressions in the text. Strengthen the ability to accurately answer questions based on content. Cultivate an interest in fairy tales and a love of nature.
Reading F. Tyutchev’s poem “It’s not for nothing that winter is angry.” (Zatulina, 125)
Learn to perceive the content of the poem emotionally. Talk about what feelings and experiences it evokes.
“How animals and birds greeted spring” by V. Bianki N. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and the hares”
G. Skrebitsky “March” I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Early Spring”.
WEEK 3 “Folk culture and traditions”
Reading the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess.” (Ushakova, 136; Gavrish 156)
Introduce children to the fairy tale “The Frog Princess.”
Memorizing the poem by A. S. Pushkin “At Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...” (excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”). (Zatulina, 50)
Learn to expressively recite a short poem, actively and kindly interact with the teacher.
Reading chapters from T. Alexandrova’s book “Kuzya the Brownie.”
To develop children's interest in fiction and stimulate the desire to listen to the work. Invite the children to come up with new brownie adventures, develop imagination, verbal imagination, and activate their vocabulary
Reading: A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”.
Teach children to see the peculiarities of the construction of a work, to predict recurring events. Shape artistic taste, develop imagination.
Telling the Russian folk tale "Sivka-Burka". (Ushakova, 138; Zatulina, 26; Gavrish, 160)
Teach children to listen carefully to the work and retell the fragments they like. Develop emotional responsiveness.
WEEK 4 “Transport”
Reading the story by E. Ilyin “Cars on our street”
Teach children to comprehend the content of what they read, to understand the genre features of the story, its difference from a fairy tale. Develop skills in retelling literary texts. To promote safe behavior on city streets.
Reading the Dutch song "Have a nice trip!" processed by I. Tokmakova.
Teach children to perceive a work holistically, understand its main idea, and select a rhyme.
Solving riddles about transport.
To consolidate children's knowledge about the genre features of riddles; learn to distinguish riddles from miniatures of other genres. Develop the ability to solve riddles based on a simple description.
Reading Ciardi's "He Who Has Three Eyes"
S. Mikhalkov. From carriage to rocket.
WEEK 5 “Food”
Retelling by Ya. Taits “Everything is here.”
Learn to retell a literary work close to the text. Form intonation expressiveness of speech. Develop memory and cognitive interests in children
Reading N. Teleshov’s fairy tale “Krupenichka”
Introduce children to a new fairy tale, with the author - N. D. Teleshov. Cultivate interest in fairy tales and Russian traditions. Develop children's active vocabulary, coherent speech, attention, memory, thinking, imagination. Continue to teach children to tune in to listening to a fairy tale, to be able to express their emotions: surprise, joy, worry.
Reading A. Milne “The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich.”
Evoke an emotional response to this work, have a conversation about what products can be obtained from milk. Draw children's attention to a new book in the book corner, reinforce the rules of caring
Reading Diamonds "Gorbushka"
Introduce B. Almazov’s new work “Gorbushka”; Learn to save bread; Continue reading the series of works about people’s lives during the war years; Expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the importance of bread in human life;
R.n. fairy tale. Three rolls and one bagel. Porridge from an ax
WEEK 1 “Primroses”
Reading “Dandelion” by Z. Alexandrov
continue to teach children to memorize short poems and answer questions about the content with lines from the poem. Develop attention, memory, intonation expressiveness. To cultivate aesthetic feelings and a love of poetry.
E. Serova “Snowdrop”.
Teach children to understand the content of a poetic work, learn it by heart. Practice intonation expressiveness of speech, learn to answer questions based on the text. Cultivate a love of nature and poetry.
Reading M. Prishvin’s story “Golden Meadow”
teach children to perceive the figurative content of the work, its moral meaning; express your thoughts accurately, expressively and clearly. Develop a poetic ear - the ability to hear and highlight expressive means in a text; develop the ability to respond emotionally to the beauty of nature and the content of a literary work; teach to enjoy communication with nature, to understand the value of each plant.
N. Nishcheva “Colt-and-stepmother”.
Clarify and expand ideas about the first flowers of spring; teach to admire growing flowers, see and perceive their beauty, take care of the beautiful creations of nature; strive to evoke a feeling of gratitude to nature for giving us wonderful flowers. Cultivate a caring attitude towards primroses.
WEEK 2 “Cosmonautics Day”
Reading the story by L. Obukhova “I See the Earth”
Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the work, answer questions about the content, and remember the sequence of plot development. Develop the ability to listen to the answers of your comrades. Cultivate respect for difficult and dangerous profession astronaut, teach to fantasize and dream.
N. Godvilina. The astronauts have a holiday. Ya.Serpina. Rockets.
V. Stepanov. Yuri Gagarin. G. Sapgir. There is a bear in the sky.
V. Orlov. Cosmonautics Day. Return. A. Hight. All planets in order.
Ya. Akim. There lived an astrologer on the moon.
WEEK 3 “Professions”
Reading J. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”
Expand children's ideas about the professions of adults and the significance of their work. Continue to learn to notice expressive and visual means in the text that help reveal its content. Develop attention and perseverance. Develop listening skills.
Reading B. Zakhoder “Poems about professions.”
Teach children to comprehend the idea of ​​poems, deepen their understanding of the significance of various professions. Talk about professions known to children.
Reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”.
Teach children to listen carefully to the work, understand its content, answer questions about the text, evaluate the actions of the characters
Reading the work of G. Ladonshchikov “Circus”.
Introduce children to the work, talk about the circus and circus professions, and look at the illustrations for the book. Enrich your vocabulary, expand your horizons.
G. H. Andersen "The Swineherd". V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”
S. Marshak. How the book was printed. Border guard.
B. Zakhoder. Chauffeur. Builders. Shoemaker. Dressmaker. Bookbinder.
WEEK 4 “Labor Day”
Reading the poem “Mail” by S. Marshak.
Continue to introduce children to the work of postal workers, teach them to answer questions based on the text, and systematize the information received.
Acquaintance with small folklore forms
Continue to introduce children to small folklore forms: proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters. Learn to reproduce figurative expressions, understand the figurative meaning of words and phrases. Develop the ability to come up with riddles. Cultivate interest in oral folk art.
Reading chapters from T. Janson’s fairy tale “The Wizard’s Hat” translated by V. Smirnov.
Introduce children to a new children's work foreign classics, create a desire to learn about the further adventures of the heroes and read the entire fairy tale.
C. Perrault “Cinderella”.
WEEK 1 “May 9 – Victory Day!”
Memorizing a poem for Victory Day
Teach children to memorize a poem expressively and meaningfully. Continue to develop memory and poetic ear. Cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word. Foster a sense of patriotism.
A. Tvardovsky “The Tankman’s Story” - reading the story.
Expand children's knowledge about the defenders of the Fatherland; clarify ideas about the branches of the military, evoke a desire to be like strong and brave warriors; develop imagination, poetic taste; cultivate respect, love and gratitude for people who defend the Motherland.
WEEK 2 “Flowers on the site”
Reading the work of A. Blok “After the Thunderstorm”.
To consolidate children's knowledge about changes in nature in spring; evoke a desire to express your impressions in figurative words.
T. Tkachenko “Tales of Flowers”. D. Rodari. Why do roses need thorns?
V. Orlov “How daisies appeared”, “Flower”.
WEEK 3 “Meadow, forest, field, insects”
Reading the fable by I.A. Krylov “The Dragonfly and the Ant”
Continue to introduce children to fables and their genre features; lead to an understanding of the idea, the meaning of proverbs about work. To develop children’s ability to comprehend the allegory of a fable and evaluate the character of the characters. Cultivate sensitivity to the figurative structure of the language of the fable.
Reading D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Forest Tale”.
To update, systematize and supplement children’s knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants. To develop the ability to retell the content of a fairy tale based on questions.
Reading the chant “Ladybug”.
Introduce children to the concept of “click”, explain why they are needed and how they are used. Help you remember and tell the nickname with expression.
Reading the fairy tale by V. Bianchi “How an ant hurried home.”
Invite children to recognize the characters of this work in the illustrations, guess who and what they are talking about. While reading the fairy tale, ask the children to fantasize about what will happen next, to suggest how best to make a request for Ant, what polite words to say.
K. Ushinsky “Bees on reconnaissance.” G. Snegirev. Bug. O. Grigoriev. Mosquitoes.
And Surikov “In the meadow”. V.Sef. Ant. I. Maznin. Firefly.
K. Chukovsky. The clattering fly. Cockroach.
N. Sladkov. House butterfly. Ant and centipede.
WEEK 4 “Summer. Nature in summer"
Reading in the faces of V. Orlov’s poem “Tell me, forest river...”
. Help children remember program poems and memorize V. Orlov’s poem “Tell me, forest river...”.
K. Ushinsky. When summer comes.
A. Usachev. What is summer?
S. Marshak. June. July. August.
G. Kruzhkov. Good weather.
WEEK 5 review of the material covered
Final literary quiz
To consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about familiar literary works and their features. Develop children's ability to express detailed judgments. Cultivate an interest in fiction.
Reading to children the literary work “The Gray Star” by B. Zakhoder
introducing children to fiction.
Reading the poem by V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad.”
Bring to children’s attention various situations, teach them to evaluate people’s actions, and form a critical attitude towards bad actions.

Long-term plan
"Reading fiction"

1 week “Kindergarten”
1. Reading poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle:

Goal: to make children want to recite familiar poems by A. Barto; form positive attitude to poetry.

2. Reading the fairy tale “Winged, furry and oily”

3. Reading the story by L. Tolstoy “Nastya had a doll”

4 . Reading the poem “Silence” by G. Novitskaya.

Goals: to continue to develop children’s ability to emotionally perceive and understand the figurative content of poems; develop figurative speech. Promote the development of voluntary memory. Foster a love of oral folk art.

Week 2 “My city, my country”

1. Reading the fairy tale “The Cat and the Fox”
Goal: to develop the ability to listen carefully to a fairy tale.

2 .Reading and learning poems about the city.
Goals: to develop memory, the ability to read poetry expressively.

3 . Reading the poem by S. Yesenin “Birch”
Goal: To develop the ability to see and feel the beauty of Russian nature in a work of art.
4 . B. Zhitkov “In Moscow on the streets.”
Goals: continue to introduce children to the works of famous children's writers; develop the ability to answer questions based on content; cultivate love for the capital of our Motherland.

Week 3 _ “Family”

1 . E. Permyak “How Misha wanted to outwit his mother.”
Goals: to help children understand the meaning of the work; maintain a negative attitude towards lying; cultivate honesty.

3 . V. Dragunsky “What I love.”

Goals: to form in children a holistic perception of a literary text in unity with content and artistic form. To develop intonation expressiveness and auditory perception, to encourage children to convey their impressions, to evaluate the actions of the characters in S. Prokofieva’s story.

Week 4 “Autumn. Signs of autumn."

1. Reading of A. Grishin’s poem “Autumn”
Goal: to develop memory, the ability to speak expressively
2 . Reading proverbs and sayings about autumn.
Goal: develop memory and thinking.
3 . Reading the story “Hedgehog” by E. Charushin
Goal: to develop children’s ability to listen carefully to a piece to the end; cultivate a love for the animal world.
4. Reading the poem “Autumn” by I. Belousov

Goal: to develop memory and attention. Cultivate a love of poetry.

1 week “Autumn. Trees"

1. Reading the poem “Autumn Song” by A. Pleshcheev
Goal: to develop children’s ability to listen carefully to a piece to the end; cultivate a love for nature.
2. “Birch” by S. Yesenin (reading a poem).
Goal: to develop children’s ability to read a poem expressively, conveying intonation an admiration of winter nature, to feel and reproduce the figurative language of the poem. Develop memory, imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech. Foster a love of nature and aesthetic feelings.
3. I. Bunin “Falling Leaves” (excerpt)
Goal: to develop attention, memory, develop the ability to pronounce words clearly, and be able to maintain a conversation. To develop children’s ability to emotionally perceive the figurative basis of poetic works, to develop creative imagination and expressiveness of children’s speech.
4. I. Tokmakova “Eli”
Goal: to develop children’s ability to emotionally perceive the figurative basis of poetic works, to develop creative imagination and expressiveness of children’s speech.

Week 2 “Autumn. Vegetables"
1 . Guessing riddles about vegetables.

Purpose: to introduce a small folklore form - riddles; develop children's thinking and speech.
2. Reading the fairy tale "Puff"

Goal: to cultivate interest in fairy tales.

3 .Reading of the poem by Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”.
Goals: continue to develop the ability to perceive poetic texts, memorize passages; expand children's horizons; consolidate knowledge about vegetables.
4. N. Egorova “Radish, carrot, pumpkin...”

Goal: to cultivate a love of fiction.

Week 3 “Garden. Fruits"
1 .“The Old Man and the Apple Trees” by L. Tolstoy.

Goals: to introduce children to the fact that fruit trees are planted in spring

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

2. Guessing riddles about fruits.

Goal: to continue acquaintance with the small folklore form - riddles; develop children's thinking and speech.
3. Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev “Flower - Seven Flowers”.
Goals: to lead to an understanding of the moral meaning of the fairy tale, to a motivated assessment of the actions and character of the main character; consolidate knowledge about the genre features of fairy tales.

4 . G. Yudin “How to cook compote”

Goal: to develop the ability to listen to a work and answer questions.

4 week Forest. Mushrooms and wild berries.
1. Reading “Autumn in the Forest” by I. Sokolov-Mikitov.

Goal: to create a desire to listen carefully and remember the poem read. Develop memory.
2 .I. Thai "For mushrooms" - reading of the work

Goals: continue to develop the ability to listen carefully to the work,

convey through intonation the characters’ personalities, your attitude towards the characters;

3 . Reading the Russian folk tale “Under the Fungus.”
Goal: to develop the ability to correctly convey character dialogues intonationally;

Use expressive language when retelling.

4. Listening to the fairy tale by V. Bianchi “Kolobok - the prickly side”

Goal: to create interest in the work. To develop knowledge about the animal world.

1 week “Clothing”
1. S. Marshak “Gloves” - work on the content of the poem.

Goals: continue to develop children’s ability to understand the content of poems;

Help to understand the meaning of figurative expressions in the text; control in the conscious use of means of intonation expressiveness.

2 . N. Nosov “Patch”.

Goal: to instill a love of fiction, teach competently, answer questions. Develop attention and speech.

3. Sh. Perot "Little Red Riding Hood".

Goal: to cultivate an emotional and figurative perception of a work, to teach how to comprehend an idea; clarify children’s knowledge about the genre features of fairy tales; develop creative storytelling skills. Bring to the consciousness of children the idea of ​​​​a fairy tale, instill in children good feelings, the need to take care of loved ones.

4. S. Marshak “He’s so absent-minded” (listening)

Goal: to develop the ability to notice and understand figurative words and expressions in the text. Develop creative imagination.

Week 2 “Shoes”
1 . Reading Konovalov's story “Stubborn Boots.”
Goals: to continue to develop interest in fiction, to promote understanding and correct comprehension of the content of the work; learn to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the work; expand your understanding of shoes; - develop attention, thinking, visual perception, motor skills; - cultivate a caring attitude towards things.
2. Reading and solving riddles about shoes.

3. Reading the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault.
Goals: to develop the ability to understand the meaning of a fairy tale, the morality contained in it; develop the ability to understand the character traits of the characters; form figurative speech.

4. Reading the poem by E. Blaginina “I’ll teach my brother how to put on shoes.”

Goals: to develop children’s ability to perceive emotionally poetic work, realize the topic, content. Create a desire to remember and expressively reproduce quatrains. Develop auditory memory, emotional-volitional sphere, improve intonation expressiveness of speech. Cultivate a desire to help those who need help.

. Week 3 “Toys”
1 .Repetition of poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle
Goal: to arouse in children the desire to recite familiar poems by heart with intonation and expressiveness; develop a positive attitude towards poetry.
2 . S. Marshak “Ball”.
Goal: to help children remember and read the poem expressively, remember the works of S. Ya. Marshka.
3. Agnia Barto “Rubber Zina”.
Goal: to help children remember and read the poem expressively, remember the works of Agnia Barto.

Week 4 “Dishes”

1. K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief.”
Goals: continue to develop children’s ability to listen carefully to poetic works; create conditions for children to express their perception of the text in external action.

2. Reading A. Kondratev’s poem “You can do it many, many times.”
Goals: to develop in children the ability to listen to a poem and understand its meaning; help memorize the poem; clarify and expand children’s ideas about dishes; learn to use sentences in affirmative and negative forms in speech; develop hand-eye coordination, attention, memory; cultivate careful handling of dishes.

3 . V. Karaseva “Glass”

Goal: to develop the ability to listen to literary works, evaluate the actions of heroes, talk about helping around the house.

4. Reading the story by N. Kalinina “Mom’s Cup.”
Goals: to develop children’s ability to convey the content of a small literary work; learn to ask questions about the text of a work and answer questions, logically correctly constructing an answer; develop auditory memory.
1 week “Winter. Wintering birds"
1 . Reading S. Mikhalkov “About Mimosa”.
Goals: expand children's understanding of healthy life, how to dress in winter, how to improve your health in winter; help children correctly perceive the content of the work.
2 .Reading the story by G. Skrebitsky “What does a woodpecker feed in winter? »

Goals: to encourage children to emotionally perceive the figurative expressions of a literary work, to understand the semantic meaning of the content of the story; enrich children's vocabulary with figurative words and expressions. Pay attention to grammatical formation correct speech, make sure that when answering questions about the content, children use words in the correct grammatical form. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds and love for them.

3 . I. Surikov “Winter”.
Goal: continue to develop interest in fiction; instill sensitivity to the poetic word.
4. Reading the fairy tale “Two Frosts”.
Goal: to cultivate interest and love for fairy tales.

Week 2 “Pets. Poultry.

1. Telling the fairy tale "Mitten".
Goal: to develop the ability to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale.
2. N. Nosov “Living Hat”.
Goals: to continue to develop children’s abilities to perceive large texts; bring the humor of the work to the consciousness of children; cultivate interest in fiction.
3 . Telling the tale of V. Suteev “Chicken and Duckling”.
Goals: to help children correctly comprehend the content of the fairy tale; teach to empathize with heroes and evaluate their actions; expand children's understanding of poultry; enrich children's vocabulary with verbal vocabulary; develop auditory and visual perception, memory.

4. "The Tar Bull" (telling a Russian folk tale)

Goal: to introduce children to a new fairy tale and teach them to understand its content. Teach children to answer content questions using common sentences or a short story. Develop attention and memory. To cultivate interest and love for Russian folk tales.
Week 3 “Wild Animals”

1 .Reading the fairy tale “Winter Hut of Animals.”
Goals: develop memory, attention; cultivate a love of fairy tales.
2. Reading the fairy tale “The Fox and the Rooster.”
Goals: to develop the ability to listen carefully. Remember the work you read.

3 . Reading the fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog.”
Goals: develop memory, auditory attention; cultivate a love for animals.
4. "Little Mouse's Big Journey" (telling a fairy tale)

Goal: to introduce children to a new fairy tale of the peoples of the North, to develop the ability to answer questions about the content. Develop memory, thinking, attention, cognitive interests. Cultivate interest in fairy tales of different nations.
5. " Forest Newspaper” by V. Bianchi (reading stories).

Target : continue to develop children’s ability to answer questions by using the simplest types of compound and complex sentences in speech.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of animals in winter, how they prepare for winter.

Develop thinking, memory, imagination, cognitive interests.

Week 4 “New Year”

1 . Reading and solving riddles about winter.
Goals: to encourage children to answer questions, to strengthen the ability to solve riddles.

2 . Reading fiction: “Poems about the New Year.”

3 . Reading of the poem “Christmas Tree” by E. Moshkovskaya.

Goals: to continue to introduce children to the national children's arts. literature. Develop the ability to answer teacher questions. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking of children. Cultivate a love of poetry.
4. Reading: “Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree” by V. Petrov.

Goal: develop a desire to listen. Create a joyful mood in anticipation of the holiday.

1 week "Vacation"
1 .Reading the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”.
Goal: to develop the ability to listen carefully to a fairy tale. Answer questions based on the text.

2. Reading G. Andersen “The Snow Queen”.

Purpose: to note the characters’ characters, their positive and negative aspects, identify the educational value of the fairy tale.

3 .Guessing riddles about winter games.
Goals: develop memory. auditory attention; develop an interest in solving riddles.

4 . Reading literature. N. Nosov “On the Hill”.
Goals: continue to develop children’s ability to listen to stories; help children correctly perceive the content of the work, empathize with its characters; help develop a personal relationship to the work.

Week 2 “Furniture”

1. Reading S. Marshak “Where did the table come from?”
Goals: to enrich and expand children’s understanding of furniture; to develop interest in fiction; learn to answer questions with a phrase; intensify cognitive activity; develop speech, auditory and visual perception, thinking, motor skills; cultivate a caring attitude towards surrounding furniture.

2. Reading the fairy tale “The Three Bears”

Goal: to cultivate interest in fairy tales.
3 . Riddles about furniture.
Goal: to develop the ability to solve riddles and develop thinking.

Week 3 “Freight and passenger transport”

1. V. Klimenko “Who is more important than everyone else on the street.”
Goals: to expand children's knowledge about transport through meaningful listening to the work; help understand the meaning of the story; cultivate a desire to comply with the rules of behavior on the street.

2 . Reading and solving riddles about transport.
Objectives: to help understand how to correctly guess the riddle: you need to look for the hero of the riddle who is hiding, according to his description (with whom or what he is compared to). Practice selecting comparative phrases for objects. Develop fantasy and imagination.
3. Reading N. Pavlova's Fairy Tale "By Car".
Goals: to encourage children to emotionally perceive the figurative expressions of a literary work, to understand the semantic meaning of the content of the story; to develop children’s ability to describe various properties of objects. Form moral concepts: friendship, friends, mutual assistance.
4. “Train” by Ya. Taits (reading a story).

Target: develop the ability to listen carefully new story. Develop attention and memory. Cultivate an interest in reading.


1 week “Professions”
4 .Reading of S. Marshak’s poem “Policeman”
Goal: to create a desire to listen and remember the poem read; develop memory; cultivate a love of poetry.

2. “Uncle Styopa” S. Mikhalkov (reading of the work).

Goal: to introduce children to a new work, to teach them to characterize the actions of the hero. Continue learning to answer questions about the content of the work.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, cognitive interests.

Cultivate respect for adults and interest in their professions.

3. Telling the Belarusian folk tale “Zhikharka”.
Goals: to develop children’s ability to perceive and realize the figurative content of a fairy tale, to notice figurative words and expressions in the text; practice selecting synonyms; develop the ability to understand the content of sayings and come up with new episodes.
4. Memorizing the poem “The Driver” by B. Zakhoder.
Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about the profession of people in transport. To form in children an emotional perception and understanding of the content of the plot of a poetic text. Continue to improve artistic speech children's performing skills when reading a poem (emotional performance, natural behavior, ability to use gestures, facial expressions, and convey their attitude to the content of a literary phrase).

Week 2 “Indoor plants”

1. “The Picky One” is a Russian folk tale.
Goals: develop the ability to listen to a piece to the end.

2. Poem by E. Blaginina “Balzamin”.
Goals: to continue familiarizing children with the structure of a plant, the features and purpose of its parts. Develop practical skills in caring for indoor plants.

3.Andersen Hans Christian “Thumbelina”.
Goals: to cultivate interest in fairy tales.

4.G. Rakova “Violet”, “Aspidistra”, “Ficus”, “Begonia”.
Goals: to help expand children's knowledge about indoor plants and their significance in human life.

Week 3 “Our Army”
1. “Border Guards” S.Ya. Marshak (reading a poem).

Target: introduce children to a new poem - about border guards, soldiers guarding our Motherland. Learn to answer questions about the content of the work. Develop memory, attention, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate interest in the soldiers of the Russian army, respect for them.

3 . N. Teploukhova “Drummer”.
Goals: to continue to develop children’s ability to listen carefully to stories and answer questions about their content.

Develop thinking, memory, teach to actively participate in conversation.

4. Reading poems for Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Goals: develop expressive speech, sense of rhythm.
5 . Reading of the poem “Watch” by Z. Alexandrova.
Goals: to develop the ability to understand the nature of the work; express your impressions in coherent statements.
Week 4 “Construction.Professions of builders”

1 .Reading Permyak “What are hands for?”
Goals: to help children understand and correctly comprehend the content of the work, encourage them to answer questions with a phrase; enrich your vocabulary with verbal vocabulary. Develop thinking, auditory and visual perception, motor skills; develop the ability to listen to the answers of other children.
2. Memorizing the poem by B. Zakhoder “Builders”.

Goals: to introduce children to various professions and their characteristics. To provide knowledge about the qualities that a person who wants to acquire a particular profession must have. Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Encourage creativity in role playing games about professions.

Cultivate pride in and respect for parents.
3 . Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, create a desire to participate in dramatizations, and develop acting skills.

4 . Telling the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut.”

Goals: to develop children’s ability to emotionally perceive a fairy tale, to understand and remember the plot and characters; learn to accurately repeat songs from fairy tales with intonation. Practice word formation. Cultivate a desire to listen to each other and not interrupt.

1 week Spring. Mom's holiday. First flowers.

1. “Mother’s Day” by G. Vieru (poem reading).
Goal: introduce children to a new poem. To develop children’s ability to answer questions based on content and clearly pronounce words and phrases. Develop memory, attention, intonation expressiveness of speech. Cultivate love and respect for mother.
2. Memorizing the poem by Y. Akim “Mom”.
Goals: to evoke a joyful emotional mood in children, to help them express their attitude, love for their mother through poetry, creative activity. Replenish your vocabulary with emotional and evaluative vocabulary.
3 . Reading the story by N. Kalinina “Mom’s Cup.”
Goals: to develop children’s ability to convey the content of a small literary work; develop the ability to ask questions to the text of a work and answer questions, logically correctly constructing an answer; develop auditory memory.
4 . From Kaputikyan “My Grandmother”.
Goals: to evoke a joyful emotional mood in children, to help them express their attitude and love for their grandmother through poetry and creative activity.
Week 2 “Professions of Moms”
1. “Work” by D. Gabe (reading a story).

Goal: to continue to develop children’s ability to listen carefully to stories and answer questions about their content. Develop thinking, memory, teach to actively participate in conversation. Cultivate an interest in the work of adults and a desire to help them.

2. Reading Mikhalkov’s work “What do you have?”
Goal: develop a desire to talk about your attitude to a specific action literary character, help children understand the hidden motives of the heroes of the work, introduce them to verbal art.
3 . Reading E. Permyak’s story “Mom’s Work.”
Goals: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the features of different literary genres;

To develop children’s ability to emotionally perceive figurative content

works, comprehend the idea; teach by answering questions correctly

build sentences.
4 . Reading fiction: “Aibolit”
Goals: to continue to introduce children to the national children's arts. literature. Develop the ability to answer teacher questions. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking of children.
Week 3 “Underwater world”

1 .“The first fish” E. Permyak.
Goals: to develop children’s ability to listen to large literary works; continue to introduce children to the features of living nature; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Continue to introduce children to the works of children's writers; help understand the meaning of the story; cultivate love and caring attitude towards loved ones.

2. Reading and memorizing the song “Grandfather wanted to cook fish soup...”?
Goal: to help children remember p. n. etc., read it by heart expressively, develop a sense of rhythm, consolidate knowledge about river fish, methods of fishing (rod, nets).

3. Fairy tale "At the command of the pike."

Goals: to develop children’s ability to listen to large literary works; continue to introduce children to the features of living nature

4 .Learning poems and riddles about fish.
Goal: to develop the ability to solve riddles.

Week 4 “Our city (country, street)”
1. Reading and learning poems about the city.
Goal: to develop memory and the ability to speak expressively.

2. “In the theater” by A. Barto (reading a poem).

Goal: to develop children’s ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a poetic text and understand the means of expression. Develop memory, imagination, ability to answer questions. Cultivate a love of fiction.
3. Reading poem by A. Kardashova “Our palace is open to everyone”
Goal: to develop children’s ability to listen carefully to a piece to the end.
4. P. Voronko “It’s better not native land" - reading.

Goals: to develop the ability to participate in the collective learning of a poem during choral recitation; read poetic text expressively; perceive the meaning of proverbs expressed figuratively (“Everyone has his own side”, “There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland”); cultivate love for one's native land.

1 week “We read”
1. "Visiting the book"(introduction to the work of illustrators)

Target: introduce children to the work of illustrators Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Chizhikov, E. Charushin, how important drawings are in a book, how many interesting things can be learned by carefully examining book illustrations.

Develop voluntary attention. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

1 .Reading of the poem by Y. Akim “The Incompetent”.
Goals: develop the ability to listen to literary works, answer questions about the content with a phrase; develop auditory and visual perception, logical thinking, fine motor skills hands.

2 . Ch. Perrault “A boy as big as a finger” - telling a fairy tale.

Goals: continue to introduce the genre features of the fairy tale;

Form figurative speech, understanding figurative expressions;

develop creative abilities, the ability to act out fragments of a fairy tale.

4 .Reading of the work “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky.
Goal: to develop children's interest in reading, to cultivate a love of cleanliness.
Week 2 “Space”

1. V. Borozdin “Starships”
Goal: to develop the ability to listen to a piece and answer questions

2. Riddles about space.
Goals: develop the ability to solve riddles. Train memory and attention. Foster respect for the work of astronauts.
3 . Story by V. Borozdin “First in Space.”
Goals: expand children's understanding of space. To promote the correct perception of the content of the work, to develop the ability to empathize with its hero.

Week 3 “The birds have arrived”

1. Reading “Children and the Bird” by A. Pleshcheev.

Goal: develop memory, auditory attention. Cultivate interest in listening.

2. Reading the poem by M. Klokova “Winter has passed (Sparrow jumps from a birch tree onto the road).”

Objectives: to practice selecting definitions for a given word. Cultivate a love of poetry.

3 . Reading the story by V. Vorobyov “Cleany”
Goals: continue to develop the ability to listen carefully to a story, develop coherent speech; expand knowledge about migratory birds; develop attention, memory, ; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.
perception, memory; develop the ability to expressively recite poetry.

4. “The jackdaw wanted to drink...” by L.N. Tolstoy (reading the work).

Goal: to develop the ability to form the plural form of nouns denoting baby animals. Develop thinking and memory. Nurture cognitive interests in children.

Week 4 “Health Week”
1. Reading and discussion of M. Bezrukikh’s poem “Talk about proper nutrition»
Goal: to develop children’s ability to answer questions based on what they read. Develop memory.

2 . Senchenko "Holy Bread".

3. M. Glinskaya “Bread” - reading.
Goals: expand children’s knowledge about bread, introduce them to the works of various authors dedicated to bread; develop cognitive interest;

Cultivate respect for people who grow bread and respect for bread. S. Topelius

4. “Three ears of rye” - reading a Lithuanian fairy tale.

Goals: to develop the ability to comprehend the content of what is read;

Coherently convey the content of what you read using the game;

Form an evaluative attitude towards the heroes of the fairy tale.

Week 2 “Victory Day”
1. “About the boy Tishka and a detachment of Germans” (reading of the work).

Goal: to acquaint children with the events that took place during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. Develop the ability to maintain a conversation on a topic, answer questions and ask them. Develop children's cognitive interests.

Foster love for the Motherland.

2. “Victory Day” A. Usachev.

Goal: introduce children to a new poem, learn it by heart. To develop children’s ability to answer questions based on content and clearly pronounce words and phrases. Develop memory, attention, intonation expressiveness of speech. Foster respect for the defenders of the Motherland.

3 . Reading of the poem “Motherland” by V. Guseva.
Goals: to develop the ability to expressively read a poem;

Develop the ability to change voice strength and intonation depending on the context of the work; practice selecting epithets and comparisons. develop memory.
4 . Reading the poem “Victory” by E. Trutneva.
Goals: to develop the ability to emotionally perceive a poem and understand its content; stimulate the expression of your impressions in independent statements.
Week 3 “Road rules and safety”
1 .Learning the poem “If the light turns red” from Mikhalkov.
Goal: develop memory, attention, cultivate a love of poetry.

2 .Reading N. Kalinin “How the guys crossed the street”
Goal: to develop the ability to listen carefully and remember the work read.

3. Reading by V. Timofeev “For pedestrians”.
Goals: develop memory, auditory attention; cultivate vigilance on the road.

4 .Three wonderful colors" A. Severny, "If..." O. Bedarev(reading poems)

Goal: to continue to introduce children to new works about traffic rules, to develop the ability to emotionally perceive and understand the figurative content of a poetic text, and to answer questions. Develop thinking and cognitive interests in children. Foster a culture of behavior on the road.

Week 4 “Summer”
1 . I. Krylov “Dragonfly and Ant”.
Goals: introduce children to new literary genre- fable; help understand the idea of ​​the fable; develop a positive attitude towards work
2 . Reading the Slovak folk tale “Visiting the Sun.”
Goals: to continue to develop children’s ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, using the modeling method; remember the characters and the sequence of events.
3. “Dandelion” by Z. Aleksandrov (poem reading).

Goal: to continue to develop children’s ability to memorize short poems and answer questions about the content with lines from the poem. Develop attention, memory, intonation expressiveness. To cultivate aesthetic feelings and a love of poetry.
4. Narration of “Ant” by E. L. Naboikina (fairytale therapy).

Goals: awareness of the main idea of ​​the fairy tale, awakening interest in the actions, motives of the characters’ behavior, their inner world, their experiences; stimulating children's responses to the content of the fairy tale. Modeling the behavior of characters, expressive depiction of individual emotional states (fear, anxiety, joy, pleasure); sequential reproduction of fairy tale events; speech development; creating a positive emotional mood. Cultivating a friendly attitude towards others.


Educational area

"Me and my friends"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of chapter two “How Dunno Was a Musician” from N. Nosov’s book “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”; teach to understand the moral and idea of ​​the work; learn to evaluate the actions of heroes; develop cognitive interest, interest in books.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

"Reading fiction"

"My city"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion of an excerpt from A. Dorokhov’s book “Green, Yellow, Red” - learn to answer questions about the content of the text; learn to write riddles; consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules and traffic lights, about road signs;

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

Creative center SPHERE, 2013

“Impressions of summer. Summer days birth"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading and discussion of E. Blaginin’s poems “Dandelion”. Develop a poetic ear: develop the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of a poem; select epithets, comparisons, metaphors.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

“Reading fiction” M.

Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"The World Around Us"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of N. Nosov’s story “Dreamers” Teach children to retell the text; improve intonation expressiveness of speech: achieve consistency in the presentation of content; enrich your vocabulary with definitions, adverbs, verbs, synonyms

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

“Reading fiction” M.

Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"Old Person's Day"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling V. Ovseev’s story “Cookies” will consolidate the idea of ​​the genre features of the story; teach independent retelling;

learn to express your attitude to what you read, express your opinion

consolidate knowledge about birds and their colors

Voronezh, 2014.

Lesson 2, page 88

"Autumn. Autumn moods"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading poems about autumn by E. Pleshcheeva. Teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative basis of the poetic. works; develop creativity, expressiveness of speech

O.S. Ushakova. "Introducing children to literature."

M., publishing center "Ventana-Graf". page 142

"The World Around Us"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of the Tatar folk tale “Three Daughters” - teach to understand the characters; teach to perceive the originality of the plot structure, notice the genre features of the composition and the language of the fairy tale and story;

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

Moscow, 2014. Lesson 10, p. 19

"The Country Where I Live"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and memorization of N. Rubtsov’s poem “Hello, Russia...”, analysis of the content of the proverbs “Everyone has his own side”, “There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland”, learn to identify ideological content works during its collective discussion; participate in the collective learning of a poem during choral recitation; read poetic text expressively;

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

Moscow, 2014. Lesson 4, p. 12

"My small Motherland»

Social communications

Speech development


Reading and retelling the Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga” teaches to understand and evaluate the character of the main character of the fairy tale; consolidate knowledge about the genre features of literary works; develop the ability to understand the figurative meaning of proverbs and sayings; cultivate a negative attitude towards laziness; expand children's knowledge about other peoples and nationalities of the Russian Federation and teach interethnic tolerance.

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

Moscow, 2014. Lesson 14, p. 26

"The World Around Us"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading and conversation based on the fairy tale “The Piper and the Cars” by J. Rodari. Retelling a fairy tale. To learn to understand the genre features of a story, to see its beginning, main and final parts; teach to understand the characters of fairy-tale heroes; develop pantomime skills, learn to create expressive images using facial expressions,

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

Moscow, 2014. Lesson 17, p. 30

"Game World"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading and memorizing the most famous poems by A. Barto and S. Mikhalkov. Conversation based on the poems read. Systematize knowledge about literary creativity A. Barto and S. Mikhalkova;

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

Moscow – 2014. Lesson 20, p. 34

"Mother's Day"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of E. Permyak’s story “What are hands for.” Teach coherent, consistent retelling, correctly convey the idea and content, and expressively reproduce character dialogues. Cultivate love for family.

V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova

"Lesson notes in senior group kindergarten»

Voronezh, 2014.

Lesson 2, page 63

Theme "My World"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling the Russian folk tale “The Winged, the Hairy and the Buttered One” teaches us to understand the characters and actions of the heroes; learn to come up with a different ending to a fairy tale; learn to notice and understand figurative expressions; introduce new phraseological units; consolidate children's knowledge about folk holidays and traditions.

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

Moscow – 2010. Lesson 8, p. 17

"The Beginning of Winter"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of an excerpt from V. Bianchi’s fairy tale “The Titmouse Calendar”. Learn to answer questions about the content of the text you listened to; select verbs according to their meaning; learn to retell the text of a story; instill love for animals and care for them.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"The World Around Us"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussing and memorizing K. Chukovsky’s poem “The Christmas Tree” - continue to learn how to expressively recite poems by heart; develop the ability to intonationally convey joy in connection with the upcoming holidays; develop a poetic ear; consolidate children's knowledge about the traditions of New Year celebrations.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"New Year is coming to us"


Social communications

Speech development


O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"Christmas Miracle"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading the ritual song “Kolyada, Kolyada, and sometimes Kolyada...” - introduce children to ancient Russian holidays (Christmas, Carols); teach to distinguish between genre features of ritual songs; teach to understand the main idea of ​​songs; Reveal the riches of the Russian language to children, teach them to speak figuratively and expressively.

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

"Me and my friends"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of N. Nosov’s story “On the Hill”. Develop the ability to understand the character of the characters in works of art, assimilate the sequence of plot development, notice expressive and visual means that help reveal the content; enrich speech with phraseological units; learn to understand the figurative meaning of certain phrases and sentences; consolidate children's knowledge about winter games and fun.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative center SPHERE, 2013

« Kind words to each other"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of N. Durova’s story “Two Girlfriends.” Reading and discussion of A. Kuznetsova’s poem “We Quarreled” teach us to analyze the actions of the heroes and evaluate the characters’ characters; learn to answer questions based on the content of the text; to develop in children the need for friendly communication with others; instill in children a kind attitude towards loved ones;

Reinforce the rules of etiquette.

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

Moscow – 2014. Lesson 15, p. 27

"World of Professions"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading and discussion of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Uncle Styopa”.

V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova

“Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten”

Voronezh, 2004.

Lesson 3, page 11

"The World of Technical Wonders"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading and discussion of V. Mayakovsky’s poem “This little book of mine is about the seas and about the lighthouse” to teach to understand the emotional and figurative content of the fairy tale, its idea;

develop figurative speech: learn to select definitions and comparisons for a given word; lead to an understanding of the meaning of phraseological units and proverbs; reinforce the rules of safe behavior in daily life.

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

Moscow, 2014.

Lesson 1, page 7


Social communications

Speech development


Reading of S. Yesenin’s poem “Winter sings and calls out...”. Discussion on the content of the poem. Learning a poem by heart; teach children to expressively read a poem by heart, intonation conveying tenderness and admiring the picture of winter nature.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"Defenders of the Fatherland"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of the epic “Three Heroes”
Discussion of proverbs: “The first thing in life is to honestly serve the Fatherland,” “We don’t want someone else’s land, but we won’t give up ours either,” “A skillful fighter is great everywhere,” “Military science strengthens the mind and hands.”- introduce children to the epic genre, its linguistic and compositional features; expand children's knowledge about defenders of the fatherland; clarify ideas about the branches of the military, evoke a desire to be like strong and brave warriors; develop imagination, poetic taste;

to cultivate respect, love and gratitude for the people who defend our Motherland.

    V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova

“Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten” - Voronezh, 2014.

Lesson 3, page 76

"Congratulations moms"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading the poem “My Grandmother” by S. Kaputikyan teaches you to understand the characters and actions of the heroes, and come up with a different ending to the fairy tale; notice and understand figurative expressions; introduce new phraseological units (soul to soul, you can’t spill water); cultivate a love for oral folk art, folk culture and traditions.

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

Moscow – 2014. Lesson 8, p. 17


Social communications

Speech development


Reading. Discussion and memorization of A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Spring”. develop an emotional response to spring manifestations of nature, aesthetic feelings and experiences;

Learn to compose descriptive stories based on a landscape painting; enrich the vocabulary with definitions, activate verbs, synonyms.

V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova

“Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten”

Voronezh, 2014.

Lesson 4, page 81

"Book Week"

Social communications

Speech development


To develop the stories of L. Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog” in children phonemic awareness; activate and enrich children’s vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic of the lesson; continue to learn how to solve riddles

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"Spring has come"


Social communications

Speech development


Guessing riddles about read fairy tales and stories. Correlation of proverbs with read fairy tales and stories. - consolidate knowledge about the literary works read, about the genre features of fairy tales, short stories, poems, works of small folklore forms; to form figurative speech: the ability to understand the figurative meaning of proverbs, to apply proverbs in the appropriate speech situation.

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

Moscow, 2014.

Lesson 29, page 47

"Humor in our lives"


Social communications

Speech development


B. Zakhoder “Dog’s sorrows”, “About catfish”. Teach children to see the funny in the work they read, instill a love of poetry.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"The Secret of the Third Planet"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of an excerpt from the book by V.P. Borozdin "First in Space"- introduce children to biographical literature; to instill in children respect for the work of people associated with space; to form in children the concepts of “outer space”, “space”; introduce the biography of Yu.A. Gagarin

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"The starlings have arrived"

Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of “What kind of bird?” V. Suteev. To consolidate knowledge about the genre, compositional, and linguistic features of Russian fairy tales; teach to perceive the figurative content of the work.

O. S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old”

Moscow, 2014.

Lesson 1, page 52

"The World Around Us"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling of the Slovak folk tale “The Sun is Visiting” - to develop the ability to perceive the most striking means of expression in the text and relate them to the content; learn to select synonyms for verbs, build synonymous and antonymic series for a given definition.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"Victory Day"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading and discussion of the poems by S. Marshak “Fairy tale for children” and S. Smirnov “Soldier”. Learning the poem "Soldier" by heart. To cultivate patriotism, respect for the defenders of the Motherland and a sense of pride for the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War;teach to listen carefully to the reading of a work and answer questions; learn to select definitions for the word soldier; develop in children voluntary visual attention and memory, verbal and logical thinking, speech and activate the vocabulary; - consolidate knowledge about military equipment.

O.S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

“Introducing literature to children aged 5-7 years old.”

Moscow, 2014.

Lesson 28, page 46

"Our Pushkin"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". Continue to get acquainted with the poet’s work; learn to draw conclusions about greed; briefly retell the content of the fairy tale using pictures; cultivate a love of poetry; activate the dictionary.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative center SPHERE, 2013

"Children's rights in Russia"


Social communications

Speech development


Reading poems about the Motherland. Foster a sense of patriotism and respect for adults; introduce children to the rights and responsibilities;

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program “Childhood”,

"Reading fiction", 2013

“The world is around us. Spring".


Social communications

Speech development


Memorizing the poem by G. Ladonshchikov “Spring”. Develop children's figurative speech, understanding the meaning of figurative words and expressions; learn to select definitions and comparisons for a given word.

O.S. Ushakova. "Introducing children to literature." M., publishing center "Ventana-Graf". page 169