An interesting scenario for February 23rd for men. Scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day ★ (February 23)

It’s not difficult to give your work colleagues an original holiday for Defender of the Fatherland Day if you create the script correctly. It must also include funny scenes, and performances with poetry and prose. Beautiful wishes to the representatives of the stronger sex good health Congratulations in your own words will help you achieve success and true happiness. To write an unusual event program, readers only need to study the examples and ideas we have selected. The recommendations will help you understand how to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23, 2018 in an original and modern way. Simple tips will tell you how to organize a memorable corporate event for all the men in the office.

How to originally congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work, if there are more of them - examples of skits

It is recommended to select skits for performances in front of male colleagues according to their number in the team. For several representatives of the stronger sex, women can perform separate performances. But if there are more of them, it is recommended to compose a couple of long numbers. To learn more about how to originally congratulate men at work on February 23, 2018 with skits, the examples and ideas for productions we have selected will help you.

An example of the “Ideal Man” sketch for an original congratulations to men at work on February 23

Women talk about the ideal man a colleague with whom you meet every day at work. Then, new facts about him are added. But in such a way that it is not clear which of the colleagues fits this description. To the music, they take each of the men to the center of the hall, talk about his merits and then sit him down. After everyone present hears their praise, their female colleagues will tell you that each of these men is ideal in their own way.

Video examples of original scenes for congratulating men at work on February 23

The production for Defender of the Fatherland Day can be made general. In it, women working in a team can perform dialogues, songs and dances. You can view examples of such scenes in the videos we have selected:

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work - scenarios with video example

A correctly drawn up scenario for a corporate event is a guarantee of an interesting event. That is why, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, female colleagues need to think through every number and performance for the event. How to beautifully congratulate men at work on February 23rd original script, will tell you our recommendations and advice.

An example of writing a script for congratulating male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day 2018

Preparations for the original holiday on February 23, 2018 must necessarily follow the script. This option is optimal for both a large team of colleagues and a small team. At the same time, girls must take care of all the nuances: decorating the office, ordering food for the feast, purchasing tableware. This will help to avoid any problems during the corporate event. But the following list will help them create a good script:

  1. Subject (preferably military or naval).
  2. Numbers and their order (how skits, competitions, reading of poetry, prose, presentation of gifts, feasts will take place).
  3. Costumes and necessary accessories for competitions (women can choose special costumes and props for Defender of the Fatherland Day).

Particular attention should be paid to gifts that will be given to male colleagues. These can be purchased gifts or sets formed by women. Presentations can be presented at the beginning of the feast or after the end of the event.

Video example of a script with congratulations to all men at work on February 23

The easiest way to create a script and choose the theme of a corporate event is to use a visual example. Therefore, for our readers, we have selected a video of a corporate party with a very interesting scenario. It can be used as a basis or partially repeated for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original and funny way - skits and numbers

It is better to select sketches for a corporate party on February 23 based on the realities of life. Raffle real cases will help lift the spirits of everyone present. That's why great idea for the act it can be a funny, but not offensive, play on your colleagues. The examples we have selected will tell you how fun and original it is to congratulate men at work on February 23rd with skits.

Cool number "Well, what's the job here?" on February 23 to congratulate male colleagues

To carry out the skit, the girls need to make a list of the most funny incidents events that took place in the office. Then they must assign the roles of the men and women involved. By acting out and adding jokes to everyday situations, you can create a funny pun that will appeal to all guests of the corporate party.

Video example of a skit for Defender of the Fatherland Day for work colleagues

Another idea for holding an entertaining skit at a corporate party in honor of February 23 can be gleaned from the following video. This tip will be useful for all women in the team. It will help you easily choose a simple role in new scene or use the selected number as a basis. All men will certainly appreciate the original production.

How to originally congratulate men in verse on February 23 at work - a selection of texts

Cool poems are an appropriate addition to any corporate event. Even if the men's holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated. They can be included in any part of the program or read out instead of toasts. Our next selection of poems will help you congratulate men at work on February 23 in an original and beautiful way.

A selection of congratulations in verse for the holiday of February 23 for male colleagues

The following selection of beautiful poems will help our readers maintain the atmosphere of a fun and playful holiday on February 23, 2018. Comical and discreet texts can be included in any celebration scenario. In addition, they can be read out to all male colleagues at once, if there are more of them than women.

Congratulations to you, colleagues.

And, of course, we wish

On this calendar day

Strength, courage, health,

So that in the future, as now,

You went to the heights without blood,

And to victories - without losses.

So that a stable salary

Bringing you joy

So as not to be afraid of spending

On trips to the islands.

Let work inspire

For progress and personal growth.

Don't let your boss scold you

You are neither joking nor serious!

Today is a holiday for men,

And we want to congratulate our colleagues,

We have a thousand reasons

To extol and glorify you!

Delon, Schwarzenegger - nonsense,

They can't hold a candle to you,

You are always so excellent

Why just fall and cry!

We want to glorify everyone

And we will give the title “Superman”!

Congratulations to you, defenders of the Fatherland,

From the female half of the team.

Thanks for everything! Our humanity

One should live both calmly and beautifully.

Be real, be your protection and support,

And let peace reign in your destinies.

We wish you the courage with which

Some men can fight.

Colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you!

We applaud, honor and praise.

You have spirit and we respect you!

Let's go for a walk today, colleagues!

We want to congratulate you on the 23rd!

After all, courage, valor, bravery and honor

You have the full extent of your characters.

Let women love you and take care of you,

They will give you affection, warmth and comfort.

For them you are support, shoulder and support,

Let there be no discord in your personal life.

We wish you health and peaceful skies,

There is always fragrant bread on the tables,

Prosperity, friends and a stable Fatherland.

And a friend will give you a reliable and strong hand.

Today we congratulate

Our valiant men.

We make wishes

Of special reasons we are.

And this is the reason -

And therefore to colleagues

Let's shout a resounding "Hurray."

We wish you good luck,

Kind, fair wives.

So that everyone without “distribution”

He was surrounded by care.

So that you always strive

They both wanted and could.

To fight in defense,

Only until you win.

How to beautifully congratulate men at work in your own words on February 23 - examples of texts

It is quite difficult to create an entire holiday program for male colleagues if there is only one woman in the team. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to a long, sincere congratulations to all those present. It’s easy to make wishes in your own words. To do this, you can use ready-made prose as a basis. For female readers working in a male team, we have selected excellent examples. With them, every woman will be able to congratulate men at work on February 23 in her own words, both beautifully and originally.

Examples of congratulations on February 23 in your own words for male colleagues

If there are not so many men in one woman’s team, then she can write personal congratulations for each of them in a couple of sentences. If there are many of them, then it is better to choose common wishes. Compose different options The following examples of prose will help in congratulating male colleagues at work:

Dear men! On behalf of the female half of our team, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in your families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, faithful! I wish that your fighting qualities will never come in handy in your life, and that we, women, will be proud of you in peacetime!

Happy holiday, dear men! On this truly masculine day, I would like to wish you a lot of energy and strength to achieve your goals, wisdom and patience, both in work and in your personal life. Let nothing threaten your family, and let the butts of guns not touch your hands. Let tanks appear only in parades, and let only peaceful planes fly. Let the volleys of cannons be heard in honor of the holidays, and let mothers cry only for joy. Live with faith in the future and do not regret the past.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you to be surrounded by peace and tranquility. Prosperity, development, achievements, prospects and growth! May there always be strength and desire, opportunities and goals. All the best to you!

I would like to congratulate our men on the valiant holiday - February 23rd. Always be a support and protection for us, succeed in business and rise in career ladder. We wish you human happiness, goodness and peace, a warm home and the fulfillment of your dreams.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day, colleague. You are all our defenders, regardless of whether you served or not, because the main thing is that you are real men. Brave, strong, self-confident. And you are the same, my dear colleague. Always remain this way and you will achieve success in work, in love, and in your hobbies.

How to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 in prose - a selection of texts for 2018

Congratulating colleagues in the office, if there are many of them, is much more convenient with small speeches from each woman of the team. Short and sweet prose is perfect for this. It can be either official in nature or supplemented by various cool wishes. Our readers will help us congratulate our colleagues in the office on February 23rd original examples prose.

Examples of texts in prose for congratulating colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office

You can read congratulatory prose for male colleagues at any time during the celebration of February 23rd. It can be used to beautifully start a corporate event or insert performances by women between different stages of the feast. Definitely original congratulations in prose it should also end the holiday. Choose beautiful prose To wish success, health and happiness to all colleagues, you can from following examples:

Dear colleagues, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you strength of spirit, courage and perseverance. Victories on all fronts: both at work and in everyday life. I wish you to move with firm steps towards achieving your goals. And let all obstacles give way when you approach. May good luck always accompany you, may fortune smile on you and everything works out!

Dear men, colleagues, happy February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles submit to you, difficulties recede, and matters are resolved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

Dear colleagues, we are happy that our friendly team represented by truly real men. May courage, strong will, and the ability to find the right solutions always remain with you. We wish you happiness, spiritual and material well-being.

Dear colleagues! This holiday is truly our professional one, so I boldly and wholeheartedly congratulate you on it. You are defenders of your Fatherland, society and your family, who, along with me, thank you and congratulate you. Thank you for your honest work, which you proudly carry as a banner of happiness and integrity. I bow to you for your love for your profession and quality work.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you colleagues! On this day, I want to once again congratulate all the men who stand in defense of our homeland, and sincerely thank our grandfathers for giving us this opportunity! Let peace and prosperity always reign in your homes, our great fatherland will always be under your reliable protection!

Coming up with a good script for Defender of the Fatherland Day at work is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to select the types of numbers and skits that will be included in the program. For example, women can perform at a corporate event in the office with songs or dances, or they can recite poetry or read prose. For a small team you can write beautiful congratulations in your own words. Sincere wishes will certainly please everyone present. Using our tips and examples, you can easily find out how to congratulate your male colleagues at work on February 23, 2018. Readers just need to follow our recommendations and use the suggested ideas.

This scenario does not imply the passive receipt of congratulations, but the direct participation of the men themselves in providing themselves with pleasure by participating in games and competitions.

The participants are all men, the presenter is a charming girl, dressed in the style of a show business star. The presenter may have assistants. Or responsibilities can be distributed among several leaders.


Well, this long-awaited day has arrived!
This means there is no reason to shirk.
Participate in competitions - tirelessly!
What did you think? You are men!

You are strong, brave, promising,
Experienced, smart and active.
Let's start with military discipline!
What did you think? You are men

The chorus of Pugacheva’s song “Oh, what a man he was - a real colonel” sounds.

And then the chorus of Allegrova’s song “Junior Lieutenant, Young Boy.”

To this music, a provocatively dressed girl, perhaps wearing a wig and false eyelashes and nails, hands out cards to all the men with military ranks written on them.

The cards are in some kind of military headdress (hat, cap, cap, helmet, etc.). Men should not see what cards they take out.

Junior Sergeant;
Senior Sergeant;
Sergeant Major;
Junior Lieutenant;
Senior Lieutenant;
Lieutenant colonel;
Major General;
Lieutenant General;
Army General;

If there are more men in a team than titles, then the missing amount is obtained with “Private” cards. All men must line up according to the seniority of the ranks on the cards.

Presenter, in a commanding tone:

Now the task will appear before you.
An example to show your mental power.
All cards are different, everyone will get them.
It’s easier for some, easier for others.

The cards will contain military ranks.
And there will be such a task for everyone:
Essentially, you will need to stand up
Distributed by seniority.

If someone doesn't want to get up,
They won’t hang him on the honor board.
We quickly got up. This is not the place for you!
There are still important competitions waiting for you.

All the men took their piece of paper, were distributed according to seniority, and stood in a line.

The assistant (who distributed the leaflets) reads out the order of ranks.

Whoever stands correctly is stroked on the head or kissed on the cheek, saying in an erotic tone: “well done fighter.”

If someone takes the wrong position, the presenter’s assistant “scolds” him in the same erotic tone: “ bad soldier, come to my penal battalion, I’ll give you a penalty and fine you heavily.”

If you don't catch a spy, you won't learn anything!

Let's continue the holiday with joy and interesting competition, the essence of which is to “recruit” a girl from the audience of spectators through various persuasion or other actions. Prove that she is not an enemy, but a friend.

You can use any tricks - bribery with candy, kisses and hugs, or you can simply grab and kidnap. Bring it and put it in front of the audience. Girls are given an order in advance: not to agree to anything! This can be done by agreement in preparation for the holiday. But it would be better if no one except the presenters knew about this in advance.

You can distribute leaflets to all the girls with the following instructions:

"Attention! As a training exercise, a foreign intelligence agent will now approach you and recruit you. Whatever he offers you, don’t agree! As a test of the agent, ask him funny tasks. He will have to fulfill them. If he can still convince you that he belongs and that you need to work for this agent, you can risk agreeing. At your own personal responsibility!”


At ease, comrades. Everyone leave.
Everyone, take your place, sit down.
Our preparations have begun well.
We're right on track with recruitment.

In this very room of ours
As you can see, there are a lot of beauties.
You are in the enemy's camp. Arsenal - seduction
With the help of flattery, deception and clothes.

Everyone recruits who and how they want.
Gives sweets, kisses, tickles.
The girl listens to the compliment.
But how to recognize whose agent he is?

What if he is some kind of skilled maniac?
What if he lies, cheats and leaves?
What if he takes you to a provincial town?
What if they don’t wear this anymore?

Men go and choose their “recruitment target”, and then it’s his concern, how he will convince and whether he can convince that he belongs. The winners who managed to complete the tasks and bring or carry the “object” onto the stage are awarded some kind of spy-themed prize.

The assistant brings out the prizes and presents them with the words: “You are Zero-Zero-X! Super agent! You are the son of your era! You are a superman, you are a gentleman. Your doings are not bad."

Plant a tree, build a house, raise a child!

Let's move on to a new competition. We attach three pictures to the board or wall - a house, a tree, a child. An assistant with a pointer (you can wear a formal suit and big glasses, like a teacher) will point to these symbols from the famous saying.

The idea is that, standing facing the audience, when the assistant points to one of three characters behind him, the man named one of the actions: plant, grow or build. In some cases, you will be able to “grow a tree,” which also counts.


Okay, enough fighting already.
After all, dinner, a wife and a bed are waiting at home.
Everyone knows Ivan and Yegorka,
What the saying goes to all of us.

In that saying - a built house.
And a tree grows there under the window.
And a happy childhood runs around there.
Everyone knows that truth from an early age!

Anyone who wants to, get up and come here!
It won't be difficult for you at all
Name three actions in order:
Plant, build, grow. But - without looking back!

The assistant places the one who volunteered (or she herself takes someone out of the room):


Love is reckless, stand like this. And I will point with a pointer to the sign.

A couple more participants are called. For participation in the competition, some kind of comic prize is given. The assistant presents the prize with the words “This is for you. Look, don't yawn. Where and what you need to always get to.”


Our beloved, dear men!
I see no reason to be bored today.
And now we will kiss you all!
The competitions are over. Well, shall we dance?

Presenter (reads poetry).
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men are objects of admiration
And the reason for the big mess.
Strength of spirit and glimpses of genius
They become immediately visible
Once a year, on the threshold of spring.
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men call us
Manifestations of unearthly feelings -
And softened hearts melt,
And frivolous dreams disturb
Once a year, on the threshold of spring.
Once a year, at the end of winter,
All men - both military and civilian -
From Rostov to Kolyma
Gifts, flowers and applause await.
You are on the crest of a wave today -
Like heroes of a great country.

Happy Army Day!
From the holidays of warriors,
Happy Brothers Day,
Fathers and husbands
Their aspirations
Glory worthy
Peace is saved on the human planet.

The holiday is celebrated on February 23. This is a tribute to our respect to all generations of Russian soldiers, from ancient times to today who courageously defended native land from the invaders. On this “men’s” day, male representatives, from boys to old men, accept congratulations and gifts, and military personnel are always honored. Women have a happy opportunity to tell their loved ones the most affectionate and kind words, please them with signs of attention.

You and I have gathered in the festive hall, and at this time someone is serving and standing at a combat post. We remember you guys!

The cold winds make a loud noise,
And lights shine in the warm windows.
Soldier in ranks. He is always where you need him
Be it steppes, mountains or sands.
Soldier on the march. Oath to the Motherland
It lives unshakably in his soul,
How eternal light the only banner
Leading forward, always forward.
Soldier in action. Let the service not be sugar.
Above other feelings - duty to the Fatherland,
Moreover, in difficult times male friendship
He will help and come to the rescue.
The soldier is studying. Everything must be comprehended,
To defend the country when thunder strikes,
And for him the cherished reward is
To be the first in combat.
Serve, soldier! You are the son of your native land;
And, keeping loyalty to the military oath,
Keep it like this - true, indestructible
Peace to the earth, to mother and to me.

    I'm the presenter.
    Dear men! Congratulations on the Day of Defenders of the Motherland!

    2nd presenter.
    We congratulate you on the soldier's holiday,

    1st presenter.

    But we always want to see you only in civilian clothes!

    2nd presenter.
    And if you are in uniform, then only in sportswear -

    1st presenter.

    For running, football and active life!

Today is a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This means that we must congratulate all living warriors and honor the memory of the heroes of past years. The people love their warrior. Many epics and fairy tales have been written about him, proverbs and sayings have been invented, songs, stories, and novels have been written.
1st student.
A true story and a fairy tale about a Russian soldier who fought and fights well.
2nd student.
He warms himself with smoke, shaves with an awl.
3rd student.
And on occasion, he’ll cook porridge from an ax—you’ll lick your fingers.
4th student.
Everyone knows: hard in training, easy in battle.
5th student.
And one more thing: a bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general.
In the most difficult moments, the soldiers did not lose their sense of humor, which helped them survive in the war.


Who is the hero in the Russian army?
Clear without prompting.
If not, then our advice:
Read bedtime stories.

People say that the earth can feed us with its fruits and give us water from its sources, but it cannot protect itself and people. Protecting the land that feeds and waters you, protecting the people living on this land has always been the responsibility of a man. Our boys are future defenders.


Today we celebrate Defenders of the Fatherland Day. As future soldiers and officers, boys should cultivate in themselves from childhood such qualities as the ability to make friends, keep their word, be brave, courageous, noble and kind.


Today is our Army Day,

There is no one stronger than her in the world,

Hello defenders of the people,

Russian Army- Hello.


Our beloved Army

Birthday in February!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to peace on earth!


The trumpets are singing loudly,

Salute to our Army!

Ships are sailing into space

Salute to our Army!

There is peace and labor on the planet,

Salute to our Army!

1st presenter.
We wish you to always live “on the rise”,
Both in personal life and at work!

2nd presenter.
And always remain real knights!

2nd presenter.

Dear men! We are grateful to have you!
We wish you to always be Men with a capital M!

We wish you to achieve general's shoulder straps,
Know everything, be able to do everything and work great!

Keep an eye on the alignment of your army,
Stop going AWOL from your wives!

Let no blood be shed
And your glorious regiment never surrenders!

We wish you to always remain in service!
May you be as lucky in love as you are in battle!

1st presenter.
This concludes the ceremonial part of the festive program. Next there will be dancing, games, fun.

And now the female ensemble will perform a song for you:

Performed to the tune of the song “My friends have been married for a long time, but I keep dreaming about a prince.”
The wine is foaming in the glasses,
And we dream of congratulating you!
Our men are like in the movies,
And we sincerely wish:
So that your income grows,
There was an account in a Swiss bank!
To have pilaf waiting in the kitchen,
There was a catch waiting for us while fishing!
To go on vacation to the Bahamas!
So that ladies love you,
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in my soul did not fade!

We wish you bright dreams
And amazing dates!
And understanding without words,
And fulfillment of desires!

Every husband and every rank is here!
All the handsome guys here are supermen!
Let's drink to the men!
May happiness await you without betrayal!


We continue our festive concert:

The female ensemble performs a song based on the "Pilots' Song":
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Without you, men, let's face it, there is nothing to do!
We'll gather around the table
Let's pour the glasses full
And for the men we love, we’ll sing a song.
It's time for us to admit
That we love you deeply, we love you, we love you dearly!
Always lean on
We want your right shoulder!
Let fate be cruel to us at times, let it be!
Never allow despondency in your heart!
There will be a lot of luck
Everything will change, you know that!

You guys are brave, brave, brave!
So slim, beautiful, curly!
We'll drink once, we'll drink two
For your glorious deeds,
But so that you don’t have a headache tomorrow!

The song is performed based on a song from the film "The Three Musketeers". (It is better to arrange it in the form of a scene: women “on horseback”, with sabers, in hats).
It's February again, and the number is red,
Which means Defender's Day is as planned!
And we were carried onto the stage again,
I can't afford to hire a band yet!
It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In my lifetime
Because there are men
Have a free day!
Bye-bye-bye our defenders are like this,
We whisper to fate more than once:
- Mercy side!

Men need money -
C'est la vie!
And women need them even more!
But most importantly, we wish you love!
And may good luck accompany you!

Presenter .
On the Don, the Cossacks had interesting game "Aidanchiki ". Adult Cossacks and children hit the target with an animal bone (aidanchik). With an aidanchik it was possible to kill a running hare. Now we will test the accuracy of our men - throwing at beer cans, plastic bottles with a bone or a champagne cork. The winner will receive a prize.

It's no secret that men have always been inspired to do great things by beautiful ladies. The competition requires brave knights. Are there any?

Two men are called.

Competition "Portrait of a Lady".
Now we will find out who your muse is, dear knights. (There are 2 easels in front of the men. Ovals are painted on them female face. The men are blindfolded and led to easels, given a felt-tip pen in their hands). Now you will draw portraits of your beloved women according to the prompt. We draw the eyes of our beloved, now eyebrows, nose, mouth, small delicate ears into which at night you whisper words of love. All that remains is to draw the curls of your beloved woman. Ready. Add your own painting. You can remove the blindfold. Applause to the artists! For such work, you need to give kisses to these lovely ladies you portrayed.

Competition "Best Legs".
This competition is not announced by its name.

No matter what kind of work men have to do at home! What can you do for the woman you love? All interested men are invited here. (The presenter sits them on a chair and gives them each a children’s book). You should read a book to your child before bed. Who had to do this? Wonderful. But in order for the reading to be expressive, you need to put your right leg on your left, turning the trouser leg up to the knee on this leg. Did you do it? Now we open the book and read loudly at the same time. Fine. Even louder.

Men read for 5 minutes.

Presenter (addresses women):
Now let’s choose the hairiest legs. (Prize to the man with the hairiest legs).

Competition "Siamese twins".
Three men are called and asked to find partners. Then these pairs are turned into " conjoined twins" - they hug each other around the waist. A speed task is given:
open a bottle of beer;
inflate and tie the balloon;
run like a snake between the bottles without knocking them over.

Competition "Who can dress a girl faster."

Men have no equal in the speed of undressing women. But what about dressing? Who will dress your loved one faster?
(Attributes for dressing: hair clips, clips, bracelet or watch, hats, glasses, shoes, belt).

Competition "Lovelace".

The apple is stuck with matches. A man is called. He must speak words of love to the woman standing next to him. The word is to pull out the match. Do not repeat words. Whoever gets the most matches wins.

Competition "Father's porridge".
The prize is announced in advance - a bottle of champagne or cognac. Interested men are called.

On the Don, the Cossacks had such a custom. If a girl was born into a family, her father’s porridge was prepared for her father. Any porridge was salted, peppered, bitter. And the girl’s father had to eat this porridge without wincing, so that his daughter’s fate would be happy. The winner is whoever eats his “father’s porridge” faster and without wincing.

New Amazons or what kind of men they are

Cool lady.
So, girls, the topic of today's lesson is: “Extinct species. The man is unreasonable." You all remember that in 2050 the male part of the population of our planet happily died out due to their immoderate desire for reproduction, thereby providing us women with a long-deserved opportunity to achieve a bright future. Today we have only a vague idea about men, thanks to myths and legends that have come down to us from time immemorial. But we, your classy ladies, carefully convey some facts to young people. Let's briefly review the material we covered. Number 1, let's start with you.

№1 .
I want to talk about the Male. A male is a man from whom women of the past were “dragged,” that is, they could be taken with bare hands and dragged. A feature of the Male was the presence of two thought centers. The first, main one, was located just below the waist. The Male thought to them most of the time. The second - the brain - was rudimentary and only prevented the Male from being fruitful and reproducing.

Cool lady.
Great, No. 1. How could you recognize the Male in the crowd?

№ 1.
By bright appearance. He used luxury cars, yachts, dachas and barbecues as bait. His hunting season began in early spring and lasted until late autumn. Habitats: bars, restaurants, nightclubs, beaches in summer.

Cool lady.
Everything is correct. Continues No. 2.

№ 2.
I prepared a report on Bore. A bore to the question “How are you?” began to tell in detail how he was doing. It reproduced rarely, strictly according to the clock. He was especially cruel to women, driving them into delirium tremens with his moralizing. Most often, Bore could be found in the library, sanitary and epidemiological station, at a rally, and in marriage agencies. At the end of his life, Bore transformed into an old bastard or an old senile man. A special feature of the Bore were the horns that practically adorned him. all year round.

Cool lady.
Wonderful, No. 2. Nothing to add. And now I will tell you about Henpecked.

We know little about this type. He was very timid, timid, had difficulty obtaining food, preferring to hide under a woman’s heel. He camouflaged himself well, blending in with surrounding objects. Sometimes it was passed down from one woman to another by inheritance.

Okay, but how did scientists find out about Henpecked?

Following footprints in the kitchen and on the doormat.

Cool lady.
As you can see, the picture is quite unsightly. But today I want to inform you about the amazing discovery that our archaeologists made. Absolutely found in permafrost new type men. We called him Ordinary Man. All that is known about him is that women could not live without him.

Students (in chorus).
But why!?

Cool lady.
But this is what you have to find out through a contact experiment. Attention! Here is an ordinary man!
(Tears off the coverlet.)
The students, pushing each other away, pounce on the Man and drag him “behind the scenes.” Passionate sighs and sounds of kisses can be heard from there.

Cool lady.
Every time it's the same. This arrogant man has become completely lazy. He, you see, is the last one left on earth and uses it as he wants! He can't even seduce young girls. And no matter what we have to go to, cool ladies, for the sake of these men!
All participants take a bow.

Competitive game program

P: Dear recruits, today you have to live one day army life!

IN: Daily routine: getting up, exercise, breakfast, combat exercises, lunch, combat exercises, free time, hang up!

P: Dear recruits, now we will raise a screen behind which you will have to undress down to your underwear.

The girls pull the screen. A curtain or two sewn sheets can serve as a screen. The main thing is that the screen is wide and long enough. Recruits stand behind a screen in a line facing the audience. Only the heads and legs should be visible. While the recruits are undressing:

IN: Place things to your right. At the command “Rise” you should start getting dressed as quickly as possible. Those who have dressed come out from behind the screen to the audience.

P: Well, are you ready? Recruits, rise!

IN: Well, you coped with the task brilliantly. However, there is no time to relax in the army. Get ready to exercise!

The first girl (or assistant presenters) immediately prepares the props for the next competition. An empty beer bottle is placed in front of each participant, and they are given a sheet of A4 paper in their hands.

P: Strength and agility exercise. Required by the command “Start!” just with your left hand (right behind your back), without pressing it to your body, crumple up a sheet of paper and push it inside so that nothing sticks out above the neck. You cannot tear the paper.

IN: Are you ready? Let's start!

P: Now it's time for breakfast. New recruits, what do they serve for breakfast in the army?

(They answer that it’s porridge).

IN: That's right, porridge. This, my dear, is what you are about to eat now.

P: Army like big family, you can't yawn. Therefore, we will eat at speed.

All participants are given a plate of oatmeal and a teaspoon.

IN: Ready, attention, march!

P: And now it's time for combat exercises. The first exercise is a shooting range.

IN: But since we have a training center, no one will give us real weapons. Therefore, you will “shoot” cigarettes.

P: You have three minutes to tell everything. On my command, you must go down to the hall and “shoot” as many cigarettes as possible.

P: Music! Forward!

While the competition is ongoing, the presenters' assistants are preparing the next competition. They place chairs on the stage with plastic forks tied to the backs with strings. The length of the string should be such that the fork can hardly reach the center of the chair seat. Plastic plates are placed on the chairs, each containing a pile of about forty canned green peas. At the end of the “shooting range,” cigarettes are counted on stage.

IN: Dear recruits, it’s time for lunch.

Vegetables are on the menu today, or rather - green peas.

P: Please stand behind the back of the chair, left hand put it behind your back; Let's start the meal. Remember, the one who drops the plate is automatically eliminated.

IN: Are you ready? Let's start!

P: There is no respite for a soldier, such is army life! Well, recruits, it's time for combat exercises again.

IN: A real soldier must be able to do everything. Therefore, now you will master the profession of a sapper.

P: Please take mine detectors.

The assistants are preparing a competition: coins of different denominations are scattered around the stage. The main thing is that there is enough change, otherwise the competition will end too quickly. Competitors are given caps or hats; these are mine detectors.

IN: Dear recruits, your task is as follows. As soon as the command sounds, you must collect the largest (possible) number of “mines” with your mine detector.

P: So, it's time to start. Ready, attention, march!

The duration of the competition is two minutes:

P: After have a hard day Finally the soldier has free time.

IN: As a rule, only in these short minutes of rest can a soldier send a message home and talk about his difficult life in the army.

P: Now we’ll see how our recruits can write letters.

IN: And to have something to talk about, we decided to help you a little. Now you will be given envelopes, each of which contains two pairs of rhymes on the theme of army life.

P: Your task is to write a message home in poetic form using these rhymes in five minutes. Contestants are given envelopes with rhymes, sheets of paper and ballpoint pens. Before the start of the competition, participants open the envelopes and read out the rhymes they received to the audience. After this the competition begins.

Examples of rhymes:

Soldier - machine gun,

Porridge is ours.

Lights out - peace,

The enemy is a ravine.

Overcoat - bed,

The Watch is a disgrace.

Footcloth - hodgepodge,

A hero - sometimes.

To prevent the audience from getting bored during this competition, you can offer them a game. For example, hold a small competition among women, asking them to answer the question: “What should be a real man? The author of the best answer is awarded some kind of souvenir.

P: Well, the day is coming to an end, and so is our “Young Fighter Course.” Now the command “Hang up” will sound!

IN: Stop, stop, stop. The army is not an easy thing, there is no rest for the soldiers either during the day or dark night. And with us everything is like in real army.

P: What do you mean?

IN: Like what? We have one bed here, but two recruits. Therefore, they will have to fight for the right to sleep on this bed.

P: And how will they fight?

IN: Very simple. Pillows. Whoever falls out of bed first will go on night watch. The assistants bring a bench onto the stage and hand the participants a cushion.

P: It is known that “the last battle is the most difficult.”

You'll have to try too hard.

IN: Recruits, please climb onto the bed (participants stand on the bench opposite each other).

P: Weapons for battle! Let's start!

Summing up the results of the competition. Awards

This scenario is suitable for a celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, when family and friends gather. Children can also attend the celebration.

The room can be decorated balloons green (“protective”) color or white, blue and red (in the colors of the flag); paper airplanes and stars.

The favorite dishes of all the men present are prepared for the treat. You can come up with original menu(let the children draw it up on a piece of paper), in which the dishes will be named in military terms, for example, naval pasta, “Soldier’s Dream” cutlets, “General’s Visit” salad, seafood “ Brave Captain", etc. The highlight of the dinner will be a cake in the shape of a five-pointed star.

Presenter raises the first toast: Today is a big holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! On this day, it is customary to congratulate all military personnel, everyone who served in the army, and everyone who has yet to do so. But even those men who have never put on and do not intend to put on military uniforms are also full-fledged heroes of the occasion today!

Our dear men, you fight every day for the well-being of your families. Therefore, each of us can say about our beloved half, as well as about our dad and grandfather: my dear protector!

Women give gifts to men, children also prepare gifts for fathers and grandfathers in advance.

Presenter: Tonight will not be quite ordinary... As usual holiday events? First there is a formal part, and then a banquet, buffet, and so on. But we decided to deviate from tradition and invented our own type of holiday - a banquet-concert! What does it mean? This means we will be both treated and entertained at the same time!

Our dear defenders, of course, have already relaxed and are anticipating pleasure... But a surprise awaits them! The main participants in the impromptu concert will be themselves! Yes, yes, men, because the heroes of the evening are you! But the first number in our program is still from women... We have prepared a song about you!

Song “Dedicated to men” (to the tune of “March of High-Rise Installers” from the film “Height”).

You are not stokers, you are not carpenters,

Not oligarchs, not singers,

You are very valuable workers, yes,

Husbands and the best fathers!

Behind you the house is stronger than a fortress,

And it’s like we’re behind a wall,

Forgive us for attempts at jealousy, yes,

We are yours with heart and soul!

We really have nothing to worry about,

When men are nearby!

Today you are the heroes of the evening, yes,

Poems and songs in your honor!

Do not refuse us a favor

And invite me to dance

Otherwise, without you, without your tenderness, yes,

We will cry and suffer!

Women invite men to dance.

Then a toast is raised: Once upon a time, man and woman were one being, with two pairs of arms, legs and two heads. These creatures lived on earth, got on well, until one day they greatly angered the gods with something. And they decided to divide them as punishment. They separated and calmed down. Time has passed... The gods look at the earth: the halves are together again! The gods got angry and separated them a second time - they sent them jealousy and scandals. More time has passed. The gods looked at the earth and were amazed: not only were the halves together again, but small creatures were also running around them!.. So let’s drink to the halves never being separated, despite the machinations of envious people!

Presenter: Men, our dear men... Today we only talk about them. They are our support, the stronger sex, and these are not just words. What qualities should a real man have? I think you know this very well! Firstly, he must be fearless... There is a proposal to test our defenders for fearlessness!

Game “Pass the checkpoint”

The game is simple: each man must crawl under the table to the opposite side. The one who, in the general opinion, does it the most skillfully or most originally (taking into account age) receives a small prize.

Presenter: Our men cannot be denied courage and dexterity! Let's discuss further. Secondly, a real man, of course, is not devoid of creative abilities! After all, they help him find a non-standard way out of difficult situation... We should check whether the heroes of the occasion have a creative streak! Just the next number concert program The ensemble's performance has been announced. This will be the song and dance ensemble of the Soviet Army!

"Soviet Army Ensemble"

All men participate.

Their task: to sing a military song (which everyone knows, for example, “Katyusha” or “Darkie,” etc.). You can do it with karaoke, you can do it without it. Men are asked to voluntarily divide into those who will sing and those who will be the “back-up dancers,” or they are appointed.

After the song, the presenter thanks the participants and proposes a toast to them - talented and resourceful.

Presenter: Our defenders performed simply beautifully! But, friends, that's not all. We haven’t even named half of the qualities inherent in real men. And the next point, it seems to me, is this: a real man should always tell the truth and only the truth! He simply needs this quality in order to confuse all opponents and adversaries... And only today we had the opportunity to test men with a lie detector. Who knows, maybe they are hiding something serious from us?

Lie detector test

The presenter asks questions to each of the men in turn, to which they must answer quickly and without hesitation (the presenter warns: only the truth!), but instead of “yes” they should say “That’s right”, and instead of “no” - “No way!” .

1. Would you like to fly into space?

2. Do you often give girls flowers?

3. Is your dream Claudia Schiffer?

4. How long have you been doing plumbing repairs in your home?

5. Do you have serious feelings for your wife?

6. Are you annoyed by your boss?

7. Do you doubt your sense of humor?

8. Do you know what your wife is thinking about?

9. Are you satisfied with your appearance?

10. Did you have a funny nickname as a child?

11. Are you afraid of anger?

12. Are you afraid of looking funny?

13. Is it easy to negotiate with you?

14. Can you dance tango?

15. Did women confess their love to you first?

16. Do you know how to drive a diesel locomotive?

17. Do you like your spouse's hairstyle?

18. Is a holiday in the country healthier than a holiday in the Caribbean?

19. Do you fly in your dreams?

20. Are you attracted to mulatto women?

After the survey, the presenter asks the women whether their husbands were truthful enough and what they lied about. A toast is raised.

The presenter says that throughout the holiday there is also a competition for the most careful “eater”, because a real man should be able to eat well and beautifully.

Presenter: Let's continue our conversation about men... Why do we actually need men? Maybe we could do without them? I counted and counted and counted at least twenty-three points why we need men! Just in honor of February 23rd!

Twenty three reasons

(joke poem)

Why do we have men?

I know twenty-three reasons:

To paint and saw,

Entertain and have fun,

Bring finances to the family

Sing romances under the windows,

Paying compliments

Cook dinner a couple of times,

Throw out the trash once,

Raise sons and daughters,

Plant onions in the dacha

Eating tirelessly

Plaster, build, glue,

Dispel all doubts,

To caress and hug,

Accept the apology!

What else is a man for?

Take your car to be repaired,

Buy a beaver fur coat,

Nail the shelf tightly...

Well, the main reason

What are men for?

Love us without memory!

The presenter asks each of the women to add her own reason to this unique list.

After this there is a toast: let's drink to skillful hands and the inquisitive minds of our dear men!

Presenter: How else do real men differ from fake ones? Well, of course, there weren’t and aren’t any fake ones here!.. A real man must have a sense of humor! It allows you to look at some of life's troubles with a smile... And I invite men to show us their sparkling humor by taking part in the war jokes competition!

Jokes competition

Men can tell not only jokes, but also stories, funny incidents from their army years. The winner of the competition is awarded a prize - a humorous book or magazine.

Presenter: Our men are the most cheerful and witty, no one doubted it! But a real man, in addition to this, must also be clean. For example, he never scatters socks and beer bottles, but neatly puts it all under the sofa... And if suddenly tomorrow he has to rush into battle, he will easily do what any soldier should be able to do! This is exactly what we will check now, especially since everyone has been sitting a little too late.

Competition "Footcloths"

In this competition, men compete in their ability to wrap “foot wraps,” which requires toilet paper (one roll for each participant). The game is under cheerful music. The fastest, but at the same time careful, wins.

Game "Minefield"

The task is as follows: while the song is playing, women must move around the hall, under no circumstances touching the floor, for which men carry them in their arms.

Presenter: And now you won’t believe it - we’re going to play spin the bottle! But no, it won’t be at all the “bottle” you thought about. And we will play in the truest sense of the word. We already have enough empty bottles, let's collect them. You'll get a real military orchestra! Now we will see who will play better - a female musical group or a male one!

A bottle playing competition is held between women and men. You can not only play, but also sing.

Presenter: We can list many more traits that true men are endowed with, but let’s not forget about the most important thing. Of course, a real man is a knight to his beautiful lady! He will give everything for her, including his life. Have our gentlemen lost their knightly qualities? Are they still capable of showing tender feelings?

Game "Anonymous Confession"

The task is this: men must write declarations of love for their significant other (or for daughters, mothers) on pieces of paper in one or two sentences, without indicating names. The presenter collects them in a cap or hat and mixes them. Then he takes out one at a time and reads it out. The one to whom the confession is addressed must guess that the words were written specifically to her.

For confessions, men are given kisses.

Presenter: Well, friends, on this romantic note, the planned part of the program of our banquet-and-concert is coming to an end. We still have an awards ceremony ahead of us, and then - complete improvisation!

It seems to me that we need to thank our incomparable defenders for their patience, because they got a lot from us today. And also because we simply have them... Maybe they have a desire to say a response?

The men offer a return toast to the ladies.

Presenter: And now - the award ceremony for the defenders, so to speak, at the end of the evening!


For the award ceremony, the presenter has prepared paper medals, which are awarded to the men. On the medals are written the titles awarded to men: “the bravest defender”, “the wittiest defender”, “the most charming defender”, “the most romantic defender”, “the most brilliant defender”, “the most patient defender”, “the youngest defender” ( child).

You can also add funny titles, for example, “the most mustachioed defender,” “the most..bald defender,” “the most glamorous defender,” etc. Women decide who gets which medal. It’s okay if someone gets more than one.

The evening continues with dancing.

Games for dancing

"Tenderness". Dancing couples must hold their foreheads together balloon. You can't drop it. Those who drop get “penalty” glasses.

“One head is good...” . This is a variant of the game described above, when dancing couples are given a cap (one for two) and must be put on and held on their heads.

"Epaulettes" . Paper “epaulets” are placed on men’s shoulders (you can use napkins). The task is the same: do not drop them during the dance.

"General." A “general” is selected from among the guests by lot (this can be a woman). During the evening, others should salute when addressing him (her). The one who forgot fulfills any wish that the guests come up with for him.

"First-second." The “General” commands all guests to pay “first or second” (in no particular order). Then he announces that the first numbers must invite the second to a romantic dance, and it doesn’t matter what gender they are.

MBOU "Secondary school No. 3" Kogalym


The script uses materials from various Internet sites.

SONG “A soldier has a day off...”

February is the harshest month of the year! Maybe that's why the biggest and most severe men's holiday appeared in February

If you think that February 23 is a holiday for military personnel, then you are deeply mistaken! February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day.

And every man, whether he is a naval officer or a programmer, a businessman or a policeman, a scientist or a teacher, is a Protector.

February 23 is the Day of the Defender of your Fatherland, your family, your honor labor collective. February 23 is the Day of a Real Man.
We are surrounded every day and hour by real men - men whom we love, with whom we are friends, who help us decide production and everyday problems. So my most sincere congratulations on February 23rd.

There is a common rank - soldier.
Both general and private
It is solemnly kept
They are always ready to fight.
Forever imprinted in granite
Heroes names.
He who is ready for battle keeps peace
We don't need war!

Don't renounce your sense of proportion,
Don’t rush to catch up with someone who has left,
Don't desecrate your creed
On other days, other times.
And, maintaining the honor of the uniform,
Directing life to the shores,
Don't make yourself an idol
Don't make an enemy!

No, not for titles and awards
In battle, the hero was the soldier.
He defended his country
Children, mother and wife,
Spring through canopy
Birch trees and linden trees…
We congratulate you on this day
Your defenders!

SONG about WAR performed by future defenders of the Fatherland, 10th grade students. (There may be a song with a guitar here)

A woman's gaze is not looking for beauty,
But - strength, strength, faith, kindness.
And with a gentle but weak hand
Sometimes a woman looks for support.
A man is a monolith of life,
He is the salt of the Earth, he is a warrior, he is a magnet.
We love you worthy sons,
And we will not forget how to love - neither we nor you.

Who would give us tender names?
And he protected us, whenever they were not there?
Who would sing? Who would kindle the flame in us,
In which we burn with love?
Who would shield you with strong shoulders?
Who paid in battles with his blood,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of the rain, to the whispering of the branches?!
The hearth is warmer with them,
There are countless dishes at the pre-Starkhans!
They are a joy to us and our children!
It’s so good, men, that you exist!!!

SONG “I will name the planet after you” performed by a 10th grade student.


Three girls drinking tea
The conversation went like this:

They say they live in the world
several heroes - wonderful people.
Every working day by eight
They are gathering.
And the work began to boil -
They love their job very much.

Yes, those heroes
Always a lot of ideas
They make plans
The whole class is being controlled.
And with a computer they
For many years already

Among the heroes there is one
That he knows all the laws
Reads the history of the country
This man is no matter where,
The lesson is prepared with a bang. B. (to history teacher)

There is such a hero there,
That everyone watches their figure,
He brings everyone to the gym
And he holds any competitions. G. (physical education teacher)

You know, nowadays
Everyone needs security.

Don't worry, safety
The hero will provide.
So you can be calm
All ours women's team M. (physics teacher)

Processors, hard drives, modems,
Operating systems, Internet -
Can't live without high technology
Today this man gets by. E. (computer science teacher)

He's a union worker
Has been running successfully for many years.

Yes, they keep pace with progress,
Even if the path is not easy sometimes,

Still has miracles
Men from the labor office G (labor)

That glorious squad
It is not headed by Chernomor,
And the general director
He is the most important one there. M. (to director)

And the guard there is simply an ace.
All heroes upper class. Ch (to the life safety teacher)

And after work they relax:
They watch football and read books,
Hunting, fishing, poetry writing.
It’s impossible to list all my hobbies.

And you won’t find a better squad,
At least go to the thirtieth kingdom.

Ved: And on this day we congratulate all men,
And we dedicate our fairy tale to you all.

SONG performed by a teacher of Russian language and literature. OK.

Let there be new achievements
Victory, true friends,
And the course is on achievements!
Happy February 23rd!

Always be proud of your work
And surround your loved ones with care,
Strive to achieve your goal
And be the first in what you love!

We always want to be on top,
And winning in everything is easy, impromptu!
At every latitude and longitude -
Only new plans! New horizons!

I wish you success, we wish you good luck,
It is easy to rest and work with dedication.
So that joy is in fate
I met yours more often,
So that everything comes out and everything works out.


Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
On my own behalf I would like to wish YOU:
Be calm and self-possessed
To protect the motherland and women.
May courage always ring in your hearts,
Let a bold sparkle shine in your eyes,
Let the song help YOU in your soul,
I wish YOU MEN

SONG “Don’t cry girl...” Traditional song of our school